>Learning about workers' rights, through a board game
This is not ok
>Learning about workers' rights, through a board game
This is not ok
Why not?
Combining a fun hobby with the mundane and the educational is like mixing milk and water before drinking it.
No, its perfectly ok, you totally can learn something while having fun. And it's a good thing.
Even better if it is something actually useful and not just some trivia.
You're a sad faggot.
>Learning about poo in loo, through a board game
I think what he means is that learning about "worker's rights" is not okay
>something actually useful
>workers' rights
>you totally can learn something while having fun
People like you ruin education.
carl sagan's cosmos you nigger
Wonder and fun are two very different things.
Education is not "fun". Education is what you do so you can pass the requirements for the job that Daddy will get you.
Or, y'know, so you can learn about something you're passionate about.
You're probably some faggot Econ student who only went to college to get a degree. STEM and humanities are both better than you troglodytes.
>This is not ok
Take your "problematic" shit elsewhere. Let the indian ladies play their shitty parcheesi in peace you insufferable faggot.
...Who would do that garbage? Business degrees have you meet y'know, actually relevant people like employers and financers. I mean, fuck, do you think education and hard work makes you successful? Goddamned you're probably posting this on a computer instead of your smartphone on the jet to France
>Doesn't give a reason
>Just makes some random analogy
Yeahhh I am just going to automatically assume you are a sperging neck beard. So therefore you are definitely wrong.
Wasn't fun.
>edutainment games
The motivation to learn should come from the wonder of knowledge and curiousity.
Trying to incorporate useless trivia knowledge into a game almost always backfires spectacularly.
>Education can't be fun
lol nigga wat?
Education is better when it is fun and engaging. You take things to heart much better when it doesn't seem like a chore.
as well as 'play' can be an integral part of learning for both children and adults. Nothing is stopping people from having fun while learning, just many posters in this thread are idiots who probably didn't enjoy their education or are splitting irrelevant hairs.
>people have been playing monopoly for a hundred years and haven't learned anything from it
Why would this work?
As oppose to the hundreds of board games that have a political or historical slant to them, those were at least enteraining in how bad they were.
That's fucking cool. Thanks for bringing it to my attention OP.
Nobody bothers reading the rules for Monopoly, though.
This is not ok
A lot of people have learned that the game is broken and the bank holds all the power which is a valuable lesson to learn.
He's probably more like this.
You're a fucking retard.
Why would any successful person head to France?
Have you seen the place recently?
>woman can write backwards
What a skill
That was the express intention of the game. It was to teach kids that the financial system is both completely random and also totally rigged from the start.
>This is not ok
Literally the same as saying
>This is problematic
They just don't understand it's about the real economy. They decide it's a broken game, or enjoy it because they know it's randomness disguised as game-play.
If someone was making the game today, the bank would be controlled by players lucky enough to land on a bank square before about mid-game. That would represent better how our economy malfunctions, as they decide who gets loans and who doesn't.
Reminder that monopoly was intended to be anti-capitalist propaganda
only one of those comes with cute reaction images
>anti-capitalist propaganda
So would economics 101 be, if it described practice rather than theory.
Well yeah, it was created during the depression. Not one of the brightest days capitalism has had.
>privileged bourgeoise first-worlder telling low-caste indians about modern pseudo-unionization that relies on a society already predisposed to it which will get said indians raped/beaten or worse
Just great.
>implying they will ever learn