I bought IOTA at ATH after waiting for days for it to dip. Tell me how hard I fucked up biz, give it to me straight.
I bought IOTA at ATH after waiting for days for it to dip. Tell me how hard I fucked up biz, give it to me straight
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Yesterday I said that it went after Dashs' top 5 spot, it did. Next week it's Ripples' spot it's going after. You'll be fine.
Bittrex literally any day now so you didn't fuck up at all.The only person who fucked up is me who wanted to go all in MCO at 61k satoshis this morning but chickened out.
Of course, if BTC tanks though, which it seriously looks like it might, theb all bets are off.
I want in on the tangle. Should I buy in now or wait for a dip? FOMO'ing hard
I mean, is it even going to dip
Its not dipping guys. Buy now or hate yourself after $5
What if bitcoin shits its pants? How coupled is it?
mildly compared to basically other other crypto. It basically lost 5-10% when bitcoin shat its pants for 25% yesterday
no more than anything else
Always do the opposite of what Veeky Forums says
You're kinda late now. I guess this dip was the last one at this price
when was the news this week? new wallet or something?
bought in last night, made some nice gains, but not sure to sell and rebuy or wait till later this week
idiot, of course it will have a correction, very soon + bitcoin will likely drop = you are doubly fucked
iota is mainly living off hype from over excited reddit users
if you buy iota you support white genocide
2 exchanges are crashing from the extra traffic created by IOTA buyers. It going to be huge
If you support iota you support BTFOing /pol/ dumb fucks
if i profit from sjw projects as a white man i am successfully undermining their system.
I need my fucking coins. They took my to keep them safe and the reclaim tool doesn't seem to work. I want my car 300 MIOTA now dammit.
>appeal to racism
>appeal to morality
>appeal to superiority
implying I give any fucks about anything but profit.
>this is why you stay poor
I have to pull Warren Buffet here
Absolutely dont understand this shit
It is beyond me how that shitcoin can get so much traction
muh working wallet coming in 2018
it was already announced that the wallet comes this month
>actually this week
do you guys even follow the news of the coin you shitpost about?
stop shitting on the street, pajeet.
You niggers. It comes in december 2017 and not in 2018. Wow. That is not the point. No wallet - TOP 5 crypto. DASH was overshilled, but goddamn it has at least some actual tech and problem solving behind it.
Because of muh partnerships bruh. Look at their twitter.
bruh, wait until the end of the week at least. tomorrow there should be some big news
This is why we deserve nuclear holocaust.
it has tech, its just tech that only works in theory. 6 billion market cap and tangle still hasnt kicked in, "not enough" devices in the ecosystem to work properly my ass.
>solves the issues of blockchain
>has no tech behind it
1/10 pajeeting
>no wallet
it has a wallet, you mongs are just too stupid to use it
If it steal's Ripple's spot, each MIOTA will be worth Tree Fiddy
it does solve the scaling issue of blockchain
but at the same time it creates a new issue of not being trustless, which was the point of blockchain in the first place.
after this week's news, it'll be $10 eoy. cap this
That's not even true. Bitcoin employs a Byzantine general algorithm, which from a theoretical point of view should never work. However, it actually does. This is an empirical observation that cannot be explained by the theoretical model.
read: en.wikipedia.org
Same is true for IOTA.
t. studying distributed computing
when will IOTA prove itself though?
probably as soon as any major company just builds an embedded core and ships it with shit like smart lightbulbs
the data marketplace is currently ongoing to demonstrate proof of concept. check out the blog post about it to see timelines. blog.iota.org
Nice, somebody on Veeky Forums who actually has insight into the tech. What are your thoughts on the coordinator and sybil attack protection?
>scaling issue of blockchain
>new issue of not being trustless
How can it slove blockchains scaling issues while not being blockchain?
Also its centralized and therefor defeats the whole purpose of cryptocurrencies.