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Character sheet:
As the local high priest, it fell to Holm to carry out the cremations, to read the words and to light the funeral pyres. Even so, you took on some of the responsibility, dividing the work between the two of you.
There were, after all, plenty of bodies to burn. About two dozen in all, soldier and civilian alike.
Under the light of the moon – a clear, radiant moon, as if Selene herself was blessing this occasion – you solemnly walked along the neat rows of pyres, reciting ancient words and prayers. When the last of the bodies have been reduced to ash, you'll take that dust and scatter it in the nearby forests. For each life lost, a single pinch of their precious remains will be sprinkled into the waters of the Dragon River – no more, and no less.
A crowd gathered to watch, sobbing relatives rubbing shoulders with grim, stoic soldiers. The Emperor watches from a distance, while Miura – pale with despair – clings to his arm. Perhaps it's a testament to how serious the event is, but the young Emperor barely notices her, staring straight ahead at the rows of funeral pyres.
When morning comes, he'll leave here a new man – a changed man. A change, you hope, for the better.