>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v3:
>Pastebin with homebrew list, resources and so on:
How do you handle excessive looting shenanigans?
>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v3:
>Pastebin with homebrew list, resources and so on:
How do you handle excessive looting shenanigans?
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I replaced Hex with Hellish Rebuke. Definitely fits the Oath's flavor. Thanks for the input!
Bring in full encumbrance rules to make the dwarf happy.
Use the deck of cards trick to distribute loot to the players randomly, giving everyone a chance to get something to hold onto tight.
Drop a chest of ten thousand (copper) coins.
I hope it all goes down well, mate
Unearthed Arcana is today, isn't it?
It better not be a fucking DMGuild insert again or I'm going to be peeved
What are you hoping for in the upcoming Unearthed Arcana?
Would love to see some new Spells, maybe something specially fitting the Ravenloft adventure
>cursed items
>npc thieves
>broken items
I want to make a game with Mind Flayers as antagonists for at least one quest line because muh Lovecraft.
Does anyone have stats on an Elder Brain? Also, any extra lore on Elder Brains that I might be able to use?
Also, because I'm crazy and like to mash every single thing ever together, how stupid would it be for mind flayers to be controlling a Vampire?
>I hope it all goes down well, mate
Me too. The Paladin is Chaotic Good, so I'm not sure if his character will immediately kill the fiend upon discovering it or if he will take mercy on her.
Probably final version of the oath attached. Fixed the background this time as well.
Spells, equipment, or archetypes
Not him but I want crafting rules
Alchemy, Tinkering, Blacksmithing, etc. Should really be less taxing than "x gold and y time"
Potions should be easier to make, for one
>chaotic good
You might have wasted all that effort, user
>You might have wasted all that effort, user
I dunno. His backstory deals with revenge on a specific fiend, which this fiend is also after.
Besides, she will earn his trust in human/half-elf form first. I'm putting her in a dungeon, being tortured and drained by a Warlock; Classic "damsel-in-distress."
So I may be having the chance to DM a campaign at my local place and I'm generally inexperienced at it. I have done little bullshit one shots and I know most if not all the rules, but I want to run one of the book campaigns. The only book campaigns I've done are a current run through of Curse of Strahd.
Which 5e campaigns are considered more enjoyable with the others? Which are easier to run? I would really prefer to run something other than CoS.
I've heard PotA is a good campaign to run and play in. Has a section to get players up to level 3 as well.
Man, when was the last time a damsel in distress was actually just a dame what needed saving I ask ya?
Great idea, those things are really much overdue by now.
Did they advance the Spell-less Ranger past lvl 5 yet?
A little bit over the top I would say... Are you looking for a lovecraftian horror adventure or just a typical dungeon crawler with Minecraft themes?
Elderbrain is pretty easy to stat up since it is mostly just a collection of psionic powers with a tentacle attack and a fat stack of hitpoints. Easily scalable to whatever you need it to be.
If you really want a controlled vampire... Make it a non-conventional one. Make it appear to be a vampire functionally while being something completely alien. The host of a blood sucking parasite, an illithid thrall planting brain worms in victims, a bestial and savage spawn of the outer realms that eats the brains of its victims and just happens to drain all their blood with it.
And I sincerely hope you don't mean to imply you want to transition from Curse of Strahd to this adventure...
Is there anything RAW against Paladins switching Oaths? My paladin is an Oath of Devotion but with his choices in the future could lead to breaking his Mercy Tennant. With his new look on life would he have to request absolution to switch oaths or would it be something seperate.
I know I gotta ask my DM about this but I'm seeing if there are any rules in the books concerning it.
Obviously the wording is trash, but how balanced does the below look?
At third level, when you hit an enemy with an unarmed strike, you may expend a ki point to heal an ally within 10ft for 1d4 + your wisdom modifier. This amount increases to 2d4 at 6th level, 3d4 at 11th level and 4d4 at 17th level.
At 6th level you gain the ability to channel divine energy through your ki. Select one Cleric domain. You gain the Channel Divinity class feature and can spend 3 ki points to use the Channel Divinity feature of that domain, using your monk level in place of cleric levels.
At 11th level, you can use your ki to cast divine spells. Your spells known are those given by your chosen domain. To cast a spell you must spend ki points equal to twice the level of the spell. You can only cast spells at their lowest possible level this way.
At 17th level, your mastery of divine ki is such that you can coax souls back into the bodies of the departed and banish hostile entities. You can cast Raise Dead and Banishment without any material components by spending 10 ki points.
Don't really like the first feature, maybe give a sort of lay on hands using ki instead?
