>Indian steampunk
What's next, South-American cyberpunk?
>Indian steampunk
What's next, South-American cyberpunk?
Why not?
What about African high fantasy?
Well, Mayan works more like a programming language than an actual language and they were the earliest civilization to use the concept of zero.
Pakistani cyber-noir
>Indian cyberpunk
>What's next, South-American cyberpunk?
>he doesn't know about Salish-Shidhe
>he doesn't know about Amazonia
Why would that be anything at all like a stretch?
Similarly, Indian steampunk isn't that far off either. Given that steampunk is usually Victorian themed, and British, and Britain obviously had a huge presence in India during the Victorian Period.
>Take ravnica
>Remove everything that isn't Izzet
>Stuff it full of inclusive ethnicities despite clearly being derived from indian aesthetics
>Introduce slightly waifu-bait walker nobody will really care about
Whatever man, as long as there's no jace.
>massive industrial revolution powered by burning feces instead of coal
You mean
>Incestuous trash?
>high fantasy
I don't think you know what that means
>South-American cyberpunk
Drug cartels, hidden nazi cults, havens for morally questionable scientific experiments.
Or just City of God but with cyborgs. Rocket is now a small time decker, Knockout Ned is wared up street samurai
Ether way count me the fuck in.
>What's next, South-American cyberpunk?
Not sure if serious
Let me guess: you've only been playing since maybe Alara.
>High fantasy is defined as fantasy set in an alternative, fictional ("secondary") world, rather than "the real", or "primary" world.
>Hard science fiction is a category of science fiction characterized by an emphasis on scientific accuracy or technical detail or both.
Why is this allowed?
Also, Hard Fantasy when
Aether Revolt set symbol looks like Ghetto ass rod iron.
>Pyramids? What's next, Indian steampunk?
>South-American cyberpunk?
Cyberpunk doesn't know borders as with the rise of data networks the concept of nation-states or ethnias became obsolete. Cyberpunk takes place everywhere from New York, to Neo Tokyo, Moscow, Singapore, Marrakesh and the space colonies.
Hard Fantasy is Low Fantasy.
>Hard Fantasy
Why fucking bother
fucking Wizards(tm)...no sense of right or wrong....
Ok, African-inspired high fantasy then. Giant dinosaur-monsters in the jungle, cattle raiding tribes versus city-states and empires of gold learned men, fucktons of witches fucking shit up
Nigga this set is Jace going to Chandra's home plane to look for mcguffin mcguffinson because Chandra is still stupid from her lesbian encounter with Nissa and needs to rekindle her flame or something.
Then Jace takes Gideon to his home plane to fuck up the bullies who tormented him when he was young and who now control the aether ring network.
Then we go to Ravnica where Jace has to save the plane because living jesus has been away for too long and Lavinia can't deal with so much paperwork!
Sounds dope. Muraganda when?
>tfw no Inuit spaghetti western
Fucking fund it.
Manchurian Spaghetti Western is actually pretty good.
>Clean water not three days walk away
Hard Fantasy is for idiots who don't understand how storytelling works, and manchildren who insist that their elf-stories be as tediously "serious" as possible.
But India is super diverse
And they all hate each other
>Well, Mayan works more like a programming language than an actual language
elaborate please
What's wrong with that?
>What's next, South-American cyberpunk?
It's not half-nappy headed black people diverse.
There are shitloads of minor ethnic and cultural groups, but overall India is similar to Europe. Sure, they all have slightly different facial features, skin tones, and cultures, but they all look pretty much the same and ultimately are identifiable as Indian.
>you are the former high prince of the highlands, Adeniji
>you have been exiled due to accusations of high treason
>only your mother's word kept you from the executioner's axe
>you must now wander the jungles and wastelands in search of strong allies to take back your throne
>we wuz kings etc. etc.
>Hard-boiled Fantasy when
There, now it's more interesting!
You mean literally the Epic of Sundiata?
>So, there I was, in my personal chambers in the tavern where I rent a room, when this elf walks in. Long legs, long ears, a stare that could kill a man.
>Epic of Sundiata
Had to look that up. Would make for a great campaign.
>Indian steampunk
How is it "Indian" if India doesn't even exist on Kaladesh?
Seconding this so hard. If it involves Jace or Eldrazi I'm sitting the block out.
I'd happily play in a game about Indian Steampunk.
Set it during the Colonial Era and you're basically playing bad ass Sikh warriors defending the land for Queen & Country, the game.
Look up the 21 Sikhs and you'll see how obscenely bad ass, brave and loyal the Indians were during that period.
>find thugs to get hood back
Why is africa so boring?
>durr hurr i can't wait to assemble those contraptions
>What's next, South-American cyberpunk?
Set it in an alt-history Chile where Pinochet retained the Cybersyn programme after the coup, it attracted the attention of US military and tech sector, who volunteered to help expand the programs computational abilities if they could use the country as a test bed for their systems of perfect social control. Flash forward a few decades and Chile is ruled with an iron fist by the AI that emerged from Cybersyn, which also covertly controls more of the world's economy than anyone except a few brave cyber punks realise.
Atheists: 1
Fundies: 0
>There are shitloads of minor ethnic and cultural groups, but overall India is similar to Europe. Sure, they all have slightly different facial features, skin tones, and cultures, but they all look pretty much the same and ultimately are identifiable as Indian.
Nah son, they're are straight up ginger white skinned people in one part of India and seven foot tall giants in other parts. India is stupid diverse.
That sounds pretty cool.
