Horus Heresy General /hhg/

League Of Extraordinary Characters Edition
Relax Sub-Edition
In the last thread Anons talked about what got them into their legions and what would they change/want to be revealed, legion theme music was posted, something mildly annoying happened, I talked about what the Emperor looked like in my dreams and Big E feels, a new Warhammer World mini's picture was shown, an user asked about what tattoo he should get, a new order to rival the Order of The Sigismunds was made with members like an I10 EC, a WS9 WE, and the poshest man in the galaxy, plus much more in the last bread Red Book Links:
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww2.zippyshare.com%2Fv%2Fs15Jqk1t%2Ffile.html
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HH Book 6 - Retribution PDF:
mediafire.com/download/8aqx9j3a8erqv8d/The_Horus_Heresy_Book_6_-_Retribution.pdf or
sys.Veeky Forums.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fkat.cr%2Fthe-horus-heresy-book-6-retribution-pdf-t12199249.html
HHG FAQ - pastebin.com/iUqNrrA8
Official HH 7th Edition Errata (Updated January 2016) - forgeworld.co.uk/resources/fw_site/fw_pdfs/Horus_Heresy/Horus_Heresy_7th_Edition.pdf
Other official downloads: forgeworld.co.uk/Downloads#horusheresy
HH Rules:
Crusade Army List: mediafire.com/download/1lprm5vd99yafa3/
Mechanicum Taghmata Army List: mega.nz/#!LFwTjQ7B!mF0eVOY8P1MPT0a-QSXypXo_ZfskhYynD41PrkaTbD8
30k/40k Rules: mega.nz/#F!pFgm0RKR!J06C1gVYcjzNGsF8YNLsjQ!EVh0GZZS
30k/40k Rules and more (torrents): kat.cr/usearch/"Forge World" heresy user:epistolary/
30k Black Library: mega.nz/#F!0RlxDZQC!qAu9BaubWa3KeihJRmOcsg

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What do you want out of the Custodes when they are released?

First for Night Lords

Rogal Dorn as a possible HQ, every squad with Chosen Warriors, special ammo for their bolters and hover land raiders.

You failed. Your legion blows

them not to be broken as fuck.

>we wuz mini primarchs
and yet a fully armed costodes got beat to death by some random unarmed WE... something doesnt check out..

Because that's Gotto-grade multibullshit. Custodes better be T5 S5 WS6 base.

if custodes are t5 it would be gamebreaking.

> we wuz mini primarchs
fucking Kek.

If normal servitors are T5 then you bet your ass the Emperor's posse are also going to be T5 and its not gonna break the game when you can have an army whose lowest toughness is 7.

normal servitors dont have multiple wounds

Mechanicum already broke the game.

Should I start another legion or wait for custodes to come out

Start one that you'll run with Custodes support.

Rumors say they'll be usable alone, but it won't be an army list that covers all the bases.

We know what they do have: Halberds, Dreadnoughts, Cataphractii armor, combi-bolters, power fists, flamers, land raiders, jetbikes, grav-rhinos (Collected Visions), regular high grade bolters/power armor/heavy flamers (Dawn of Wars), and oiled abs.

Honestly id rather Speedy be i9 with a paragon blade than i10 with a fucking Charnabal

K, then theyll be t4, 2 wounds with eternal warrior

Either way he's going to be a nightmare for anyone who gets in his way.

>i want an army of tough dudes in landraiders
oh you mean like space marines
>no lower model count
oh you mean like a justaerin list all in landraiders?
>no i want all of my guys to be WS6 BS6 S5 T5 I5 W3 LD10 with +1 strength AP2 weapons at initiative!
>and salvo 3/5 combibolters that are ap3 with rending!
>and everybody to have a 2+ Sv with a 3+ invuln and relentless anyway!
>oh and the landraiders can fly!
uhhh... but this force you are talking about is retardly broken...
>no! its in the fluff!
you mean the same fluff that says they can be killed by a naked space marine?
>yes! i mean n-no! they did a lot of things during the heresy!
like what things?
>uhhhh there were like 3 of them on a space wolf ship or something during prospero or something...
okay then...

calling it now, custodesfags will be worse than ECfags

They're not going to be a full on army, and as for the ECfags we don't have many people whining here.

Dude, a squad of 6 clowns killed over a dozen and a half of the buggers, Custodes are bitches.

But they WILL look fabulous though...

Nah, you are.

yeah theyll have pimp eagles everywhere
buttmad ECfag detected

Where does the naked space marine kill a Custodes? I know Angron mentions tearing one to pieces, but that's not surprising since he's a Primarch.

