I found a system that sounds pretty fun, lets play it

>i found a system that sounds pretty fun, lets play it
>oh fuck no, not THAT system
>why not? books are cheap, great pdf support, awesome rules, tons of support
>one of the lead designers is an sjw. i dont play games made by sjws. fuck sjws

this is literally the worst part of tabletop gaming and its been like this since at least mid 2013. What the fuck happened? I keep running into players that wont play games because there's a black on the cover. People get deeply offended by rulebooks "suddenly"(literally always) saying that women are just as good as men in all things. People saying that "sjws" are taking over. What the fucking hell happened to this hobby? Like, where did this parade of retards come in assuming that tabletop RPGs were always white male power fantasy shit when that has historically never, ever been the case?

Nerd culture is counter culture and proud of it; as mainstream culture becomes more tolerant, the "counter" is intolerance.

Alternatively, it's a hobby full of poorly socialised people who use politics as justification for their poor social skills

They don't want to support fear mongering politicing. And they do that with their dollar and their time.

I assume you wanted to play Dungeon world

They thing the term "SJW" is a boogeyman and they're afraid it will either impact the game they're playing or somehow indoctrinate them. To become something that they were told was bad, that they'd become a stigma

>i found a system that sounds pretty fun, lets play it
>oh fuck no, not THAT system
>why not? books are cheap, great pdf support, awesome rules, tons of support
>one of the lead designers isn't an sjw. i dont play games not made by sjws. fuck that

Just saying...this is equally true.
Drag politics into gaming, and everyone's an asshole.

Or WotC 5e dnd. Fucking sjw pandering

>This thread again for the nth time
Can everyone just shut the fuck up about SJWs and how 'they don't actually exist'/'are ruining the hobby'?

Because the few media figures that actually are indefensible hypocrites about tolerance have created a convenient outlet for those who were always afraid of people who were different. They found common ground with sensible people in decrying the ridiculousness of "everything is rape" and "all straight white men are privileged" and then mistakenly believed this meant everyone else sharing their hobby was sexist and/or racist.

>Just saying...this is equally true.

I can see someone decrying a game based on a very specious political pretense (ie Deathwatch doesn't let women be space marines therefore it's sexist and I won't play it), but where has anyone ever said "I won't play an RPG unless you can give me specific evidence of the creators forwarding my agenda?"

People need to learn to separate creators from their creations.

Pretty much this.
>mfw the good ol' boys trigger so easily
So you're paying your DMs, I take it? :^)

>They thing the term "SJW" is a boogeyman
No, you think that
>and they're afraid it will either impact the game they're playing
It very well could. It depends on how the game's designed
>or somehow indoctrinate them.
Literally no one thinks this.
>To become something that they were told was bad, that they'd become a stigma
Being an SJW and/or progressive IS bad.

And what next? Are you gonna say that Hitler's paintings should be judged the same way as Suzanne Lacy's masterpieces?

Yes. His paintings were shit anyway.

Not him but, yes.

However, judgment of a creation is different than supporting it monetarily. I may find a system interesting but if the creators and/or creations actively uphold things (politicaly, socially etc) that oppose by ideals I will not support them.

They weren't shit they were just simply uninspired. Most of them were simple landscape paintings in the modernist era.

>So you're paying your DMs, I take it? :^)
you need to go take a nap on the freeway asap

They were shit technically too. He was awful at perspective and consistent scales. Well, maybe not awful, but certainly not anywhere near skilled enough to be more than an amateur illustrator, not even talking about producing thought-inducing art.

>and consistent scales.
*and keeping scales consistent.

> thought-inducing
I don't remember if it was a speech or just some sort of essay he wrote, but I read Hitler's thoughts on surrealist imagery and I'm pretty sure he genuinely thought art existed solely as a way to slowly create photographs by hand.

This brings up a question I had, as long as we're talking /pol/ stuff.

Recently, at Oberlin and Mt. Holyoke (two of the most SJW colleges in existence), students have started to become anti-semitic over the whole Palestine situation.

Will /pol/ save its greatest enemy, or betray them to the new foe?

>Will /pol/ save its greatest enemy, or betray them to the new foe?
Why don't you ask /pol/?

>encourage people to make excuses for the religion of peace every time it "enriches" someone
>encourage hatred for the evil xenophobes that don't welcome them with open arms
>encourage violent frothing rage at the idea of white nationalism
>doing all that shit while passing themselves off as white and bombing the hell out of poor underdog palestinians for trying to oppose their ethnic nation state

It was inevitable, and its like watching someone train a dog to rip your throat out only for it to turn around and bite them in the balls.

wait hold on since when is a game not written by an SJW a while male power fantasy?
are you implying that if you don't preach social justice, everything you write is for white men?
That is one of the falsest dichotomies I have ever seen.

If a cool game is literally interrupted with some sort of political or religious agenda, then I'm not going to play their shit. I don't even care if it's literally point-for-point every viewpoint in life I have - don't interrupt my game to lecture me. If they're just dumbasses who bleat their agendas on social media, but their games are presented as neutrally as possible, I'll play the game. I don't give a shit.

