What are the evil aspects of white, green, red and blue and the good aspects of black?
What are the evil aspects of white, green, red and blue and the good aspects of black?
Other urls found in this thread:
Totalitarianism, racism, fascism
The weak are meat for the strong to eat
Progress devoid of morality
Every noir detective, or the entirety of Watchmen
White is controlling. Green thrives on purging the week. Blue will do anything in the pursuit of knowledge. Red can be overly chaotic and impulsive. Black isn't afraid to do anything to win.
Black can also do the "Sacred Darkness" thing and put the living dead back to calmness.
Black is determination and ambition.
The best way to see it is the praetors for the non black colors and i suppose sorin for seeing the good side of black.
I wish i was into magic durring mirrodin-new phyrexia, it has some based lore.
Let's not be naive teenagers. Anarchy leads to social chaos and violence, not peaceful utopia.
Opressive Regimes, Totalitarianism, Facism
Savagery, pure animalistic instinct, hatred of humans/etc
Unbridled chaos and destruction, anger
Unconstrained science (Think a Mad Scientist)
Ambition, Determination
You can take the concept of every colour and put " - at any prize" behind it, to make it evil.
>White: Equality - At any Price
>Green: Growth - At any Price
>Red: Freedom - At any Price
>Blue: Progress - At any Price
>Black: Ambition - At any Price
Colours used to be nuanced, until Wizards went all "Hurr, Durr, WUG is good, B is evil and R is for Retarded!"
Kamigawa with Toshiro and Konda
>evil aspects of white
fascism, totalitarianism, adherance to the letter of the law above the spirit if the law. lawful evil in general
>evil aspects if red
destruction, rage, anarchy. aside from just chaotic evil, imagine if every law was marial law.
>evil aspects of green
willful ignorance, harmful superstition or naivety. green also believes in destiny over self improvement and nature over nurture, so things like caste systems and hereditary hierachies which can quickly become corrupt are still seen as infallable by green.
>evil aspects of blue
no sympathy or empathy, justifying the means by the ends (that can be white too). basically being a robot, a lot of blue evil comes not from inflicting harm but failing to prevent harm, because harm wasn't important.
>good aspects of black
self-improvement, self-reliance. black is difinitively amoral, but being self-centered can obviously be beneficial to ones self. capitalism is black, but i'm not saying it has any inherent morality
if a location has "fallen into anarchy" that is not a good thing.
Impatient, short-term judgement, internal inconsistency
Muh naturalist fallacy
Sometimes slow to pick up on things, what with being constantly preoccupied
They are open to deals on any topic. Pure black will listen to your offer. It is cavalier and mercenary and as such has no sacred values it will get stuffy and offended about.
timothy mcvey
joseph kony
tuskegee syphilis study
michael jordan
Collectivist, totalitarian societies. Cogs in the machine.
Raw hatred
Gendo Ikari
Most anti-heros. I believe the hero of the Kamigawa block was Black.
That's green.
White pulls the 'any culture other than my culture is wrong' card though. You could have two mono-white characters from two totally different cultures and they would probably try to kill each other for cultural differences.
White does the 'You aren't like me so you're WRONGBADEVIL' type
Green does the 'Go back to where you belong, because it's NOT HERE' type
while that interaction usually catalizes racism, any prolonged racism is rarely about a culture being wrong or different, and usually about a sense of inherent superiority to a breed of people. a belief that one's hereditary nature directly impacts one's standing in the world is a green belief.
Green, on the other hand subscribes to the idea of inherent superiority along species rather than cultural lines, such as Lorwyn's racist-as-fuck elves. Or Zendikar's also-pretty-racist-but-not-AS-racist elves.
>anarchy is an inherently evil concept
Really? Not pettiness, destruction for its own sake, etc? Anarchy?
Militaristic, Human Rule, Controlling (the will), Controlling (of motives)
Animalistic, Commune with Nature, Shamans, Green "back to nature" thoughts, Violent Big Dumb Animals.
Anger, Short Sighted, Lashing Out, Damage (oh my god all the damage)
Science at its best. Jace I love you, please be my gay lover for ever and ever.
Hatred, Murder, Destruction, Spite, Back Stab, Pain, Unrequited lust (lots of angst vampires), Painful progress (so much lose X life draw X cards).
Totalitarian, "evils of free will" sorta deal. To create perfect peace, freedom and conflict need to be eliminated.
Believes in the inherent superiority of certain species, anti-progress, favors superstition and instinct over knowledge, fatalist
Kills for its own sake, impossible to reason with, would shatter the world if it thought it'd make a pretty noise.
No concept of ethics, utterly lacking in empathy, hypocritically enslaves others to better express its own free will, would bring untold ruin to the world simply out of detached curiosity to see what happens
Ambitious, determined, resourceful, unashamed/honest, believes in individual merit and freedom to self-determine.
What is this faggotry?
It's a fucking card game man, you don't talk about the evil aspects of diamonds, spades, clubs and hearts.
Stop being such fucking nerds.
Anarchy is not good teenangstyman.
