>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v3:
>Pastebin with homebrew list, resources and so on:
Does your character own a mount? Have any of your characters owned an exotic mount? Do you feed your mount?
>Official /5eg/ Mega Trove v3:
>Pastebin with homebrew list, resources and so on:
Does your character own a mount? Have any of your characters owned an exotic mount? Do you feed your mount?
I'm planning a halfling beastmaster riding a panther
50 feet of movement, pounce attack, free dash/disengage, crazy stealth bonus and starting at level 4 get mounted combatant for shenanigans
>excuse me sir, we dont allow animals in the castle
>new UA about feats
>this gun be good!
>the weapon feats all add +1 to attack rolls
You only get, like, 5 chances for feats unless you're a fighter or rogue or a boring human. They NEED to be amazing in order to even compete with option of just boosting your primary stats.
Also UA is just a glorified playtest, there's a lot of unbalanced shit in there.
I was in a campaign a while ago where one of the players tried to tame a giant bat.
Sadly, that campaign didn't go for very long...
My Half-Elf Paladin recently reached level 5 so I have to pick a mount. I think cause he has some Elven lineage I may go elk or something. Not sure.
My DM said that conjuring horses out of nowhere doesn't fit his ''''dark'''' ''''fantasy'''' '''vision'''', so he removed this spell. Instead he gave me a spell that subdued the nearest large animal to me. I responsed by riding giant frogs.
Is there any way to make homebrews that look good without photoshop or microsoft word?
You're doing God's work, user.
Hop onward. To glory.
Pretty much this, we can't expect it to be balanced and blow our minds from the get go
Either way, a generous DM could allow a stat increase AND a feat on the levels you get them, or just give out a few feats here and there
Or even use the optional rule where you can spend gold and downtime to acquire a feat without having to spend a precious ASI
That's actually a little OP, don't they have that swallow move?
Speaking of mounts, the PHB only really mentions a few "generic" mounts, which have no combat viability on their own, besides the CR 3 elephant. So with actually dangerous mounts, if they are controlled, is there any way to make them attack in combat? Otherwise it's a waste to tame an elephant or dinosaur
But elephants and dinosaurs are badass.
You cannot make your mount do anything besides "move, take the dodge, disengage, and dash actions"
Which is why mounts suck, besides dual wielding lances
If you could somehow manage to get a large animal companion as a ranger you could order it to attack
But right now the only way to do that RAW is by being a small race with a medium companion
ty user
Read page 198 PHB.
Mounts are too limited.
So I've made a huge mistake but one that I feel could end up being a really cool few sessions, one of my players a half orc managed to end up leader of a few large tribes of orcs all united under one banner by being the biggest baddest orc in the place, I could have every orc in the place just challenge him to fight to the death to claim the title for themselves but I'd rather do some orcish political intrigue.
So far I'm thinking that the orcs prophet of some kind comes to him with the old chestnut of a prophecy that a great orc would work together with humans and orcs to drive back the evil coming for us all, then have a bunch of the clans leave the tribe because he's a half breed that they won't follow into battle and have him have to win the favour of a few other tribes
Maybe have 7 tribes and have them be able to go through about 3 in a day with some tribes being all fighters who'll only join if he beats the shit out of some other guys but others be more like magical and musiciany or healery or roguish and have to prove other abilities to them like wit and intellect. Then in the night have them discover an assassination plot that they can foil or flee from the camp so they won't spend all session or next two sessions plodding around the camp chatting to orcs looking to get them to join up
Horrible wall of text I know but I was typing it on my phone and coming back and forth from making breakfast. Also it's all of our first rpg so any over done tropes and stuff are absolutely fine since none of us have done them before.
At least they didn't make prestige classes a thing again, or encourage edgy homebrew classes
Not sure why he didn't realize summoning a magic horse could just mean it comes running from wherever the fuck it was previously, but it sounds like he learned a valuable lesson either way
He could use it for out of combat storage
>They NEED to be amazing in order to even compete with option of just boosting your primary stats.
