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Tank Month edition

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Claimed for the Greater Good

Some more story for my dudes:

Vash's Warband are a handful of renegade space marines, non chaos worshipping, and a few dozen regular people who are basically space pirates. Their home base on on a planet in the Segmentum Pacificus, and also home to about 45,000 Imperial citizens whom they don't bother.

The world, Shierra II is a mixed biome ferrous planet with water covering about 55% of the planet's surface. It is mostly used by the Imperium as a dumping ground for scrap metal and other stable non-toxic waste.

Also visiting is Psyker Inquisitor Summer Oriel of the Ordo Hereticus who has made it her mission to track the rogue marines and bring them to justice, though she hasn't yet made her presence clear to them. She is waiting on some backup to arrive. She is pretty cool, but not cool enough to take on thirty four space marines and 70 regular dudes on her own. Some inquisitorial forces are supposed to show up eventually, but failing that she has some allies in a nearby space marine chapter.

Living in the massive scrapyard is a small Tau sect, drawing the attention of an Ordo Xenos inquisitor to the planet. The Tau currently have no good means of getting off the planet, and the Xenos inquisitor is puzzled trying to figure out how they got there in the first place, since it is a very long way from Tau space and the Tau do not possess warp travel.

The Tau salvage and recycle stuff, and as a result their equipment looks rather shoddy. Make no mistake though - despite its appearance it was built with all the care of the Earth Caste engineers under the guidance of their Ethereal Caste. There are about 1200 total Tau, of which about three quarters are of military age. This puts the total number of fighting fire caste Tau at around 230, which is not even close to being able to threaten the planetary defense force. As such they try to keep a low profile, but sometimes they encounter the scrap gangers and other degenerates.

What tanks can Renegades and Heretics use in the imperial armour 14 book?

Oh? What's this? The Greater Good has been replaced by a baneblade. What kind of tactical genius could have pulled this off?

I'm poor as fuck and sort of friendless, is getting into WH40k a bad idea?

Or do you think it will somehow help me straighten my life and get my shit together? (you know the social aspect and all that, being creative and what not)

>poor as fuck
Definitely not, at least if you're talking about actually being poor and making it hard to pay bills. If you have some spare cash, it can be but you just need to avoid comp and do the painting side. It's helped a lot with my personal mental health issues because it's something physical that -you've- worked on and can show off.

It's an expensive habit if you're poor, but if there's a warhammer community in your area you could make some friends.

Y'all seen this yet? Scions and CSM are getting start collecting boxes for preorder this weekend.

Are there any good alternatives to the old, bald servitors?

Why don't Necron players use Monoliths any more?

people whine about the cost of 40k, but it is a very cheap hobby compared to a lot of traditional hobbies like cars, fishing, or golf.

If you are struggling paying bills though, don't skip meals to buy plastic figures.

If you are looking to save some money on 40k, don't be afraid of buying used models off ebay and then removing the paint.

If you want to get into 40k for cheap, I also recommend Space Marines as they have the most players, therefore the most second hand models, therefore the best deals on second hand models.

That'd be pretty sweet, but Tempestus are pretty tiny for Start Collecting.

Because they don't have a use.

I hope this is real

what would be in the Start Collecting! CSM box though? Cultists, a terminator lord, and a dinobot?

>cost of 40k
It is whined a lot about on Veeky Forums, but it's definitely amplified because (at least based on observation) a lot of players are interested in competitive playing. Just painting models of heck, just base coating a squad isn't that expensive if you're just in it for making a few models. Competitive builds can cost thousands when they need to be changed when the meta shifts.

Find something else. Hobbies are for when you have money to throw away.

would it be a good idea to start collecting CSM now so I can be OP when they release a new codex?

Yeah my LGS posted about it yesterday. I am stoked about the scions.

manager friend told me that its the same as the space marine one, so a termilord, 10 marines and a hellbrute. If the rules are identical I'm going to be very sad

Well, shit, I was just thinking about starting Scions. Does a scions scheme painter exist like the SM one Bolter and Chainsword has?

the new codex will not be OP

the two codexes before the current were not OP

>13 year old CSM kit
>2.5 year old SM kit
>Unique new terminator captain
>generic old terminator lord (granted this is a cool kit, but still)

if they could give the daemon sets rules for 40k as well that'd be cool as fuck.

