Are there good roleplaying forums?
Are there good roleplaying forums?
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You're already there.
I frequent multiple.
So I can be confident when I day that no, 99% of the people you meet will be utter retards, spastic in every way imaginable, and incapable of forming a coherent sentence. But the chances of running in to the one person who isn't a complete shitter on the site may be worth the horrors.
Veeky Forums
That should tell you something about how awful RPG forums are.
Same situation here, I'm running an rp thread at the moment. You wouldn't believe the shit people try to give their characters.
To be completely honest, I would leap at the chance to join an rp forum created by Veeky Forums
Zigzagging is actually not effective at short range. You're better off just sprinting to the nearest cover as fast and as straight as possible.
Moonwalking is the best tactic, family.
I've been looking for a play by post forum for a while.
>To be completely honest, I would leap at the chance to join an rp forum created by Veeky Forums
That's kind of redundant isn't it?
Veeky Forums rp forum?
Naw, you can't anything done consistently due to this Yugoslav Kite Fighting website's format
Same here, mate. I've thought about making one but then I always get caught up on how to make a system that would keep people from going completely crazy with their characters but also allow people to stay freeform.
Then there's the stress of "what if people never join?"
Bad idea. Veeky Forums would either troll it to death or turn it into a massive autistic circlejerk. Maybe both.
Ya'll know /qst/ is a thing, right?
Really? Veeky Forums is perfectly capable of sincerity and cooperation when it wants to be.
SomethingAwful is decent for Veeky Forums discussion. FATAL and Friends is pretty good for an archive binge, too.
We had those. A very vocal minority of Veeky Forums whined to the mods enough times and got /qst/ created.
Keep telling yourself that.
>when it wants to be
Why I believe you have just found the problem.
To be perfectly honest, your best bet is probably going for something closer to GM led written RP over say skype or another format where there is at least some form of control from a GM to filter out the shit. Or MMO RP with an established crowd/setting where what is socially acceptable has already been set.
Forum RP isn't even worth it from the quality you get in return for your efforts. Kids are on there for power fantasy more often than not.
You might as well just write that book you've been putting off if you're really craving paragraph RP. Least then no one can ass-pull teleports behind you before being a hologram.
Dont remind me. I used to want it, then we got it... Hiroshimoot was a mistake
Yes in 2010
The golden age has passed, you will never relive your nostalgia.
Those only pertained to quests: COOPERATIVE (ie. those with more than one player) games such as Civ and NB are still completely allowed here.
In fact, there used to be a rather large chatroom held by Veeky Forums that ran nation builders; they were doing this pretty neat crusader thing until a month ago where they suddently vanished.
It's called /qst/
Quests are still allowed on Veeky Forums, familia.
And yes it was a minority that whined about how quests despite their incredibly low participation in the board composition were "ruining everything".
Idiots always need a scapegoat to explain why they are surrounded by other idiots. It's certainly not because they are in a manchurian carrack-building website wasting their time, there must be occult evil forces at work!
The only good RP forums are the ones you frequented when you were 10 and didn't know any better, made friends with everyone, grew up together and honed your RP skills as a group. Everyone knows everyone else and you've learned everyone's style of role playing and made characters to compliment one another
But as the years go by everyone gets busier. People get jobs, get relationships, or college. The forum you went to gets slower and slower with each passing month, the friends you made posting less and less frequently. Posts from your friends only happen once every few months, mostly commenting on how dead the place is and a half-hearted attempt at a revival. It never lasts. Soon the place goes empty, and you look for another forum to fill the void.
But it's just not the same
The internet is fucking huge brah
This kinda stuff makes me hopeful.
This is the dumbest idea.
I've been part of one particular forum for around six-ish years, but it's been around since the 2000s. They do exist.
Was on a few back in the early-mid 2000s, even started one up when the main site we frequented went down. Some of the best RP i've ever had. Goes without saying that the ratio of Good to Bad is like 1:6 at best though.
This image gets mocked so much, but it's actually great advice.
Your average "mass" shooter expects to be in control just because he has the gun and nobody else does. Take that control away and you can usually find enough time to gouge his fucking eyes out, if you're fast enough and willing to get your hands dirty.
Better to die on your feet than live on your knees.
attacking the shooter is good advice if you can get a shot in, obviously if theres 1 shooter and 30 people, you should all attack him at the same time instead of letting him execute you.
but I think the main reason this picture gets mocked is because of the ridiculous facial expression the guy has, its like some shit out of an anime.
>teleports behind you
>unsheathes scissors
Yeah, I know.
