What did he mean by this?
What did he mean by this?
Goblins, hobgoblins, and bugbears are technically the same general species thing, and are under one god. Goblins and Hobgoblins have a history of infighting. Bugbears are apparently often used to try to get the two sides to remember there are more groups under the goblinoid banner... to try to cement the "goblinoid" races as one functional entity. Still, as bugbears are large, in a fantasy setting they have to be stupid. So they don't actually have an equal place in goblinoid society.
It is probably a reference to such tactics in the real world, and also to make us suspect the umbrella thing is smarter then it seems.
The Roach is breaking the 4th wall and fucking with us. As the Umbrella monster has for the longest time remained a mystery, he is suggesting we look for a monster that could make this political deduction.
Fuck, the art got really creepy after he started coloring in the hands.
Like, they don't read as just infinitesimally arbitrary lines used as a visual stand in for hands anymore. They read as the characters actually having deformed fork things for hands.
The thumbnail makes it look like Oona is getting baked.
Holy shit I just noticed that.
What do you think goes in that tea user?
Warriors of old used to get pumped on drugs before fighting, to boost their power to inhuman levels. Vikings and Assassins are proof of this. Today, we still pay tribute to this ancient rite when the student downs a jug of coffee before writing overdue papers, or englishmen in general.
It doesn't matter what he meant.
Nod. Get treat.
Wise Wolf-Monster.
>What did he mean by this?
Please, OP don't let this shitty meme spread to Veeky Forums
Am I the only one that heard not just Oona, but particularly this guy, in a Russian accent?
When sentence written without article, brain make sound like Russian.
Is true.
This is really informative, actually. Thanks.
Is Oona best Oots girl?
Additionally, while the links of familiarity and co-especism between goblins and hobgoblins are both self-evident (right in the fuckin' name) more deeply embedded (in the default setting, they both worship Maglubyett, although with different creeds), bugbears are tied only because they arbitrarilly have the monster type Humanoid (Goblinoid). They worship an other god altogether (Hruggek), their name makes no mention of goblinity, their alignment is hardly compatible with the one of the hobgoblins, their type of society is radically different (they are hunters-gatherers in small bands of at most 20 individuals, while goblins and hobgoblins are 24/7 armies constantly on the warpath, with several hundreds fighters)...
Truly, beyond the +4 to Move Silently common to all three races (and to who knows how many other monsters), bugbears are tied into pangoblinism strictly because of arbitrary taxonomy...
>What did he mean by this
He means that not liking math is proven to have zero effect on math and only serves to make its haters look like idiots flinging Pocket Sand. tl;dr:
When math says, "Equality is for equals," just nod. Get treat.
Onaa is a shrill little russian obaba, the worg (it is a worg, isn't it?) gets the big russian mobster voice.
In Pathfinder they're literally a race of slasher movie villains.
I wonder how they would react to the idea of Pangoblinism.
What's interesting is that he realized he said something smart and immediately tried to cover it up.
They're always meant to have been literally stick people.
See the episode with the police sketch artist who was fired because he drew noses on people, and nobody had any idea what those weird growths in the middle of their faces were.
>multiple choice
Essentially that Redcloak and the other dark one worshipers are trying to found goblin yugoslavia and the bugbears feel a bit left out.
Well. That sure is a thing.
And they can't just send invisible ghostform Xykon to scout out the building because...?
it's likely given the variety and level of monsters found in there that there are still things which could hurt him if he was alone, and why would Xykon risk maybe getting slightly harmed when he has meatshields
Because Xykon doesn't fucking care. He's too powerful to care, and really never had the metal capacity to care in the first place.
If he finds it on the first try, it's a 'hey, I did it!'. If it takes a thousand years, it just becomes a 'meh, but at least those adventurers are dead'.
Xykon, at this point, just seems to be evil at of spite.
They're a minority people talk about and give lip-service to because people want the two big sects to get along with each other.
>Gob: Come on Hob, everyone's friendly here. We're all friends. You, Me, and Buggy.
>Buggy: Really? Because I think we shou...
>Hob: Shut up Buggy, me and Gob are talkin'.
You know, if I were a real cheeky asshole, I'd find a way for the dungeon layout to be randomized each time a door is opened(if monsters can be replenished, why not this?) so that each time is effectively 1/500 chance of getting it right, and simple elimination methods can't bruteforce it.
Or just build the gate and then build the mountain around it, add the Monster Hollow for deception and flavor.
When you are a lich, you stop caring about time.
>He's too powerful to care, and really never had the metal capacity to care in the first place.
Xykon seems pretty metal to me.
What about Gnolls?