My army is actually IF Vets+Seeker rhino wall, whats yours?.

DG phosphex

Why does everyone complain about EC?

Their special units are a little on the expensive side.

They used to be way overcosted, and the fix made them viable but not as competitive as some would've liked.


If Jawbreaker is Lions Judas Priest theme song, then what is it for Russ?

I can understand that. It would be nice if I could not get completely raped if I fail to make a charge. If I could change anything, I would at least let phoenix spears be +1 strength always, so they dont just turn to power swords


Any idea when Thousand Sons are gonna get some coverage? I just wanna see the new Magnus model.
To be honest I kind of doubt I'll like it better than the one Ronin Miniatures (now Kabuki Models) put out back in the day, but we'll see.
I also want some more official artwork of Magnus in his Daemon Prince form.

Please don't start anything.

>why cant my praetor with a spear outduel scoria?
>why arent phoenix terminators 3 wounds?
>why doesnt lucius have a primarch statline?
>why isnt my whole army ap2 at i5 all the time
>pls buff

No one cares about Lucius though.

>why arent phoenix terminators 3 wounds?
Id rather they got a better invuln in combat for being skilled fighters. That would be dank

From what I've seen its just Magnus with a cape that doubles as wings. It's been awhile since I've seen it though.

Found it! I was wrong about the cape wings, it was just wings. Snazzy exhaust ports.

>>why arent phoenix terminators 3 wounds?
When I think of Emperor's Children, I don't think "can take more damage than everybody else".

And then there's this.

>phoenix termies get +1 to their invuln for each round of combat they're in

>If phoenix terminators charge, they get +1 initiative, but if they get charged, their invuln is increased to a 3+ for that player turn

Honestly, that just looks like regular Magnus.

He's a little pale looking to me and his hair, mang.

Wait I thought you meant the other picture I posted. Look at the back. He's got wings.

i like how magnus is the biggest, strongest primarch, whos also the 2nd strongest psyker of all time... but he gets bullied relentlessly for no reason, everybody hates him, and the emperor wanted him death from the start.

what did he do wrong?

My paranoia is telling me this bait. If not bait he casted quote "a daemonic spell!", and Ahzek warned him that no one in the cabal understood its subtleties or the backlash. Said spell ruined the Imperial Webway.

>and the emperor wanted him death from the start

He never wanted him death, in the old fluff Russ convinces the Emperor to order the kill on Magnus and new fluff the Emperor just wants to strap his ass to the golden throne because thats what he was made for.

He was pretty arrogant about the safety of meddling in the warp. And the Emperor had plans to get rid of psykers someday...

>humanity is on the verge of becoming a fully psychic race
>Emps wants remove psykers
He's going to strictly guide the evolution that's all.

"We were the judges of the False Emperor and he and his lackeys cast us aside like a broken tool. It is now evident that the empire was doomed to fail. We shall bring the judgement and drown them in their own blood. Not for Horus or his dark gods. But for the Eighth Legion."

"Ave Dominus Nox."

So How OP are we expecting the space yiffs to be?

Well, thunderwolves are pretty much confirmed to be in.

What are some good units to help Outlander Black Shield builds succeed?

Is it better to take fewer, larger squads since they can rally under 50% and to prevent the "if you lose half your squads each squad has to test or be removed" clause? I wanted to take many small squads like 40K MSU so I can get more wargear per squad and because they are weaker in general so I want to minimize the amount of marines I lose in one salvo of shooting, but I'm afraid that will be a terrible strategy.

As a world eaters player I'm expecting them to simply be better world eaters and Russ simply a more killy angron. But then again, I'm a world eater player... we traded having good rules for the best color scheme...

The book will have do one of two things, either write the wolves as the ultimate mary sues of the 30k setting or fix the insane amounts of damage done by Black Library.

Everyone cross your fingers and pray for the latter.

Something I noticed is that the Wolves don't have FW upgrade helmets for the legions. Only shoulderpads and torsos.

>magnus is the biggest, strongest primarch
Think you'll find that's Vulkan m8

>we traded having good rules for the best color scheme...

This trade is always worth it. It's the whole point in buying miniatures and painting them to begin with.

