/40krpg/ 40K Roleplay General

For all your questions on Dark Heresy (1st and 2nd Editions), Rogue Trader, Deathwatch, Black Crusade, and Only War.
Not the wargame. Not Chapter Master. Or Space Hulk.

Book Repositories (If you're planning to download any Rogue Trader materials, read the .txt file in the RT directory)

There is a new Homebrew Megafolder option in above MEGA directory containing several things formerly listed individually on this post.

40K RPG tools, a site that contains stats or references for almost all weapons, armor and NPCs/adversaries. Not updated past DH2 core.

40k RPG Combined Armory (v6.45.160417), containing every piece of gear in all five lines. Now containing some of the DH2 content up to the first supplement.

Fear and Loathing (Ver 1.5.2) and The Fringe is Yours (Ver 1.6.0), Veeky Forums made Rogue Trader homebrew supplements for playable xenos, Knights, Horus Heresy gear, and other things. Now found in the Homebrew Megafolder.

Additional Resources:
Now found in the Homebrew Megafolder.

Old Thread: Pic inspired by the discussion of melee-heavy OW regiments last thread.

Other urls found in this thread:


I used to think this was a Wolf Scout for the longest time.

Shit, could be used as inspiration for one even so.

Is there any info on Webway locations?
This map from Harlequin Codex looks really nice. Is it safe to assume that there are tons of POIs here, like haemonculi labs, corsair ports, forgotten pre-Fall temples, sealed gates, honeypots set by Harlequins for Ahriman?

Absolutely. Plus a handful of anti-Necron surprises too.

>>honeypots set by Harlequins for Ahriman?
>Ahriman is wandering the Webway and sees a hidden door into a massive library
>He runs into it
>Turns out it was a trap and he's glued to the wall
>He screams to the heavens about Eldar trickery as Harlequins show up with big spatulas to pry his gluey ass off the wall and throw him out of the nearest webway portal
>This kind of scenario happens on a practically weekly basis, for some reason almost always on Saturday mornings
This is now headcanon for me.

Has anyone tried the Battlefleer koronus war rules? My party is quite war-like, but I am not sure if they'll enjoy playing generals. Is it too dense? Will it require lots of hours? What is the best size for units?

Wait that's not a wolf scout? What is it?

Read the filename, senpai.

I mean, I was already using the name for a planetary system that is in the process of being brought back into the Imperial Fold, rather unwillingly. I figure the Administratus has entire wings dedicated to planets/subsectors/etc with duplicate names, and keeping it all semi-straight.

>I name this planet...NEW CADIA!
>Congratulations, you are the 5,981st person to choose that name for a planet, I hope your mother is proud.

Don't rely on them. They're okay for getting a general sense of unit sizes, but I found it better to take a narrative approach than to use the specific rules. Much like Endeavors.

In my little homebrew sector there was a huge civil war because someone accidently renamed a world to have the exact same name as the sector capital and they tried to secede from the Imperium.

I remember reading that .pdf. Good work, user.


yay! Mum I did it!
I've put it on mediafire, compression is funny and I dunno how low to let the quality go before I upload it to Veeky Forums.

whats the infinity spiral?

I like your interpretation more.

Forbidden lore (humanity)

>one of the sites is called The Nightmare Moon
fucking ponyfags

Reading my Only War book, I notice that bipods and tripods are available for basic weapons, but unless I'm mistaken there's absolutely no mechanical advantage.
Have I missed something? Is it different for the other systems and/or 2nd ed?

Besides, I made a not!MG42 as a beggining support weapon for my players, is it good or awful?
Light Stubber Class: Basic Range: 100m RoF: -/5/15 Dam: 1d10+3I Pen: 0 Clip: 60 Reload: Full Special: Storm Wt.: 8kg Availability: Scarce

I would NOT call an MG42 a basic weapon. Sure, it COULD be carried and fired from the hip, but not easily and without some training in it (aka Bulging Biceps).

>Fire rate 15
First, fucking no one is ever going to land 15 DoS. Second, 30 bullets per round is, mechanically speaking, higher than a goddamn assault cannon.
>1d10+3 I pen 0
And those hits will do basically no damage to anyone with better than a GEQ statline.
>60 round magazine
The MG42 is 50 or 250 rounds, depending.
>Not Heavy
You have the seed of a good idea, but tone the dakka way down and tweak the damage up.

