Hey Veeky Forums,
I'm looking for a fun boardgame that has pretty fun combat. Can either be single units, small skirmish or full on scaled war. Any suggestions?
Hey Veeky Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
What are the first three steps? Is there a step five?
Pick the cat up
>Pick up
>Hang out
>Put down
Fuck, did someone really ask the first 3 steps to picking up a cat? And I answered seriously?
How do you "hang out" with a cat?
1. obtain cat
2. put explosives in cat
3. light fuse
5. run away
Axis & Allies
>He's never "hung out" with a cat before
Basically, cats are chill if they like you. You play with a dog, throwing a ball or a Frisbee with them, but if you want to just have them on your lap, they'll almost invariably freak out. A cat will too, if they're not used to you or it's a particularly skittish cat, but otherwise, they'll just sit there, or let you hold them and pet them. Or they'll lie on a bed in arm's length of you and let you scratch their head while purring.
So really "hang out" is probably the right word to use with cats.
generally it involves a lot of drinking and talking about guns.
I love this thread.
But it's your arms lenght or a cat arm's lenght?
Instructions unclear.
Got dick stuck in cat.
Do you live in Oklahoma now?
No shit, a guy in Oklahoma came to /k/ asking about owning a gun after getting booked for getting his dick stuck in a cat up in Oregon.
Do you have a screencap?
How does your cat know if youre making fun of it
Only crazy people own cats.
Okay I'm back.
Good news: me and my cat did some really good bonding and found a lot of common interests. He's a nice guy.
Bad news: the house is now on fire.
My cat sits down with her back to me and her ears flattened when I make fun of her. I don't know how she knows. I used to do it when she acted scared of thunderstorms. "Look at me, I'm 18 years old and I'm still scared of natural noises I've heard all my life".
Hey, sounds cruel but she wasn't scared when she was to busy acting indignant.
I've been getting into Imperial Assault recently. But I've always been a fan of Descent's combat system.
Don't think so, regrettably, which is a shame as that story was amazingly bad.
>18 years old
>making fun of an old lady in cat years
>I'm looking for a fun boardgame that has pretty fun combat.
If you can find it ...
Hang on, I know who to contact.
>Liking Super Death: Explore
>A high-pitch RRRROWW! often indicates anger, pain, or feeling fearful.
>A loud yelping or “reeeowwwing” sound may indicate sudden pain, as when you accidentally a cat
This thread is solid gold.
>get drunk
>like really shitfaced.
>come home late
>sleep in the garden
>wake up with my cat sitting next to me.
Thanks mittens for protecting me from rodent.
My cat pretty much acts the same as she has for the past 10 years. I'll treat her like an old lady when she acts like one, but she's active, still kills vermin like a boss, and has no health issues. If I am still as active at 90 that I was at 25 I wouldn't want to be treated like I was made of class either.
>If you took your cat's favorite spot on the couch, consider vacating the spot and giving your cat a treat.
I bet a fucking cat wrote this
This the wiki-how thread?
Why would you have a cat if you don't hang out with it? That's just weird.
A lot of people are raised to think of cats as just being working animals, basically bio-drones that hunt mice or whatever without bothering to give them any real attention or affection.
Not necessarily.
No one would ever treat you like someone of class you fucking plebeian rodent.
No catsss here. Only peoplesss. Yesss? Very peoplessss.
Who the fuck does the art for these? Is it one really bored overworked dude? Or a closet full of Chinese with a poorly translated style guide?
meow vey the wiskersless know.
Oh my god, is this real? Oh my sides!
Stop making thinly concealed cat threads on Veeky Forums if you want a cat thread at least have the decency to be honest about it.
Well, if only we could post in a sticky.
It's a known fact that cats make up at least a small percentage of Veeky Forums's population. We shouldn't deny them posting rights.
And here I am, browsing Petfinder for a cat to adopt
What a day this is
Fucking Snakes trying to shift the blame on the Cats! I fucking knew it!
My cat runs away from me if he wants to play, shit tutorial
What the fuck is wrong with that cat. Do cats ever actually look like that? That's the kind of cat I'd expect to see in non-euclidean nightmares.
It was drawn by person who never saw a cat before.
Oh sssshit they're into ussssss! Abadon thread!!!
Posting lewd.
This is blue board!
I remember that thread.
>What is this, WikiHelp for ants?
This weeks BBEG is summoned
I don't know how to answer a question this stupid. You hang out by chilling with your animal friend, you're aware cats lay around a lot, right?
You know, even with the image, I think the phrasing is a little bit ambiguous. Shouldn't these guides be pretty much foolproof?
I've heard FFG's X-wing board game is fun, no first-hand experience though. Just hearsay from /swg/
It's at this point I realised the thread might not be about cats.
fucking hell.
So should I make him lay down?
Should I lay down as well?
What do I do if he doesn't want to lay down?
>So should I make him lay down?
yes lay him the fuck down
>Should I lay down as well?
>What do I do if he doesn't want to lay down?
lay down the law.
Wait for him to do so.
Cats lay down.
It is inevitable.
They also really don't respond well to people trying to force behavior on them, so...don't try and 'make' him do anything.
The real question is which lipstick color you should use for your cats anus.
Ok I spent half an hour laid down next to my cat.
It wasn't a very interesting experience. He didn't even try to start a conversation. Maybe if I bring a beer next time...?
Also, my arms are now bleeding.
Not going to lie, I'd kiss her
Cats can be real dicks and completely ignore you for days at a time
living the fucking life
>this thread
>How to resurrect and hang out with your dead cat.
user, How old is the performer in this picture? I think you better take a seat
What's the answer, Veeky Forums?
Step 2: Try to taste your eyeball as your mother walks across the invisible floor.
Legitimately, Pastafarian.
You're right.
My cat is currently on the roof of my house.
Is now a good time to hang out with my cat?
Is the roof made of tin? How's the weather today?
Sunny, slightly humid, 70-80 degrees and the roof is made of roofium 240.
Just bring the beer.
That thread. And Nutsack Conundrum. And Dynamite Monkey.
start with something small, then move onto something bigger
I thought the picture meant dick size, and your comment stays true to that thought.
>"Water! My only weakness!"
>You play with a dog, throwing a ball or a Frisbee with them, but if you want to just have them on your lap, they'll almost invariably freak out.
detected somebody who's never seeen a dog in their entire life, what a fucking fag
also, cats are cool too, but come on, dont be retarded