>start collecting scions
But they've only got four unit choices and one character in the codex. Is it just going to be a taurox, squad and a commissar?

I'd rather see a taurox and two squads personally. I have a feeling they will not do a Taurox, 5 scions, and a commissar because that would be very few models and would look terrible next to the others.

Could be a plane? I would be down for that.

Rumours say taurox and two scion squads. I suppose the IG one already got a commissar.

Im willing to bet its Taurox, Squad of Scions and a Commisar.

They are over costed.
They are hugely underpowered.
They will pop on turn 1.
Nerf batted since last edition.

There is literally no reason to take one.

Doomsday arc puts out more shooty (and doesn't snapshoot other guns if it shoots its main gun) and they're too slow to really "transport" stuff.

are there rumours for any other new releases for militarum tempestus that might be included in the kit? another major aspect of MT is the valkyrie so maybe it contains a squad or two and a valkyrie which would be more reasonable for the price.

I think you've forgotten how batshit expensive scions are. After two scion squads you're getting the taurox for £8.

do store owners frown upon players who never buy their merch there and just bring shit they got from ebay and such?

As long as you buy your soda from them I don't think they mind.

>CSM Start Collecting!
They will use models they are proud of

I say Cultists, Raptors, Dark Apostle and either Dinobot or Hellbrute

Never buy anything? Yeah, probably. Try to support the store somehow, even if it's soda like that other user says or occasionally stocking up on painting supplies there.

Generally no, however if everyone who uses that shop buys nothing there the shop will close.

Support your FLGS people...

>drinking soda
>in 2016

The only stuff i don't buy there is oop things and things they can't actually sell. They can order virtually anything.

Not buying your stuff from the LGS you actually use is a pretty despicable thing quite frankly.

well you know how it is, you bring your stuff and probably no one cares, and eventually you bring new stuff and suddenly people start asking questions like where did you get it, how much did you pay etc, including the store owner.

I'm latching on a friend who is a big spender there, but I personally would never buy models there I can easily get shit like 30% cheaper online anytime, it's just hard seeing the guy to the face and shrugging when he asks why I didn't buy them from him.

I mean if you see it the other way around, I'm making him a favor by not letting everyone know he is ripping them off and I could sell them everything cheaper (but yeah then the store would close etc)

Or any other beverage you want. I only said soda because of my stereotype of user includes drinking soda.

This is true.

I mostly buy paints and tools from my FLGS. Occasionally a box of models, just to support them. And because I'm impatient as fuck. This one time they had GW products 20% off for a weekend and I bought a start of my new army from them. 200 euros worth of models.

>I'm doing him a favour
No. You're being a selfish twat. Just front up and accept it.
>He's ripping them off
You're also an idiot. You know the floorspace you're playing in needs rent paying, the lights and heat you use when playing in the store costs money, etc. etc., right?

Not selling things at a very high discount that web only stores can do is not ripping people off.

Nobody gets rich running a bricks and mortar hobby store.

Then again it's kinda classless grilling people over where they buy their stuff.

But i'll stand by my statement if you use the store you really should support it even if things are a bit cheaper elsewhere. Do as you will though and ponder where else you can play when this place shuts down.

I'm buying stuff from people who are also making a profit, wherever they have their shit stored also costs money, this dude is just charging more because he can and people want to throw their money away, he won't starve or close the store if he charged the same as any other online store where I get my already overpriced plastic.

I rather buy 3 boxes of a unit rather than 2 just so I can "finance" his store, he makes a good amount of money from painting omissions and supplies, he just overprices models because everyone is too beta to question him. I'm pretty sure he won't end up closing the store and sucking dicks on a back alley for charging what shit is actually worth.

Do as you will.

>when you're searching the bushes for the enemy and the smell of cigar smoke hits you

>I'm doing my FLGS a favor by not buying from them
>since my FLGS has higher overhead costs than an online seller, he's a scumbug ripping people off
Holy shit, you're a special kind of retarded asshole. What army do you play?

I mean, yeah it sucks that it's cheaper from a place with no overhead but you are also paying for your ability to play at the store (it's just that nobody is enforcing it).

