>Gun metal grey setting.
>Eldritch abominations start to bust out of people's heads, normal weapons have no effect.
>Due to positive energy within toys, they kill abominations better than actual weapons that have negative energy.
>Soldiers start going into battle on roller skates wielding toy lightsabers.
>Or moon shoes and hulk fist.
>Or pretty much any combination of equipment that you can think of.
>Candy heals. Because why not?
How do you make a good setting from this idea?
Gun metal grey setting
You're a big doo-doo head.
Thanks for the bump.
skipping rope into combat, i'm sold
Yup. Ropes are whips, or shields. Or whatever.
It sounds like an already amusing setting. Shit, you could make a movie from this stuff, just then put a ten year as the new 'general' (who is the son of one of the soldiers he's now commanding) and try to help a bunch of stone-faced soldiers rekindle their inner children to make their new arsenal more effective.
Maybe used as an entangling weapon against these nightmares?
>Volgen nu!
So the greatest warriors ever are 90ies 12 year olds?
Why not all of the above? Some are cool (specialized) others are imaginative (versatile).
So I can charge into battle on a bicycle wielding that bigass nerf sword (the red one) and a shield made out of a large-ish rubbermaid container lid and some tape while shouting "Death!" at the top of my lungs?
Would the abominations march against us to a funky bass line?
>help a bunch of stone-faced soldiers rekindle their inner children
Dude, some of those nerf gun designs look fuckin' badass. Pretty sure you could get a bunch of soldiers to get behind carrying 'em if they work.
>toy companies become the new weapons manufacturers, swelling in power as they devise new nerf arrow calibres, specially designed water baloons, sniper slingshots, etc
I want it
Remeber those kids who would go "my power is to counter all your powers!" Remember all of those That Kid's? They are now wizards.
Nah, they're very likely just assholes. Or bully abominations if they were really bad.
Wouldn't toys eventually became associated with negative things and then charged with negative energy when they become weapons of war?
Wouldnt this mean that only toys that have been played with and genuinely enjoyed are efffective?
Would you need a playground full of kids having fun to 'recharge' your weapons?
>kids stopping eldritch beams of energy by shouting "nuh uh I have an alien proof shield!"
Also, lego would be pretty strong right? Imagine, lego tanks and airplanes
>Those kids who stuffed you in a locker are now monsters that stuff you in a locker before knocking you off a cliff.
However one imagines it to work, half of the positive energy is that kids just make shit up.
who's ready to fire these from the hip at the eldritch abominations?
>soldiers wearing ablative lego armour
Probably not, because their being used against Satan and Cthuluhu. But I imagine ones that were played with and enjoyed would be stronger.
>mfw my tech school dorms had a closet full of nerf and water guns.
As long as there's hella super soakers, I'm in
using jacks as throwing stars and caltrops
>But as they become weaponized, they lose their childlike positivity. Only classic toys still remain innocent enough to work against the Menace.
>Actual collectors' items, however, prove mediocre sources of weaponry, as it is the innocent joy which suffuses a beloved toy that empowers them.
>Garage sales become the breeding ground of a new generation of black-market arms dealers, determined to snatch a bargain before the ATT agents (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Toys) arrive and appropriate them for their covert war.
The battle is against soulless adulthood. If toy companies became weapons giants with weapon R&D teams, they would lose all their power.
Well could be more of a joke setting, focus on the silliness of everything that people use.
buying children toys and spoiling them becomes important so to create weapons powerful enough to combat monsters, happy children more important than ever.
>not using a voltage-modded, stocked Vulcan with a bunch of belts linked together feeding from a backpack
I can shoot for longer than you, AND mine looks cooler.
>jacks as caltrops
>not legos
>0 results
I am disappoint.
Lego grenades. They have a soft explosion designed to simply scatter the legos, thereby making terrain UTTERLY IMPASSIBLE.
Agreed. Collectors items would become the main source of weaponry.
Oh sweet jesus, our elite troops would be hippies and new age college kids, the ones who are genuine.
I can imagine that soldiers are encouraged to play games and fuck around with their weapons in order to keep positive and keep weapons powered. Nerf wars and water fights are regular in camps.
>More kids than ever want to join the military because it's fun.
>Until they get fucked to death by a abomination.
But OP, all you would need to do is sprinkle the battlefield with Lego and you would have already won.
hold the fucking phone
>make fun out of hand, go "bang bang"
....the ultimate in childhood toys; imagination!