That's the entire problem. By making it what is essentially a stat increase, you now add another tax for fighters to grab before they can grab feats that actually do stuff. As if GWM wasn't stupid enough.
This "worked" out in 4e with the expertise feats is because they were boring math fix feat to begin with, that later got changed into more flavorful bonuses depending on weapon type.
5e feats aren't supposed to give you +1 to attack or +2 to damage or any shit like that.
Not to mention, when you weigh these towards a stat increase, a stat increase only has 1 damage over them (and no, that +1 to athletics doesn't even matter, and don't pretend it does), and these effects all seem to be stronger than that by quite some.
I'm not saying they are without merit (they are flavorful and help differentiate weapons besides "this one is good against skeletons!"), but the +1 to attack has to fucking go.
With bounded accuracy those are actually potent feats.
>well they let you in, didn't they?
What feat does a Wizard take when he already has 20 Int and stupid high Con?
I'm DM'ing LMoP with a new group. The PCs really really wanted to tame one of the wolves in the first goblin cave so I let them after three successful DC20 Animal Handling checks (in the middle of combat no less, they wasted about 8 combat turns trying to get this to happen)
Anyway, our dwarf ranger wants to use it as a mount. Can dwarves ride wolves?
Spear Master + Sentinel = No enemies ever more again.
You can hit anything in a 35ft square.
I was thinking pikes. Damn.
And yeah, go for a fey-like mount.
Dexterity to make saves Charimsa to make lays.
Pretty much do you want to dodge fireballs or talk your way out
Gimp and Open Office
Alright /5eg/, I have no one else to ask but you guys. Gonna be playing in a campaign soon and me and my friends roll for extra things such as phobias and stuff, and I ended up getting an extreme fear of being poisoned(toxicophobia). So I'll be honest I don't know how to roleplay that phobia well, anyone got any ideas? Campaign has vamps in it and we're basically playing in a world akin to Innistrad, so there's that angle. Was thinking of making my character bring silverware with them and test every meal/drink, but it seems shallow. Any help would be great, thanks.
Seems like the +1 attack could be replaced with a +1 str/dex, but then they still seem too good to not take (at least compared to most feats that give you a point somewhere)
>More CON
>Crossbow Expert
>Elemental Adept
>Magic Initiate
raises dex, get a new saving throw proficiency, spell sniper, or that one which helps concentration check would be my choices
Maybe elemental adept if you really like fire for some reason
Would modifying some old feats work?
Just obsessively cast Purify Food and Drink every time you eat, if you're a non-caster then get magic initiate and refuse to eat more than once a day because you can only be sure the food you purify is safe
Don't trust strangers to give you non-poisoned food, don't even trust your allies to purify the food for you, you can only trust yourself to make food edible, because the world is full of poison!
OP what's that picture from?
Generally speaking, dwarves can not ride standard wolves since they're both medium sized creatures. Dire Wolves, Winter Wolves, and Worgs are all large sized though, and as a DM you could always rule that something is large enough regardless of size category.
Funny enough, I've been playing around with Ranger and his little friend, and I've done a lot of play testing on how to "fix" it.
And guess what? If you let beastmaster animal companion CR scale with with moon Druid wildshapbest CR, and remove the size limit, and uncapping the beast CR (leaving the beast limitation) at level 20, you are always balanced damage-wise with fighter and paladin, and your pet can never add so much utility for their to be anything worth mentioning that's "broken"
Nice isn't it?
I had an elk mount for about 5 seconds but then lost it because we all got on a spaceship and flew away.
Bloody hell, that OP made me cringe.
Friend lost half a tit to a horse bite, this stuff is no joke.
Horses are evil
Can kill you with a kick, have a scarily strong bite, and shit everywhere
Don't eat anything you didn't make yourself - or if you didn't witness cooking. Every time you have to leave the table and come back, insist on the parties switching drinks.
Hmm alright, thanks you both for the advice!
