From an in-universe standpoint how did battle bikinis and combat swimsuits come about?
From an in-universe standpoint how did battle bikinis and combat swimsuits come about?
fat chicks and tumblr wasn't invented
space activity suits, enchanters are perverts, magic is tied to charisma, the magical material is hella expensive by the ounce, and/or that's just the fashion in this setting.
In one of my settings (a Wild West kind of thing) there battle bikinis because
1. No dress order
2. No bulletproofs clothing
3. To hot for Armor
Cause you can enchant a suit of full plate to look like anything you want and nobody's going to argue with the chick who can lop an entire small town's heads off in 6 seconds with a wooden spoon
In the Scarred Lands, arcane spellcasting gives off heat. Wizards and sorcerers have to dress to accommodate that fact. Some put up with it, others go for it.
My fantasy setting's got some combatkinis and such, I justified it in a couple ways:
1. It's fucking hot on [Continent]
2. The race that rocks them doesn't rely on them to protect shit, they use magical wards and charms for protection. The showy armor is to add an air of wealth, health, and beauty to the capital city.
3. When it's happening, they trade in the decorative gear for tank-tier full plate and bigass shields on top of the magical wards.
Just look at how other weeaboos try to justify their fetishes in-universe and copy their arguments. It works on everything from catgirls and battle-maids to every flavor of (insert degenerate) fetish imagineable. Surely it can accomodate battle bikinis as well.
>From an in-universe standpoint how did battle bikinis and combat swimsuits come about?
They didn't.
Add a guise of the Thespian and you can have a massive male fighter in a suit of full plate +10 with a double-handed magical sword disguised as a milkmaid in a dress, carrying a pail.
>Amazon tribal warriors prided themselves in their habit of going into battle naked with only warpaint to cover their skin around their breasts and privates to symbolise their dedication to the mothergoddess. Over time, as the Amazon tribes were exposed to other cultures who practiced large scale metalcrafting, the wealthier individuals would transport the ancient warpaint in fashionable metalwear to show their social standing.
>Because the amazon martial arts revolve around blocking with shield or reinforced vambraces for defense and fighting in individual melees, the protection of the torso was given less attention especially due to the fact that amazons preferred to fight enemies in battlefield conditions that saw them less exposed, like open fields, and where they could quickly close in to melee and throw the enemy into unorganised brawls.
>Simultaneously did the Drow gladiatrices choose their garment in such ways as to flaunt their bodies in mockery of their enemies, both in the arena and on the battlefield. Such couture was adapted by high-ranking officers who would compensate their lack of physical armour by protective spells imbued in their clothing.
>Other civilisations adapted elements of either origin, but in flawed translations, missing out on details and thus simply crafting overly exposing protective gear unfit for the martial situations of these cultures.
>As such, the often called lingerie-armour has become a staple in stageplays for female characters, and its viability in combat is higly debated by scholars in the ivory tower, next to thr discussion of far-eastern handpuppet displays.
Magical effects tend to cling to things are not alive, as living things all have innate magical resistance.
The strength of the magical resistance depends on the magical power of the individual, so more powerful casters tend to forego mundane physical protection as that can be supplemented by spells and enchantments. Individuals weak in magic have little to lose and much to gain from wearing actual armor.
As skimpy clothing is a symbol of power and confidence in magic, and magic users are greatly valued and respected, even mundane folks have started copying their manner of dress without even knowing the reason behind it.
Magical armor feeds on the wearer's power to fuel his enchantments. Wizards tried to find ways to reduce the power drain so that they could put on stronger and stronger enhcantments. After many hundreds of years of reasearch and improving they discovered that reducing the surface area in contact with the armor the strenght of the enchantments didn't dropped much at all while the power consumption was greatly reduced thus making magical armor in bikini form much more efficent and less excerting for the wearer than a classical full plate or chainmail.
>It's hot
While I'm not disputing that the stereotypical set of plate armor with its poor circulation would be climate inappropriate let me launch a question:
Wouldn't loose clothing be superior to a bikini in that context due to the insulation provided in addition to proper circulation?
I also remember reading on Veeky Forums (completely unsourced so no idea how bullshit it is) that loosely covered chainmaille had an effect like a radiator, allowing heat to be transported away from the wearer.
I could see that working due to the high surface area as well as how easily steel transfers heat but I'm not entirely certain.
