>Crap wiki pages
>Over complicated gm/player reference sheet
>Only actually useful link I have
>Crap wiki pages
>Over complicated gm/player reference sheet
>Only actually useful link I have
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Uhhhh soooo
Savage Rifts eh? Anyone back that shit or did you avoid it because it physically touched Palladium?
I have been looking at this system for a while after hearing the promise of fast encounters that isn't just "Roll for combat" or something where you can just teleport away instead if actually having to camp.
How is the out of combat portion of this game? Are there a lot of fun tools to play around with like spells which can give people nightmares or let you build golems, or stuff like item crafting? I read the social encounter and vehicle combat page and those look pretty good without being more complicated than they need to be.
Also, any recommendations for a generic fantasy setting for it? I downloaded Shaintar and that looks nice, though I am trying to find a PDF of Thunderscape.
>Also, any recommendations for a generic fantasy setting for it?
What is Shantair about? What is it's hook? I've only ever seen it called "Fantasy."
Also, you can check out the Fantasy Companion for some generic fantasy info.
I really enjoy Savage Worlds as an alternative to D&D style games as it feels similar despite the obvious rules differences. It is probably not a game I would suggest for someone looking for more things like what you mentioned, it has stuff for out of combat play but its not extensive by any stretch of the imagination.
Planning on doing a series of monthly one-shots. Any interest?
Depends what times and dates you plan for, but yeah, I bet you could find interested people. There are all sorts of game-starved people on here (myself included).
I'm trying to GM IRL but my fuckers are very weasely about picking a night, so I'd love to play for someone instead. Got a flavor in mind?
It'll be on weekends, date and time would be whenever works best for everyone.
Flavor would change monthly. I've got a few one shots already made, a fantasy horror, sci fi horror, and a modern tacticool action hero, and I'm building more.
Me and a friend had an idea last game session about a wuxia/avatar styled game of high flying kung fu fantasy. How would I go about doing that in SW?
I was thinking about treating different fighting styles like skills, with each level up the dice scale unlocking more stuff for the style. Good idea? Bad idea?
I would recommend Iron Dynasty: Way of the Ronin. I would call it like the L5R, but its more around Kung-Fu Movies.
>Over 5000 turbo and ion cannons
>forward deflector shields
>an entire battery dedicated to protecting the bridge
>still taken down by a doomed A-Wing
If it wasn't for because plot, this wouldn't have happened. Try to say otherwise.
you can't
Wrong thread?
/swg/ has always been the star wars general, from what I can recall. I would hate to call op careless because catalog filters are a wonderful thing, so I am very much in the right thread and will stick to that mindset.
Sorry to pop your bubble mate but this is the Savage Worlds General. Try reading the OP or at least the title next time.
Hey friend, if you don't want to admit that scum should have completely been routed at Endor, fine, I won't stop ya.
I wouldn't mind playing a setting based around old blaxplotation films.
You mean like blazing saddles?
I'm waiting for the mods to get rid of the dual thread for that one. They probably slippin'
Or scum
Any chance someone has tried the freeform magic from the savage abilities supplement on the Godwars2 site? Looks like just what I need but seems like it could really bog a game down and is also a little convoluted...
No, like Shaft.
So crime/cop drama's.
you should change the acronym next thread
So here's my latest build. What do you guys reckon?
Can you give our general's tag back, please?
But I was just about to start a Swedish Warlord General. Well, actually a Swedish Warlord General General, a general thread about Swedish Warlords who carry the rank of general. Guess now I'll have to go back to my first idea, a general thread about sexy women.
Exploding dice sometimes do crazy shit.
suggesting /savgen/ for Savage Worlds General threads.
Also fucking stoked for tonight's game: it's a cyberpunk game where everything has just gone to hell. A cyborg ninja has just gunned down one of the biker gang whose leader the PCs have been ordered to take back alive and is about to duel one of the PCs while both are in full optic camo, their gun-toting ex-cop is drunk and maudlin and only just realised the girl he has a soft spot for is in deadly danger, and at least one of the two perpetually-absent players might finally fucking come back.
It's on
/svg/? /svwg/?
How about you retards actually read your generals title rather than bitching about an acronym and shitting up another thread ffs.
Sounds like a blast. You should place bets on who dies and how,
/savgen/ sounds good to me.
How do I make combats that last more than 2 rounds? Should I just make all solo encounters wild cards?
I've also limited exploding dice to one explosion for me (the GM) because I am sick of characters getting oneshotted and j swear to God these strings of 8s and 10s are happening WAY more than they are supposed to....
