Hemogoblins: goblins with vampiric blood in their lineage, or just goblins worshipping a blood god?
You made a pun.
Actually, he took the pun from the game of which pic related features a monster, named a Hemogoblin. If I recall, they're goblins empowered by some sort of blood ritual, so the name has some purpose beyond the pun.
Better kill him then, people who make puns are literally worse than Hitler and need to die, right user? That's what you think right?
Elite rulers have vampire blood, the rest are all blood worshippers.
Adolf know about that annon.
Actually, I came across the pun in a Terry Pratchett novel.
Not sure if you have the reich idea here.
It took you one reply to derail the thread. Good job m8
Fair enough, Auschwitz the conversation to something else.
Good idea, we should really Concentrate on the subject at hand here.
They're the spawn of an elder god called Typo and their first great champion was named (sic).
I think I'll use this as an adventure hook for my players. The blood goblins, aka, the hemogoblin tribe.
I think I'm going to do the same thing. A group of goblins who have discovered blood magic and empowered themselves with special abilities based on the blood of some powerful creature. Possibly a vampire, possibly a minor demon. I'll have to think about that
Just dont them need the Kobloods!
Dont let them near the Kobolds!
Naw, I like the sound of kobloods. They use their bloodmagic more like bombs. Causing their targets to swell with blood/energy till they pop. Either to deal damage or spread disease with their poor captives.
I'd be sorely disappointed if Kobloods do not fly around on gigantous Stirges.
They also fill their pit traps full of Rare red slimes called Coagulates.
They also throw Platelette bombs, which, upon impact, form a solid crust, which hamper movement.
The real problem is when the Hemogoblins Giant Tick cavalry chew right through that.
Oh! That's a good one too!
Do these giant ticks (hur hur, gigan-tick) start out as relatively small ones, which hang near the entrances of hemogoblin keeps, trying to drop on the heads of trespassers?
If by "small" you mean the size of head crabs.....then yes! And they are adorable!
That's a good one.
> We made a terrible mistake. Ten nights ago, in the town of Ardeal, the major approached us. He told us about a tribe of goblins which have been terrorizing the surrounding lands for months, with no intervention from the militia. He begged us to rid them of these pests. Although goblins are beneath us, we who'd slaughtered Bahlgruff the Baleful, the half-demon orc, and his gang of warg riders, we accepted. As Pelor commands: leave no goblin alive.
> As we approached the lair, we should have seen the signs. The husks of both human and cattle were hung up in the trees, with profane symbols carved in their flesh. However, in our hubris, we continued, not paying heed to these warnings.
> The lair seemed deserted. With caution, we entered the ruins of the old castle in which the goblins had made their home, but nothing. There was no trace of any goblins being there in the last weeks. No cooking fires, not the small of the refuse and offal on which they feast. None of the signs which these foul creatures leave in their wake.
> As we walked through the archway a large black insect dropped onto the head of Findolf. He struggled with the hellish beast for a while, uselessly trying to remove it, but then he fell over. Fallah ran towards him, but an arrow struck her down. Then all hells broke loose.
To be continued, if people are interested.
If that guy had been getting triggered by puns originally, he'd be Fuhrerious right now.
>this entire thread
Their worst enemy?
A rival tribe of Crypbolds. Led by necromancers of course.
yeah, go for it, just be sure to detail their encounter with the Leechdoctor. Their spiritual guide and medicine man.
> "Form up," shouted Graff, as he raised his shield. Over a dozen creatures attacked us. They were goblinoids, sure. However, on their faces was war paint in a dark red. " Hemogoblins," grunted Graff, "that asshole sent us into a nest of bloody Hemogoblins!"
> The archway gave use a measure of protection, as well as a choke point against attackers. Graff and I held them off, while Yorric tended to Fallah's wound. Despite the choke point, we could not hold them off long though; there were too many. One moment of distraction was all it took: a large goblin drove a spear through my leg. I knew I was done then. I was in no state to retreat. "Go," I shouted, "I'll hold them off."
> We'd been through a lot, the five of us. We've fought in all four Quarters of the Empire, we'd been to placed none other had seen. They knew this fight was lost before it began. Yorrick lifted up our fallen companion, and the party ran.
> I had no chance of winning, but I would at least take out as many of the buggers before I entered the Beyond. The bloodlust came over me, and my axe sang as the goblins fell around me. I thought, I may be a dead man walking, but I'd make them pay. Eye for eye, tooth for tooth, blood for blood.
I was expecting a pun on blood clots to come up as he tried to hold them back.
It may still come.