This IS just unearthed arcana, but it's as close to new official feats as we're going to get in the next six months at least. Thoughts?
This IS just unearthed arcana, but it's as close to new official feats as we're going to get in the next six months at least. Thoughts?
They look unwaveringly terrible except for, perhaps, tripping. I would always take the +1 to two stats over this garbage.
The noncombat feats are essentially fluff and I can't imagine wanting them.
Yes. D&D do not need feats. That's dumb and silly. They should had get rid of them in the 5th edition and nobody would have even fucking mentioned them, but nooo, they had to put them in the fucking book.
True, all weapon feats in this article are worse than polearm master, and 5e still doesn't offer me a reason to wield anything other than a polearm.
Also do the people writing these realize you only get, what, 5 or so feats ever, period?
Fighters and rogues get much more, though.
5e feats are fine. Like the klutzy 3e-style multiclassing, they're optional.
Really, my only complaint with 5e is how hit or miss the races are.
Wow, that's what I get for ignoring the 'boring' classes.
Ok, so since high elves seem Arcane Trickster: The Race, is there anything good that can be done there? Since daggers count as ranged and melee weapons, anything there that competes with Crossbow Expert?
>Really, my only complaint with 5e is how hit or miss the races are.
Care to elaborate?
See, I'm on the opposite side of the fence on this one.
I think the weapon based ones are pretty bland myself. But I don't like the idea of weapon specialization to begin with. I feel like feats should add new diverse themes to a character, not reinforce existing ones. The tool ones are cool though. Only take 1 of your two attribute score increases and add a little more utility to your character.
If you don't use feats though character customization is almost nothing. Literally hand me my fucking sheet senpai.
I am new to D&D feats and updates. Can you tell me how to implement them in my character's build?
>Ok, so since high elves seem Arcane Trickster: The Race, is there anything good that can be done there?
Not really sadly. They limited what can Sneak Attack so very much that Arcane Tricksters don't get much use out of 'More cantrips' as offence cantrips are a joke to them.
Well, the SCAG cantrips work with sneak attack. So you can have mage hand, minor illusion, booming blade, green flame blade, and/or prestidigitation.
Feat-Human: +1 to two stats which are relevant, plus a feat which usually means a net +2/+1, and you get barely any feats, ever.
Majority of other races: +1 to two stats, one of which will probably be only partially relevant, sometimes +2 to one instead, + something worse than a feat. Races are generally tailored for very very VERY specific class combos. For example, only arcane tricksters seem to get full benefit out of being a high elf, and only barbarians seem to get full benefits out of being a mountain dwarf.
There are some very good races like a few in the DMG (orc, zombie, aasimar and eladrin), plus the uncommon ones for certain niches.
A lot of the UA ones seem totally nonsensical. The Eberron ones in particular seem aimlessly designed.
>If you don't use feats though character customization is almost nothing.
Well I'm overwhelmingly used to AD&D, BECMI and OD&D so that's fine with me, especially since you still have race + subrace and class + subclass.
Think I'm just going to 5e some of the 3 and 3.5 ones. Some were really cool like 2h sword in 1h.
>No /5eg/ up
Oh look, a thread about the new 5e playtest materials, I wonder what kind of interesting things are being discussed...
Welp, I best be gone then, there must be an infinity or netrunner general up at least, have fun with your "thread"
Have fun with your "buttfilledwithsemen"
If by "much more" you mean "two, but really just one because pretty much no one gets to level 14 before games fizzle", sure.
>only BARBARIANS get full benefits from free tools, light/medium armor, and some martial weapon proficiencies; no speed penalty in heavy armor regardless of strength, +2/+2 stats, poison resistance, darkvision, and knowing what buildings are
Three of those aren't even relevant to Barbarians since they already have martial proficiency and don't wear armor. You pick a Dwarf as your wizard or something and now you never have to worry about Mage Armor.
I think the majority of races are +2 to one score and another +1 from subrace, but I'd say most racial features are about equal to a feat. The only official race I would consider bad is the non-variant human
Well, I suppose. Its just that it seems oddly specific to want +2str and medium armor.