Other than that it seems okay I guess
You gonna end an oathbreaker.
RIP in pieces.
With the level 11 feature I'm not really sure how to balance that. Doubling the cost for ki to spell slots isn't what the other monks do. But then again all I'm seeing is your Holy Monk casting Death Ward twice then taking a short rest. I would say let them pick up to level 3 spells, the ranger and paladin don't get level 4 spells until 14.
Also this is just an interesting idea cause there isn't that much of this. What if your Unarmed Attack Healing word didn't grow stronger but instead you could heal 2,3 and 4, targets. Mass Healing Word is like 6 targets so it's not as strong.
I've got a new game coming up in a couple of weeks and decided I want to play something similar to the good hoonter.
Any advice on fitting into it/ any homebrews since our GM is pretty much welcoming anything?
Hello. I have never played D&D before. I have played other pen and paper tabletops though.
So, I've been reading rules and guidelines for D&D 5e and I want to try the game out on roll20.
What should I look for to have a great first experience?
Play a wizard.
this has been bugging the shit out me for a while now.
When fighting skeletons, whats stopping any character with any or of strength from just
literally picking them up and throwing them all over the place.
They should only weigh like 50lbs with armor, slightly more with a weapon implying they didnt drop it after being picked up.
A good DM, a group you find pleasant, and a decent adventure. If you've been in a group already, try to see if they are wanting to play. Try out the Starter Adventure (it's only $20, but it's really good!), and go from there.
They are imbued with dark energy. Dark energy is heavy.
Alternatively, they aren't gonna let you just grab them and there will be some kind of contest to determine it.
Alternative alternative, when you go to grab the skeleton, the brittle bone breaks and you lose your grasp, but it does lose 1 hp.
lack of creativity
i agree on the contest/ grapple rules thing but the other reasons feel like copouts.
id be trying to pick them up and throw them of high shit all day. falling damage is bludgeoning damage.
Nothing is stopping that. I mean, the skeleton itself will try to stop it, but if you can successfully grapple it then you should be able to throw it. I'd want a strength check to determine the distance, with the DC set by how large the skeleton is and what it's armoured with, degrees of success or failure determining how far you chuck it.
This doesn't happen because players are too used to videogames where the only interaction you can have with an enemy is via its hitbox.
Also this.
But to be honest, when something is swinging a sword at you, even if it looks light, your instinct will probably be to swing back at it. It's whatevs desu senpai.
If I were DMing, I'd allow it but have some other rolls come into play. I wouldn't just let you pick up all the enemies and toss them without any resistance. Because that's boring.
To be fair, the only other 'caster' monk has ki rates for different spells without any guidelines
I see your point about spell advancement, but I'm not sure level 3 spells are good enough for a level 11 feature, the only "good" domains in that respect are Life (Revivify) and War (Spirit Guardians)
there was a monster hunter subclass for the fighter in UA, you can find it here. you should probably play a DEX fighter so you can wear snazzy clothes instead of armour. if you wanted to play a STR-build hunter, you could play a barbarian and refluff rage as blood pellets, which also allows you to get away without using armour. alternatively, if you want to mix in some magic, you can play an eldritch knight, or even a pact of the blade warlock for a pure arcane build (GOO pact is ideal, in terms of flavour).
>other rolls
Grapple check. Shove, with a Strength test to throw instead for more distance.
Sure, why not. Just depends on what the PC wants to do.
oh, and you could refluff crossbows as guns, or ask the DM for some of the low-end firearms in the DMG.
the main feature of the hunter, the trick weapons, is something you would have to work out with your DM. it's basically just a magic weapon with two statblocks, and the ability to switch between them freely.
Try Matt Mercers Gunslinger on the DMG
Every single bit of that is pretty stupid for a monk given that they focus on beating the shit out of things with their power or getting to things to beat the shit out of them.
It would be far better (and faster) for them to just take three levels as a cleric and get most of that stuff right off.
IF you were going for a holy type monk, you should look at combining some paladin features instead.
3rd level, you may spend 1 ki point to infuse your fists with holy light causing them to deal an extra 1d4 holy damage per strike. Spend an extra ki point per strike for multiple hit attacks. This will increase in damage to 2d4 at 6th level, 3d4 at 11th level, and 4d4 at 17th level.
6th level, you can focus your ki inward and let out a mighty battle cry to inspire courage in your comrades. For 5 ki points you and all allies within 20 feet of you are immune to fear effects for 1 minutes. This increases to 40 feet at level 17.
