I'm just wondering if I'm the only one who does this on a regular basis, my party barely notices is it a common thing?
How often do you include weeb shit in you're game DMs
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If you're playing Cirno to the point that she's recognizably weebish, you're doing it wrong.
Never because weeb shit is cancer
My players are as weeb as me, so yes I do this too.
have you done the hot springs episode yet?
I do this all too often. the BBEG in my currently active campaign is a vocaloid gone rogue
In my "western" campaings, no I don't. I don't want a guy pulling fucking ninja stars in the middle of my western low fantasy game.
But I do enjoy to GM some quality weeb games once in a while, like something based on Metal Gear Revengeance or Samurai Champloo. Just don't bring fucking SAO our Naruto to me.
So I guess I like weeb stuff but only allow it in-game when it would fit the setting.
I ran a game that was basically framed by the events of MotHY's stories of evil series. It went pretty aight.
Oh? That does sound like it would've been awesome.
No matter what people say, I can't help but feel as though a naruto game would be fun as long as power levels didn't exceed the Chūnin exams by too large a degree and nobody was a jinchūriki.
All my games include weeb shit and no one has a problem with it. Hardly anyone even notices the weeb stuff, but I don't try to hide it.
Yes, in fact I have! It also helped that it was Rokugan and one player was a monk whose monastery was known for its healing hot springs and whatnot. It was pretty fun, and we had stuff like cleric scrying to try to see the female baths, but failing because the only one in there was apparently the rogue, who hid herself to try to sneak-grab the wu-jen, which in turn made herself invisible before bathing.
Among other things, also did the beach episode, the festival episode and the sleepover episode. If you look into certain NPCs too much you'll also see who they really are. Had a mysterious occasional ally NPC which abused Fiery Discorporation and Forced Dream/Time Hop shenanigans in such a way that she was basically Mokou.
It's really an interesting world with a lot of fun powers. Low-level Naruto could easily be a great campaign.
Very little, and most of that was because of Shadowrun.
I'm a pretty big weeb, but I don't really like mixing it with the Veeky Forums hobbies I have. I like my dice and violence time and my girls eating cakes time separate. Probably doesn't help that the recent crop of weeb secondaries try to shit up the board to talk about their fetishes instead of games.
I agree, Naruto has a very cool world and cool powers. But I just feel the fanbase is too cancerous to GM to, you know? Everyone will want to go waaaaay past shipuuden in power levels and make a 2edgy4u Itachi clone with power to destroy the universe eveytime he farts.
But with the right players, it could be a great game.
If that's the sort of thing your players would do they will fuck up your games regardless.
my GURPS GM uses moe anime girl tokens for all npc robots.
the robots aren't supposed to look like moe girls though, it's just the tokens
I've had NPCs heavily inspired by Touhou gals. Heck, I have a character in an online tabletop that is basically Remilia Scarlet.
Further details? Based off which Vocaloid?
My man. Spare any details of your escapades?
I once had the Kaguya vs Mokou rivalry. The party was not expecting that the girl the princess paid them to kill was going to have that much fire magic, that many fire elemental summons and that much health regen.
The only weeb shit I've ever liked was Berserk and Gurren Lagann along with Afro Samurai and Wakfu (if those two even count). I'll take some ideas or abilities I think are cool and work 'em into a magic item or monster or something if I think it'll work, but I've never really weebed it up beyond that. My players are total weebs though. That stuff shows up in their characters every once in a while. I don't hate it unless it's really out of place.
Oh, almost forgot. Since pic related is an anime too. Fucking. Goldmine. Ran some great horror one shots off of some of the stuff from this. 10/10, would steal from and blatantly use in a game again.
Not based on any certain Vocaloid but the BBEG was originally a self-patching vocaloid software that developed further than anyone expected. The end of humanity made 'her' more dangerous due to no more surveillance.
She's now a whole network of androids playing music while furthering the production of more androids.
I use Touhou music during encounters and everyone is fine with it
Sharon Apple?
I have a loli vampire in a standard medieval fantasy setting that I'm running, players seem to like her alot.
I feel like 'weeb's definition has spread out so much that it has become a buzzword for things that you generally dislike.
I have made it a running gag that one character is just being stalked by anime references, like finding an intelligent sailor suit and literal yuri goggles.
You give me the urge to flip the table.
Depends, usually i just use things from Berserk and Jojo and the like. We take a lot more things from books from Terry Pratchet and videogames rather than anime.
I wish we could use more Monthy Python if you ask me, but is hard to keep the jokes funny when switching them to another language most of the time.
I have a tendency to put pic related as a helpful random encounter in all of my games. In one of them they even invited her to join their party, or rather dragged her into it.
My players had a hot bath installed inside a portable hole so they could take their hot springs episode wherever they wanted.
Touhou music is great, and not really recognizably weeby at all unless you already know it. That hardly counts.
My group is full of weebs. One of the guys was even president of our university's anime club.
Me personally, when GMing I like to try to put iM@S characters into the campaign as NPCs. I even have a setting idea I'd like to run sometime where the pantheon is all iM@S characters.
I don't play with people who throw tantrums if they notice something is based or connected whatsoever to Japanese Media, so lots.
Currently planning a Game that'll be like Kamen Rider Amazons mixed with G3 from Agito with some X-Com undertones.
I use too much jojo in my shadowrun but thankfully all of my players love jojo so it works out
Currently playing a Ryuutama game and we're all fairly weeb.
Used youtube.com
Everyone recognized it, and loved it.
Remilia as in bound spear wielding loli vampire or bullshit fate powers vampire loli?
There's a certain kind of player who will call anything a reference. Either to a thing they love or a thing they hate. Nothing is original, and they feel the need to point that out.
Expect them to urgently call out:
>Every part of a pirate game must be a reference to One Piece.
>Any time ninja are involved it will be Naruto.
>Any time music, a festival, clothing, a Deity of the sun or moon, or a farm are involved, it will be ponies (REeee- I can't even work up a good reee).
Ooh! Super obscure!
Katanas show up for no reason other than they look really fucking cool.
I feel physically ill after reading this.
I'm angry, but it's anger born of jealousy.
all the time my family man