>kids run into battle completely unarmed
>in their minds they have swords, and guns and giant summoned teddy bears
>parents watch on in horror as the two lines are about to clash
>monsters die in throws as kids effectively kill them with "magic"
I want this
They have been making humans more cynical over the past few decades to weaken us. To the point where even the children are world weary, now the world depends on us regaining that childlike wonder.
>Monsters manage to capture some children.
>Party frees them.
>KND style Braveheart.
>Good parties are like nuclear strikes to aboms.
Lets get awesome.
>Government employs imaginary friends as spies and secret agents,
>The soldiers must each fight their nightmares they had most as a child/what they feared most
>The range of things that scare children are so varied, no one ever knows what to expect
>One day they're fighting back giggling clowns with balloon animals, the next they're trying to fight back the dark itself with flashlights, night lights, and stuffed animals
What would you have to fight Veeky Forums?
>stealth and camoflauge tech devolves into "if I can't see them, they can't see me"
>the ultimate defense is now covering yourself completely in your duvet or similar blanket
What would be your weapon of choice?
>cool stick master race reporting in
Fog. Or lightning. I'm pretty sure I'm scared most of the unknown and shit I can't dodge, like electricity and lightning.
My dad let me watch Aliens when I was 6.
I'm sorry everyone.
Pillowforts are now a thing.
But user, that's fucking awesome. Always wanted to beat up a ayy with my hulk fist.
>Tfw, swinging high in the sky with spiderman gloves and screaming "HULK SMASH" when I fall on a lmao queen.
>literally writing "nO ALEENZ ALLOWED" on it stops it from being able to be seen by the enemy
My dad that's it. He beat me when I got bad grades or didnt do my chores, and terrorized my mother
not really, but fighting your dad would be hella dark
Simpsons Halloween episodes, they were horrible!
I got my fetish from those.
Does that count?
Do not magical realm in the cool imagination happinesss thread
Massive birds of prey. Shit like legends and stuff where a mama falcon the size of a building has a bunch of bus sized Falcons flying behind her.
Please no. My worst, still don't like it, us when Homer gets the hair transfusion. It instilled in me a fear I still have, that my parents will try to hurt me. It made the Shining unwatchable (book is good because Redemption), same with the Babadook
Sontarans mind controlling my parents is one I remember
I dont think anything works differently other than how it affects the eldritch. Hulk smash would work, and silly string would be unbreakable bindings, but no swining tjrough the air.
What're those inflatable things called again? Bop'ems?
What about halloween costumes?
Do they grant the wearer the abilities of the character in question?
I think so, Bop'em aboms good!
Sock'em boppers
>not wanting spiderman gloves to let you have spiderman web swinging powers
Wouldn't children basically become orks?
>dusk falls on a camp, the soilders gather the wounded and place them in a medical tent
>a boy of 8 in am army costume walks into the camp
"What's the problem men?"
"It's Ryan, he's hit real bad"
"Get me my equipment"
>a soilder leaves and returns with a doctor costume and some batman bandaids
>the child dons the outfit and walks over to the wounded man
>he bops him a few times in the knees with a toy reflex tester rubber hammer, slaps a bandaid on his elbow, and leaves the tent to go to bed
>it was past his bedtime after all
>the next day the man is perfectly fine again
My dad made me watch IT and Mist when I was 5...
I also have a huge fear of Yanderes
I'm so very sorry Anons
Eh, sounds a bit OP gameplay wise. Might as well keep it to candies.
>mother's kisses now cure all injuries.
>chicken soup now cures all diseases.
Not every camp will have a child on hand to magically cure every injury with hugs and bandaids. Definitely not out on the field
>implying we won't need every little trick in the book to fight Eldritch abominations
"There's too many boo-boos, I need more mommys"
>INFIRM tents are now full of busty, high-test mums giving kisses and serving chicken soup
No, bad magic realm!
Mothers join the army as Jesus-tier healers.
>Let mommy kiss it better.
Mall Santas become unstoppable killing machines, leaving battlefields bloody and full of holiday cheer.
Hollywood actors who are known for certain roles become walking gods on the battlefield.
While the ironman suit props dont make him Iron Man, the palm blasters still allow Robert Downey Jr. to decimate hordes of the eldritch.
Johnny Depp as Capt. Jack joins forces with Orlando Bloom as Legolas to perform covert ops missions.
David Tennant once more takes up his personal Sonic Screwdriver.
>Hugh Jackman
>literally an unstoppable killing machine
Goddamn son...
>Iron Man.