11th level, your time in dealing with the denizens of the profane has increased your knowledge of their weakpoints and better allows you to destroy blasphemous opponents. When you land a killing blow on an undead or demonic foe, you may spend 5 ki points to tear off a part of the enemies anatomy (horn of a demon, bone from a skeleton, a zombies head, etc) and, as a bonus action, hurl it at another opponent within 30 feet for 1d10+dex modifer worth of damage. If the creature is capable of experiencing fear, it must make a saving throw against your DC or be afraid of you for 1 minute.
17th level, You are a true champion of justice and exude an aura of righteous around you. As a reaction, when you are targeted by an evil aligned creature you may spend 5 ki points to give it disadvantage on its attacks for that round. Additionally, when you declare a melee attack on evil aligned creature, you may spend 5 ki points to give all of your attacks for that round advantage on the targeted creature for that round.
Hey, I've got a Dark Sun-related question-
Say the players are in a Spelljammer ship and get to the Dark Sun world, and one of them is a cleric that knows Create Water who decides to draw on his god's power to use Create Water to quench some locals' thirsts. Would this have a negative impact on the magic environment? I read Dark Sun's magic is all nature-based, but I haven't gotten into actually reading the material as of yet, so I don't know.
Man the monster hunter feels kind of.... Underwhelming.
But thanks for the advice user, I'll take a closer look at these suggestions.
Trick weapons are definitely something I'm gonna beg for.
Doesn't even need to really be a magic weapon fluff wise.
Just treat it like you are switching from a long sword to a two handed hammer (kirk's hammer), a long sword to a whip (cane whip), and so and so forth.
Thematically, you are using a trick weapon, mechanically, you are just switching out weapons.
I'm currently designing a campaign, where my players will play bodyguards for a band of bards. The band will basically be an evil medieval version of Electric wizard.
Here's my question, each concert will be a sort of rituaI and I need the band to play really heavy and loud. Any ideas how to achieve that ?
Basically, arcane magic in dark sun draws upon the lifeforce if the surrounding land, blighting it.
Divine magic doesn't exist, because there are no gods.
What's the deal with the elemental clerics I've read about in some Dark Sun stuff? Is that not divine?
Constant Thaumatergy Cantrip. Can make your voice loud and make things like a crowd cheering sensory effects and can open/close doors. Just have their instruments enchanted with constant Thaumatergy.
What happens when you Wild Shape into a giant toad, use Bite, then Swallow on a target, and then the enemy brings down your Giant Toad HP to zero from inside?
>Divine magic doesn't exist, because there are no gods.
clerics and druids still exist, but clerics get their powers from elementals and druids get it from nature
by default, it's probably the case that the cleric would have to make a pact with the elements before he can start using spells. the 2e supplement "earth, air, fire and water" goes into more detail about this. but you're the boss, so it's really up to you.
what happens if you wildshape into a giant toad, swallow another druid, and that druid wildshapes into a giant toad?
Xzibit rerolls his character
What happens if you wild shape into a housecat, let yourself be eaten by an ogre, the cat form drops to zero hp, and then you wild shape again into a bear?
Is this like in Dragonlance or Ravenloft where if you worship a god in another sphere, then go to one of those places, then your prayers can't reach that god?
So I think I lost a friend over DnD last night. I held my first session over at a friend's house and it went decently enough except for him. He had to constantly be the center of attention with his lolsorandumb behavior. He would described the majority of his actions as either throwing up because he drank too much or shouting racial slurs.
The final straw was when I gave the party a quest and everyone accepted but he decided he'd rather rob the quest giver despite listing his alignment as chaotic good. He rolled a 19 for intimidate and the quest giver called for guards and he started yelling that the quest giver should've just handed over all his money because he got a high roll.
As the guards kicked his ass because this all happened at level 1 he tried to convince the rest of the party and jump in and help him kill the guards despite everyone else being either lawful good or neutral good.
Eventually one of the other party members convinced the guards to let him go with a high enough persuasion roll but he had to get in a strength contest to restrain him because he said he wanted to headbutt the last guard before they left.
He said he would take it more seriously next time but I told him after all that shit there wouldn't be a next time and we'd continue the campaign without him at someone else's house. I tried to explain that I'd given him enough warnings and that his behavior was unacceptable but before I could get out anything he just yelled out "I don't want to fucking here it" and told me to get out of his house.
I've been friends with the guy since middle school but I don't even feel bad, if he wants to cut off the friendship over this he's a shithead anyway.
What happens if you get eaten by an Ogre and you have a vore fetish
Technically Darksun is only tenuously tied to the multiverse. About every attempt to link it up has been kinda shit with Dregoth Ascendant being the steamiest pile.