Not really, old feats are designed to allow you to do things on a permissive basis, whereas in 5e you're supposed to be able to do anything, and feats just make it easier/more elegant
Look at the first feat they use in the document as an example, if they had gone with that then it would be basically saying characters can't try to knock an enemy's shield aside unless they have the feat, which is how a lot of the 4e and 3.5e feats work, the Fell Handed version just makes it easier to mess with shielded enemies if you have "heavier" melee weapons
Not saying all old feats were bad, but they need to be carefully converted
For a second I thought conversation derailed towards /k/ ...
What is a good feat for a monk?
In my experience the beastmaster is alreary balanced damage-wise
But whatever works for you
I figure if I did allow scaling it would probably be non-moon druid, because CR1 companion from the get-go just doesn't feel right to me
>t-Rex does average 66 damage at best if you follow pet rules
>riding pet
>dual wield lances
>20 strength
>98 average damage
>around the same as level 20 fighter with sharpshooter/GWM, or paladin with GWM
The fuck WotC?
Fucking ouch
Good luck getting a tame T-rex.
Good luck convincing others not to attack it on sight.
Good luck not having it destroy random shit when you aren't around.
Good luck not having it be not be way more trouble than it is worth.
As a DM who deals with a lot of people trying to 'break the game' I could shut that shit down stupid fast.
Besides the above mentioned - know your "enemy" - character should have encyclopedic knowledge of poisons. Exact symptoms of poisoning for each substance, how it can be detected, knows antidotes (if any). And have each of those antidotes on your person if possible.
Hell, have some of the poisons on yourself too. How can you check for a poison by smell if you don't have exact point of reference?
There isn't really much that specifically is good for monks. Alert and Defensive duelist stand out the most to me for monks
Yeah backstory wise my character is a bit of a dabbler in alchemy and knows poisons and her enemies pretty well. Thanks for the input!
I could make some argument about "level 20 ranger" or spells or some shit, but you're 100% right. That is the optimal melee build if that was how beastmaster worked, and even then it's around the same as an optimized melee fighter or paladin. Just shows how lacklustre beastmaster is, and how it could be so much better. Say for arguments sake, you only include things that actually have been tamed, Like elephant for example. Average damage for dual wielding lances with 20 dex at level 20 is 67.
Magic Initiate for bonus damage that stacks with flurry like Hex. It also makes Shove easier.
>beast master is lackluster because I can't break the system
There's the "good for everyone feats". Lucky, Alert, Observant, etc. Otherwise, Mobile is the best feat specifically for monk. Defensive Duelist is good, and spear mastery from the UA is good if you aren't going to a high level, since bonus damage. If you're planning on being sun soul, I'd take magic initiate for cleric, taking light, sacred flame, and guiding bolt, because flavour.
I was referring to ones like monkey grip etc. Ones that aren't possible without said feat.
Literally not what I said.
Fighters and Paladin don't break the system with 100+ damage at high level. If those three classes are supposed to be related, paladin is "holy fighter", ranger is "nature fighter", so they should both be balanced damage-wise with fighter, or at least close to it.
its lackluster because its fundamentally worse than hunter. I still like it and think having a companion is cool though. having a bear companion is my shit man.
too bad bears are too high a CR
i know. its just a dream, user.
>level 20 wizard can turn into a fucking huge ass dragon
>beastmaster can't have more than a fucking dog
A basic beastmaster with a heavy crossbow and a wolf has an average damage of 36 with 2 chances to knock the enemy prone (i'm obviating attack rolls)
Add 10 with sharpshooter for 46 (no crossbow expert needed, it's only 1 crossbow attack and 2 wolf attacks)
Add 3 for hunter's mark if it only counts for you for 49 (if it counts for your wolf as well it's 55)
Now let's get into spells, if you used swift quiver you actually get 3 crossbow shots and 2 wolf attacks for an average damage of 56 + 30 sharpshooter + 9(or 15) hunter's mark for a conservative estimate of 95 damage, generous estimate of 101
I feel like that is balanced
one really shouldnt have to break the rules to get a fucking bear. Maybe they should up the CR limits, or allow for more companions as the class progresses. 2 or 3 wolves would get pretty good.
Can't concentrate on both swift quiver and hunters mark.