GPMGs are heavy weapons

Thanks for the answers, anons!

I should have said Minimi or M249, sorry. The goal was to have a LGM/SAW with a high rate of fire; something smaller and easier to carry than the Heavy Stubber, but more effective than an autogun.
I don't want to put in the same category as HMGs and Autocannons, as the party members with bulging biceps are already gonna be busy using anti-vehicle weapons, and nothing in the heavy category weights less than 30kg.
It was the reason behind my question on bipods. I'm looking for a spot between lasrifle and lascannon.

>1d10+3 pen 0
I kinda stuck between the autogun, and the heavy stubber that is only 1d10+4 pen 3 (despite supposedly being chambered in something like 12,7mm).
Should I add some pen? Or would letting them search for special ammo be sufficient (while keeping a common ammo pool with the autogunners)?

>First, fucking no one is ever going to land 15 DoS. Second, 30 bullets per round is, mechanically speaking, higher than a goddamn assault cannon.
Hmm, true. I wanted it to be an ammo guzzler so people would still have a small reason to use an autorifle/lasgun.
Would -/4/8 or -/5/10 do it?
Looking at Rogue Trader, the storm weapons I could compare it to were a -/-/6 heavy stubber , and the -/-/12 holwer rifle.

I'm stuck trying to figure a name for my custom chapter. Which I also need to check stuff on the tables too.

Are drugs worth using? Spanner seems cool but only for downtime activities or outside of combat

If you're not hopped up on five different drugs every combat and haven't gotten a bionic heart, kidneys, and liver just so your organs won't explode due to drugs, you're not living up to your true potential.

Generally, not at all. The effects are way too short and the draw backs are too fucking enormous for drugs to be useful in the 40kRPG's. Which is a damn shame, I love encouraging drug and alcohol use among PC's for a seedy, noir feel.

If you want to make a Squad Automatic Weapon you should stat it as autogun which has some extra features to facilitate long burst of full auto for its role as a suppression weapon. I would model it after something like the M27 IAR.

Basically an autogun chambered in the same round as other autoguns (which fluff wise it says is between 4mm and 8mm. That makes sense, side-note I really am a huge fan of the ballistics of 6.5mm intermediate projectiles [I am also a /k/ommando so I am obsessed with guns]. It would have a longer and heavier profile barrel with possibly quick barrel change features (long thicker barrels are more resistant to damage from heat and pressure from sustained full auto and they are more accurate). It would be feed by either long quad stack box magazines like the surefire 60 (pics coming) or feed from a belt of usually 100rd stored in a canvas box. If it is belt feed it has to be firing from the open bolt which adds the benefit of preventing cookoffs and runaway firing, but makes it more vulnerable to jamming from dirt getting into the action.

I will recommend stats for the gun ingame in the next post.

For the LMG weapon profile I think basic solid projectile is fine.

In game autoguns weigh 5kg which equal 11lbs (now GW and Fantasy Flight are fucking idiots when it comes to firearms) that is fucking heavy for a standard rifle for reference my 16" heavy barrel AR-15 is 8lbs. But if you want to stick with the retardness ingame than I would make the lmg 6 kilograms in weight.

I would bump the range to 150 or 200 meter. Contrary to popular belief machine guns kill more people and are preferred for long range engagements than sniper rifles.

for RoF I would suggest S/6/12.

Damage I would leave at 1d10+3 I, autoguns can change their damage based on the ammo types they shoot. But remember this is basically ballistically similar to an autogun and its role is suppressive fire.

If anything I would add PEN 1, because the round will have more velocity from the longer barrel and velocity is what gets penetration.

Clip (fuck that triggers me, should be mag) I would suggest 60 round quad stack box mags (pic related). Also that means they can fire full auto for 5 rounds or burst for 10 rounds. I would also offer 100rd larger mags but those would be rarer and harder to reload.

Reload 1 Full unless it is a 100rd mag in which case it would be 2 full.

Special, um I dont think it should have any special traits, I do think it should come with a bipod built in.

Availability average.

That is what I suggest but you can take this and run with it.