I can't find any way to say this next part without sounding like a pretentious faggot but, the training I received impressed the knowledge upon me that if you can find an opportunity to jam your finger into the eyeball of a man who is planning or threatening to kill you, never turn it down. Sure, you get messy. You end up having to bear the burden of killing a man in one of the most brutal fashions imaginable. At the end of the day, however, you are alive.
Fuck off Ben Carson
At least change the filename, stooge.
A gift from /a/.
Most role-playing forums suffer badly from being too broad in scope. Nobody can really get what they want, unless what they want is the worst, anime-themed trash you can imagine.
Nobody wants to run a gritty sword and sorcery game in a place where 80% of the people you run into is based on some videogame franchise or shounen manga.
More forums should focus on a specific theme and tone, and be super anal about it so that the people who are into that shit can really enjoy themselves there.
Instead your elven bard or whatever ends up rubbing elbows with some furry shemale half dragon or neko-demon assassin.
>Jamming your finger into someone's eyeball
You know that the eye is not some kind of window into the brain made out of jelly, right?
Being fair, a full power sprint is naturally a zig-zag in turns of area your torso covers.
Gouging the eye won't kill them, but it is not particularly difficult to kill a blind man.
I'm aware. Personally, my next move would be to jam my fingers into the area of flesh directly above the collarbone. Stabbing the eye is a disabling technique, meant to mitigate or negate risk.
99% of forums are shit. There's the RP Repository but their threads move ever so fucking slow.
I play on a shitty outdated text based game with very minimal graphics. The plus side is that players create and upload maps for specific continuities/campaigns so the fantasy elves play in the fantasy castle towns and the slice of life modern demons/vampires/werewolves that all magically look like 18 year olds stick to their urban fantasy map.
Everything is freeform and there are communities that run their settings strictly enough to weed out the kiddie powerplayer godmoders. I've made a ton of great, awesome roleplayers by just making an interesting enough character and walking right into a real-time group rp session.
The con is that it's furry-based (though many communities are human focused the nature of the game throws off potential new blood) and catastrophically hemorrhaging players because the creators are too in love with their humble indie project to hire competent coders/staff, relying on mediocre highscool volunteers and it's taking about 8 years to release an update despite getting a quarter million dollar kickstarter.
I would say get them on the ground then get them a concussion by slamming their head into something.
Then again I'm no expert in things.
Well, that was the greatest love story ever told.
Isn't there one for Mass Effect that actually got referenced in game?
Just go to fabletop, silly!
If you want to kill, you just fuck up their nose by hitting it from below. Smash the bone right into the brain.
Veeky Forums is about as good as it gets I'm sorry.
>How to HAYAI
Just keep telling yourself that.
>their incredibly low participation in the board composition
Three or four threads in front page most of the time is not "incredibly low".
>People talking about making a Veeky Forums freeform roleplaying forum
Yeah, let me tell you how that will probably go if my personal experience is any indication.
Someone will grudgingly make some barebones forum on some shitty board. This person won't assume any sort of leadership role and won't try to manage things.
They'll just set up a discussion thread.
A bunch of jaded, low energy people will slowly shuffle into the forum and make accounts.
None of these people will want to contribute anything.
Nobody will step up to be the leader and to actually help mold the forum into something coherent. A bunch of mouth breathers will just awkwardly stand around talking about stuff they want. A few might offer to help with "ideas", but nobody will want any sort of responsibility nor want to actually give the place some fucking structure.
The forum then dies. Activity rapidly drops as people realize that nobody is going to do jack shit.
To all the lazy cunts in this thread talking about how much they want a place to rp: FUCKING MAKE A PLACE AND PUT SOME WORK INTO IT YOU ASSCLOWN.
>Not using catalog
Probably on the front page because people were actually actively posting in them eh?
>Probably on the front page because people were actually actively posting in them eh?
Indeed, which means they are NOWHERE NEAR LOW IN PARTICIPATION.
use strawpoll to broof you're majoruty
I'm part of a very small community of quality roleplayers that mostly know each other from gaming, but are totally open to outsiders. Throw literally anything roleplay related you want up there and use it for hosting as long as it's not shit.
Russians have reeeeally much of pbp groups in VK, but they obviously speak Russian
That's because of constant posting, in terms of total threads they made up less than 10% of it.
You're a moron if you can't filter and use catalog.
You're triggered moron if beyond not using filter and catalog you whine about non-issues while making non-arguments.
There will always be another thing ruining "your" board, and you'll always have to complain, like a grumpy grandpa, about these "bastards ruining it all". Maybe you'd be happy with nazimod in charge?