Fucking retard.

This is why I do not play at the store up the road, I like to buy cheap goods and play with my terrain in my home so I can get shit faced.


pls no, cultists are in dark vengeance in bounds, gimme some fucking csm in my csm

Taurox, 2 squads AND a commisar.
Or Taurox and 3 squads.


Even if there's a Helbrute I'd be happy. I love the model and it's actually a pretty fun centerpiece in small point/kill team games.

Best case scenario: termie lord, CSM 10 man squad, Dinobot/helbrute/raptors.

Tell us the name of the store so we can check the prices.

If you do not i'll just assume you are another "epic, epic for the win" ebin troll XD

I'm sorry I know I sound like an asshole and I probably am. I was just wondering if it's a common happening for people to just get better deals online than their local FLGS, I mean it usually takes less than 5 minutes to google a few stores get a better deal even with shipping added. Obviously he gets his shit from somewhere and in the age we live in is not that hard to find out where he gets his stuff from and skip him altogether.

I'm sorry that I'm just being cynically honest, but am I really that rare? do people really not browse the internet with their phones to look shit up? I can't be the only selfish bad guy in the world, do you really expect everyone around you to throw money away to help other people?

I didn't invent the internet, I sold cellphones for a while and people complained that they could get a better deal online than at the store, I couldn't do a thing, just told them to buy it online instead. It's just a part of the age we live in.

But obviously there's a bit more to this plastic collecting hobby than just getting the units, so that's why I'm asking how other people experience their situation in their FLGS, I bet there's a bunch of people like me there and you don't call them retards to their face just because they didn't acquire their models from that shop.

Liking its model is a reason

>I'm sorry that I'm just being cynically honest
You aren't being cynically honest, you're throwing out weak rationalizations to justify your parasitism.

Is your ilk rare? Unfortunately not.

The FLGS provides a service for you, so you aren't buying from them purely to help them.

> I sold cellphones for a while and people complained that they could get a better deal online than at the store, I couldn't do a thing, just told them to buy it online instead
You sound like a model employee.

you are assuming that:

1. the store only exists to sell models, even though they also have 1-3 staff who play games, assist with painting, run events, run into overtime if lots of people want games, etc

2. that running a store costs the same as selling online

no one is telling you to buy everything from the store, but if you attend there regularly and not support them in any way then you are just taking the piss

I buy half my stuff off ebay, half from the store. I buy most of my paints from the store though. Just stop in every once in a while and pick up a paint or 2. It's a lot harder to get paints cheap online anyways.

here's the store, knock yourself out, they don't have prices online


kinda sort of, at my job people complain about prices since it's more expensive then a grocery store up the street and we don't price match much if ever. but then the draw of the store, cvs, is convenience and meds.

as for tabletop i buy from just about everywhere. locals, online/ebay, GW store since it's my local store, but for the more expensive stuff i know a guy who has a connection.

As an adult with a job I can afford to shop at my local and do so, honestly if you're a poor student or an autism bux recipient then you're up shit creak.

Depends on the manager but they are generally ok to an extend, you should still support the store if you are buying paints, dice etc at the very least

I ordered 3 Whirlwinds from GW... They must have a random decal packing system. One box has the "Space Marine Vehicle" decal sheet. One box has the "Ultramarine" decal sheet. And the third box didn't have any decals...

The forces of Chaos must be at work there!

why would you ever need more than one whirlwind?


...larger matches? formations? display purposes?

this is an easy one user

Fuck me, I recently had my 2 robutt Kastelan squad and their babysitter fucking punk a Maulerfiend in melee with no wounds taken.

I knew Chaos was bad but.....fuck.

What those other Anons said...

Hammer of Caliban

Just finished a Base coating of Chaos black

it's a ws3 walker, it's good at fighting tanks and terrible at fighting anything else. also that squad has a lot of powerfists and with av 12/12/10 5++ it's not gonna last long

That's priming not basecoating.
Not that it matters unless you skip the actual basecoating.

Will Slaanesh get squatted to pander the "modern" values and making the game more child-friendly?

You read that shit BoLS article too?