Nice sauce you got there buddy

legion rules that are basically just WE but better

wulfen that are just gal vorbak but better

thunderwolve cav

power axes at initiative that are basically just the smurf axe, but better

russ to be the best CC primarch for no reason

2bh i see no reason why the powercreep wont continue

>>no i want all of my guys to be WS6 BS6 S5 T5 I5 W3 LD10 with +1 strength AP2 weapons at initiative!
>>and salvo 3/5 combibolters that are ap3 with rending!
>>and everybody to have a 2+ Sv with a 3+ invuln and relentless anyway!
You can have WS6 BS5 S5 T5 W2 Ld10 using +2S AP2 Two-Handed weapons at I5 with shaft-mounted Paragon Bolters (AND ASSAULT LASCANNONS), as long as you price them appropiately.
After all, the totally OP squad I just described can be countered with Dreads, Medusae or plasma, more so if for each squad of them the enemy can bring two or three Cortus dreads.

Wasn't that what they said about the Mechanicum, envisioned as allies only?
Forgeworld didn't know what it wanted back on HH1, where it mentions Reductors are only LoW choices (of which none have been shown, because Ordinatii are from the Centurio Ordinatus).

I choose to ignore Eldar fags killing muh grorious Custodes.

On "The Outcast Dead" the unarmed unarmoured World Eater marine rips off the spine of a Custodes in full regalia

>thunderwolve cav

FW said they specifically wouldn't be doing shit like this.

Interest immediately lost in the wolves. I fled to HH to hopefully escape that bullshit.

Sons and Custodes seem our only hope.

>Vulkan is the largest and physically strongest of all the primarchs. He is said to be as tall in his power armor as Horus is in his own, much larger Terminator armor, and is capable of overturning Space Marine battle tanks with his bare hands. During sparring matches with his brother Primarchs, Vulkan deliberately held back out of fear of hurting them
Vulkan Lives, Scorched Earth


Hey Veeky Forums, I'm getting back into Warhammer after some time away and I'd like to field a combined Mechanicus force. The primary detachment will be 30k Mechanicum, with Skitarii added on so they can all be one big happy robotic/cyborg family. Will people have issues with me allying that way? The army I've got planned is this:

(HQ)Archmagos Prime
(HQ)Magos Dominus

(Elites)Sicarian Ruststalkers x10

(Troops)Castellax x3 (Dominus goes here)
(Troops)Thallax x9 (Archmagos goes here)
(Troops)Rangers x10
(Troops)Rangers x10

(Fast Attack)Sydonian Dragoons


No idea as to what the points cost is, I'm mostly just taking the models I like and forming them into an army that feels cohesive to me.

i dont believe them

Some people may throw a fit because it's Forge World though.

>Bikes are game breaking

well firstly because theres no source behind the whole 'FW said theyd be less wolfy' line. its been repeated for years but they never actually said it.

yeah i forgot that part about basic bike units having 2+ wounds each..

There's some FW SW pictures that show less wolfy marines.


This is relevant to my interests.

good in melee, storm-bolters on everyone, shitty ranged support, can't make sweeping advances.

Gameboy Advanced? Fulgrim, I don't want to know what you're going to do.

>Attack Bikes are game breaking


their upgrade kit is wolfy and the russ model is confirmed to be like 75% fur.

I'm sorry, I can't hear you over everyone's screams of terror.

GBA with Pokemon Yellow in it.

>my army of attack bikes with ws6 s10 powerfists is balanced

Behold the Leman WIP! Now let me get back to my computer for the other picture.

Here it is. I don't have the Tartaros pic.

thats what i mean. hes 75% covered in wolf fur and is going have 2 pet wolves with him


I see no wolf fur.

A race of psykers on a setting where psykers are lighthouses for daemon is asking for trouble, it's one of the worst things you could wish for. And Navigators and psykers are mutants.

Do you want to end up like the Eldar?

I bet you also want the communion between the Neverborn and the Ensouled

In the books he has two wolves with him at all times. One pitch black and one silver. Feeling special yet?

Then don't break, nigga. Or redeem yourselves. Maybe if you followed orders for once Emps wouldn't have casted you aside.

>But we aren't dogs, Muh flayings

You are the Emperor's tools of war, nothing more.

he has like 5 wolves worth of wolf hanging from his balls in that pic

He's seen what 40k Wolves are.
No, user. If the Emperor's plan succeed then humanity wouldn't have to worry about daemons.

>leman russ is banging 5 wolves at a time while actively fighting

These goalposts have moved so far I don't think we're playing the same sport anymore.


>That guy on the left
>Can you hear me now? Good.

Do you know how much of the community doesn't like Forge World stuff? Most of the people at the shop I spoke with seem to have a FW model or two kicking around their lists.

I say it's more like he's calling GW to ask why is there too much wolves for his modern counterparts.
Then your flgs is fine.

>tfw u trade your bolter for a wolf pelt fleshlight and a shitty lasrifle

In ye olden editions marines could take lasguns. Collected Visions had some art calling back to 1E.
