Pokemon campaign

>Pokemon campaign.
>The bbeg team is comprised entirely of wild Pokemon, but somehow just as organized and coordinated as any other team.
How do you make a good bbeg from this idea?

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Pic related is a good way

Seems fine, but kind of hard to imagine it seeming like a legitimate threat

Well yeah but Plasma had humans. A team that's literally just a bunch of wild animals would be better at spying in theory, thus you can do other things with them.

BBEG is an ESPer who can only communicate with pokemon. Sees humans as pests who would only enslave pokemon for their own needs. Launches a crusade to cull the humans

Evil psychic types casting illusions to disguise themselves as humans and using lesser pokemon as slaves. Their goal is to put psychic type in power and the resurrection of mew as their one true pokegod.

Why even use disguises? Just have pidgeys hide in trees and window sills for information.

-The pokes in question are being possessed/corrupted by some legendary like zygarde or missingno.

-Pokemon in the setting might just be of higher intelligence than in the games or show and are willing to cooperate for what ever goals they have.

-unanimous outburst against humanity for imprisoning them a la

>a high level psychic type (or hell any other pokemon known for having human level or above intellect) essentially functions as their "trainer", its still part of the team but it comes out to fight sixth/last so it doesn't get KO'd early and throw the entire team into disarray

Because they need someone to act as trainers to battle? If the party finds out they're pokemon they'll just start flinging balls.

Same as any other evil team in the games, their plan is to harness the power of a legendary to change the world in their favor. In this case it would be killing all humans or turning them into pokémon, whichever is more evil.
Of course that's more an end-goal than a threat to the party directly, but evil teams are almost never challenging on the level of individual trainers, just menacing for what they represent.

Didn't a wailord or something eat a masterball? Balls are a non-issue.

Doesn't mean they would always be in battle. Heck they can probably just jump you ounce you wander into the woods, because their wild pokemon and can disguise it as a wild pokemon attack.

The Pokemon of the Wild Forest are notoriously free-spirited and dangerous, ganging up on trainers to avoid being captured and even attacking random travelers who venture too close to the woods. Being able to enter the woods and return with one of the rare Pokemon of the forest is seen by many trainers as a career-defining event, akin to earning a gym badge.

Lately, however, it seems that the Wild Forest has expanded it's borders - with gangs of wild Pokemon driving people out of their homes, sabotaging infrastructure, and generally making life miserable all across the region. The call has gone out to every trainer on the continent - Tame the Forest!

The closer they get to the heart of the forest, the more aggressive and intelligent the Pokemon seem to become. When they reach the center, they discover a network of Psychic types that have linked themselves (and every Pokemon nearby) into a hivemind, allowing them to coordinate in ways that would have been impossible otherwise.

Every time the group captures a member of what experts begin calling "The Circle," the area of hiveminded and aggressive Pokemon shrinks. Eventually they capture all eight, and discover the Master Pokemon (Mew or Celebi or something original if you prefer). They fight and defeat or capture it, returning the forest to it's previous state and saving the nearby towns.

A team organized by Yamasks and Cofagrigus that seek to cheat death and resurrect themselves.

If the Pokedex is truthful and they are the lost souls of actual dead humans, it'd be logical that the ones who were trainers in life would be just as skilled in commanding and organizing Pokemon as a living human.

Didn't humans and Pokemon used to be the same anyway? What would be so evil in just turning all humans into Pokemon like a mass mystery dungeon?

A bit of a tangent but a cult of Missingno. and other glitch Pokemon would be a great enemy team. Ia Ia Missingno. The one who borders land and sea! Ia Ia Missingno. The one who gives all or destroys all!

Nah, to much meme magic. Besides, Missingno isn't even cannon.

And when has "canon" ever stopped anyone from using something as a campaign setting?

When your idea comes from a fukin meme.

And what meme would that be?

Missingno appears in the games, I'd say that's as canon as it gets.

The fucking missingno meme.

Everything is a meme.

Pretty much, but even then he's a damn glitch.

How the fuck is Missingno, an actual legitimate glitch in Pokemon Red and Blue a meme?

Or by "meme" are you using the popular use of the term that autists use, "thing I don't like"?

Meme just means trendy thing, stop being a fag.


It's a meme, because every fucking pleb knows what is it and has made bland predictable jokes about it. It's the definition of a damn meme.

That is the most shitty hipster post I've ever seen, and I've seen some shitty hipster posts.

Someone tries to recreate Bill's teleporting tech and like Bill when you first meet him in the Gen1 games gets their brain stuck in the body of a pokemon, but this time the guy goes nuts and wants to do the same thing to everyone and also he gets the power to control regular pokemon with his hybrid brain because why not.

>Shoehorns a meme into a thread.
Just leave before you embarrass yourself further.

You would have a better bbeg if he just convinced them to do what he wanted, rather than mind control buggery.

>calls anything that he thinks is too mainstream and popular a meme
>protests to hipsterism

Guess what? Under your definition all of pokemon, every game, book, and movie setting you like, every food you've ever eaten, every single letter and word you used to type your shitty garbage post, humanity, all living things, and the planet are all memes, just as much as Missingno. is.

Or he only thinks that when in reality the pokemon only follow him because they feel sorry for him and don't want to see him get hurt.

I came here to post this.

