Best daemons

>best daemons
>best worshippers (because they don't talk stupid shit)
>best motive
>best name

Malal shits all over your faggot Chaos Gods faggots and on that skeleton prick on golden throne as well.

Other urls found in this thread:

>skeleton prick on golden throne

He's pretty great in Fantasy as well. Fantasy was his origin and the place where his first champion appeared in comic form.

The Pantheon of Chaos Kickstarter even made models for his Fantasy demons, including the Demon Prince, Steed, and Hook Horror, plus a Herald and a few dozen interesting monsters and mercs for chaos warbands.

That's not how you pronounce nurgle

I personally like Zuvassin and Necoho more than Malal.

>dickass teamkillers

>acting in an ordered manner with specific end goals
>not, you know
>rousing and reveling in chaos

You're the pretenders. Besides, the servants of the other gods are as much teamkillers as those of Malice, they just make flimsy excuses for it instead of revelling in the paradox.


worshippers of other chaos gods are not in their team by any stretch besides it's not like Khornates are organised


Their stuff was okay, but I wasn't a fan of the sizes they picked for their Malice demons. The "Hook Horrors" are lessers, and them being taller than terminators while hunched over seems too big to me. Also, their arm blades are just serrated scythes, they don't even live up to the name.

Also, metal and resin, no thanks.

They stayed super true to the Beast's art however, and that sculpt came out really well. I think it's a bit too large IMO.

Doomrider design is fucking awful.

Since I missed the KS anyway, I'll just continue with my slow process of converting 33 lessers.

They are not scythes they are sickles you fucking pleb

In the original art they are.

On the Pantheon of Chaos KS their Hook Horrors are far less curved than a sickle, and more like a scythe.

You fucking pleb don't teach me about farming tools you homo I bet you can't tell the difference between tiger and leopard as well you fuck.

I just saw the movie "Event Horizon" for the first time and does anyone else think it seems like it takes place in the WH40k universe?

When he talks about a universe of evil and chaos. It sounds like mankind's first encounter with the Chaos gods.

I like the idea of Necoho because I think it's funny. He's a self contradicting deity.

I like Zuvassin because he's legitimately chaotic, he fucks with his own teammates if it suits his mood.

We've already talked about this in pretty much every thread that invovles humanity fucking around with the warp.

Even 40K fans whose knowledge of 40K extends to what they read in Codices and what dudes in their local shop talk about pretty much universally agree that Event Horizon is an unofficial 40K movie.

Dude, Dr. Weir even calls the subspace the ship travels through as 'a dimension of pure chaos'.

Isn't that just Tzeentch tho?

Posting the homebrew for representing Malal on the tabletop. I recently made the rules for Warhammer Fantasy (remember to check the discussion section as well) and would like critique.

Both 40k and WHFB being merged on one page makes it for an annoying clusterfuck to read.

And many of the names for things on here are fucking awful, trying too hard to force themes of paradox and contradiction that would make The Wolves blush about their wolf fetish.

There's more to Malal than his "paradoxical nature," which you seem to be taking a bit too literally than necessary.

(I will however admit that I don't quite have suggestions at the moment to provide)

The original designer notes that Malice is much like Khorne, and they share a lot of character, but that Khorne is to schoolyard bully as Malice is to SS officer.