Are mortals just canon fodder in exalted? Everything seems to be stronger than mortals and I wonder how mortals survive alone.
Are mortals just canon fodder in exalted...
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Not all mortals.
Heroic mortals can kick some serious ass and if you get attached to some, they can become awesome. Especially if you train them to become Tiger Warriors, or use whatever that charm was in the War Charms section that lets you train forces to become incredibly elite.
Which edition?
Regardless they can match exalts simply by doing things the exalt cant. Like a dawn with 20 combat charms could beat any mortal in a fight sure but a mortal with performance 5 is still going to sing better than him.
In 3e I don't think mortals can get 5 dots in abilities or attributes I don't think...
A Dawn Caste with anything doesn't need to sing better, they make the mortal sing for them.
whats the best way to troll ebon dragon?
Have sex with his feitch soul
>how mortals survive alone
Not sure they do, really. Who in any setting survives alone? Even in DnD, you're limiting yourself to solo monsters, dragons and such.
The Exalted setting has a conceit in its backstory that human beings are perfect for generating prayer. We've got soft sensitive skin instead of shells so that we can feel pain strongly, we can use weapons rather than have claws so we can be helpless and want something that will make us stronger, we need food and water and rest every day, etc. All those desires and weaknesses, and we have the intelligence and the voices to be able to pray in a pretty way. That's why the Primordials in Exalted created mortals; to be weak and to constantly beg for help, so that the Primordials can eat the prayers and occasionally grant requests in order to encourage more prayers. Foolproof plan there, Primordials. Nothing could possibly go wrong.
So yes, mortals are pretty much just cannon fodder. There's the occasional hero or mortal mystic (3e lets mortals be sorcerers), but as a rule either you have a supernatural patron or you get stepped on by someone who does. No Ayn Rand self-made men for this setting, unless you count the Perfect of Paragon (who mostly just uses a magic item he found that someone with a supernatural patron made).
What are anons favourite backer charms?
This question got answered last thread.
by one person right before it locked. so thats two votes for "fuck him" one for "live life" and one for "genuinely befriend him and be blind to the backstabs"
Yes, they can. Retainers have 4-5 dots in the relevant abilities/attributes, and 2-dot retainers can be mortals.
>No Ayn Rand self-made men for this setting
Brem Marst founded the Guild, and was a vanilla mortal. He made deals with supernatural powers, of course, but he wasn't subordinate to them.
source on gif?
>I wonder how mortals survive alone.
By not being alone. Mortals everywhere organize into societies. That way they can help each other. Also, most of the time they get help from local gods or other patrons like their ancestors. And you have to remember that not every part of Creation is a shithole filled with suffering and Hungry Ghosts. Most of the time danger is just other mortals and rowdy low-Essence supernaturals that can be beaten by organized mortals.
Yes. The only thing mortals have going for them is the ability to Exalt.
>Everything seems to be stronger than mortals
Most are, but not by a huge margin. First circle demons, normal undead, terrestrial spirits, many species of elemental, all those are strong but not strong enough to just crush mortals no effort.
If I wanted to homebrew Lunars or Infernals (or other exalts), how should I build their charm trees and design the lower Essence charms? How can I tell if a charm is too strong or weak?
Thats a much bigger question than can reasonably be answered on an image forum.
Yes, strangely enough, mortals are incredibly weak in a game focused on demigods.
Why are you even asking?
Run it past a Lunar player. If they don't bitch about it, it's probably too strong.
The hell, why did the thread get locked?
I've been gone the last couple of days.
Not locked, it just fell off the board because it was past autosage.
natural causes
does infernal contagious torment affect ALL intimacies or only ones to specific people. for example if somebody with a cecelenian urge loves his country...
Go with whatever does less damage to the game from your ST's perspective, since it's a dumb mechanic to begin with.
Is adding 1 success on a withering attack roll too weak for a 1m Str 1 Ess 1 charm, or should it be Ess/2 or Str/2?
>As the Solar continues to play her most sorrowful tune, a prince might endlessly mourn his dead husband. With an aria that inspires hope, she might cause the prince to open his husband's private gardens to the city's children, in honor of an old wish.
Oh, cool, I forgot that hereditary monarchies practiced gay marriage.
Fuck off.
>what is polygamy
>what is the fact Creation regularly uses the word "prince" outside that context, and more often in its context as "princeps"
1 success for 1m at 1/1 is better than the Excellency, and roughly comparable to Excellent Strike (which rerolls 1s out, but also costs 2 more motes), so it's probably fair, but boring. I'd probably add a rider effect (like Excellent Strike has) that gives it a little more texture.
Str/2 or Ess/2 successes for 1m would be retardo strong.
See, the idea I had for Lunar charms was that you would get a lot of rider effects for motes, a lot like 2e Alchemicals. So you would have relatively few charms, but the charms would have very modular effects. You would also have a lot of charm interactions a la Relentless Lunar Fury.