Probably. The author is a terrible censorship "feel good" type but honestly Slaanesh doesn't vibe well. I could see keeping the models and stuff around but rebranding it because noise marines are a very popular cult.

>Tank Month edition
What's this tank month shit? Are there new models coming out or something?

It's a feature thing on the website. I'm assuming the White Dwarfs will be similarly themed.

There's temptus scion and chaos space marine start collecting thing coming out.

Just new boxes with 3 or 4 normal tanks. Some boxes allows you to get 4 for the price of 3 and the likes.

nothing but a best sellers list on the store homepage.

This is an upcoming piece of artwork for Age of Sigmar. Look at how boob-free it is. They've also printed artwork of that slaneeshi steed with six tits in an AOS book as well.

So no, I don't think they're getting rid of the boobs.

It could go either way. They seem selective with what will be sexy or not. I could be okay with Slaanesh being down played.

I didn't like the BoLS article because it suggested things (sex and drugs) in excess aren't intrinsically bad. It shows that Warhammer has been corrupted by Newthink.

Nah man, they were phosphor spam Kastelans, first round they juked all his attacks and the babysitter got some haywire hits in, second round I had buffed their strength up 2 points and just wrecked him. He even failed on the laser thingy it has which gets better the more attacks you land.

Is there any way to get the "From the Sands We Rise" rule outside of the Start Collecting formation? I really like the idea of the Necron warriors coming back again and again as a fitting playstyle for the Necrons.

If you could not find there probably isn't.

Just look at the points boost the formation has and apply it to the army with a relative point increase. Obviously ask your opponent first.


Are the trees growing Elves or are the Elves growing trees?

if you have the individual models to make up the formation, then it doesnt really matter if you dont have the card unless the people you play against are massive faggots


Slaanesh is a shit god anyways

All the other Gods are timeless, but Slaanesh is a God of 80s hair bands and nothing else

>I'm buying stuff from people who are also making a profit, wherever they have their shit stored also costs money, this dude is just charging more because he can and people want to throw their money away, he won't starve or close the store if he charged the same as any other online store where I get my already overpriced plastic.

You're a fucking retard.

He has to pay for a physical retail location. They don't. That's why he charges more. That's why fucking online sales put brick and mortar businesses out of business.

Yes, he WOULD go out of business charging the same as the online retailers, because he pays their price, THEN pays his bills, and only after that makes a profit.


>tfw you will never slob on slaanesh's futa cock

Ugh why do they cram the Termi Lord and Helbrute into every single CSM box?

I'm guessing that for Militarum Tempestus it will be:
1 × Taurox Prime
1 × Commissar
2 × Militarum Tempestus Scions

Price would be 83,5£, which means 33,5£ of "free" which is right up there.

If it was 3 × Militarum Tempestus Scions boxes it would be 92£, becoming the best saving box with 42£ free stuff, beating Skitarii by 6,5£

Much more likely it's the Prime, Commi and 2 Scions. They generally have wanted a HQ in every box.

Lord Commissar is an HQ choice for MT, so that's covered.

3 × Militarum Tempestus Scions boxes would be 63£, which is on the low side

(Not that I'd be complaining, I'd rather have cheap MT so I can deepstrike them)

Don't forget the basic scions box can make a scion command squad, so that could be an option for the HQ if they don't go with a commissar.


I factored that in with the 3×MT Scion boxes with a Taurox being the 92£ actual. Which is an amazing savings.

To me, the Taurox, Lord Commissar, 2×MT Scions looked the most right (price wise) to match up with other Get Started boxes. The rest was either too high, too low, or wierd (two HQs, too few models)

Get started: Supplement faction?


So question:

Why would anyone ever field Greenmarines Tacticals?

Surely the point of Greenmarines is their unique first and second companies.

Asmodai sensed someone having fun, and couldn't get the Deathwing or Ravenwing to help put an end to it.

To hold objectives. Neither the Ravenwing nor the Deathwing is particularly suited for static defense.

sounds shit boring

I play eight armies, and I've never seen much point to "static defence".

Sure, some long ranged gunner units should objective camp because they won't be moving anyhow, but sitting standard 24 inch or thereabouts range gun infantry in the backfield is horrible resource management.

same reason you use basic troop units in any army