Filename Thread

Old one is at bump limit, let's get a new Filename Thread going.

Other urls found in this thread:






Haa, I was thinking about taking a picture of one of those with the filename "Roll for San Loss"






What I don't get is that his armor is strong enough to literally shrug off direct hits from tanks, yet two guys who each can lift about one ton maximum can inflict his kind of damage.

Doesn't a tank send him flying back without harm to the pilot?

IIRC any damage was dealt through either the shield or the bionic arm though

I'm pretty sure he's not wearing his main combat suit. The one he's wearing right there is the quick assemble one from his helicopter.

Yeah, knocked him back about 20ft while he was flying, but he zoomed right to the tank and lee it up with a pulsar blast. No lasting damage to be shot besides a piece of the lead slug getting stuck in the grooves.

But does the Tank have a comic book around him?

Different types of armor are better at dealing with different kinds of force; consider Kevlar, which will stop a bullet but not a crossbow's bolt. Armor designed to protect against high-speed projectiles does so primarily through deflection; since most of the round's energy is in its speed, rather than mass, and it has no means of exerting force beyond what it was fired with, it's much easier to divert the round than try to stop it. As a result, the armor only really needs to handle a fraction of that energy.
The energy in a punch, however, comes primarily from the follow-through, which counteracts the redirection from deflection/rebound with continued application of force along the initial path. Armor works to disperse this force and prevent injury to the wearer, but ultimately all the energy of the blow is still reaching the suit. Even if the blow is not enough to pierce the armor, it can still transfer enough energy to move it.

Additionally, a key part of dispersing the force of an impact is increasing the period over which the force is transferred, usually through either crumpling or recoil. The suit may well be designed to accommodate blows by being jerked around because the alternative would be a sharper, more damaging impact, much like how one rolls with a punch to the face to avoid a broken nose.

Metachaos, before anyone asks.




>Oh god why are there so many windows in this garage!?





That's a different armor. In every single movie with Iron man the suits get easier to put on, more compact and agile... and also weaker to direct hits.
It's stupid to me, but I guess having a hidden suit in a suitcase or secret compartment in a helicopter is worth it to Tony,


Should have been
>Exploding dice

I don't get it.
Doesn't look any worse than a lot of WHF models.

What's this from?

The music video for On Your Mark.


music video by studio ghibli



It depends on what he wants to wear. During the Battle of New York, his suit was super tough.


Give this a filename

Life in the barrens.png

Jesus Christ

help me think of a better name

What, does the other path disappear after you travel down one?

I suppose it depends on how flammable the orphans are


What the hell is that layout? It pissed me off in under 2 seconds of looking at it.

I love that game. "Balls and skulls crushed, two shots directly into the eyes, get up and keep fighting."

The path? No...But the orphanage might.

That's what I'm saying, you could just save the orphanage and then come back and go to the anti-pally's lair. It's less of a moral quandary and more of a short detour from your original route.

It gives the Anti-Paladin more time to prepare for you though, or even get away while you're distracted by the orphanage.

>filename is not only unfunny, but contains unintentional spelling errors

An attempt was considered.

I'm not sure anyone will know what this is.


>It gives the Anti-Paladin more time to prepare for you though, or even get away while you're distracted by the orphanage.

Oh well, guess we'll have to settle for taking his castle after rescuing the orphans.

And then, just to piss him off, move some of the orphans into his former castle and donate part of the estate's taxes to their care.

>move some of the orphans into his former castle.
Dude is an Antipaladin, tha place be cursed an chikefull of traps, no place for some half burnt orphans







Funny thing is that he isn't even hiding in his lair, he's standing right behind the sign. So if she had invested any skill points in Perception, there would be no dilemma.


Can I have the source for that?

planteside 2 trailer

fairly good game. It's from back in 2012 I think but it still holds up pretty well. And it's free to play too

I know there's a good filename for this one. Someone help me find it.



polish noir?


Wait this statement is real ?
Why is this reaction real ?
WTF is wrong with libertarians ?

Also driving licence for blind people ? is libertarian part the troll party and why is it still irrelevant ?

>There wasn't an octopus

>tha place be cursed an chikefull of traps, no place for some half burnt orphans
That's why you want to clear the place fully, make sure it's actually safe, get some adults in there, and ideally have someone get taxes from the estate to pay a permanent garrison.

>tracking /pol/ on my nice clean filename thread






Now that's a good filename joke

From last thread.


Reusing characters.

Well, you see, my thinking is that if the orphanage has been on fire long enough to justify there being a sign for it, then a few more hours couldn't hurt. Go to the Anti-paladin first.


I love everything about that pic

>steel-jacketed for humans

>we really need to have a talk with Ciri about her inter-dimensional teleporting

Honestly, the impression I get is that the paladin and anti-paladin have a bit of a history by this point. The paladin knows the anti-paladin is dicking with them (and that the sign is probably true enough just so that they know it's a legitimate choice). Plus, the way to the lair would probably have a trap that would dump black shoe polish all over the paladin armor or something just to blatantly grind home the choice. And the antipaladin probably doesn't have so much a proper lair as just a temporary location (one they will then move from). Showing up late the lair probably involves the paladin probably having to explain to falsely tipped off local authorities what they're doing in a warehouse filled with cartoonish plans on how to burn down orphanages and a small dollhouse with continual flame on it. Again, just to dick with the paladin (and the local law, and the orphans, etc).
The antipaladin is just in it to watch other people break and become monsters and to induldge in evil as he pleases. And he never works a day in his life for he loves what he does.

Both are for Monsters.

Nope. Explain?

Protagonist? for Gorogoa, an unreleased puzzle game (there is a demo online somewhere). In one part he needs a coin, so he takes the profile of a man lit by candlelight and puts it in a ring in a painting in a memory.

This makes me imagine Ciri and Elizabeth meeting in Rapture. Dimension hopping macguffin girls and the men who do a terrible job protecting them while murdering 99% of everyone they meet.

I dont get the "wasnt"