I also realize that I'm bullshitting about realism in a fantasy bikini armor thread.
"It's fashion" is the easiest answer. People only started wearing lots of covering clothing because of fashion trends instigated by religion in the real world. Back in the ancient world chicks walked around with their tits out no problem. Had history gone different we'd have this going today too.
Which is why history sucks, fucking religion ruining all the good parts about life.
I guess that humidity is also a inportant factor. But in a desert you would be right about covered thing.
Ylu do understand that under those circumstances you wouldn't have a tiddy fetish most probably, because it isn't taboo to have them out? You'd just look at them like abs, I guess.
Same with feet. Feet only became a fetish because people started wearing shoes everywhere in the 19th/20th century.
>Back in the ancient world chicks walked around with their tits out no problem.
Not all the time or everywhere. Minoan cultures, sure.
Abs are arousing, though, just like tits are for heterosexual men/homosexual women.
The formerly great civilizations of the world have gone into decline and are becoming deeply obsessed with fashion, decadence and games. As a result they adopt clothing and even armor and weapon styles from "exotic" cultures that they have discovered or conquered. It is not uncommon to see noblewomen and men dressed in expertly tailored "savage" outfits right in the capital, and many adventurers and militaries have followed suit.
The only excuse would be lack of material.
1. Women are attention whores, as demonstrated in the real world.
2. When liberated from the restrictions men impose on them, women will act like sluts. This too is demonstrated in the real world.
Put those two together and you understand why bikini armor exists. The only objection is that it's no good at keeping you alive, but that point becomes moot in a world of magic where even a fucking RING can give you the benefit of wearing full plate armor.
When you want to understand women, you need to understand their nature: irrational and constantly seeking approval.
Well-trained abs are my fetish. What now, champ?
>validate your fetish, the thread
The only logical answer is that armour itself doesn't do anything, so you just wear it to look cool.
>RING can give you the benefit of wearing full plate armor.
I don't get where people get this shit from.
Ring can give you a benefit of an armor, but ring plus armor will be even better.
All I am saying is that when I play a wizard that actually wants to survive I will cheese in as many armor pieces and magical clothing and trinkets as I can.
If game allows me to enchant heavy armor to be super light and wearable I will wear it too.
I can't think of a single setting where this is true
In many settings adventures roam from town to town taking on (mostly violent) odd jobs.
When ever they arrive in a new town they need to convince people that their services are worth paying for. This is especially true for settings in which wandering bands of mercenaries are common place and probably compete for work.
So they need to get noticed and they need to convince people that they're good at their jobs.
Bikini armor does both of these things.
It grabs attention, especially in the pseudo-medieval settings you often see them in.
It also demonstrates competence. Either this person is so skillful they don't need conventional armor or they've been so successful they can afford armor that is effective even in such an impractical form (presumably because it is heavily enchanted or made from exotic materials).
This reasoning also works equally well for cool-but-impractical armors other than bikini armor.
If you're dealing with a low magic setting it can just be advertising - people change into more conventional armor once they're been hired for a job.
Alternatively you could not bother justifying it because people are either fine with it and don't mind/enjoy it being there or they aren't fine with it and will probably never be convinced by your justifications.
It's okay to have a setting that doesn't appeal to everyone.
It looks good.
Veeky Forums has this weird idea that people before the modern era were always reasonable and 100% practical in everything they did, but there are examples of people sacrificing practicality for fashion (like Napoleonic era marines starching their collars so stiff you couldn't turn your neck in one without snapping it).
So really it's only a question of whether your medieval* fantasy setting is sexually liberated enough to find bikinis desirable.
The thing about magic is, it can have all sorts of rules and necessary conditions that don't have to make any sense at all. Because magic. "This ring gives the protection of full plate, but only while the user is naked and bodypainted bright purple" is perfectly possible.
The magic of those suits is powered by erections.
>people change into more conventional armor once they're been hired for a job.
