Anyone know why ETH is so low on the BTC/ETH pairing lately? Thinking of buying in while it's low, is there some reason for it to stay this low or is there anything good coming up soon?
Anyone know why ETH is so low on the BTC/ETH pairing lately? Thinking of buying in while it's low...
bull btc fucks eth down because traders think in usd and keep it at 460usd
What's the tl,dr of it?
Is this a good thing or a bad thing?
Once casper and sharding is in, ethereum will unironically flip BTC and $460 ether will look like a fucking steal.
Ethereum will switch from Proof of Work to a hybrid of Proof of Work and Proof of Stake.
If I understand it correctly this means that it forks so the current eth protocol will still be in effect?
like bitcoin and bitcoin gold, or no?
I feel like a retard though just holding eth right now when I could hop on these Btc and iota moon missions. I know deep down eth is better, but fuck, I want more gains
I feel the same. 40% of my portfolio is in ethereum and it sucks not making any gains when there are moon missions left and right but ethereum could literally moon to $1000 any day now and I don't want to miss out. There are rumors casper could be as soon as Q1 2018.
I still believe and keep buying more
Vitalik hinted a week ago already that hybrid PoS is at a stage where already that it might very well come in the next Metropolis update.
How the fuck do you not know about Casper and PoS already? Not doing your own research on coins and just trusting anonymous shillers here on Veeky Forums is 100% the reason you are not going to make a lot of gains in cryptos.
ETH isn’t designed as a store of value or even general purpose payment token; explicit goal was a token to pay for decentralized computation (muh world computer) and as such its growth in value (if there is any) can’t really be expected to match bitcoin’s, or bitcoin’s largest s-o-v contenders (dash, xmr, bch) for that matter.
It’s also become clear that the ETH chain doesn’t scale all that well (even before the ongoing kitty issue, it used to become clogged by hot ICOs) which might explain why the likes of IOTA and XLM are currently hotter non-s-o-v investments.
Such is life OP. To be fair, ETH had an amazing run in 2017.
I'm hodling my eth.
I have a peace of mind, jumping on shitcoins was wrecking my nerves because if you don't dump shit in time you are likely to be left with eternal bags.
Just because something wasn't designed as a store of value, doesn't mean it can't be a store of value. Bitcoin was designed as a currency, but now it's literally just an investment vehicle and maybe a store of value.
But ether with its stable price is better store of value than any other crypto right now.
Ethereum is a shitcoin that will get remplaced by ARK by 2019
>ETH isn’t designed as a store of value or even general purpose payment token
Which matters how? It's not like Vitalik is going to fuck you up if you pay with eth for things.
Eth is the best coin for payments. It's true there's much less on the ground adoption, but that's changing fast (see Revolut). I expect coinbase to eventually allow eth use for merchants.
Ironically 'clogged' Ethereum due to kitties, while processing 2x more transaction than bitcoin, is still faster and cheaper for payments than bitcoin since 2015.
The difference is going to become astronomical once full Raiden and Plasma goes live.
I have 42.08% in ETH and I am so tempted to just buy some more shitcoins with it, but my gut tells me not to
kek, this troll
>ETH isn’t designed as a store of value or even general purpose payment token
Bitcoin wasn't also meant to be a store of value, but a currency foremost. ETH will however be a better store of value than BTC once PoS comes. When you play it right and become a staker, you will even beat the inflation of the chain. Not just a "store of value", but even better.
>explicit goal was a token to pay for decentralized computation (muh world computer) and as such its growth in value (if there is any) can’t really be expected to match bitcoin’s
- The market cap of gold is smaller than the market cap of world currencies.
- The gas price of ETH is not directly related to ETHs price and rising ETH prices won't make gas prices high.
>It’s also become clear that the ETH chain doesn’t scale all that well
Ethereum processes already more transactions than the rest of cryptos combined. Whilst doing all that, the fees are on average 50x smaller than BTCs. Raiden just started, this will start to help the congestion (which doesn't even compare to the congestion Bitcoin has been having on much lower tx counts) soon. ETH has the best vision on future scaling solutions: Raiden, PoS, Plasma, sharding, Truebit, eventually off-chain scaling (think Lightning Network) if it is needed, ...
Even if it moons to $1000 it's on 2x gains. I just use ETH to buy shit coins that 2x once a week.
Anons like this is exactly why you shouldn't get your info on Veeky Forums.
DYOR, anons
I don't trade lunch money user. I have $35,000 in Ethereum. That's not money you put into shitcoins. If it goes to $1000 I made over $40,000.
Really? You guys have a lot of faith in ARK, how do you know the management won't slack and such things?
pls respnd
It's called healthy growth, unlike what you're seeing with bitcoin.