Mind telling me how ChainLink is going to compete against the people at oracles.org? They seem to have a headstart. Is ChainLink network better?
The Oracle problem
Other urls found in this thread:
what even makes you think they have a head start?
This email I got today?
>connecting existing platforms on different blockchains
>"You just have to re-develop a platform on our network guise! Btw, if other people don't do this it won't work."
I'll stay with LINK tyvm
having trouble understanding what exactly these guys do
>bad FUD posting
yuck, try harder
I'm honestly not FUDing. I own LINK. A stupid poorfag amount but I do. I just saw email and scared me. But honestly I have no clue of what they do I just saw ORACLES.
I'm fairly convinced there's a group of LINK holders who are posting on Veeky Forums like it's a fulltime job, building it up for their own gain.
Anytime there's FUD on LINK, the responses are always so predictable. I say this as someone who holds a modest amout of LINK because I got FOMO'd into it.
just sell then, you fucking pussy
Id be hodling link if i wasnt a poorfag
Just read their whitepaper, their network can barely be called an oracle service at all, it's basically "we invent new mechanism to make all work lol oraclemagic rotflcopter buy Oracle token dear sir it has magic proof of trust it means u can trust us xd, also on yobit"
Naw, I've got not problems hodling. But fags like you and your responses make me fairly certain there's a concerted effort going on right now. Probably a bunch of NEETs in a discord devoted to flooding Veeky Forums.
You've managed to get reddit FOMOing for you, which isn't unimpressive. If my hunch is right you just demonstrate how easy manipulation is.
You do realize everyone including LINK holders were fudding to oblivion a week ago right?
Im literally rolling solo, you are just too skeptical to make real gains mate
>doesn't understand the project
>posts fud and things up stupid conspiracies
lol you are going to be so upset in a few months
This small upward correction is fomo? Arguments for the project come from coordinated shill? What's with your negative slant? I'm telling you now that you don't have to hold, faggot. Sell if you think you've been lied to.
when someone FUDs link, I don't see any argument put forward, just the same poorly cropped pictures and of course the name-calling.
Not this small upward trend (all alts are doing good). /r/cryptocurrency is positive on LINK now and has alot fo believers there. I don't think I could have said that about a few weeks ago. And there hasn't been news. It seems like FOMO has been brewed around LINK successfully from coordinated shills.
Regardless of the shilling, I'm still holding. Even if LINK doesn't go where I hope it does, it's still going to grow.
this. Listen what Colonel tells you.
If you hold any LINK and you pussy out already because you haven't done any proper research SELL EVERYTHING NOW
This is an order straight from the General
Rob NEETS of their parents money
Proof of Authority... Gtfo.
is that ms. singlefied in their explanation video? she went on giving dating advice to explaining blockchains? wow nice.
Fresh OC Memes, locked and loaded!