CME GodShort

Friendly reminder BTC is only going up so the CME boys can build their GodShort and rip you guys a new asshole.

Sell your BTC for altcoins.

but if btc goes down alts get fucked too


Was thinking the same thing OP, these unregulated markets makes shorting oh so profitable... However, dont underestimate the senates ability to halt this.
Pic related

tethers will save btc like always...

They're gonna short it to fuck!


No ones touching muh btc bruh

CME boys are in for a surprise. BTC market is real tight, so on the one hand easy to cause a artificial drop.

On the other hand, you can run into fat buys and then you are boned as you have to cover your shorts at any price.

I expect delicious volatility until one of the whales takes the opportunity to lob shorters a fat grenade into their lap, causing the mother of all short squeezes.

BTC will rip those Wallstreet boys another hole, like it did to every new group joining the game.

2 btc and holding till 1,000,000+

What stops us from shorti'g it jjst like them?


Also gonna buy some btc calls. Come at me

>Sell your BTC for altcoins.
In what fucking alternate time line has BTC gone down and not taken every shitcoin with it?
You fucking pajeet ass sniffers are the worst.
Everything crypto is tied to BTC.
Quit denying reality.
It has happend a 1000s of times in the past.
Bitcoin drops Shitcoins follow
Bitcoin rises shitcoins follow
Over and over again
Maybe one day that connection will sever but it will not be just some random happening.
it will have a reason.
Fucking think user.

that's not how futures work. they don't actually hold the underlying.

Ver actually knows Bitcoin he owns a popular wallet has his claws in multiple exchanges in miner pools piles of fiat and crypto capital and he threw everything at his disposal in an attempt to kill it
Yet failed.
What fucking chance does a bunch of coked up Jew Street boys have when every last one of them who has ever said anything about Bitcoin can't even describe what it is without totally fucking up fundamental facts about it.

>yet failed
hasn't succeeded yet

>t. new money

so naive

This whole thread is beyond retarded.
These futures will not be settled in btc, they do not impact the underlying asset's value!

>he thinks thatwas his attempt

This. They are betting on btcs movement.

>there was a time when Ripple almost overtook Bitcoin


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