It's a race+subrace, not just a subrace.
I think Clerics and wizards are really the ones who would want that. The way I see it is it's basically to make a character more dwarfy if they don't pick an immediately dwarfy class
That's enough Strength to carry the armor you now wear and frees you from having to give a shit about your Dex score beyond 14. Instead of needing to pump it to 18 at some point to have equal AC (since you almost always are going to have a means of changing your AC calculation to 13+Dex as a non-armor guy who isn't Monk/Barb), you can leave it at 14 and spend those ASIs on feats. And if you're worried about how this might hurt your Dex saves, you can spend one of the two ASIs you would normally spend on getting Dex to 18 (or from getting other stats up that you had to drop at creation to compensate for a higher starting Dex) you can get Resilience: Dex and be even better off for it. Or pick up heavy armor proficiency and wear fucking plate as a Wizard.
Hmmmmm... okay.
I've softened my views on elves being teh suck after noticing how many enemies can simply otherwise win by hitting you with a single mind control effect, also.
Generally either the armor prof or the strength will see use, that's why they get a Str bonus so high.
Alright. I am now a #MoriaMissile
>Races are generally tailored for very very VERY specific class combos. For example, only arcane tricksters seem to get full benefit out of being a high elf, and only barbarians seem to get full benefits out of being a mountain dwarf.
I strongly disagree. Yes, ability scores do mean some races are bad as certain classes, but less so than previous editions. The racials have some synergy/overlap etc with class features but are generally quite good, they're meant to give some flavor, a bit of power on early levels, and utility.
What I dislike though, to be fair: both humans are bad design, normal one is weak and too much of a generalist, which is a cliche for humans I've never liked anyway. Feat-human is bad design because feat power varies a lot based on the class and character, and many feats are not meant to be gotten before level 4 (most tier 1 feats, most notably Heavy Armor Master though). It's also very lazy, taking something you would get later and pushing it up so you have faster progression than other characters.
Tiefling's Darkness goes well with Devil's Sight, Svirfneblin feat goes well with abj wizard, etc. but I don't think these synergies are bad, none of them are overpowered anyway.
Dragonborn breath weapon is their main thing, but is too focused on utility and niche combat ability. If it counted as an attack, or recharged faster, it would be better for martial characters, and for casters it would be a more viable alternative to cantrips.
I find it a bit annoying to have overlaps, like armor proficiency as discussed and weapon proficiencies as a martial, but especially weapons don't "cost" much in terms of power and add some nice flavor.
>dual wielding greatswords
Anyone saying pole arm master is better than the spear mastery is a retard.
Fucking 15ft Melee reach as a bonus action? Much better with Sentinel than without.
Bracing? This shit is again perfect with Sentinel unless your DM is a meta gaming dickwad that has to "win".
> 15 ft melee reach
Spears don't have reach in this edition. So, it's 10 feet reach.
PM is also mostly good for AoOs on people entering reach, a lot of the time no one will move around but melee characters will always want to come up to you to attack, and you can keep walking back and forth until they do, unless they have reach as well.
Defensive Duelist, Sharpshooter, Crossbow Master are also good depending on what you want desu. People kind of underestimate the value of an at-will shield +6.
The best part of this article is that of discusses feat design, which is a huge help to groups that want to make ones for their own campaigns. This is the best UA since the one on how to modify classes and subclasses.
Agreed, not only will it hopefully stop the tide of shitty feats adding literal subsystems and feat chains and shit, but it's also really helpful for legit homebrew as well.
A lot of these feats are *almost* great. Since I home brew feats as is (give Dual Weilder a bonus damage option ala GWM or Sharpshooter for example) this is a great UA.
I would rather it gave +1 to a stat rather than +1 attack, which would immediately make the feat more appealing a mind different from the ideal choices. I would change the flail one to ignoring cover and shields instead of shields. I would change the sword one to not both use reactions -or- give a bonus reaction. Stuff like that.