Alot of Old and New Testament wonders have spell equivalents: from Create Food to (True) Resurrection. So, is there any system or an obscure splatbook with "Parting the Seas" equivalent?
Alot of Old and New Testament wonders have spell equivalents: from Create Food to (True) Resurrection. So...
Controlling/shaping water is a pretty standard thing in most editions of D&D.
Doesn't that usually only cover a 5ft cube?
Knowledge: Nature to understand how high tide / low tide phases work
Knowledge: Geography to pick the right spot for crossing
Depends on the D&D, and what spell you're using.
High level clerics can do some crazy shit in AD&D and 3e.
Is there a spell that causes earthquakes?
Is there a spell that turns people into salt?
Flesh to Stone?
Fluffed out to be rock salt instead?
I'm sure there's an earthquake spell somewhere in there but I'm not 100% sure?
There is an earthquake spell, not necessarily the exact power and dimensions of an earthquake though. The only time I've ever seen it used is to collapse a dungeon on a rather powerful red dragon.
I'm guessing it's like a 6th-8th level spell?
Exalted has a fairly low end spell that summons a group of giants to magically part a river or small ocean for you.
DnD 3.5, Sandstorm, pg. 116
Flesh to salt
>tfw staff to snake is a thing
>low end spell
All Exalted spells are high-end spells. Even the first circle of sorcery is no small matter.
Is there an artifact as OP as the Ark of the Covenant?
I'm sure you could probably find the equivalent to "open this and your face melts, lose it and your race is fucked"
Exalted has a Sorcery Spell that basically does exactly this.
Part of the effect from the Voice of God spell for Testament.
hackmaster has some spells for it.
>Parting the Seas
In 5th edition D&D, the Divine Intervention class feature could probably do it if your DM isn't a tool.
In 5th edition D&D, the Earthquake spell would cause a small earthquake.
>turns people into salt?
Polymorph and True Polymorph
In 3.5, there are three including one named earthquake
I swear I saw a Part Waters spell somewhere while looking through OSR stuff. I remember it had a long casting time so you would have to fend off an enemy force for quite a while before it took effect.
There is that one druid spell that lets you summon a batch of elementals. With enough water elementals, you could part most bodies of water.
Earthquake, because the sea will recede like a tide and come back in as normal.