>small town in need of someone to scare off some bandits
>radiant figure rides into town on a towering white steed
>tall, ravishing blonde female paladin whose body is only barely contained in a skimpy ornate suit of armor
>high heeled boots, fluttering cape, top showing off an acre of cleavage
>smiles kindly and inquires with the mayor about the trouble
>everyone falls in love
>she gets hired
>excuses herself and says she has to do something before she sets out
>walks into the inn and borrows a room
>several people follow to spy from various peepholes in the ceiling, floor and walls
>paladin walks into room, sighs deeply and drops pack on the bed
>begins unclasping her armor
>spies are horrified as they watch her take her top off, which takes most of her tits with it
>turns out they were flesh-colored breast forms covering a pair of b-cups
>paladin groans as she unclasps a flesh-colored realistic corset, her real waist is twice as thick
>peels off the fake pointed nails revealing unmanicured, unpainted ones
>pulls off her long golden wig revealing a crew cut of short spiky brown hair
>visible line around her face after the wig is removed
>she peels off her face mask, flopping it on the floor
>actual face is plain with several scars
>she lets out a loud burp and picks out a dirty, dinged suit of armor from her pack which she dons
>slaps a bucket helmet on and swings her notched sword a few times
>Right then, time to go to work!
As I said I don't know any existing table top setting where this is true.
Women. Men don`t usually invent this stuff, but they certainly applaud it.
Those who come up with these things are women who want to show off their bodies. Yes, 'somewhat to men, but mostly to other women. >"I can look good in this"
>"you couldn't hope to avoid being mocked if we can see your chubby thighs brushing together every step"
>"I guess THIS would just *hang loosely* off your flatty chest"
>"MY bikini line is actually a line, not the deep jungle"
All of those skimpy outfits, those form-fitting dresses, all that is literally our equivalent to boasting who has the better car, the bigger dick, the higher BAB, the bigger deadlift and so on.
Women look at other women and think "I can look fucking hot in this, and you're going to hide cuz you're a goddamn cow".
When you suddenly throw in magic, psychic powers and supernatural toughness for a fantasy setting?
The ability to fully enter combat reliant on your own abilities while still showing total confidence as a woman; it's only natural those with the power to do so will often choose just that.
>Ring can give you a benefit of an armor, but ring plus armor will be even better.
Considering that they give you an armor AC bonus, at least in 3.5e if I remember correctly (or maybe it was some other item? Vambraces or something?) they don't stack with full plate.
Because in D&D you can wear magical rings that are just as good if not better then mundane armor, so there's no reason to give a fuck.
You wouldn't happen to work at a walmart in Burlington would you?
I think I heard most of those quotes last week.
don't justify it
the more you try to justify it the more we can pick holes in your broken logic
Bikini armor and hot sexy clothes come naturally to societies that have purged themselves of SJW filth
A natural and popular form of female spell is "put a few subtle pounds on that bitch"
Yeah, let's just have a look at the middle-east...
To be fair, while it's the uh... opposite crowd from the usual western SJWs, you could easily say the middle-east is full of a certain kind of SJW.
Just that the social justice they're after is for old gay priests who want no one else to be allowed to have fun, especially not those icky girls.
they both share the premise that women are constantly victims and men are constantly opressors.
>t. I have literally no idea what the fuck I'm talking about
It annoys me that a lot of the time these "swimsuit armors" aren't even meant to be armor at all. They're clearly just clothes worn by spellcasters or other non-armor wearers
Because the barbarian's armor is weaker than her skin, so she chooses the lightest clothing that also draws away attention from her vitals.
SJW is also a puritan cult.
The reason why they cover up their women or don't let them go outside without male supervision is because they can't trust other men to behave like a civil human being. So in a sense he's right.
Gladiators. They still dress like that even today.
Someone already mentioned, sensible clothing in the desert involves a lot of light, loose fabric.
As far as culture, SJW is just the latest secular incarnation of the old Puritan religious impulse, no matter what they pretend. Do what we say to be one of the Righteous.
>I still have no idea what I'm saying
Are you some /v/ escapee who thought the tracer pinup pose was some kind of majestic btfoing of sjws even though most sjws nodded in approval because they unlike you have an inkling of what it means.
Most sjws are for sex worker rights.
>Still talking out of my ass
Every SJW will tell you about the same thing; sexualization isn't a problem if it's equal and if it's not the only option.
That is the definition of anti-sexy user. Why would you get a boner
The gods are of the Greco-Roman variety, and the god of Forging is a massive pervert. He hands out random divine boons depending on how "artfully" and "beautifully" his warriors fight. (Read: god loves sluts).
If your group exists under the idea that banning things is good, and at any point you defend a portrayal of the human body is bad because it shows too much skin then yeah, you are a puritan cult.