>>what is polygamy
>>what is the fact Creation regularly uses the word "prince" outside that context, and more often in its context as "princeps"
If you were a pre-modern dude who had another man that you loved passionately and with open acceptance of your society, do you know what you called him?
It wasn't husband. It was lover, blood brother, erômenos or erastês, wakashū or nenja, maybe pullus, perhaps wife, or something else altogether.
Mortal prayer is delicious. People want to protect that smile so they can drain it for motes.
Crushing Strike
Str 1, Ess 1
Gain 1 success on a withering attack roll.
Str 3: For 5m, you can ignore your(Strength/2) soak.
Str 4: For 5m, on a successful attack roll, you can choose to forgo half the initiative you would have gained to push your enemy back one range band.
Excellent Sight
Per 1, Ess 1
Simple; Instant
Ignore Awareness penalties from fog, smoke, or other similar visual effects.
A repurchase at Ess 2 changes the duration to scenelong for a 1 wp cost.
At Ess 3, if you have performed an aim action on a target, this charm allows you to see the target through solids and liquids.
At Ess 5, ignore the previous condition.
Seems legit to me. Fits with an idea I myself had; the idea that Lunar Charms are "hungry," you can always pump more motes into them, as a representation of the "unleashed" side of things.
Good thing Creation isn't Earth, then, or we'd only have 999 things to call our buttlovers, instead of 1,000.
>Good thing Creation isn't Earth, then, or we'd only have 999 things to call our buttlovers, instead of 1,000.
It's superimposing modern ideas of marriage onto a backdrop where it isn't appropriate and intentionally ignores and undermines the supposed attempt to create genuine-seeming culture of the setting to win quick brownie points with liberals.
Ah, so nothing unusual for Overly "Progressive" Publications.
Into the trash it goes.
>Are mortals just canon fodder in exalted?
Most of them. I'd say a good 95% or higher.
>Everything seems to be stronger than mortals
Yup. Pretty much everything.
>I wonder how mortals survive alone.
They don't. Creation is a dangerous place. Rogue gods, terrible demons, crazed Exalts, the Fair Folk, ghosts, and all manner of other things stalk the land. Creation itself as only managed to survive because the Exalted protect it. Mortals can handle the small stuff, but if a new god on the block demands tribute, you either obey or you die. When the ancestor cults take hold, you better start worshiping the dead or you're going to join them. If a guy with a glowing mark on his forehead and the power to take out an army with his eyes closed and one arm tied behind his back calls himself your god-king, your best chance for survival is taking the winning side. Mortals in Creation survive by hoping they never meet anything bigger than them groveling at the feet of anything that is, hoping that they've got enough stuff to appease them.
Exaltation is agency. If you have it, you've got the power to hit back against everything trying to keep you down. If you don't, present your ass and hope whatever's kicking it feels merciful today.
It's why they have gods, spirits, and dragonblooded overlords.
Barring that, a large enough mortal battlegroup is scary.
>where it isn't appropriate
>in the made up world with made up values
Just admit you're triggered like a tumblrina and be done with it.
which level of oathbound flaw would "can't lie(still able to lie like a jedi("what I said was technically true from a certain pov") or state a falsehood through ignorance if they believed it was true)
The former is just "I can't lie, but I can anyway, so whatever" and the latter is kind of inherent to any "can't lie" thing, since otherwise you could use your inability to lie as a way of finding out any fact.
yeah, that sound good to me(and I'm in favor of anything that distances a splat from simply behaving like a solar). posts the lunar stuff when you're done
you mean like "generic magic user's truth bound-ness that generally means less than people assume cause they're sneaky bastards"?
We didn't seem to discuss the backer charms for too long. Do they significantly change what you should shoot for in the tree or any of the Supernal starting packages?
Sounds like honor code 1-3 to me. Probably 1 because of the loophole even if it's being applied to a wide audience. Although oathbound 1 is practically nothing as far as life or gameplay impact, more like a personality quirk
Supernal Survival probably changes the most. I really wouldn't want to play that without the backer charms.
Something else I toyed with is shapeshifting being tied to charms. So for example you would have a speed charm, and it would let you shapeshift into big cats. Then a charm that lets you emit a terrifying roar, and that lets you turn into a lion. A charm that enhances stealth and balance, and that lets you turn into a cat. Etc.
>Are mortals just canon fodder in exalted?
>I wonder how mortals survive alone.
By not being alone.
More seriously? If they don't try to compete in a field where an exalt has charms, they're no better or worse off than the exalt is. The Dawn is probably worse at blacksmithing than a mortal smith, the Twilight probably can't fight as well as a mortal soldier, and so forth.
What's more, people, as a rule, are social animals. They don't survive alone, they form into nations, tribes, and cities. Sure, a lone mortal is probably fucked if an elemental decides to eat him, but an army of mortals can put such a beast down.