> heavy
I should have said Minimi or M249, sorry. The goal was to have a LGM/SAW with a high rate of fire; something smaller and easier to carry than the Heavy Stubber, but more effective than an autogun.

Heavy stubber is like a ma' deuce. And a 249 is still a heavy fucking gun before you add ammo (100-200 rounds worth in a belt)

>1d10+3 pen 0
I kinda stuck between the autogun, and the heavy stubber that is only 1d10+4 pen 3 (despite supposedly being chambered in something like 12,7mm).
Should I add some pen? Or would letting them search for special ammo be sufficient (while keeping a common ammo pool with the autogunners)?

Good idea. Autoguns can use special ammo, so can they. Their job with the belt fed is to keep heads down so their squad can maneuver.

Hmm, true. I wanted it to be an ammo guzzler so people would still have a small reason to use an autorifle/lasgun.
Would -/4/8 or -/5/10 do it?

You want it to be an ammo feind go for it but bump up belt size so someone can get 8 long bursts from it at least. Oh and make linking used belts to each other (so the gunner isnt running around with 6 belts of various ammounts of ammo )some kind of test that has to he done outside of combat. And reload should he no shorter than 2 full actions.

You wanna run a MG, fine. Deal with the difficulties. As an offset they will make anything getting hosed down with lead look for cover. Or get riddled with it.

This is the weirdest katana copypasta I've ever seen.

By RAW, you can give an autogun a backpack ammo with 200 rounds (doesn't matter if it's a ripper gun or an autopistol) and an extended barrel that puts its range to 150m.

Black Crusade also had a belt fed option of 100

Honestly, the armory is kind of a mess. I wished they had used second edition to smooth things out and balance some bits (like nerfing that fucking autocannon).

>Heavy stubber is like a ma' deuce.
No it fucking isn't, and you know it. It's more like an m1919 at best.


Hey guys, I just started playing Dark Heresy for the first time recently.

Any tips for roleplaying as a member of the Mechanicus?

fleshies are fags and robots are bros as long as they don't have a mind of their own

or at least a mind on the level of a human. animalistic bioplastic is okay.

>Heavy stubber isn't like a ma' deuce
Yes it fucking can be, and you know it.

Rolled 3, 2 = 5 (2d5)

I do wish any combat drug/stimm in the game worth looking at twice wasn't loading with more penalties than anything else.
It screams "These are for npcs, not players", and I hate that mentality.

I just wish there were more poisons other than things with the toxic quality and the neurogauntlet in 1e.

Consider the following: bolterandchainsword.com/liber/CantinaChapterCreator.html

The mutant assassin in my Radical campaign took out a Grey Knight in part because he was completely hopped up. There's a meth-like drug, I believe it is in the Radical's hand book that gives you +30 Agility at the cost of having to take a WP test every time you're surprised to not just start shooting things. Not great for a subtle infiltration, but if you're going into a place where everything's a hostile it's worth doping up.
Also, Stimm is actually damn good for when you're all fucked up on Fatigue and crit damage.
>Strive to be like the Machine, to perform your function well without error or complaint.
>Never allow the weakness of emotion to cloud your thoughts, nor to keep your from the Quest for Knowledge.
>Flesh is Weak, Steel is Strong.
>Intellect can solve any problem that subtle manipulation and "charisma" can, and often does so more efficiently.
>Don't let fleshy weaknesses like "collateral damage", "Concern for your teammates" or "fear of your own death" get in the way of the service of the Machine God.
>Remember, you serve the Omnissiah above the Inquisition... unless you are a TECHNOHERETIC.

The models for the tabletop heavy stubbers is exactly that - a Browning M2.

In-game fluff can be either. I know the Gaunt's Ghosts books differentiate between "light" support stubbers (.30 cal) and .50 cal heavy stubbers.

But then in the same book he'll refer to the .50 as an autocannon.

Poisons are simple because the book has plenty of onus for an enterprising player to create shit.
The example the books set is that any stimm MUST have some crippling downside at least twice as bad as any bonuses it can offer.
SR is the same way, just more obnoxious about it, because the policing forces will cheerfully use even illegal shit that is absurdly addictive without concern.