Allowing multiple pets would be cool, I'd be down for that if a player asked, as long as their total CR isn't higher than the corresponding level on the regular druid wildshape table
It would still take an attack to make a beast attack, but on the bright side you can eventually forego your action entirely to make 2 attacks with each beast
Or just ask the DM when he feels it's okay to have a Bear as a companion. Not all DMs are assholes or rules lawyers, especially if you're asking it for fluff reasons.
Current character has a wyvern stolen from an evil NPC through trickery and selling him into slavery. Somehow I am Lawful Good.
Right you are, that's a net damage loss of 9 for the final calculation, leaving average damage at 84, which is still respectable in my opinion
Allow a beast to increase in CR as per druid wildshape and you'd have a brown bear at that point (probably, I like brown bear), netting you +8 damage a turn for an average of 93
Hence why I wouldn't mind beast cr scaling, to a point
Well the NPC was evil.
Mercer did it, and as far as I'm concerned that man is the best DM
The size limitation is pretty stupid though.
There's the fact that those characters were converted from other system iirc, but that's a good example. This feels like quite a nice upgrade, definitely worth trying.
wheres the homebrew dump? I thought it'd be in the Pastebin but I couldn't see it.
>playing an Air Genasi fighter
>rogue keeps asking for a million gold pieces
He probably isn't a genie-us is he?
May I have three wishes? :^)
That's hilarious
Coincidentally I had a character concept for an air genasi wild mage who can't actually cast spells, but instead is actually using a minor version of wish to simulate them, creating wild magic side effects
Ok /5eg/, I want to build the hunter from bloodborne
He needs to be a 2 fast 4 u animu fighter that is proficient with a wide array of slashing weapons and firearms which he uses in tandem.
Hunter ranger, Mobile feat
What's everyone's opinion on variant humans?
Sentinel is also good, also if you saw the new Unearthed Arcana the Spear Mastery can go well. Skulker can be great for Shadow Monks
Thanks, I'm gonna give it a look.
Depends exactly on how you want it to work.
Warlock (GOO) for someone skilled in Arcane.
Rogue for a Skill build.
Fighter for a Strength build.
For Bloodtinge... anyone I guess, just give 'em a gun.
Mobile regardless for maximum side-dash.
Hunters mark and dual wield shortsword. Get the Dual-Wielder feat and they become longs words/rapiers.
My abjurationist took toughness.
The DM did a spit take when I told him I had second most hp in the party next to the barbarian on a d6 class.
See if you can bet a cursed magic item off your DM. Ring that detects poison at wil, except it's keyed to say nay 90% of the time.
Alternatively work with your DM why a group would legitimately want lot poison you. Just because it's a phobia doesn't mean it ain't legit!
Otherwise eat only food you prepare, drink only water you have collected. Tell people you have dosed yourself with trace amounts of the worlds known poisons to develop immunity. iN fact it just caused brain damage and the phobia
React to gifts of food with suspicion and distrust.
lol, now I'm gonna have to play an air genasi wild sorcerer.
His goal is to one day grant wishes like his pop.
>Player wants me to include some furry shit monster. Let's call it Minocow.
>Gave him the ok, but warn him I'll modify it 'a bit'.
>"In front of you lies a monster bla bla bla, cow-like face, fat shape, no chests and her udders hanging between her legs"
>Party laughs, Player rants.
So /5eg/, what are your experiences at destroying silly requests like that? Alternatively, tell us that thing you asked and the DM destroyed.
My go to.
Typically my best characters long term are inhuman brutes with a heart of gold, but my favourite characters are just humans helping out and supporting folks.
DM told us it was high politics fantasy. Spend 2 years building alliances, wheeling dealing and being a big flamboyant bastard.
End campaign with all major NPC's leveled to twenty as fighters. Forced to kill them all despite an impassioned speech referencing discussions and debates held with them over the past two years and 40+ on the diplomacy check.
"lol you take 80 points of damage as you are stabbed in the back"
Cue my party mates leaping in, and obliterating everyone while I was hidden upstairs. (The ninja used a ring to bilocate us and his ungodly disguise skill to pretend to be me)
We were lv 12 at this point. 2 years to lv 6 times