Also what do you guys think of a gritty zombie survival game where the PC's play as extras instead of wild cards? meant to be super lethal.
Take advantage of cover as much as possible, add a Wild Card with a few leadership edges, and have maybe a wave of reinforcements come flank the PCs.
I'd just keep them as wild cards and let dice explode desu. Also be very very conservative with bennies.
I would say just have a few more guys show up. If you're really doing solo encounters of one wild card vs one extra of course things will go extremely quickly. That's kind of the point of the system to have combat go fast so do what said if you want to increase the challenge.
Having them as extras would be pretty shitty honestly. Getting one-shot by a bad roll isn't fun. Use the rules for gritty damage so it's more of a big deal when they do get damaged. It's more fun and dramatic to have to carry on with a debilitating wound than it is to have to roll up a new character.
Savage Worlds is a shit system that tries too hard to reinvent the wheel. The exploding die and raise mechanics make any form of encounter balance/planning impossible. A rank 1 novice can one-shot a dragon with lucky die rolls using his fist. The system boasts that bennies are used for "cool things" like players changing narrative or pulling off impossible stunts, but players just horde them for use as extra hit points. The chase system (any iteration of it) is an absolute shit storm of retardation. The 3-wound limit is just plain bad game design. The community is full of sad 40-something-year-old zealots who foam at the mouth at any notion of house ruling the assy mechanics.
In conclusion, Savage Worlds is for weeaboo FATE players that want slightly more crunch.
Here's your >(you)
Wow, that really is your opinion, and while I disagree and think it's poorly formed, you are certainly entitled to it. Thanks for posting, friend.
Wouldn't bennies work like any system's meta currency? I can get the slight chance of being able to one shit anything, but there are moments where the GM has to take a heavy hand to it.
>Chase system is absolute shit storm of retardation
Explain further
I ran the system for just over a year for a local gaming group (by their request). It was a fun setting (a Savage Worlds conversion of TMNT & Other Strangeness), but the mechanics were constantly called into question - by myself and the players.
Another fault - The better you get at something (be it a skill or attribute - which are increased by die types instead of a flat figure), then less likely you are to "ace" (explode) die rolls. So the "better" you get, the worse you get. Game design 101.
Get a copy of the SW Deluxe book and read the chase rules yourself. It's only 2 pages. Some of the most backwards-retarded shit you'll ever see.
Another fault - Don't plan on leveling a skill over 1d6? Just put one point into it to get a 1d4. You'll still get to roll a 1d6 because of your Wild Die.
>A rank 1 novice can one-shot a dragon
This is why you give monsters Heavy Armor that can only be hurt by Heavy Weapons. Just like how Armored Vehicles have Heavy Armor so SA shots can't hurt them, a Dragon or the Nemean Lion should have Heavy Armor so knives can't hurt them. Try thinking beyond the rules and outside the box for once.
>but players just horde them for use as extra hit points.
You don't seem to understand how soaking works. It gives you a chance to avoid a wound, not free hit points.
>The chase system (any iteration of it) is an absolute shit storm of retardation.
I've never had an issue with a chase scene, even the ones that somehow last a session.
>The 3-wound limit is just plain bad game design.
It's better than the health bloating that most rpgs suffer from. I don't want a single duel to last whole sessions. It's boring.
> So the "better" you get, the worse you get.
Exploding dice aren't representative of how "good" your character is at a task. It's more of a "lucky shot" or "beginners luck" mechanic. Something to spice the game up.
How is this an issue? That's part of being a Wild Card. If you don't like it just remove it and have them roll the skill die and it's tied attribute die and take the highest/lowest.
And thus a wild foaming 40-something-year-old zealot appears.
24, and thanks for bumping the thread user-kun.
Not him, but Savage Worlds is fun for fast nook combat. Your complaints about it are valid; I play it anyway because I hate all the other generic systems out there besides GURPS.
I'm trying to design a Savage Worlds like generic system, but without step dice, bunnies, hindrances, etc that uses character points . Any ideas?
Just take savage worlds and remove step dice, bennies, and hindrances. Done.
The skill system wouldn't work with a char points system like GURPS. I'd have to change a lot.
I loathe bennies though. Especially because I love to play shorter sessions.
just have skills be d6+skill rank and cap skills at whatever you need for the game. Nice, simple, flexible.
>Math n stuff for exploding dice -
There's one every thread.
