How do the Vampires, chaos, and Tomb Kings feel about each other?
There seems to be some overlap between them wouldn't vamps and kings have the favor of Khorne and tzeench?
How do the Vampires, chaos, and Tomb Kings feel about each other?
There seems to be some overlap between them wouldn't vamps and kings have the favor of Khorne and tzeench?
They all hate each other. Chaos can't get at Tomb Kings or Vampire's souls as they're bound to their bodies.
>having the favor of Khorne
Vamps and tomb kings are unchanging. Chaos hates them.
Also souls are bound to the materium, chaos hates them.
The blood vampires drink, and the debauchery of their parties do not go to the chaos gods, chaos hates them.
ok so im going to ask because somebody might know in here im hoping
I was playing totalwarhammer
I had a event where armies had +10% movement or something
and it said something along the lines of nagash spirit or something I forget
but in the text it sounded like the vamps dont like him
OP here I thought they steal his magics?
google "nagash wiki" and read hhis page, its great fun.
tl;dr version to your question, Nagash became the first Lich, he created vampires with his undead magic, during his world conquest he asked the vampires for help. they told him to fuck off, they rule themselves and serve no one. Nagash was ultramad and cursed them. Vampires mad too now.
Undead repel Chaos. They don't get along.
Vampires and Tomb Kings don't get along.
Vampires and Tomb Kings hate and fear Chaos.
Chaos typically doesn't give a shit and just want to raise hell.
Nagash invented the magic that necromancers and vampires use, though vampires themselves are about the only form of undead he didn't create. So while they don't want to acknowledge him as god-king of the dead they're sort of his disciples.
No the Chaos gods definitely regard the undead as an affront to the natural order (ie, the one where they rule every soul)
The Chaos Gods raise their own undead, and accept undead servants.
They don't give a shit.
>raise their own undead
Say what?
I'll grant you they'd accept the fealty of a particularly badass lich or something, but the practice of necromancy in general is against their interests
Tomb kings hate the Vampire counts and blame them for ruining their golden age
Vampire counts are afraid to admit that the Tomb kings they accidentally created are the superior undead and are their greatest threat to world domination.
Chaos has a hard time corrupting the undead because their souls are bound to their bodies and they have little to offer those who are already immortal. Nurgle especially hates them because they are an affront to the natural cycle of life and his plagues have little affect on them.
>Say what?
They have their own undead champions. Valnir the reaper is likely the most famous.
>the practice of necromancy in general is against their interests
Not really, Undead are a natural byproduct of dark magic.
True. It's the necromancy of Nagash and the curse of vampirism that is outside their control.
I found it interesting how in the Total War game, the Chaos and Vampire corruption was mutually exclusive. It just made me think as Mannfred: "Hey Franz, I can get rid of that horrible Chaos taint in those Northern provinces you lost to them, lets make a deal!" which would be an interesting concept in a more story based RPG or something
I know Serreta the Imperishable fucking hates Chaos and the Vampire Counts.
Vampire Counts probably don't like Chaos, but I know they have a big rivalry with the Tomb Kings.
Chaos wants to eat the other two as Chaos generally does.
Nagash thinks they're all petty children.
>Say what?
Who restored Heinrich Kemmler's necromantic powers? The Chaos Gods did. In the End Times, serveral vampires were corrupted by Chaos.
Heck, in the Wahammer RPG, a Necromancer invokes the Chaos Gods to ress a vampire.
You freaking bastards. Stop being racist against Chaos. The Chaos Gods generally don't give a fuck about the Undead. Only Nurgle has a slight distaste for them.
Chaos I imagine does not care one way or another, perhaps a bit annoyed that it's very hard to corrupt Tomb Kings and Vampires to their service.
Vampires probably dislike Chaos if they view it as a threat to their plans.
Tomb Kings dislike Chaos if it steals from them or it's messing with Nehekhara.
It's not impossible for Vampires or Tomb Kings to fall to Chaos, but it's very hard since Chaos usually has very literal to offer Vampires in return for becoming a slave and for Tomb Kings I imagine it's a cultural thing and most of them spending time sleeping.
The Tomb Kings for the most part probably dislike the Vampire Counts for their actions in the past and for siding with Nagash.
For Vampires it probably depends. Neferata or any vampires she sired I could hating the Tomb Kings for the Destruction of Lhamia. A Von Carstein or a Blood Dragon I couldn't really see giving a damn.
Vampires actually flocked to Nagash after the destruction of Lhamia and Nagash viewed them as worthy generals for his armies. However the war eventually went against Nagash and the vampires fled, leading to him cursing them.
They basically do not like Nagash because he provides them the option of serving or dying.
Only Nurgle really seems to hate the Undead and that is because he views them as an affront to the circle of life.
When Chaos attacks Undead rather support humans than let Chaos win.
>Only Nurgle really seems to hate the Undead
One of Nurgle's greatest champions was an Undead.
Nurgle is notorious for creating undead plague zombies.