>That is the most shitty hipster post I've ever seen,
>alls anything that he thinks is too mainstream and popular a meme
>>Shoehorns a meme into a thread.
>Just leave before you embarrass yourself further.
Are you even thinking before you post? First you say that I'm a hipster then fine, at least stay consistent. You shoehorned memes in and called me a hipster, I said you were full of shit, now your saying I was protesting it? Do you even have a single brain cell in your god damn body?

Vulpix/ninetails clans keep sneaking into human cities and casting attract on humans and mating with them in public. This was fine until a rogue group of them started doing it to young boys. The trainers must seek out and defeat the group either through violence or guile.

You aren't proving me wrong about your shitty excuse of a definition of what a meme is though, you're moving the goalpost.

now this is the Veeky Forums i know, you filthy degenerate heretic you.

>Points out why what you just said was retarded.
Your the one who derailed the conversation anyway. Besides, a meme is something that every single pleb knows about, has made shitty jokes about it, and people who were just fucking born know about. Even if it isn't a meme, you more or less slammed a square peg in a round hole because the OP had nothing to do with Missingno.

And before you pull the "RESPONSES NEED TO BE CREATIVE" card, your response wasn't creative. It sounded like a fucking Dorkly comic.

holy shit, just fuck already

>a meme is something that every single pleb knows about, has made shitty jokes about it, and people who were just fucking born know about.

Not proving me wrong. What else fits that definition? The planet you live on. I can guarantee more plebs know about and have made shitty jokes about it then a minor glitch in a 20 year old game.

Your dodging the point, missingno was shit to throw into the thread.

They're all dittos.

And I disagree with your opinion, but it doesn't matter. Our argument is shitting up the thread far more than my initial post should have, so let's just end this here.


just use alakazam they have an IQ of 5000, perfect for manipulation and evil plans and shit

An Alakazam finally decided to use its 1000 IQ for something.

Seriously, a lot of pokemon have pretty human intellects already. Getting organized wouldn't be outrageously difficult.

I could even see them stealing pokeballs to 'catch' each other before letting them back out, so other trainers can't catch them.

Also, consider that pokemon have been shown to just randomly exit pokeballs if they feel like it and are unruly enough.

Also, if psychic pokemon are in charge and they're feeling more evil, hypnotising humans to pretend to be their trainers would allow them to operate more freely.

It was a whiscash, and that still caught it.

I think the only pokemon that have shut it down entirely are legendaries.

When it comes to psychic Pokemon, Elgyem and Beheeyem would probably be the best fit for this sort of thing.

An alien race with an unknown agenda and a penchant for mind control, literally the greys of the Pokemon world, showing up in the Pokemon equivalent of the Roswell incident.

Unkown or ghost pokemon could be a good fit as well.

Really, I think if you're trying to make an entire organization out of it in order to have a main villain Team entirely out of wild pokemon, you'd want a good variety.

I like Alakazam as the ringleader though, or at least an Admin type

There are several pokemon that are described as hyperintelligent or otherwise smarter than human.
Psychic types tend to be that way.

Set up some sort of psychic network, which comprises of teleporting telepaths that keep tabs on everything through extrasensory powers.
Have unexplained attacks by unusual groupings of mons, that become attacks on towns by no discernable trainers
Hint heavily that there's some sort of mastermind behind it all.
Let the players speculate on what they're facing in the shadows, once they've got a really cool idea...
Have the villian come out of the shadows, attack a city, spout his threat to mankind, demanding freedom of pokemon everywhere.
Fucking Mewtwo standing at the front of an army.
Obvious PC action: gotta catch it.
After players handle mewtwo, the mon reveals that he was just a proxt.
The true plot ... that cool idea the players had? You've had enough time to write that into the plot, right?
At this point you'll just want to keep playing it straight and head for that climax... whatever nonsense that might be.

Well, organize the psychics and fighting types first, with them acting to break pokeballs and free their kinsmen. Then, as you go, have lower and lower Intellect mon following these in turn, even going as far as an entire route under their banner. Personally, I prefer a city by a mountain, as it would make the next step worse. This, of course, being to lay siege to a town en masse, with strategic use of each non and their unique abilities.

Imagine, if you would, a serene and quiet day out in Pewter City. Then the earth shakes, winged shapes blot out the sun above you, and boulders begin bounding down from Mt Moon as onix burst through roads and buildings. In their wake come the geodudes and zubats, swarming every human nearby with their numbers as spearows begin dive bombing anyone outside.

They're tired of their friends and relatives getting enslaved by brats like you. One of them can speak in a human language or a psychic pokemon and thus can speak for the rest of the team.

Honestly, I love the idea of the Pokemon version of 23 squirrels in a trench-coat.

Say, a bunch of zigzagoons in a trench-coat with a crudely drawn face on a plate, doing their best to integrate into society. Maybe they do some absolutely awful stuff on their path to 'being human'

So what would their relationship with Team Plasma be?

The answer is in your image name.
Ever heard of mystery dungeon?

Not only the best pokemon soundtracks but also story wise.
Expedition teams of pokemon travel around. They all speak a common tounge anyway. Even in the anime they can understand each other

What is /vp/ doing here? Back to /a/ with you

Wait what? Are you saying we're /vp/ or /a/?


It's canon that they're sapient, so I don't see why them organizing is surprising

See the XY anime episodes with the evil Malamar who wants to conquer the world.