I like to think the exchange involved a paper bag full of cash and a manila envelope slid across a table, no handshakes.
So is anyone interested in monthly one-shots?
I have been recently pondering about running an episodic Highlander campaign that starts in Rome and ends in modern times or the future. Players are immortals of course.
Any ideas how to make such premise work mechanically?
I'm also wondering how well immortals regenerate if someone blasts them with a bazooka.
I don't have any mechanical suggestions, but that sounds like a really cool idea.
>I'm also wondering how well immortals regenerate if someone blasts them with a bazooka.
Not sure about that, but I'd sure as hell make them more durable than they were in the TV series. Sure, they'd get back up okay, but you shoot one of them and they'd hit the ground for a while, giving you an opportunity to end them. I'd make them more significantly more powerful. Like, you'd have to really pump an immortal full of lead before he went down.
And I'd have there be a mechanical reason to back up duels being one on one. Rather than the way the show worked, where you were vulnerable after a quickening, I'd have you be like Mario after hey just grabbed one of those star thingies--nearly invulnerable for a little while. Oh, and any other immortal who was near you during the quickening might be struck by lightning or maybe even some of their power would arc to you. So if two immortals are dueling, it's in your best interest to stand the fuck back and not interfere.
The holy ground thing I'd probably leave as a social convention, however, because I think that makes it more interesting. Though it could be that attacking somebody on holy ground was viewed as so heinous that other immortals would take the gloves off when coming after you, coordinating with each other, hiring assassins to help bring you down, etc.
If you wanted to, you could also have more of an obvious power progression, where immortals who have taken a lot of heads are supernaturally quick and tough. Maybe one of them might survive a bazooka blast (even if barely), while the typical immortal would be blown to pieces.
I'd join in. Are you doing it through roll20 or something else?
I'd be interested, depending on the day of the week and the genre.
>you should place bets on who dies and how
Cyborg ninja died. Fucking drunk ex-cop's player didn't even bother showing up, I'm annoyed as hell about that
Yeah, unlimited exploding dice are kinda weird. That's why I'd limit exploding to 1 time per roll. That way you can't keep exploding on and on and on.
Also: I guess that proves your point of the entire community being against house rules false. And I'm still well under 40
>Another fault - The better you get at something (be it a skill or attribute - which are increased by die types instead of a flat figure), then less likely you are to "ace" (explode) die rolls. So the "better" you get, the worse you get. Game design 101.
This is actually not true. There is one for each die when you'd be better off rolling a lower die, but for everything else, you have a better chance with a bigger die.
And the only reason you have this one number is because you effectively skip over a number with exploding dice. If you're rolling a d8, for instance, it's impossible to roll an 8. You either roll a 7, or an 8 + an additional roll (for a minimum of 9). This is a minor flaw in the system, and there are definitely times in life when a lower skill person has a brief advantage (a completely unskilled spaz is sometimes better against a decent player in a fighting game than a relative noob with a bit of learning under his belt, because the spaz is unpredictable).
But if you wanted to address the problem, there's a few ways of doing it. One is to allow dice to explode only once and to treat a maximum result on your "explosion" as a 0. That way you don't skip over a number. Another way to do it is to simply treat a max result as one lower, so rolling an 8 on a d8 indicates a 7 + an additional roll.
sorry to hear that mate.
>There is one for each die
one number, that is
Thanks for the lengthy advice. I have only seen the original movie and The Source so my Highlander knowledge is a bit limited.
I guess for starters I'll make that you can only die if your head is completely hacked off your body or your body is just blasted completely apart. Maybe also reduce or remove wound penalties.
Quickenings and dueling is a tricky thing. Players obviously want to fight other immortals to gain power but due 1vs1 nature not all of the players could participate (unless they would always fight against groups of enemy immortals with an equal amount). One could always instill some sort of "permadeath" policy to make dueling more risky and also exciting. Permadeath as in if your character dies, player has to leave the game. That could work if the campaign was a short one and all the players would agree.
>if your character dies, player has to leave the game
Unless you're absolutely swimming in good players, it's a bad idea to be ejecting them from your game.
It might work if the players know what they were signing up for.
It would certainly encourage people to pay antention during game. Although it would make players very cautious and prone to powergaming.
Obviously this would be a terrible idea for a long term campaign.
>So the "better" you get, the worse you get. Game design 101.
You fail math. This isn't like a game where skills are measured in Xd6 and a 1 on any of them is an instant fail.
Also, if anyone has any link suggestions for the OP other than what I put up feel free to make some suggestions.