>Sell ten thousand copper coins to a copper dragon to augment its hoard nicely
>Recieve more than its worth normally because the copper is worth more to it
You'll be fine with the dude in a month or less. Just don't play D&D together.
Keep the dramatic acting to in-character stuff.
Looking for a good way to boost bladelocks.
A few i considerred are :
1 extra Hp per warlock level.
When casting a spell that uses your bonus action you can make one free melee weapon attack with your pact weapon.
Armour of shadows gives extra 2 AC.
Well, planning on running a group of my friends through the Starter Adventure (then transitioning it over into a larger scale campaign that I'm working on now). The twist is that I'm not using Faerun but rather the Nentir Vale from 4E. Idea is is that instead of the characters coming from Neverwinter and traveling to Phandalin, they are from Hammerfast and are heading to Winterhaven. Some of the locations will be rearranged and such, but otherwise it's the same game.
Thoughts on using the Nentir Vale in general and what would you do to change things up as well?
Ability to choose to deal damage with your weapons as a type appropriate to your patron
IE fire for fiend, radiant for undying light, psychic for great old one, and uh...i dunno, either lightning or a D10 to randomly select an energy type each attack for fey.
Anyone played the inquisitive Rogue? How is it?
Either a Fighter with the Champion archetype or a Ranger for a Hoonter who's knowledgable about his prey rather then just knowledgable about how to kill them.
There's pretty much nothing special about Hunters physically; they just have goofy oversized weapons with multiple functions, healing potions, and spells that are entirely derived from magic item usage.
The Haunted One Backround would be good for pretty much any of the Hunters considering all the shit they've seen.
Even in spelljammer entering the Athasphere is really freaking dangerous and shit stops working fast
Clerics and warlocks would be especially flippityfucked
>cleric can't cast spells
>warlocks don't get features on levelling up
Scary shit
Going through old FR books I end up seeing:
>Vest of Shadows
>This is a vest, half-cloak, or halter-top of translucent black silk; it appears ragged and pierced by many small tears and holes. When put on looks like the rippling rags of a badly damaged garment. At all times, its presence enables the wearer to roll saving throws vs. all undead draining attacks (including a shadows Strength drain and a lichs chilling touch) as well as psionic and magical equivalents, even if no saving throw is usually allowed. The saving throw is vs. spell (with a -1 penalty), to avoid all effects.
>A vest of shadows suffers no damage from normal weapon attacks, but it also confers no protection against them. It gives a +3 bonus to all wearer saving throws vs. magical weapon and spell attacks (and lessens by 1 point each die of damage done to the wearer by them). Any wearer of a vest of shadows who is not a thief is allowed a 15% chance to hide in shadows, under the same conditions that a thief can attempt this skill.
>A thief wearing a vest of shadows gains a bonus of +15% to hide in shadow attempts.
>A vest of shadows suffers damage only from magical attacks, making item saving throws as rock crystal. If a saving throw fails, the vest suffers full hit point damage from the spell; if the saving throw succeeds, it receives only 1 point of damage. These sorts of vests have an Armor Class of 4 and can withstand 8d12 points of damage before disintegrating forever.
Not only is that a neat item, but the description for it as well. That and a whole lot of AD&D FR items seem to be made of translucent material.
Do AD&D adventurers just wear see through clothes all the time?
Why did that change?
Bladelock is fine
>Man the monster hunter feels kind of.... Underwhelming.
I don't know if you noticed, but there is basically NOTHING special about the individuals who are Hunters beyond their choice of a profession that seems to be basically an elaborate form of suicide.
None of the things they physically shown to do (other then lift most trick weapons, but I just assume they weigh much less then they should) particularly impossible or even difficult to perform, and they even die relatively easily when hit.
Their methods of attacking a fairly realistic-looking (if slightly exaggerated) weapon swings and thrusts that are only improbable due to the size of the weapons themselves rather then anything physical about the attack.
Part of the appeal of the game is that you are this normal-ass guy with no real training carving his way through the Night of the Hunt using nothing your cunning and your ability to use clever tactics and judge threats.
To be fair, 2E had a tendency to penalize everything equally, magic items from another plane died a slow death in PS and SJ, permanent level loss was still a thing, and cleric losing casting access was a surprisingly common setting basis.
Personally I would definitely not do it that way in 5e but just force clerics to switch specs; personally I feel like a warlock above level 5 (when the full pact boon unlocks) is probably autonomous enough to function as a sorcerer.