Small governments, headless institutions and commonwealths are good people-driven administrative efforts that do not require the "democratic" circus. But true anarchy is i kill you and take your shit because fuck you and I'm stronger than anyone who may oppose me.
Green isn't anti-progress. It's anti-culture and anything that hampers natural selection. Survival of the Fittest and Evolution are core themes of Green and as such it's really damn Pro-Progress.
Some retard just looked at RG and said "Yup, dem's the cavemen that never go anywhere"
Green is only in favor of natural change. If lightning during a summer storm sparks a blaze that turns an entire forest to a charred ruin, that's natural change. If a species is driven extinct through not having a viable niche to occupy, that's natural change. If a glacier carves a valley where there was once a hill, that's natural change. It's natural for a creature to become wiser as it grows older, that's natural progress.
Unnatural change is when the forest is cut down for lumber, when a species is hunted to extinction, when the landscape is destroyed for resources or other reasons. It's not natural for a man to know secrets that help them shape reality. That's all unnatural progress.
In short, green is against any man-made change is inflicted on the world.
I'm not a teenager and I'm not filled with angst. Calling anarchy inherently evil, to me, indicates an ignorance of anarchist thought and a subscription to this linear model of society where you start off in anarchy and progress becoming gradually more civilized every X years, which is bullshit. The fact you've got to define "true" anarchy as involving violence shows that calling anarchy inherently evil is a dumb idea - it's just a social model, and we've had anarchic societies that have definitely not been any more evil than their counterparts (e.g. Southeast Asia mountain/hill fringe societies choosing to exist outwith the Han Chinese or Southeast Asian padi states that frequently tried to conscript them).
And all they took was an asshole showing up with the government-granting power of weapons to fuck those societies up.
Libertaria and pirates, Mexico and druglords, SE Asia and human trafficers, Africa and mining companies, the Appalachians and smugglers, all end the same, if you don't have a big government and army to have your back, the guy with a gun will take your shit and become your government.
Anarchy is not sustainable and invites violence not from the people who live in anarchy but from the people who would exploit them.
(You) sure showed them, champ.
We all know Hearts has the best waifus, you shut your dirty Spades-playing mouth hole.
Lorwyn's elves were W/G. I don't remember anything racist about Zendikar's elves other than Nissa who was tutored by Lorwyn elves
and anarchic society is different than capital A Anarchy in the same way a communistic society is different than the USSR
Surely the argument is that violence and enforcement of authority through violence is evil, rather than that anarchy is evil?
Your argument I guess is that the two are inseparable, but there's still a difference between the actual action there. You're calling anarchy evil because of violence and enforcement of authority through violence, but those are the actual evils you're talking about. Anarchy simply means the absence of governmental authority: if someone imposes that authority through violence, you no longer have anarchy.
I'm not arguing that anarchy is sustainable or that it doesn't invite violence: I'm arguing that nothing about anarchy is inherently evil - can we at least agree on that? The OP mentioned "evil" not "negative" here.
Lorwyn elves were BG.
Shadowmoor elves were WG.
Hearts are red, Clubs are blue, Diamonds are white, and Spades are black.
Remember kids, it's OK to be a nostalgia fag as long as you accept your limitations
Stop being a faggot, anarchy is negative because it's useless and dangerous not because it's evil. Negative =/= evil. In fact most negative stuff is not inherently evil because evil as a concept is just a monicker for shit you don't like and want to villify.
Where the fuck do you think you are?
Can't remember seeing any Chainers, Bird Maidens or even Wheel of Fortunes lately.
Black is about ambition and self sacrifice. Forgoing temporary or immediate pleasure for long term goals. Clarity of vision, and holding all things as equal; only differentiating as to each thing's effectiveness toward achieving the end result.
Black is ultimate in pragmatism.
You know the dumbass movie cliche where the villain puts the hero in a situation where he has to kill his girl to save the world, but if he doesn't kill or the world AND her will die anyway? A contrived plot device happens to save the hero from making a decision that matters almost always. Black shoots the girl because he knows luck will not save him for being a coward.
If you want to see what a world can look like when it completely lacks black mana, look at tumblr. An utter lack of ambition, self-reliance, and ability to see things as they are can result in evil behavior.
There has never been an evil monogreen entity in the entirety of magic.
>Who is Vorinclex
The lapdog of a BG elf.
Vorinclex and compleated Glissa.
Vorinclex, voice of hunger.
Nissa was arguably evil before she decided to stop being such a bitch.
Other than that, green is more likely to be beastly than evil.
Still evil you twit
Go back to tumblr
>Talking about lore
>Suddenly switching to mechanics
Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen is mono green.
Although she is part of a G/B tribe.
Vorinclex without Glissa would either be a harmless idiot, or he would wise up and become more reasonable.
Chainer as a black good guy and the Maiden and Wheel exemplify that Red is more than just ANGRY AND LIGHTNING, you moron.
>Wizards went all "Hurr, Durr, WUG is good, B is evil and R is for Retarded!"