For a newibe to dark heresy and warhammer 40k universe in general. What is the essential gear that you need to survive or "adventuring kit" everyone should have? I don't know what to expect from a dark heresy game other than a short character life span.

1. the short life is a meme, more or less.
Be careful and sensible, remember you are a regular human on a job, not a hero.
2. I usually think about what I want to do, and get the gear to do so.
Weaponry: A good basic class weapon, las preferred if you have the variable setting rules.
Grenades, son, git'em. Keep a knife, always.
Armor: Flak armor for combat, flak/mesh cloak when you need to be subtle, armored body glove when infiltrating.
Gear: Backpack, chrono, photo contacts, rebreather, dataslate/writing kit, grapnel, no questions.

DH1 or DH2?


While, yes, you're right, I meant in the context of the FFG rpg line.

Grenades, full guard flak armor, a basic weapon (preferably lasgun due to loads of shots per mag), a pistol, grenades, a melee weapon (at least a mono sword), stab light, grenades, a medikit if someone has medicate trained or a good-quality medikit if nobody has it trained (and you should get trained in it), grapnel and line, a backpack, grenades to fill the backpack, good-quality resperator or a rebreather, photo-visors/contacts (recommended at good quality), recaf and ration packs, grenades, auxpex, grenades, someone who has tech-use at trained at least with a combi tool to turn grenades into traps.

>Grenades x 7
Trips of truth

You wouldn't happen to remember the name of that meth-like drug now would you? I checked the Radical's Handbook and it does not seem to be there.

Forgive me for my lack of lore setting knowledge, but why in the hell you need so many grenades? You might as well be a walking dynamite with that much. Which might be bad for social situation or whatever bad stuff that happens in the game.

This is where things get confusing for me, Heavy stubber is a rare 1d10+4I 3P Heavy weapon with 75 shots and a fire rate of -/-/8
Comes in at a whopping 30kg

Autogun (Common) with Man-Stopper Bullets (scarce) and ammo backpack 200 rounds (rare), is a 1d10+3I 3P Basic Weapon, with 200 shots and a fire rate of S/3/10
Coming in at 5kg for the weapon and 25 for the backpack for the same total

to me this really blurs the line between the Catchall Autoguns and Heavy Stubbers. Other than Ogryn-Proof Necessity, why take the Heavy stubber when the Autogun is the more easily available, more versatile weapon that can substitute as a Heavy Stubber when Necessary?

Even more confusing, for 10kg more, as a very rare weapon we have the Autocannon, a beast of a firearm with a staggering 3d10+8I damage and firerate of S/3/-

by the RAW, it is not significantly more difficult for a heavy gunner to use an Autocannon than a heavy Stubber, and it is a significantly more powerful weapon, Additionally, I could not perceive a method by which a regular guardsman and Comrade could fire an Autocannon carried, but this is a possibility by the rules.

Ultimately I am a bit lost as to why the Heavy stubber didn't have a clearer role as a middle ground (multilaser esque) squad heavy weapon, filling the role of a versatile transitional weapon, between the autogun and the autocannon.

Additionally I can't seem to wrap my head around why they didn't make 40kg + weapons into Braced-Only weapons.

It seems a little out of theme for a squad of guardsmen to be flinging around heavy weapons like nerf guns, and it seems out of order for the heavy stubber, one of the heavy weapons, to be so closely related to its basic weapon counterpart.

I am currently in my first game of DH. First edition but the basics are the same. I'll reiterate that grenades are excellent. Everyone in my party carries two frags and a krak grenade at all times, minimum. If you have someone with tech-use, they need an auspex, and don't forget to use it. Get someone with medicae or a psyker who can heal. Do not let your psyker use powers every round of combat, he will get you all killed.

Because they kill things better than whatever else you get, and sometimes throwing yourself at the enemy as walking dynamite is what you need for the rest of the party to succeed.

Grenades solve problems. Period.

DH combat can be accurately described as "a battle of ineffectual flailing". Grenades solve that. Plus, if you're in a Mexican Stand Off and pull out two grenades, you have some real leverage.

I'm going to be DM'ing for Black Crusade within the week, I'm already familiar with the setting and rules, but any other tips?