>is it me or has pol been bleeding into the other boards lately? That is, more than usual
I know, but the majority of Indian people you're going to meet in Indian are going to look the same as the ones you'd meet in an Indian community here in America or Britain. Probably darker skinned and poorer though, but still.
I'm not questioning how diverse India can be, but I'm saying on average most people just look "Indian". Similar to how China is also very diverse, but the vast majority of people are Han.
Both sides of the political spectrum have been becoming more radicalized and aggressive. People are just getting angry and more defensive. It's a continuous process, largely due to internet echo-chambers.
How about Spaghetti Spaghetti Western (or Spaghetti Western2) as in a Spaghetti Western in 17th century southern Italy (so with the declining Spanish Empire not exerting much power anymore and revolts happening here and there)
that 2 was supposed to be a squared ... wathever, you got the point
wait I can't tell from OP's image
is that supposed to be the Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee kind of indian or the Take That Poo to the Loo kind of indian?
General Custer's Revenge 2: Electric Poo In The Loo Boogaloo
Mirage already did that
Captain Cold!
>What's next, South-American cyberpunk?
That'd be pretty cool.
It'd probably make a lot of kissless virgin white boys upset, though. Then again, that's not WotC's main demographic anymore.
God, that story was all kinds of fucked-up. I wish it had been a real thing.
>Everyone who dislikes forced inclusion is a virgin white boy
t. omega white male who thinks this gets him diversity points
>implying Wizards shitty R&D could pull a decent South American Steampunk
It's complex a fuck, the best you could pull would be Incan derivative. Would look as shit as Mirage.
>WotC is deliberatively forcing racial inclusion in their niche card game made for nerdy man-children
It's the jew's fault, right?
>South-American cyberpunk?
Cyberspace is everywhere, but the "main" city - the first one mentioned, and home of many of the characters and corp HQs - in ANR is in South America (though it's US territory)
Jew's fault or not, that's a fact. Even when they already were very diverse in past.
Amerindian steampunk would have been much more fun. Bunch of colonist assholes who use the aether to power their machines vs tribes that can use it naturally to power themselves, and a shitload of spirits that become physical with aether to fuck shit up because they hate everyone.
Exactly. If they were so diverse in the past then what makes this any different?
Persian Urban Fantasy
You sure sound American.
>they're are straight up ginger white skinned people in one part and seven foot tall giants in other parts
Yeah that's what he said ,it's as diverse as Europe.
I don't know, don't you look the same as an American? I mean you speak English and live around there, right. It's pretty much the same.
I pray God for a cleansing fire to rip through shitholes like these and purify all of those brown-skinned subhumans.
You think they're doing it to to foster their Indian market, then?
If you boil something down to that level, anything is boring.
Sounds like you're going to get overbred then.
>Girl looks vaguely India
Sure. I guess.
>Buildings trying to invoke clock-work with Indian style shapes.
Yep I see that.
>Male features.
.... Indian... No...
Is Chandra going to slowly morph the same way Gideon did now?
Because now it's a marketing strategy, so it's enforced instead of showing up naturaly.
It's about feeling represented intead of representing a culture. We'll never have a good block like original Zendikar again.
Keep sucking that nigger cock, Bradley! That'll really stick it to your stepdad!
ask your mom how my cum tastes
My mom isn't a crusty sock, she couldn't know that.
Most probably, white redheads are nearly extinct and the narrative is killing whitey so why not do it on the marketing battlefront.
They only need one white person and they have the bitcboi Jace to represent all white nu male SJW allies.
Man, Kaladesh is going to be so much fun.
I'm not really getting steampunk. First there seems to be no steam. Second is that Magic has had stuff like Ornithopters and ither such things for a long ass time.
How does flying machine = steampunk?
are you implying shadowrun with macuahuitls and human sacrifice to AI wouldnt be the greatest setting of all time op?
Ironically, Kaladesh seems to be steampunk for the PUNK aspect of class conflict in a world of makes and exploiters, instead of the cogfop everyone here hates steampunk for.
>South-American cyberpunk?
Yeah, my next Shadowrun game is precisely that. San Diego's skyline is dominated by an Aztec corporate pyramid.
I want to play.
...You do know there are Indians as dark as the darkest African right?
So... if you had an italian, a spaniard, a german, and a Englishman... you wouldn't say that was a diverse group? I mean, they all have different cultures, facial features, languages, and skin tones, but they all "look the same" and are readily identifiable as "European"?
I guess we are all human... but you are basically requiring multiple species to have "diversity."
>Indian steampunk
>What's next, South-American cyberpunk?
Why not? We already have Japanese steampunk.
It's CLEARLY not Indian since there's no one shitting in the street.
I just think some of the art is real pretty. Actually have OP's pic as my phone lock screen, and another picture for my desktop background.
Still waiting for this guy to show up in kaladesh.
>find thugs to get hood back
Why is Sherwood Forest so boring?
No, their liberal, leftist and weeapoo market.
Could work, though Manchurian Spaghetti Western is an actual thing and it's amazing.
Italians playing a "high noon" standoff against a controlling family in power would be pretty great.
But argentina-chile-peru would make a very neat cyberpunk dystopia, and brazil already IS one.
Funny story. Mike Pondsmith mentioned at a games seminar once that his trip to Rio found a lot of 2020 going on. South America is ideal CPunk territory.
Shorthand for your question: "Feather or Dot?"
That's exactly what I'm saying the problem is.
The "Indian" set is majority not Indian people.