Well, let's see what we've got recently
>Colorless villains in Zendikar block
>All-color villains in Scars block
>Black villain in Innistrad block
>No direct villain in Return to Ravnica block
>Primary villain is red-green in Theros block, secondary one is white
>No direct villain in Theros block
>Colorless villains in Battle for Zendikar block
>Red-white villains for Shadows over Innistrad block
So is Drana and Erebos, plus Kurkesh and Daretti dumbass
[Citation Needed]
>>All-color villains in Scars block
You mean non-red villains in scars.
RTR built up an expectation for mono-color villains, or at least antagonists, but didn't pay off.
Actually the modern deck of playing cards is originally derived from Tarot decks back when they were actually used to play card games instead of tell fortunes, which means the modern suits each correspond to one of the suits in the minor arcana. Let me break it down for you.
Hearts correspond to the suit of Cups, which are associated with water, emotions, love, and the spirit. Clubs correspond with the suit of Wands, which are associated with fire, creativity, drive, and will. Spades correspond with the suit of Swords, which are associated with air, logic and reason, freedom, and the mind. Finally Diamonds correspond to the suit of Coins, which are associated with earth, the physical world, and material possessions.
But it doesn't mean shit any longer and no one cares about that faggotry.
It's a game, stop caring about whether your colors/suits are evil.
>Stop talking about things I don't want you to!
>Nobody cares! Stop caring!!
It's a lore thread.
If you don't care, like most of WotC, just move on.
They broke the color pies a long time ago.
Maralen, Arena Athlete
>Bird Maidens
Impetuous Sunchaser
>racism is bad
Sure thing buddy. I sure love sharing my city with Orcs and Goblins, nothing ever goes wrong with that!
Soul-shattering dictatorship and bureaucracy
Law of the jungle, devoid of empathy or compassion. Kill or be killed.
Entropy. Everything is too diffuse to build any sort of coherent anything, or too explosively reactive to maintain stability for long.
Chaos. No idea is too whacked out to try, even the ones that will probably kill you. Especially those ideas!
>Good sides of black
Efficiency, pragmatism.
Fanaticism, zealotry, madness.
Pestilence, disease.
War, blood, rage.
Cold, frigidity, callousness.
Progress, venturing into the unknown.
Ravnica's doing quite fine, for what it is.
my mistake
they were both racists tho
You mean Ravnica is doing just fine except the way the Gruul smash shit randomly. Simic kidnapping and turning people into weird mutants. Boros raiding people's homes and torching them for fun. Dimir constantly try to mind fuck people and if not for Jace mary sueing it up then Azourious would of literally nuked the entire plane.
I think I'll just avoid your multicultural bullshit thanks.
>Ravnica's doing quite fine
Dude, what
To be fair, I'd rather live in Ravnica than...
Out of all of those most recent planes, the only one that I would prefer over Ravnica is maybe Theros.
>Implying any of that has to do with Goblins and Elves living next to eachother
Progress is blue.
Pre-Guildpact, I'd have agreed with you. After Return to Ravnica? I'd rather live on Dominaria or Muraganda.
But it's often personal ambition and self-interest that drives the desire for progress.
>demanding everything be pure
>tampering with things you shouldn't be
>right things or the wrong reasons
>Elves tend to be G/W and like order and stable societies merging nature and control
>Goblins tend to be B/R and like chaos and destruction
Man, it's just too easy to make an argument for these two groups to be kept apart. I know, lets take people from the desert with extreme religious views and atheists from a snowy region and we'll just put them together. It'll work out just fiALLAH ACKBAR BOOOMMM
For a city spanning the surface of an entire plane (which, incidentally, is probably the most densely populated of the whole multiverse) and governed by ten institutions with sometimes totally opposing interests, it is doing fine.
Honestly I haven't looked at how Ravnica was doing after RtR. I assumed the old statu-quo was restored. Mind telling me what exactly changed?
It is back at the status quo, provided that Jace is smart enough to go back and you know, do his fucking job.
Jesus Christ, do you have to pollute a thread about a children's card game with your alt-right views?
Wouldn't call Gendo blue. Hojo would be a better example of a blue villain.
>Still implying any of the things you said in your OP has to do with Elves and Goblins living near eachother
You aren't very good at this
Sure do. Didn't see you complaining about any one polluting it with their anti-racism political views. I thought it was fair game to discuss politics since someone else already started the conversation when they said racism was a bad thing.
Gendo was literally entirely motivated by bringing back his waifu. That is about as red as it gets.
No character can be summed up in a single magic colour unless they're extremely poorly written.
Gendou wanted order, which is white. He wanted control of things to make third impact go his way.
Gendou was selfish and worked only towards his own goals willing to sacrifice his son to get there. Which is black.
Gendou is passionate about his wife, which is red.
Gendou is pushing technology to it's limits, which is blue.
He isn't 1 single colour because no human being is.
All right, you have your views, other people have other views, this is the internet therefore no one will convince anyone of anything, so there's no point to the whole race debate.
Moving back to the subject of evil in the colors of MtG.