>constant, concentrated participation implies a large amount of the board has been taken over
Again, actual data is not on your side.
The usual amount of threads made up a small fraction of the total, 10% is barely a take over. More importantly /qst/ is one of the slowest boards around, with a total amount of data much, much lower than Veeky Forums.
You're just mad because you proved yourself wrong.
I feel robbed. I have an HBO subscription and I can get True Blood on demand, but not Generation Kill.
This is bullshit.
Yes, but none of them are English-speaking.
Nationstates. Don't RP as your nation (Diplomacy/Nationstates or Gameplay subforum), go to the Portal to the Multiverse (or whatever it's called) subforum and RP your stories there. Mods help you to enforce the numbers of players and the players themselves. Just don't shitpost in the General forum and you'll be alright. It's also English and has a pretty diverse playerbase, and several pretty good RPers. Ignore the furries, mlpers and radicals, we have them here on Veeky Forums as well.
RPG Crossing is the best, AFAIK
/qst/ is slow because, as you said, quests run in bursts. On Veeky Forums, the nightly bursts of quests would shove a number of threads off the board, because most Veeky Forums threads don't get bumped enough to compete.
/qst/ would be fine if they took out the autodelete (who knows why that's there) and if questfags actually made quests and participated in quests instead of bitching in /qa/ and Veeky Forums that nobody runs or joins quests in /qst/.
>bump off threads
That is not how it works
The 10-15 quests being fast moving doesn't slide the remaining threads faster, that would require new threads being created, it does take them off the front page but at that point you'd be whining you are incapable of browsing properly.
Beyond that, of these 10-15 only a few were active at any given time, think half at a peak time.
QST is slow because there isn't fucking demand for a ton of quests and only a few quests ever move fast, the ones that would exist in Veeky Forums.
You have 0 idea what you are talking about.
You must be a special brand of retard if you think explaining how you're board-illiterate and unable to use simple features is proving myself wrong.
Fuck, you must be extra special if you think fast threads and amount of threads correlate.
You must be ultra special if you don't even look at the data, and just talk out of your ass.
I don't have to - they said so themselves.
There was a group of about 50 idiots once that tried to lobby for their own board.
The fact is: 'get off my lawn' types and 'muh minority niche needs it's own space' fellows are both brain dead.
Did posting quality increase in Veeky Forums?
Did /qst/ thrive with it's multiple dead shitpost threads?
Let me break it down for you, dumb-dumb.
>Veeky Forums is a slow board
>threads often make it down to pages 9 or 10, then are renewed
>when quests take over the board at night, those threads that are currently on the low pages, but would otherwise be bumped and have a second life, are instead killed in the flood
>/qst/ is slow because there's not a lot of demand, but quests do not thus belong on Veeky Forums. That's nonsense reasoning. Quests should be in a place where they can continue, slow or fast or anything in between, without killing actual conversation about tabletop games for your RP games
>/qst/ has much better tools for running quests than Veeky Forums, so it's nothing but obstinance that keep you here.
But I'm not going to spend another day beating my head against the brick wall that is questfags trying to defend themselves. I hope you have fun on /qst/ and make that board a success.
I know some guys who have kept pure play-by-post freeform fuckery going for almost 10 years
>haha I called you dumb dumb I am so funnay
>quests take over at night
Threads aren't gonna fall off unless new threads are made.
If 5 new quests are made at the same time then you lost 5 threads.
Holy crap mate!
>but I see over 10 quests up
Yea, because dead quests stay up for a time, just like every other dead thread.
>but /qst/ has better tools
Oh sure, but the main issue here is shitheads like you pretending "quests and questfags" ruin your board, when it's more likely illogical dumbasses that can't look at the actual stats and facts are the ones doing the ruining.
It's a fact that the amount of movement generate by quests weren't enough to destroy any threads, you are delusional if you think a dead thread with 3 replies on page 10 deserves to stay up because your feelings will be hurt if they don't. 10% of the board, counting dead quests, that isn't enough to kill any actual conversation.
Beyond this the secondary complaint is that questfags are shitposters, weebs or just retarded.
Which is hilarious because it just proves the people doing the complaining are new as fuck.
I do, in fact, know how to use catalog and how to hide threads. I just pointed out that you were lying and now you're throwing a fit because you're a fucking idiot.
