Can we have s symboroum thread? Any anons play this?
Can we have s symboroum thread? Any anons play this?
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I've never heard of this, but it looks intriguing. What is it?
More info please.
I got the PDF a few days ago from that International RPG thread. I'm about half way through it, and I was literally in the process of making a thread.
If you can get passed the accent, this is THE ONLY video that talk about it. Decent breakdown. Also, Varg commented on it and apparently likes it.
I take there aren't any rules in English to be found?
Care to share kind sir?
What the hell is it? I Google it and it brings me to this thread.
Basically dark fantasy STALKER. Adventurers in a corrupt, unnatural forest full of sweet anomalies and ancient artifacts
share the pdf ya git
I have the pdf and I'm not going to bother posting because its just a DnD heartbreaker with a decent budget for art direction and some derivative setting fluff.
Let people decide for themselves, faggot
You can find the PDF in the pdf archive thread actually.
It's basically a darker Witcher like setting with a nonlinear character creation and what I would call "rules medium" system. For example, you have stat blocks for enemies, but you don't have individual ones for each enemy - as players deal with the threat, it can represent them defeating part of the group. Character creation let's you chose one thing you like and build around that however you want as well.
If you like European folklore, terrifying monsters, and a small but tightly packed setting, it's awesome.
The base book and a few modules are all translated into English and all the books are planned to be released.
No one even bother to thank you.. Veeky Forums these days.
Thank you good Sir.
About to start my first game of this next week. Been excited to get this thing out the door for some time. Running the beginning module to give people a feel for it.
Everything there is in english so far, except a couple of published adventures.
Yeah, this. The setting's also kinda post-WWI, fantasy-wise, in the civilized parts of the world. Plenty of opportunity for politicking or covert operations on behalf of scheming parties.
The adventure in the core book is the first part of a small campaign, the Copper Crown. The second part's translated too, but the third finishing chapter is only available in swedish so far.
Pt. 2 -
Oho, Chronicle of the Copper Crown apparently doesn't put the PCs into the Davokar forest until the third chapter, the whole thing working as a big introduction to the setting.
GLHF with the gaming session though!
Yeah, I know. I'm excited to get the other ones. I pre-ordered the printed version of The Copper Crown when it was available on their website for a limited time.
Any date on when the last part is gonna be finished?
The translation? No idea unfortunately, but I'm not too well read into Symbaroum? I discovered it like a week ago. :)
But since the whole thing's been finished in swedish for quite a while I can't imagine they shouldn't be more or less finished with it? Throw them a mail about it!
I'm curious about a translation for the Throne of Thorns campaign as well. That gonna be some epic, fate-of-the-world, shit!
Yeah, I'm extremely excited for throne of thorns. The overview pdf sounds awesome!
Anyone have success download for?
Yeah, it works.
Confirmed, downloaded and have been reading. I'm digging it thus far.
I need this in my life.
Also reading it. Pretty cool stuff so far.
Setting seems fun have been wanting to run a darker campaign for some time and this is giving me some cool ideas. System does not look like it bring much to the table in terms of rules. It is nice to see the default player races get a re do with them being human, changeling, ogre and goblin instead.
>Varg apparently likes it
That's the opposite of an endorsement.
I like how the default "elf" PC is a cutthroat from the streets rather than a pompous fag.
Anyone have a rundown of the mechanics? The art style intrigues me and I've been itching to play fantasy, but the last time my group tried DnD, we'd be spoiled by better systems and couldn't even finish a session.
Elves have no part in any known society, they're strictly, more or less feral, hazards of the Davokar forest.
The changelings or some sort of elf hybrid though, but have very few similarities with true-born elves. They've more in common with the Eberron changelings?
There's optional rules for the "stable aberration" of duck humanoids, Andriks. They first showed up west of Alberetor, believed to be created through some grand magical crime against nature, some centuries ago or so? They live poor, menial lives, and have spread though waterways to other harbor cities while some have even taken to piracy.
They're fairly small and diminutive, often overlooked in the heat of battle but can through their unnatural appearance or shrill, harsh voices easily taunt opponents. They simply have a talent for making others lose their tempers.
>I.e. "aggro management" traits, ruleswise.
Andriks are almost certainly a reference to the early days of Drakar of Demoner, where duck humanoids where a somewhat jokingly included but quickly established PC option.
>Andriks are almost certainly a reference to the early days of Drakar of Demoner, where duck humanoids where a somewhat jokingly included but quickly established PC option.
Which is itself a reference to gloranthan ducks, pic related.
It's not even a little dnd like.
Gonna give it a shot translating this...
In short? Roll a d20, try to get underneath the score you have for that ability. Want to push a heavy box and have, I don't know, 15 Strength? Roll a 15 or under to do it. Have 5 strength? Good luck rolling under 5 to do a basic task, but that's a testament to how frail you are if you have 5 strength.