>muh /v/
Stop defending your antiprogress cult, you need to be really retarded to actually be into what basically amounts to the left's "Whiny Angry NoFunAllowed" section.
>but they defend sex worker rights
And here they also attack relationships with uneven ages or interracial relationships (because they are a form of racism, I still don't get it).
They will openly call a chick a slut as long as she disagrees with then.
They are literally ban-happy ideologically brain dead abortions, who are against sexual things if it's on stuff they aren't personally into.
So puritanistic pieces of garbage
This sounds likely.
>Why would you get a boner
Where do you think you are?
They weren't. Because they're stupid
What actually happened was a thousand years ago, queens and princesses had these commissioned for a bit of roleplaying in bed, the empire collapsed, and the people picking through the ruins found them and assumed that it was a normal, non-fetish thing. So nowadays everyone with a good body and too much gold is rocking the battle bikini to show how much money they have. Not like they actually get in fights anyways.
What I mean is, that's the opposite of a sexy scenario. It's a de-sexing scenario
All women in the setting are, at the core, deeply slutty creatures for different reasons, to the point where even protecting their bodies from harm is purely secondary to arousing cocks that they can then relieve.
Some are slutty enough (elves, especially dark elves fall into this catagory, though they do not have exclusive control over it) that they are actively trying to get you to rape them to satisfy how deep their lust for cock goes.
Gotta wonder - how the society so advanced (or different) that they can make battle bikinis effective at protecting the crucial parts of the body still has morals of the 20th century humanity and has the urge to cover nipples/penises/orifices with their battle bikinis?
I mean, if you are so advanced that a small plate of armor can protect the entire body (e.g. forcefields, ain't gotta explain shit), why would you make it in a battle bikini form-factor?
Just make a small belt or something.
And if you are different enough in biology that you don't have to protect stomach/breast/neck/head areas, again, why bother with battle bikinis when you can do away without armor at all or with armor that covers your actual crucial bits?
It baffles me that societies so vastly different in technology/biology that they can use battle bikinis effectively are assumed to still have prudish 20th century morals with its "I SEE A NIPPLE".
>Implying societies with loose sexual morals are fit for survival
Or perhaps they are innocent enough that they don't consider full frontal exposure indecent. Maybe they aren't even aroused by naked body in the first place.
Again, a society is so advanced or different from us in technology and biology.
Why should they be aroused by things that arouse us?
Why should they consider indecent things that we consider indecent?
If everyone around you was 24/7 naked, I doubt you would be 24/7 aroused.
Fetishism doesn't create social taboos, social taboos create fetishism.
>Fetishism doesn't create social taboos, social taboos create fetishism.
Basically, "if everyone's super, no one is".
If everyone's fetishes are accepted, then the concept of fetish doesn't exist in the first place.
Nothing makes your fetish special - and being seen as special is prerequisite for it to be seen as fetish in society's eyes in the first place.
>If your group exists under the idea that banning things is good, and at any point you defend a portrayal of the human body is bad because it shows too much skin then yeah, you are a puritan cult.
Nobody ever banned anything. There's a difference between "We should never see a women's body, it's wrong" and "It's degrading to be constantly portrayed as a pinup". Variety's the spice of life.
>And here they also attack relationships with uneven ages or interracial relationships (because they are a form of racism, I still don't get it).
>They will openly call a chick a slut as long as she disagrees with then.
Gonna need a cite on these, and a hell of a lot more of a cite that it's some foundational plank of feminism.
>feminism is SJW
>SJW is only feminien
>disliking pin ups is all they do he says
>probably going to give a "no true SJW" variant denying the most usual SJW behavior
>he probably thinks everyone on the same side of the spectrum as he is are nice well behaved kids
>he probably doesn't even perceive all the antiprogressive whiny divisive actions by those one the same side of the spectrum as he is
>gonna need citations [doesn't pay attention to text saying it's here, meaning foereign]
On the citations basis, black's rights movements here say black men on white women is a form of racism because it devalues black women (you may notice it's the same tier of bullshit that right wingers spout about muh white women)
About age, feminists want to raise the age of consent because apparently teens shouldn't have sex as they will be exploited and raped.
>not banning
Except they continually make proposals to ban things. SJWs love to censor things and really wanna censor their opponents online. SJWs block people from speaking at campi. SJWs defend banning books (where I live they do). SJWs defend banning media they dislike in general, and their videogame bullshit is on the same level as conservatives' "muh violent videogames".