Like, if you get a dedicated crew, a forum's great. The forum I've been on (Previously mentioned )) has its own wiki for archiving the setting and elements in it, including corporations, media, factions, races, etc. And most members contribute something or maintain something on the wiki so it's a pretty live space.
that being said, if the person who runs/manages the site and the sites main faction is a complete idiot, then there's not much you can do if they don't learn to change.
What would you like to see in a freeform forum Veeky Forums? what type of setting?
>greatest love story
>not healdo
Bitch, please.
Fuck off outta here, questfag.
Make sure to take out your knife and strafe jump for maximum speed.
Lying about what?
Are you seriously this delusional?
Do you actually make believe and pretend that quests were the majority of the board?
Angry response for a person without arguments.
Cool bro.
>people that can't use their brains or perceive reality as it is
We sure hope it's a minority.
Considering that meta threads only had two or three idiots circlejerking over their mutual hatread? Most likely a minority.
>Do you actually make believe and pretend that quests were the majority of the board?
No-one ever claimed they were the majority, retard. Maybe you should just kill yourself if you can't even read.
Then what are you denying?
That they made up about 1/10 of all threads?
That this one tenth verifiably counted inactive threads?
That sliding off the board implies new threads and not just high amount of posting in a single thread?
That using the features like catalog does solve all the implied problems complainers shit on about?
Dude. Fuck right off.
Oh wait let me guess, you are denying posting quality is at least in part subjectice when outside the scope of the defined board guidelines, and thus you get to say "questfags" are evil sucky meanies that are shitting your totally high quality board, and that you totally aren't an immature shitposter with the brainpower equal to the average toaster.
>I'm too stupid to remember my own posts
Maybe you could actually follow the conversation backwards and find out, but you're probably too stupid to figure out how to do that.
Roleplaying on the internet will always be shit because only lazy fucks and retards with poor social skills want to roleplay on the internet. Decent roleplayers build a group of friends to play with in person.
user, maybe you could realize that you didn't make a single damn argument.
Alright, I'll lay it down for you in a very simple manner:
>1. Being in the front page indicates board composition!
This makes no sense. If you do in fact believe this you have no idea what composition means.
What determines how much of something is made of something else are totals, if there are more red cars in the front row of a parking lot it doesn't mean the parking lot has a majority of red cars.
If you can't follow that then you're an idiot.
>2. But clearly if they are up front they are bumping things off!
That just goes to show you have no idea how this place functions. 5 threads being constantly bumped would be the equivalent of 5 threads being constantly at the front, but actually having threads get bumped off involves new threads being made.
If the total amount of quest threads (something you don't seem to grasp) active during peak is 5 it means they killed 5 other threads. 5 other threads that won't be missed as they were on page fucking 10 and you seem not to grasp that interest is essential to continue a conversation, and by thread 9 there was enough time to pick it up.
Don't like it? Make the thread again.
>3. But you are wrong because I say that you proved yourself wrong!
That is no an argument. It's literally reductible to "because I say so".
>4. But if I call you an idiot for not following the conversation that proves me right!
No it just proves you're enough of a moron that you don't even realize your posts are so generalized and pointless that you fail to get anything accross to the person on the other side.
If I wanted I could reduce everything you posted to a simple thing:
"I dislike something, so I'll make shit up and mispresent information to make it seem like it's threatening things I like".
Which would make you the traditional games equivalent of a "Muh jews" or "Muh patriarchy" shitposter.
tl;dr you never made arguments relevant to my posts, user
Counterpoint: I didn't really mind quest threads that much, never posted in or about them, and am still glad that they have their own board. Even if there was just a "very vocal minority" complaining about them (which neither of us have any real way of verifying), there are other people who appreciate the change anyway.
I'm gonna be honest:
It's not a bad change. Sure the times I went to check the new board it looked a bit like they're just shoving as much stuff as they can to make up for the new space, but I suppose it'll improve given time.
My point is that it was always a small number of people making metathreads (I suppose you're right that you can't verify unless those threads got archived, maybe in 4plebs or whatever) and continually getting shat on, or bothering the mods.
Even during the hiro thread it wasn't a very large amount of people. Nor during the mod decision thread.
The point is: these people will keep on shitting about how this board is going to hell, and they will always find an excuse.
Now that quests are gone, there will be retards making threads complaining about generals or whatever. It's only a matter of time until people complain again, and again, and again about inane shit. And it's natural, but it's also stupid and even if it's pointless I'll call it out.
Are there any more of these? They are kinda hilarious...
is so much the truth.
Alas it is this way with every traditional gaming hobby, and every pen and paper roleplay. People are lazy and entitled cunts
that board, to me, looks almost dead O_O