what the fuck is wrong with most wagecucks? they constantly whinge about their shit job, spend all of their money on alcohol and useless junk whilst complaining about being in a shit financial situation. they are content with being abused by mr shekelstein everyday but laugh when people go out on a limb and create a business only for it to fail later. why are they are so attracted to risk adverse shit? why do they get off over the failures of others? can someone please explain to me why they have this fucking awful mentality?
Wagecuck mentality
Fear makes them risk averse
Resentment makes them deny others’ success
unironically, the majority of the world is insane but since it's more than 90% of people it's considered normal.
Being a wagecuck in the first place, in most cases, means you were too much of a pussy/lazy to try to push yourself or try something new, start a business etc.
Fucking normies reeeee
>coiners thinking theyre better just because they got lucky with the BTC rise
Ill laugh when BTC inevitably crashes and you guys post your pink wojaks before killing yourself while I still have my steady income from my job which is increasing every year.
thank you for proving my point
what's mom making for lunch today?
cope more, slave.
Have fun losing 2% of your capital every year due to inflation. Even more when the FED's money printing machine drives USD to hyperinflation in the near future. You already lost 20% vs people living in Europe just this year.
He lost 90%+ vs BTC holders
lazy or low IQ
>Thinking crypto is my only form of income
Don't worry user I employ people like you and give you that little more every year just to keep you happy
Majority of human history has been men trading toys for fertile women.
Some men get so distorted they care about toys even more.
You can see it even on biz, talking about cars, mansions, hookers, normie nonsense that anyone with shred of historical, biological, sociological, any sort of awareness would be able to figure out.
everyone's just playing their part
You get to hold about 10% of your income.
25-40% goes to income tax. 5-15% goes to sales tax on the stuff you consume. 20-30% goes to being a mortgage slave.
Your boss makes money out of you, basically you get to keep probably 25% of the money you really make at your job. Boss takes usually 3x your gross salary.
If you would unslave you you can easily earn 5-10x your current salary. Meaning no mortgage or taxes.
Some old boomer retired and then came back out of sheer boredom. I asked everyone how you could be so bored that you would willingly come out of retirement. They just laughed at me and called me lazy. Wagecuck mentality is not a meme.
>tfw don't really give two shit about material possessions
>tfw only trying to get rich out of pure hatred for the normalfags
I don't want a huge house, I don't want a sports car, I don't want to fuck random roastie whores. The main reason I want money is to not have to interact with braindead normalfags as much as possible, and to have a tangible demonstration of how much better I am than them.
Truth was probably somewhere between. Most people get pennies as they retire. In murica people have not realized this yet but over half retirees rely on social security money. That is not meant for retirement originally...
Same thing in europe, retirement ages are constantly higher and when people finally retire they are often shocked how little they receive lol. It seems like all over the money socialists government have been promising is just not there.
being productive != wagecucking. it's a meme that you can be happy as a consumer only. unless you're simple minded
There's nothing productive about where I work. Just tired government employees.
Having a job is so embarrassing. It means you failed at being self sufficient. You're a failure.
They are very strongly opposed to making waves in the system, they want a nice comfy life now with a "fulfilling job" with no risks. Maybe invest in stock market but retire when they are 60
Heard two co-workers today telling me how bitcoin is used on the dark web to buy CP and missles. But when I responded with, how come in drug raids 9/10 times they find piles of USD but not bitcoin
most workplaces do suck. figure out what you want to do instead. being idle sucks worse than wagecucking
Why would you laugh at the downfall of one way people can become independently wealthy? Cryptocoins can be bought by anyone and potentially make people better off financially, including you.
I agree with you. Like if I retired I would try to work on finding my passion or I already had one I would do it full time. I wouldn't come back here. I don't think the wagecucks who laughed at me understood that.
I find sad that people need to work to not get bored. Literally slave mentaility. They cant decide for themselves so they need people to make them do something productive.
God I want a job so badly
I have a biz but make no money. I miss my paycheck and hate this constant stress I'm losing it. Call me a failure if you want fuck this Im dying
>just stop working and you will make 10x as much
Lol how deluded can you get
Your problem is you put money into a business and not crypto. Had you done that and learned the ropes you'd be making bank m
My favorite part about fucks like that is that they drive wages down for everyone else.
If you are at that point in your life and you aren't starting your own business or charging out the ass as an independent contractor for all your experience and skill you have failed as a human being.
Or you could have other hobbies/participate in charities but nope, gotta have the 9 to 5 then TV until bed because that's all you know.