That number goes up or down by up to five depending on how difficult it is to move. Easier challenges (a lighter box) increase the number you're trying to beat since it's easier to get under, say, 18, than 15, Harder challenges decrease the number.
tldr; read the book
>There's optional rules for the "stable aberration" of duck humanoids, Andriks.
Are the rules in one of the adventures? I don't recall the Andrik from the core rulebook. I want Andrik PCs!
Symbaroum's Elves are some of the coolest that I have seen in recent years.
Nope, they're in a small free pdf on the store page
Only in swedish tho. But they're meant to be available as PCs!
>"Get acquinted with the insolent andriks - Symbaroum's perhaps most peculiar creature whom now have arrived at Ambria from the distant Refuge [Fristaden]."
>"The andrik was first published as a joke april 1, 2015, but is a fully playable race for one wishing to, perhaps against better judgment, include anthropomorphic ducks in their game world."
Fook'n elves...
I heard that DoD was actually blatant ripoff of Runequest, so I wouldn't call it exactly a "reference" or "tribute"
Is there a website so I can find some consolidated information, or does this system only exist in fragmented user sharing sites?
Thanks, this looks like a lot of fun.
The iron pact is another great resource too.
Yeah, I grabbed the PDF in the international games thread. Only skimmed over it so far though. Will definitely share with my GM in hopes of playing it.
Also, it's going to be localised here and will const only 20€, I'm wondering why the english one costs about 50€ as I'd prefer the english one actually.
DoD actually licensed the Runequest engine back in the day iirc.
Had to up its magic capacity, eh?
Here's the core rulebook in english.
Thanks for the links, kind anons
Damn, gotta go to bed so I'll just leave this half-finished alpha of an Andrik translation here:
Cuts with an asterisk are "finished" but the history and ability levels aren't done yet.
Original pdf:
thank you kind duckanon.
Hate to be this guy, but delete this. Don't want them coming down on this community.
I'm not anti piracy, I'm anti shutting in your bed.
Read the rules etc.
They have ever a free setting pdf you can post here but come on.
>The character’s finely honed survival instinct provides it with a permanent +1D4 to Armor.
>a single roll decides an effect that lasts entire campaign
>in current year
Why people keep making this shit?
It's a quasi-oldschool dark fantasy rpg set in a kingdom founded by refugees who fled across a mountain range from their war-ravaged homeland bordering an immensely ancient and ridiculously evil forest. The main focus of the game is based on launching expeditions into the forest to plunder the treasures left behind by an ancient empire that collapsed for unlnown reasons. Basically, if the fair folk elves don't kill you, then some horrifically corrupted monstrosity or even the forest itself will. And if you somehow make it past all that, then whatever treasure you may have looted from an abandoned crypt will probably drive you into a homicidal rage while causing your skin to slough off.
Despite the obvious edginess of what I just posted, the setting manages to do the whole "dark fantasy" thing really well. The mechanics are really cool too in that the GM doesn't ever roll any dice, and everything is handled by the players rolls.
E.g. "The blightwolf snarls as it lunges for your neck, roll defense". I haven't looked at it in a while, but its definitely something I would play.
It's a trait restricted to a race a single race that costs an ability. Pretty much the only real reason to play a Goblin is for that soak.
Yes, you buy ability and then Random decides if you just bought shit or actually decent ability. Is there any purpose other than "I dunno which value is good for that price, so I make it random, lol"?
Ok so you get +3 armor. Done. Thankfully all tabletop RPGs are open source and this is just a one off niche issue, not a problem with a core system mechanic itself.
>all tabletop RPGs are open source
Nah, it's proprietary. I cannot distribute new fixed version without their permission. I heard my neighbor's brother's wife's son's friend got arrested because he run illegal dnd fork in school.
Hey! You know what? You're alright! Thanks user
Reading through sorcery power/rituals and holy hell, is it seriously allowed for players? I mean, it's literally BBEG stuff, I can't imagine how any reasonable person would cooperate with such edgelords.
That sounds like the flavor magic should have in the first place...
Beware! The Swedish RPG mafia will come for us. I'm terrified.
What will they do? Arrest and send us to a forced-labor camp in Norrbotten where we will have to assemble Ikea furniture? Feed us köttbullar with lingonberry jam until we explode while listening to Abba? Force us to watch multicultural gay-sex videos and read feminist literature ?
Sounds hot :3
I'm quite curious how well martials stack up to casters in this setting. Magic seems quite good, but isn't quite as fast or seemingly cost free as with other systems.
Anyone with any experience with the system have any input? Thanks in advance.
You are wrong. For players, armor is always rolled against every single attack.
