Stag beetle is adorable edition
We need more art by chinaman.
Stag beetle is adorable edition
We need more art by chinaman.
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That giant Beelte is badass, is it going to be a mini?
GW doesn't make a picture of anything that isn't a mini anymore.
It's too confusing for young minds and their parents money.
I just want to see Stag Beetle-chans model already. I haven't been this hyped for a giant centrepiece model since, well, ever.
Well I already started orcs, and considering how much goblins stuff I have I wouldn't wanna switch but I love me some giant bugs.
Wait, do you get to wield frigging giant armored beetles and treemen in Age of Sigmar?
Because if you do, color me interested.
Yo found a cool video for you guys who like the Archaon the redeemed theory.
Well, the giant ass Treemen have been in the game since WHFB, and half the Sylvaneth range are giant tree men (I am not even kidding, so they they just have the Treelord, Treelord ancient, then the Dryads and Branchwraith, which are smaller tree people).
The treemen can teleport from forest to forest as well, so if you have a lot of Sylvaneth Wyldwoods on the field, NO WHERE IS SAFE.
I hope Alarielle gets Durthu's ability to spawn new Wyldwoods though, since it makes sense and it is REALLY useful for the Sylvaneth, who kinds need them to do anything.
>Pictures name Alarielle
Aww.. I thought for a second we were getting a new Queen Khalia model.
Sounds preddy cool.
>Can I dwell on what I scarce remember? I held a castle on the Marches once, and there was a woman I was pledged to marry, but I could not find that castle today, nor tell you the color of that woman's hair. Who knighted me, old friend? What were my favorite foods? It all fades. Sometimes I think I was born on the bloody grass in that grove of ash, with the taste of fire in my mouth and a hole in my chest. Are you my mother, Thoros?
I think this scene from A song of Fire and Ice captures what's it like to be a Stormcast.
The Treeman special character who doesn't have rules in the Grand Alliance book (although he still has rules in the Legacy Wood Elf PDF which are legal) is pretty cool looking. It was probably the first giant monster release GW had for a while that didn't get completely shat on by everyone.
How do you transport that thing without all those tiny branches breaking off?
very carefully
Also the Stegadon kit predates the treeman one, I'm pretty sure. I don't think anyone's hated on that triceratops.
>It was probably the first giant monster release GW had for a while that didn't get completely shat on by everyone.
What is the arachnarok? what is the sphynx? what is the stonehorn? what is the troglodon? What is the treeman being in the last whfb related release wave before the end times?
the treeman too got critiques, mainly in the stilts and it being "too man, not enough tree" which was a respectable artistic decision of the old treekin and treeman kits (who were comparatively lacking in execution though).
not that I mind the new look, personally, it's a matter of preferences.
the banners of the stegadon are way more solid than some things like chains and the treeman's branches that appeared more and more in big kits.
>first was not for kroak
>the banners of the stegadon are way more solid than some things like chains and the treeman's branches that appeared more and more in big kits.
Yeah I'm just saying it was the first big monster centerpiece I can think of that got universal praise.
>cut out the word 'fucking'
Sorry, I was actually working today, server issue :(
>replace leaves-wings with sphynx-wings
>color skintone and dryad-hand as proper marble and bandages
>make the beetle a scarab
>add sneks
What you really need in the end is just a bit of fantasy
kroak is busy motorboating giant elf tiddies
milky aelf thighs
frog aeons lasting boner
>implying old frogs would use modern hip slang
I really wish fantasy lived if for nothing else to have forge world actually make models for some of the gorgeous art in monstrous arcanum
>tfw kadaai destroyer model got remade into skragg the shitty "khorgorath"
>the fuckeuge scarab will never be made
>the necrofex colossus will never be made
why live?
hasnt this been asked 5 billion times already
fuck death lol
Necrophile are we?
Only enthusiastic for now
Who cares about Croak when Ushoran the Handsome reigns supreme?
>Ushoran the handsome
The guy sure has sense of humor
Have him in a box you pin the base into.
>Mindshackle Scarabs - -2 to bravery for units within 3"
hey guys, wanna start collecting AoS with undead but i'm kind of intimidated by some of the larger models, ie the mortis engine
are these nearly as hard to paint as they seem or just time consuming? i don't wanna half ass them, they're great looking models
You should be able to make it presentable without putting 600+ hours of MS Paint into it, mainly washes and drybrushing I imagine? Shold be a few tutorials guides on the model, look around.