SJWs constantly whine about things they could simply ignore, thus making it impossible for others to ignore them
Just suck up and become a libertarian instead of a dick.
>armor that covers your actual crucial bits?
Sampson-type magic. The only truly vital organs are the sexual ones, the source of the hero's masculine/feminine power.
women. women need to look cute. it seems to override any other goal they have.
have you ever needed to go somewhere with your gf/wife/whatever and nearly had to drag her out of the bathroom just to get there on time?
And this.
Which universe? If you're making your own, just make it so that boobs are containers of magic, and that all armour somehow interferes with casting.
Slutty outfits don't look cute.
Dat's a right proppa lady! Shame she's one of dem pawadins.
Women like showing off their bodies while they still have the looks to snag a decent guy before they're too old or chewed up by monsters to have anything to look forward to besides dying nameless and forgotten in some dungeons somewhere.
You are an absolute retard for trying to justify it though, just own up to enjoying cleavage and nice butts, like a man.
>B, b, but there's an in-universe logical explanation for all these chainmail bikinis, I swear...
Is the most beta shit ever.
Which is why foot fetishism is several times more common in the US than in most of europe, where people take their shoes off indoors.
Same with getting turned on by spanking, it's much rarer in countries where corporeal punishment of children is prohibited.
Huh. Pretty neat, good job.
Humidity is a pretty huge factor. As someone who lives in a place that experiences 100+ dry and muggy heat, muggy is worse as far as comfort level. It can be 80 out but if the humidity is up youll be sweating just standing around doing nothing.
But dry heat has its downsides as well. If youre not accustomed to it it can crack your skin and dry out your airways so that a simple cough or sneeze causes a spray of blood. It also usually means that the sun is out and you have to worry about sun burns, heat stroke, etc which you can get when its humid too obviously.
Its fairly common knowledge that in a desert scenario you wear loose and covering clothes, but I honestly dont know what would be best for the rainforest climates.
>next to thr discussion of far-eastern handpuppet displays.
Head to toe mosquito netting.
>not a dick
kek, guys who can't live in society, because "muh freedom".
Also, because you consume shit media about shit pseudofeminists from the depths of tumblr doesn't make them important in a great scheme of things.
The matriarchy.
thank, mr. ultraman
>but I honestly dont know what would be best for the rainforest climates.
Ask the guys living in the rain forest. They seem to be pretty content with wearing almost nothing. Though just the thought of accidentally stepping on a spider without any shoes scares me.
Wait as sec... murricans actually don't take shoes of indoors? I always thought it's just a movie thing.
I take my shoes off at home and make sure that everyone who visits does the same. Fuckers better not track dirt into my house.
Aesthetic choices don't have to be explained in such a manner. Fictional worlds don't have to explain every single detail as if the world is a real one. You should treat it more abstractly. Obviously the outfit of a character should reflect how the character acts or the tone of the world, but you don't need to be so ltieral.
Some do, some don't, and I don't even mean in the sense of something like "The northwest takes their shoes off indoors, but the whole east coast doesn't." More in the sense of "The people living in this house take their shoes off while indoors, however their next door neighbor does not."
I used to, but I live in a place with dark carpet I cannot replace now, and have to worry about poisonous spiders that are virtually impossible to see against said carpet, so now I wear shoes almost all the time.
armour manufacturers realised that sex sells
They don't. Enjoy being stabbed where it hurts.
>opens boobplate folder
hawtness is an important ability score
What does that mean?
first post best post
oh ok.
thank you.
>can't live in society
I think you're confusinh it with anarchists, it's okay I didn't expect better fron a retard whose arguments can be summed up to "not muh!" no-true-scotsman bullshit.
Go back to your hugbox where you'll cry yourself to sleep about the evil men that reminded you how your ideological brethren are shitty
Adding a few things:
>She peels down a pair of flesh-colored shorts which shaped her hip and crotch
>ungroomed wild forest of hair underneath
>after burping spits out false white, pearly teeth revealing a row of yellowed, stained and uneven chompers
>high-heeled thigh-high boots of disguises were padded to make her thighs thicker and feet daintier
>most of the peepers vomit in disgust and anger
Someone else spin onward on this universe where adventurers disguise themselves as super sexy people to lure in employers please.
If you've already handwaved that women can be effective close-combat fighters then how much more of a leap is it to handwave bikini armour?