Any situation you are in where you could reasonably need to pull out a rifle can be solved faster with grenades.
If you can't use grenades, you probably shouldn't be using rifles either.
You are comparing 3 different items, none of which are guaranteed (and no, you white room sperg, just because something exists doesn't mean you have 24/7 access to it) to a single purpose built item.
>Other than Ogryn-Proof Necessity, why take the Heavy stubber when the Autogun is the more easily available, more versatile weapon that can substitute as a Heavy Stubber when Necessary?
H. stubbers are built into vehicles and weapon emplacements. They are simply more common to find than 3 specific items, 2 of them niche.
>Ultimately I am a bit lost as to why the Heavy stubber didn't have a clearer role as a middle ground (multilaser esque) squad heavy weapon, filling the role of a versatile transitional weapon, between the autogun and the autocannon.
Because the autocannon is TOO STRONG, rather than the stubber being too weak.

Don't forget about other types of grenades. Krak for fucking that one guy over, smoke for defense or covering a retreat, photon flash for bum rushing, etc.

Remember that Black Crusade is the highest powered 40k game you can probably get.

Do not allow mixed human/marine parties.

>Do not allow mixed human/marine parties.
What? That can work well.

The only party you shouldn't allow is all Marines.

Why not?

The eventual combat response marines would get to be challenged will absolutely destroy even the most minmaxed non-psyker human warrior.

Seems like that's a pretty simple problem, have the big shit target the marine, and if I do hordes, have the horde target the marine, and individual members of the horde fight the humies.

Hordes absolutely wreck Marines. It's not even funny.

Hordes wreck everything.

Speaking of which, really pay attention to followers that PCs pick up.

>DH combat can be accurately described as "a battle of ineffectual flailing"

This is more a problem in 1e than 2e, but you're still not totally wrong.

Depends really on your group. My groups Rogue Trader decided right out of the gate she wanted to conquer the ship out of things so that's where I steered my campaign. After getting her footing of the kind of power a RT wields (she has only ever played DnD) she has hired mercury divisions, salvage teams, and wheeled and dealer until she amassed vast amounts of military force. Now her and the group enjoy laying siege to alien/heretic held worlds while playing Wargames: Rogue Trader edition. The two arch militants will jump in using flashpoints during vital confrontations and the Voidmaster loves doing DeathStar-esque attack runs or doggighting enemy aces.

It gives a good feel of the strategic level command position most rogue traders actually hold and allows for some personal flair here and there but is something that most groups should only use at certain junctions as most people like to participate directly in events.

It's fun for me as a GM though jumping back in forth from the overview of the battlefield with the RT giving orders to back down to action with one of the Arch-militants trying to hear the vox over the din of bolted fire.

You do need to be prepped for it though as its clunky to just yank out and use as the situation changes.

On heavy stubbers and such I use virtually all of the variants to fulfill different roles.

Ursid patterns I use the OW statline with the 75rnd drum as a GPMG. I drop the reload by 1 rnd to facilitate the drum.

For Orthlack patterns I use the older stats (1d10+5 pen 3) and the 200 rnd belt for vehicle mounted stubbers or more defensive emplacements.

For extra fun, slap one on a weapon harness (RT-Hostile Aquisitions) motion predictor, and fycaline ammo and have yourself a M55 smartgun.

getting a +10 to your BS is functionally the same as reducing the penalty for a shot by -10, right? Would it make any sense whatsoever to be able to choose one or the other?

Mechanically yes, but the reasons are different.
Getting a +10 bonus because you aimed does not make the -10 penalty for shooting in low light conditions stop existing for every shot you take as well as friends/foes.

Is it just me or is Kurse not listed on the map of the Screaming Vortex?

What does 40krpg think of a piece of archeotech that gives +20 to BS to one's own attack or +10 BS to someone else's attack or +20 BS to someone else using a weapon with Indirect?

Not all that useful, honestly.
There are a lot of ways to bump your BS odds already, from gear that already exists, to talents, to full aiming
The terrify command skill ability does the same as the second thing, except it applies to any test you make.
A handheld targeter does the same thing as the third thing.
If I found it, I'd turn the thing to the admech for favors.

Is that from an only war book? Which one?

It's not, as far as I know, but I think the artist has done art for the FFG RPGs before.

Not being worse isn't as good as being better.