What, your almost-omnipotent big thinkers don't talk like 12 year-olds on Xbox Live? Do you even Korrok?
I'd do them more like the rule the Glottkin have, where the lower your Bravery, the higher the chance that you can't attack the guy with the scarabs.
They're just time consuming. All the spirits are actually super easy to paint, find some tutorials on youtube
Start painting with skeletons and work your way up
The Mortis Engine is incredibly easy actually and it's not even a lot of work. All the spirit stuff is pretty easy but pretty rewarding as it'll look good even if done simply but the better you are the better it looks.
Basically it's only three different things:
>the spirits
>the altar/dais thingy
>the Necromancer
Paint spirits Celestra Grey then Nihilakh Oxide, dry-brush Hellion Green, dry-brush white, bam spooky ghost look complete.
Paint dais-things black, then dry-brush with Leadbelcher, shade Nuln Oil, dry-brush lightly with Runefang Steel, bam HR Giger look complete, just have to paint the flames.
That's like 95% of the model done in 8 steps.
MRW someone calls Ushoran handsome
>HR Giger look
This sounds interesting, is there any photos of the result you're describing?
I have not collected any undead forces at all but am looking to maybe make a neferata army (following a formation which is Nef, vampire lord on zombie dragon, coven throne and 2 units of morghast archai)
Looking at the models i would say that they would be more time consuming to paint but that if one paints all the bits seperatly it would be quite easy to make hem look good (although again... time consuming)
What are you looking at mostly? cos if its the mortis engine i think it might be easiest of all the big models to paint (all the ghosts can just be painted white then washed and it will still look acceptable.)
Senile old frogs need to use older, potentially racist terms. It's the law.
Age of Sigmar doesn't use a scatter die does it? I was thinking about making a gobber fanatic card just for fun
nope. Though even though i do enjoy aos i miss the random death dice of fuck everyone over.
However i don't think that stops you from using it in silver tower. I mean, a lot of people probably still have those dice from the many gw dice box they probably all bought. Might as well put em to some use.
How do I deal with people bringing more and more artillery? There are a lot of new dwarf and empire players and they're all talking about bringing multiple cannons or hurricanums every game because they're so good. Unfortunately they're the least fun things to play against because of how point and click they are. (And the hurricanum is straight busted I'm not sure why every order player doesn't have one, yet warshrines only affect mortal chaos). Thoughts?
Had to fight not only one of those broken FW dragons but several catapults, it was not very fun losing my Plague furnace on the first go.
When i re-matched him i took the Plaguesmog congregation, so my Furnace and Censers were -1 to hit, that fucked over his ability to snipe it, hitting on 5's is painful
But as a Skaven player i can match that with my own Plagueclaws, I'll also definitely never play without a small 10 man Gutter Runner unit for war-machine hunting ever again.
Never seen the Hurricanum but i've heard Order can stack a lot of + hit if they want. Finally the war-shrine and really all Slaves to Darkness units seem badly underpowered
Fast models and/or deep striking models
What does your usual army look like?
That's a big eye
Is anyone else a little bothered by the fact you don't get a cover bonus for being shot whilst behind units, friendly or enemy like in 40k?
Yet just standing partially on the edge of a forest or on a stone wall gives you cover
yeah its silly, favours sticking your chars on those nice $100 centerpiece models GW pushes since guys on foot typically only have 5 wounds
Yeah that shit is so transparent
there should be a 'look out sir' in this game for heroes on foot if they stand near units with similar keywords as them.
Right now the "line of sight" rule is pretty hit or miss, so we house rule it that if the targeted model is behind two "layers" of troops, it can't be targeted since it's not visible to the shooter.
Of course that doesn't matter for catapults that can strike in an arc and hit whoever they want, but it kind of tones down the cheesiness of people who want to show up with a 90% shooting army and win without having to really do anything.
Yeah, the Hurricanum is a busted piece of shit alright. 3+ Mortal Wounds a turn guaranteed, hit buff to all Order and bonus to cast for Battlemages meaning easier Wildform.
How you beat stuff like that? Depends on your army.
Death just uses a fast Wizard (Mortarch, Flying Vampire Lord, Ghoul King on Terrorgheist) to summon Morghast Harbingers, who can charge 3D6", aka straight after being summoned and Morghasts can pluck any Warmachine apart.
Sigmarines use Vexillor + Retributors, another combo so good I wonder why some Stormcast Players don't use it.