Oh. So it's just additional die to roll. It makes much more sense now. I shouldn't be so reckless in judging people, that was really stupid of me. Thanks, user.
Martials do damage, casters disable. You can make a character who uses both weapons and magic and you will not be completely useless.
Ok, this is the andrik V 2.0, full version. I think I've cleaned up most of the grammar and dangling modifiers. I'm probably not fluent enough to have captured every nuance but the general points and game rules should be clear enough.
>Original pdf:
I'd have liked to just copy/paste the translation into the pdf, but I don't have a fullversion acrobat so whatever...
If you see anything particularly strange or stupid let me know
The fuck? The pastebin embed seems to have shit the bed, but the link works fine.
Thanks a ton. Now to run my adventures with tiny duck people.
Seems to be fucked now. Anyone still have it up that can repaste it?
You fucked up link.
"Paws" is a kinda shitty word to use for the trait, but I couldn't come up with anything else? I looked around for a word synonymous with "labbar" (clumsy limbs, such as seal flippers) and couldn't find any.
Just a random tidbit of lore that isn't in the core rule book:
When a goblin is at the end of its short life, it feels a strong pull to go into the forest of Davokar where it resigns to its fate. They actually form a cocoon and transform into trolls. Those that do not complete the process either suffocate and die, or escape as Ogres with no memories of their past lives.
There's a lot of things lore wise I really like about this setting.
I wish they had a better terminology for the 5e "advantage/disadvantage" system, Symbaroum seems to use very longwinded, and sometimes not even consistent, descriptions for this?
In 5e the dis/advantage tags are so easy to slap onto a roll, I just want this game to have a similarly catchy phrase.
Is it bad that even without seeing the face, I immediately recognize this as a Sena Kashiwazaki mousepad?
There's a lot to the game that is poorly worded/translated, hopefully if they make further iterations of the book they can clear a lot of that up.
True. It's not it's stuff that put a big spanner in the works, I actually think the system is pretty great as it is, but there's def. room for improvements in there!
Gentlemen, how can we make symbaroum greater than it already is?
Homebrew a bunch of stuff and share it. The guy who runs The Iron Pact blog pretty much does that, and there's a ton of neat stuff he has going for it.
Who's up to make a module? A Veeky Forums made and approved supplement.
>Is it bad that even without seeing the face, I immediately recognize this as a Sena Kashiwazaki mousepad?
no. these tits are recognizable anywhere at any time.
I'm looking forward to receive the french edition later this month before testing it.
But so far the game looks very promising, especially the magic system.
Yeah, I already have a rough Character Idea. But I'm almost sure that I'll never get to play him.#
Witch, with polearm mastery and the Wizard ritual where you can create a follower is my basic idea.
I'm thinking andriks, if the GM allows them would be pretty badass martials! Rerolling shit4lyfe. :3
>Andriks. They first showed up west of Alberetor,
It's a reference to the old DoD setting "Ereb Altor" which had ducks that were more or less lifted from Glorantha.
I have fond memories of playing a Black Duck, the kind that's more violence and crime-prone (hahahaha) based on Duffy.
>You're dethpicable.
I like the slight twist that was put on the Andriks, compared to DoD, though. That they're pretty frayed and shabby., noticebly physically tattered, as a reminder of their magic Frankenstein-ish origin.
I actually appreciate that a PC's race doesn't have much effect on their stats or such. It's still up to the player to create they guy as they imagine or want them to be.
Reading the combat section I have to assume there have been some translation errors.
I assume that if a character takes damage over their pain threshold, they are the ones who fall down or allow their opponent an extra attack, correct?
The example they provide shows the attacker getting knocked down after breaking the PCs pain threshold.
That's cool, where did you get that from?
Damn, just some time ago I asked here why there's no d20 roll under stat system. And here it is.
Why would you want to play a goblin for that. The book says
>and most have the Survival Instinct trait as well (costs as an ability).
So you have to pay it either way If I have not missed something
It's a bit curiously worded but I don't see what's hard to understand about it?
>If an attack hitting your character exceeds your PT you chose what the consequence will be.
>If you hit an opponent exceeding his PT he'll be judge of what happens as a result.
>Why would you want to play a goblin for that.
Because some people don't create their characters based on how op they are.
Whoops looks like I spaced and when I read Ogre I figured it was the enemy, totally forgetting it's a common PC race
I believe it's in the players handbook or one of the other splats that have yet to be translated. Unsure which atm.
You have the option of paying for it, but, Goblins are the only ones who have access to pay for it. In honesty, it's the only reason if you so happen to need a reason mechanically to pick one. I like them regardless.
Ah, ok. I already thought that the traits are all limited to whatever race mentiones them in their description by now. But that was only an assumption, now I know that for sure, thanks.