Then eldritch Mickey Mouse sues them. Think about it, he would be 50 50 because is the mascot of a very scary corp when you think about it, yet is a children's mascot.
>autographs from said actors grants powerful boons and limited copies of their skills
continuing my thought,
Every military has a platoon of Yo Gabba Gabba suited people.
Barney suits made of kevlar are given to sociopaths who are then airdropped in the midst of eldritch nests.
Cosplayers. 'Nuff said.
With their culture so heavily saturated with mascots, idols, and moe, Japan becomes the world's foremost defender against the Eldritch.
Disney parks stay open to help keep childhood alive, but this makes them targets as well. Disney princesses and other people in character costume are required to have elite training to fend off eldritch attacks until the military garrisoned there can take over.
Wouldn't psycho barneys be Eldritch stuff?
Japan is totally okay due too all chuunis everywhere suddenly being validated.
Nah. Children see Barney as a source of goodwill and love. Eldritch are defeated by positive energy. The sociopath inside the suit doesn't care, he just knows he's a dinosaur and he's gonna eat some monsters. Footage of Barney being a great defender of love and friendship further fuels child belief in him. It's a cycle.
Can't eldritch buds have equivalents? Imagine someone cosplaying as Dr Doom.
Doom wouldn't help any pansy-ass aliens fuck up his vision for humanity.
Well yeah, but it's not truely Doom. It's a guy dressed up as Doom to imitate his power. Just because you have the spider man costume doesn't mean you're literally spider man. You're just a guy with his powers.
How do you fight a fear of abandonment?
I meant that acting OOC would put a dampener to powers. Therefore Doom wouldn't be dangerous to humans.
>Pretty sure you could get a bunch of soldiers to get behind carrying 'em if they work.
Soldier here. We're all just giant man children. We don't need an excuse to dick around with nerf swords and hulk hands
Literally any sane soldier would be an anathema to anything affected by inner child
Well yeah but he would still be Dr fukin Doom.
Children become high-priority
>teams of men in cardboard/paper armor made by their sons/daughters and armed with nerf guns, swords, and hulk hands defending children that run around screaming "Bang Bang Bang!"
At the top of their lungs
My dad not coming back from Iraq
Pretty much this. Every kid plays soldier at some point, and some of them never grow up.
This got too silly too fast.
Shouldn't we talk about eldritch/boogeymen more though?
>Fighting Eldrict Abominations with toys
>Too silly too fast
I agree. I mean to be a threat they can't have proverbial kid gloves on. That means they'd have to be able to maim and kill people, which would take the wind out of any kids' sail.
If I were running the setting, I wouldn't let candy, or "mommy kisses" do anything. If a tentacled horror rips you in half, band-aids and pretty stickers aren't going to put you back together.
Well yeah, but by that logic toys shouldn't work either. I can see "there's no way to come back to life" working though.
The difference being the Eldritch assume horrifying forms. I guess if someone finds Doctor Doom terrifying?
OP's point was that the positive energy instilled in toys hurts the Eldritch. My point was that children believeing in something invests power into it. So like I said, Robert Downy Jr. doesn't become Iron Man, but the belief that he will prevail combined with his prop palm repulsors makes him powerful. In the same way, Chris Evans wouldnt become super strong, but if you gave him the Capshield the shield would be invulnerable.
The toys of those items would have power assuming you let children play with them first, but the actual props have power as symbols that children saw and believed in.
What about things like sugar rushes? Would it cause people to speed up? What about a caffeine rush?
>My light up shoes make me run faster!
>Well mine have red stripes on them, so I'm even FASTER
>children are 40K orks, forcing things to happen through belief alone
I'd make it like that maid anime people post; it's gaunty, high-octane kiddy fun...but at the same time dark and legit nightmare fuel.
Now we're confusing positive energy with "childhood fantasy becomes real." Have been really. I'm guilty of it too, won't lie.
Back to basics then, toys children have played with are weapons agaimst eldritch horrors cuz of positive energy. If I chucked my old teddy bear down one's throat it would probably explode like a nuke. Mr. Teddy had a lot of love from me and then my very young sister. I'd be sad to use him like that though.
This entire thread:
Hmm...perhaps things like gangs or mafias got fucked pretty much instantly? They would have tons of bad karma on them.
Would squirt guns and garden hoses be kind of like flame throwers?
Yes. Bubble guns now trap people in bubbles too, as well as vidya controllers being able to control people if you can stick the end of the cord into them.
bro light up shoes beat red stripe shoes hands down
Both trumped by pic related, though