Other than that, fast (flying) cav like Hellstriders or Screamers, warmachines of your own, Kroak/Stardrake sniping or one of the dozen battalions and units that let you outflank or drop (Waystone Pathfinders, Brayherd Battalion from GA:Chaos, Gutter Runners, Auric Runemaster + Auric Hearthguard)
Flesheater-Courts have Command Abilities for just such an emergency, too.
There's a lot, but Destruction and Mortal Chaos have quite the drought of options in that regard.
Made some quick OC, this is my interpretation of the Flesh-Eater Courts fluff
>Vexillor + Retributors
Because it's too good, some argue. I've used two vexillors to shove ten retributors and ten protectors up Nagash's ass on turn one, effectivly ending the game right there as I squashed the rest of his forces between the paladin brick and the rest of my army on the subsequent turn.
Imagine that coupled with the Great Bolts and some Dracothian Guard...
Isnt there a bit in 9th age about using a d6 to rep a scatter die
I like tunnel team with doomwheel
All models lol
You can toe in cover every model in a unit, or if you have a big base just one bit of it.
attempt #2
Speed painted sigmarine from Warhammer Quest, still more to go
Looks good
Me and a friend spent crazy amounts of time constructing 3 spirit hosts. The hex wraiths are easy and I haven't tried a Mortis engine but if you want to make them look like actual ghosts the units will be really easy to paint.
Did all the silver tower stuff get archived somewhere besides the thread?
But Ushoran is out and Nagash can't find him ?
Check the OP.
Bases don't count lol
Bases don't exist anymore, the *model* has to be within or on the terrain. *Within* pretty clearly states that each model in the unit has to be inside the terrain (or on it in case of towers and shit). There are plenty of rules and loopholes to bitch about, but that particular thing is not one of them.
Understood, I checked yesterday and thought i had saw some characters that were in the thread but not in the imgur. I just got the game so I had not paid attention to this general until a few days ago.
Anyway thanks anons...
Rules for ghost ark kit, i dont know newcrons?
And suggestions for battalion formation
Based on gw collector and battleforce box
You can toe in cover with models too. Most people use bases rather than models.
It says within or on. So a GW forest base your just need to have any part of your model on the forest to get cover.
Looks bretty gud! Nice balance between jade-ish and the default GOLD 4EVA! MOAR GOLDZ
Pretty sure the common house rule is base or model for measuring distance, rule effects still off model.
This is clearly a discussion RAW vs RAI, because I am pretty sure the 'on' part refers to stuff like towers and buildings.
I've never seen it used in the way you argue but I can see where you are coming from. I suppose it's another question for the FAQ.
That said, it only really matters for Monsters. Heroes and solo models should have no issue fitting into cover anyway, and who really cares if one model of a unit isn't entirely in cover..
That's how it's done at my lgs at least.
Holy shit, somebody actually painted a turquoise stormcast instead of only considering it. Nice work.
What's the most convoluted name in this setting? Anything worse than Fyreslayer Doomseeker?
does equipment count in the naming? if so i'd probably pick aspiring deathbringer with goreaxe and skullhammer...
phew that's a mouthful
deathrattler deserves some kind of award
khorne bloodbound bloodsecrator?
doomseekers were a thing in warhammer, during the storm of chaos at least.
>sigmarines forged with sigmarite in sigmarabulum in sigmar's sigmaron of sigmarion in azyrheim of azyr
im waiting on a sigmar bible called the sigmareleon
Is silver-tower-hero-card user still around?
I need another blank card made for my duardin family. This is going to be my warden king, Lord Dunhill. He's in a steamsuit, but the warden king's stats fit him perfectly, and this is the perfect picture for his head.
Just put the picture in a blank card, I'll do the text and stuff :)
Just a few homebrew and moonman
Here's a higher resolution image.
The truely blessed are fortunate enough to have a copy bearing the sigmarture of the man himself.
Not that user, but I did it for you.
I found the template .psd on boardgamegeek. Might have been our user, who posted it.
>actual ghosts
It looks great. Thanks for doing it for me!
Extra characters from ST app. First link is grouped for easier printing second is singles.
Thanks to the user who made 'em up! I think the only one NOT fully completed is the blood stoker. Missing an ability I think
The ghouls are insane, they believe they are royalty and brave knights that go around slaying monsters when in fact they just eat people and terrorize the mortal realms
For you
Got it done. Basically it's the same rules as the warden king card, just reflavored for my dude. In AoS i used him as a dwarf lord on shieldbearers.
meh have some 40k "OC"