Apparently the Nordian Berserkers are an actual canon IG regiment, though they're really old and haven't been mentioned in years, iirc.

I know they have a Lexicanum page.

So... my pc died, and I have no idea what to bring up next that won't step on other players toes, and the only thing that wouldn't was exactly what my dead pc was good at and I don't want to just swap names because that isn't right y'know and now I'm rambling and I'm too embarrassed to ask my gm for advice because my gm thinks highly of me and now I'm going to bed I apologize and good night.

Make a necron.

So the holy emperor grenade is the way to go. Is there anything else similar to them for precision or when collateral damage is not what someone desires?

Krak grenades.

Just remember, one grenade is not a grenade. Two grenades is half a grenade and three grenades is a grenade.

I've been inspired to try and create this guy in a Dark Heresy game as a monodominant Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor (possibly Malleus because of the Hammer).
He's mostly statted, using a Thunder Hammer, Hulking trait and power armour, but what about his charge? Currently I'm fiddling with a Jump pack (still requiring the pilot personal check) and dealing 2d5+5 I Pen 0 concussive 3 damage? Too much, too little?

I wonder how often are poisons use in the general 40k rpg. It seems like it would be seen more in black crusade, but not further than that.

Honestly? Almost never. Toxic damage is rarely worthwhile and has been nerfed further in 2e. Unless you have Toxic 4 or higher, don't bother except as seasoning to an already good weapon.

Guys I've recently posted in these threads to ask other questions.

My psyker in DH2ED wants to make himself a shiny new force staff that boosts his psychic powers.

Let's say I have
Scholastic Lore Imperial Creed, Chymistry, Numerology, Cyphers

Forbidden Lore Daemons, Psykers, Warp

Common Lore AdMech, Astra Telepathica

I know High Gothic

I have Commerce and Tech-Use

Trade (cryptographer, Chymist, Armourer)

I have Cerebral Implants that boost my dos with 1 and add +20 to lore tests.

I will learn the trade of the Scrimshawers

I want to craft a psychic focus staff engraved with pentagramatic and hexagramatic wards.

I will use make an alloy out of iron and silver and bless it. (or just get my hands on truesilver)

Do you have any suggestions for rare gems or minerals that i can use with it.

Also what could be the effects of the staff apart from the measily +10 to Focus Powers?

Can you guys give me input on what i should want from such a tool.

I don't intend to use it in melee as a weapon.

I need suggestions on what things it can do

Talk to Cypher in High Gothic about finding a Cryptographic, Chymistry Armourer that likes to trade weapons for Forbidden Daemon lore.

Or maybe i should just talk to the Blood Ravens and make the SoB in the party charm them

Ok, user. Let's try this again. In grammatically correct sentences this time.
1. Your PC died, and your group will be mad if you don't play basically the same character?
A. They sound like dicks
B. Your character is between you and your GM. Screw them if they don't like it.
2. What was your previous character's role in the party that your group is so desperately attached to?
3. What product line are you playing?

Tell us these things, user, and we'll tell you things in return

I picked up a djinn skein for my explorator, which more or less does that. I found that I hardly remember to use it, because a +10 is kind of inconsequential.

Wolf scouts don't look half as awesome as that dude.

You are ignoring that the good use of poison isn't simply killing people, it's forcing tests to disable them. For example, obscura has no test to resist. Hobnob a syringe shooting weapon, put people out.

>Your PC died, and your group will be mad if you don't play basically the same character?
Your understanding is worse than my grammar.

Probably. That said, you said you don't want to step on the other players toes. Why would changing your character step on their toes?

Same guy. I really am just trying to help, but your original post gave me nothing to go off of

The party basically covers all major party archetypes, save the one I was playing when my pc died.
I'm the most experienced player at the table and the most knowledgeable of 40k. My fear is that if I decide to double down, I will likely, even by accident, invalidate other players via setting knowledge and force of personality, and that is unacceptable to me.Game is DH2e.

Ok, thank you. That answered a lot of my questions. Unfortunately DH2e is one of the two games that I haven't GM'd (along with Deathwatch). Give me a couple minutes to go through the books & see if I can't find anything. If you don't mind my asking, what specific role/class/whatnot were you playing and/or fulfilling?