It actually feels pretty damn solid with 2 Level in Paladin for the sweet smites and using polearm mastery to maximize Hex dmg
The only boost bladelock really needs if it needs one at all is reducing its boon invocations to only one (with the +cha damage unlocked at level 11 for free if you really have to), and the scag cantrips to either proc off extra attacks, or just not exist anymore.
>Do AD&D adventurers just wear see through clothes all the time?
No, but Ed Greenwood is a professed nudist.
That explains a lot.
Since someone already posted their homebrew monk then i'll post mine (pls. rate).
Order of the arcane fist
LvL 3 feature - you learned to cast arcane spells researched by your order and can incorporate them with your martial arts.
Wis is your casting stat etc.
Spell slot/level/known table same as AT/EK with no school limitations.
You can learn spells from the sorcerrer, warlock and bard lists.
When you use your action to cast a spell you can make an unarmed strike as a bonus action.
You gain ritual casting.
Spells are always known/preppared.
LvL 6 - as your mastery of magics grows you are able to channel your ki to support your spells. You can use your bonus action to convert spell slots to ki and ki into spell slots (same cost as sorc).
At lvl 11 your movement for the turn increases by 5 ft per spell level when you cast a spell.
At lvl 17 you have advantage on all saving throws to maintain concentration of a spell you cast.
A lot of the TSR 2e old guard was weirdly into hippie shit like that, not just Greenwood.
> 1/3rd caster
> 3 spell lists
> Ritual casting
I suppose this is correct.
What's special about them is more in their tools and things, but I just imagined Monster Hunters to be a little more technical.
I am warming to it after more thought however, how would I go about making a decent Dex fighter to get my fashionborne on?
My criticism:
>Mixing resource types is messy
>Too many spell lists, pick 1
>EK level 18 feature at level 3 (!!!)
>And ritual caster
>And spells always prepared
So the entire level 3 feature is a massive ball of OP shit
>Sorcery points that are regained ON A SHORT REST
Another ball of OP shit
>lv 11 not too terrible
>lv 17 you can literally never lose concentration
Okay, it's pretty awful
So then only sorcerrer but keep ritual casting as it fits with monks.
(i only wonder why monks aren't just a fighter or wizard archetype like EK/Bladesinger).
Bump, interested to hear people's responses.
I mean, it depends what exactly you're planning on doing. Are you still predominantly using 4e lore, because that might annoy players (the only non-retarded thing that came out of 3e-4e FR lore, imo, is the red wizards becoming a multinational trade network)?
So spreading it arround would be better?
Bonus action attack at lvl 6 (they need this shit).
Sorcery point immitation at lvl 3 but higher cost.
Ritual casting as part of lvl 11.
Only Warlock or Sorc list (can't pick really).
Lvl 17 feature changed to add prof bknus to AC during the turn when casting a spell.
I'm a little new to 5e but if I wanted to make pic related, how would I go about doing that? Tempest Cleric, maybe an eldritch knight?
I want to hit things with a big hammer, shoot lightning, and maybe eventually ride a gryphon if my dm's cool with it. Anyone have any suggestions?
Go Paladin/Lightning dragon sorcerer.
Take Animal Handling, the MM has notes on Griffons as mounts.
I'm actually about to play this in a game. Playing as a revenant undying oath bladelock/ oath of vengeance paladin.
Basically going to be Spawn and I'm hyped.
If only that was the only problem but it's just terrible overal
Here is a fix:
Gain 2 cantrips from the wizard list, cost of 1 ki to cast, learn 1 more cantrip at lv10
Gain spell progression as EK, no slots but casting a spell consumes 2×spell level ki
Ritual caster
Lv6: can use flurry after casting a cantrip
Lv11: speed increases by spell level × 5 after casting a spell until the start of your next turn
Lv17: can use flurry after casting a spell
...the spell-less Ranger has been up to lv20 from the start, user.
New UA is out.
You should be it´s really amazingly fun to play and RP. Doesnt feel as gimmicky as Sorclock.
Went for some flavor spells early on, compelled Duel and Command where my favorite ones to use.
I'm using a lot of the Points of Light lore, none of the FR stuff.
I love it!
I like it, especially the tool mastery feats!
Holy shit finally! Options for characters above 3rd level!
More variety of fluff feats that also have a +1 to stats to clear odd numbers can be pretty nice.
Nice. Not great but definitely good. 6/10
Not bad! Sorta wish they had racial feats to further define one's race choice, but these are good all-around.
Tool feats are great. Don't like the +1s on the weapon feats for bounded accuracy purposes.
Not to mention
>finally an use for all those tool proficiencies
>more incentive to take weapons that are kinda shitty
I mean who even uses spears or flails?