IOTA wil be so fucking big, it's even now dirty cheap. End of the next year you will be crying if u didn't buy now.
IOTA wil be so fucking big, it's even now dirty cheap. End of the next year you will be crying if u didn't buy now
LOL we really are in a bubble. The technology doesn't even work but it's now in the top 5. I just sold everything.
But it does. Stay poor!
wow that logic
Im sure, Microsoft, Samsung have no clue how to make something work yeah... hmmm.. AHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH
This :DDDD damn these pajeets are stupid
>he doesn't understand investing or markets at all
IOTA tangle hasnt free'd itself from the node, its not a working product
nice pic user. saved
Longed on bitfinex since 0.80 made 34k into 300k in just over a week AMA
Guys, I have altcoins too, I am sorry about this but when Microsoft joins the game heads roll
mad noiotas using words they dont understand
btrash is in top 5 so
respect bro
wish my laptop was faster, trying to get some gains on iota so i can buy one with my bitcoin gains, but shit is so slow
any tips tricks on what is coming next for iota, short after the pump right now?
also, you don't want to buy me a laptop from those gains? would just be les then 1% from your aquired stack
kill yourself pathetic neet. go get a job
nice breh.
As much as I dislike BCH (and BTC too), it at least functions currently as it's supposed to
>IOTA has resolved the three major issues of blockchain — fees, scaling limitations and centralization
it didnt solve centralization, its the most centralized cryptocurrency
markets are forward looking, crypto is no exception. everything is expectation. the coordinator code will be open source and it is expected to be unnecessary next year once the network grows. smart money knows this
Prove me wrong.
Theory: Some days ago articles about how neonazis made $$$ on btc, in SJW-tier outlets. Iota being pumped because those people who hate the neonazis wanna get in the crypto game and chose Iota. Why is cnbc pumping a shitcoin?
>implying sjws have money for this rise
except we have a lot of tangle devices now correct? why do we still need the coordinator ?
do we need billions of devices or something?
best way to learn how to long?
not enough yet. the network is running on it's own now, the coordinator is just there now as a fail safe. once more devices are added - the network will be large enough to grow without the coordinator.
have money, buy early, don't be a pussy
this guy invests
Where can I even buy iota? Im in USA
>network is running on it's own now
I have yet to see evidence of this
buy bitcoin on coinbase, transfer to binance, then buy iota
Build a pc faggot u can get a decent one for between 500 and 1000 esp if u look around on Craigslist
your laptop cant display the charts fast enough or wat???
i know i've read it, but i cannot remember where. been reading so much lately. think it was covered in the AMA last week (i think it was last week - not sure of the day) the last few days, i haven't slept much.
Check out the amount Bernard raised.
>Why is cnbc pumping a shitcoin?
This is why
>If you purchase IOTA you are funding the genocide of the White Race.
Congrats my man
stay poor pajeet