Lets take a comparative situation
>Hey guys I'm taking everyone out for dinner tonight, you all down for it?
>Sure thing.
>Great, I'm thinking [X], so I'll pick you up ab-
>Shoot man, sorry I can't come if we go to [X], I'm gay and they have this weekly magazine where they openly write articles about how Gays are sinful creatures and shit like that, I'm not really cool giving them money to fund that sort of shit, wait, you didn't know that? Yeah they said in a recent press conference that they don't want any 'faggots in our stores' and drove this great little IHOP-a-like out of business because its owner said he was cool with gay customers by having the local Right Wing Nutters Corps fire bomb the place. Then when someone on the news reported it, they got Fox in and claimed they were being persecuted.
Is the person asking to go somewhere else being unreasonable?
Because SJWs think you are a fundamentally bad person because of your hobbies and if they had the chance they would stand over your shoulder 24 hours a day making sure you don't wrongthink
You like a mostly male hobby; so you're a sexist pig
You once ran a plot where a female was at risk, so you're a filthy misogynist.
Ever ran a minority BBEG? Fuckin' Rapist son. Yes we know he was trying to consume the world but you're privileged and don't get to make plots like that.

And when you call them on this attitude they retreat back to their safe little fortress of 'Lol, whiteboi over here don't want equality'
It's not that RPGs have always been White Male Power Fantasy Shit, its that people want the right to play the game as they like and a certain brand of people want to dictate what is and isn't acceptable. Fuck that.

I am not comfortable giving my money to SJWs for the same reason I'm not comfortable giving my money to people that bomb abortion clinics, just because one has more mainstream media backing desperately working PR to try and justify what they do, doesn't mean they're not both assholes.

>being ok with niggers
wat hapen 2 u 4chen?

The difference between purchasing (or pirating) PDFs and entering a restaurant with workers who think you're dangerous is obvious.

How so?
In both cases you're giving them your money, to support their attitude, your attention and, very importantly, your presence to turn into a political point.
One is physical, the other is digital but that's apples and oranges.

I'm totally cool with pirating the shit out of PDFs though.

why are you such a racist?

Because the Lizardmen run this country Marty.
We gotta stock up on all the beans and gold we can before the racewar begins son.

Not the same user but
>No, you think that
And you think its not, opinions everyone! Who knew they could differ from person to person.

>Literally no one thinks this.
And I bet no one thinks that there is a race of reptiles trying to rule the world Illuminati style either. Oh wait, people do believe that because people are retards with the capability to believe anything.

>Being an SJW and/or progressive IS bad.
And more opinions everybody! Its almost like you cant separate your opinions from what you perceive as the truth and believe them to be absolutes. I wonder what other group of people does that all privileged like, hmmm...

>comparative situation

>Because SJWs think you are a fundamentally bad person because of your hobbies and if they had the chance they would stand over your shoulder 24 hours a day making sure you don't wrongthink
I guess that's what they would do if it were feasible. But it isn't, and they don't. Your only real problem with them is that their opinion is crimethink to you.

>I am not comfortable giving my money to SJWs for the same reason I'm not comfortable giving my money to people that bomb abortion clinics
Hoo boy, and now their crimethink is apparently on the same level as bombing clinics.

>Lets take a comparative situation

How in the fuck is that comparable in any way.

>In both cases you're giving them your money
True. Though the difference between a restaurant and a corp that prints books and how the money flows is something to note.

>to support their attitude
Yea and no. In the case of the restaurant your money is likely flowing (more or less) directly to the owner of the place and then being redistributed out, assuming its not a chain. As such, buying food there means you are indirectly supporting what hes doing, with the direct method being literally donating money to him. With the game corp, you buying the pdf does not funnel the money in a straight line to the CEO, it has to pass through accounting departments and shit first. Also, the more important part is whether the people who wrote the lore are SJWs, and not if the creator is one. Not to mention that in the example the CEO wasnt out funding SJW rallies or putting other game corps that werent SJW out of business.

>very importantly, your presence to turn into a political point.
But thats not true. A game corp CEO that sells two million copies of Dungeon Crawler 327 cant say that that means theres two million people who support his political view because Dungeon Crawler 327 was made by a group of people with differing opinions and political ideals that formed the melting pot that is the game. Even if he made it all by himself he cant say that because a TTRPG is not a political statement. Youre not buying 'DnD 7.0: The Socialist Revolutionary Papers.' Youre just buying DnD and some of the people who wrote it probably spilled a bit of their political beliefs (which range from pol tier to SJW incarnate) into it and that can be annoying, but also usually easily cut out.

If the creators are actively funding something you disagree with then I understand not buying from them, Ive done that before. But just because the owner/creator is of a different political ideal than you is retarded and if you did that for everything then youd be left with almost nowhere to shop.

I just play tabletop games and don't give a shit who makes them, because why contain my imagination?

It's cool.

It's annoying especialy that SJW is now as mucha a boogyman as "them evil racists that want to racist up everything". If you cant keep your politics out of a game, i belive you shold not play the game.

Fuck off you nigger lover kike shill.

We all know RPGs are a white people hobby.

I see what you did there.

well memed my friend

The correct response to people who complain about 'SJWs' is to laugh loudly at them, and then leave.

Same thing you'd do to someone still screaming "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE!" or "Bush did 9 11!"

To be fair, you do have SJWs shutting down RPGs/games and censoring them, but never right wing types. Its solely unidirectional, 100% of the time.