And finally, when it comes to dealing with magic shit, most mortals either avoid magic shit or try to leverage some kind of magic shit as protection. Most mortal cities and kingdoms form in areas that have relatively low levels of scary magical shit trying to kill them. Most mortal cities and kingdoms have some deal with local gods or Dragon-blooded or whatever to provide protection - that's literally the idea that the Realm and its satrapies is founded on. And in plenty of places, mortals have some unique magical feature offering them protection - like a magical road to the sea where no Creature of Darkness can walk and no violence can be enacted, for example.
Now, when all of that fails? When a mortal tries to face a supernatural being in their field of expertise? When a mortal tries to deal with a major threat without the assistance of society? When a mortal's put in a situation where they can't avoid magical bullshit, and don't have any patrons to protect them or magical resources to hide behind?
That's when mortals die.
Or when they exalt.
Also, how's this for a capstone?
Night Terror
Essence 5, Intelligence 5
Prereqs: Sapphire Circle Sorcery, Any 9 Int Charms
20 or 40m
Instantly cast a spell for 20 motes per circle. This charm can be used only once per scene, except in Calibration, where every subsequent usage costs an extra willpower.
Violation of the Non-Existence of the Black Moon, or Shadow of Abraxus
Ess 5, int 5
Prereqs: Night Terror
Choose a single Solar Circle Sorcery spell. You can cast that spell as normal. You cannot choose Demon of the Third Circle, or any other summoning spell. That spell is not treated as your control spell.
>source on gif?
Kill la Kill, a very Exalted anime.
The Voice of One who Does Not Exist
Ess 5, Cha 5
Simple; Scene
Prereqs: ???
20m, 2 wp
The Lunar gains (Ess) non charm successes to all rolls against raksha, ghosts, or other creatures from the Wyld or Oblivion (excluding Neverborn/ Abyssals).
Those creatures fail all rolls to establish stealth or disengage from the Lunar, as well as any social influence roll to dissuade the Lunar from attacking them. The Lunar similarly cannot disengage from such creatures or perform any non-intimidation social influence. Remove willpower costs from charms and evocations (but not spells) used against those creatures.
I've got nothing against "made up values." I like the Delzahn's gender gimmick, I think it's interesting and very appropriate for the milieu of Exalted. What /isn't/ a made up value is superimposing modern ideas of marriage as a purely romantic, emotional, and individual affair onto "bronze age" cultures.
But that's not Kill la Kill. That's not Kill la Kill at all!
I've been playing with the idea of a Performance charm that lets you speed up an extended action's interval rate with a musical montage/cinematic musical number. Like Craftsman Needs No Tools, but with singing and dancing, and also applying to shit like research, calligraphy, or medical treatments. It would definitely have a Willpower cost, and it would also need to be re-used after every roll if you want the next interval to be similarly accelerated.
What Essence do you think I should make it?
Essence 3 Fair Folk Charm that only works in the Wyld.
No? Is that not short-hair-slut with red-half-scissors-daiklave exploding someone?
That's just strictly worse than Wyld-Shaping, in that scenario.
Why not? The backer charms don't give that much. The battle-group charm is cool, but the key to Survival is still Deadly Predator Method.
There is pretty much complete charm set posted in the OPP forums. Seems like people have played with those charms and have mostly posted positive about them.
Will The Maiden of Endings still be secretly thirsty for the Unconquered Sun's dick?
I've seen them but I don't like them. I think they're too boring. I also don't agree with a lot of what he thinks the Lunars should or should not be able to do. Seriously, there's an army training charm there.
I guess my problem with it is that there's too much of a "Silver Solar" theme with it.
She's only secretly thirsty for the climax and afterglow. She prefers it right at the end.
I'm also working on Infernals again, but I don't know how long that'll take to complete.
Hoping by the end of the month, unless the town I'm living in now also fucking burns down.
I suspect they're going to really dial back how much they explain what the Incarnae are doing up in the great Floor Hockey game in the sky.
I think it's Kyoukai no Kanata. I could be wrong.
Don't spoonfeed. Although now that you put it out I find this strangely appropriate to
Yeah, well the charms are atleast something to start from. If you don't like the work someone did by themselves, then change it or make your own.
Seems like you know what you want from Lunars, do you mind writing a bit more about in what ways and themes they should be different from those charms?
He can spoon feed who he wants cunt.
2e mutation: is manic only for during the full moon? or all the time and only strongest on full moon?
>Don't spoonfeed.
If I don't get spoonfed, I literally won't be able to eat, in this case. I don't have the resources or knowhow to figure out what any given anime is on my own, so if someone doesn't give me a source, I'm just fucked.
Taking away heartsblood hunts? I'd rather leave shapeshifting to those. Sticking it on charms make it generic. I liked the other stuff you mentioned though.
yeah. that isn't good. does feel like a fiarfolk charm in general though
Really its OK. You are saving yourself from another Kyoani anime. One day young one you will be able to figure out shows based off of their company if you care enough.
Its actually a good show
Yeah, Heartsblood hunts are a cool concept and tying different animals to specific charms would be pretty dumb and overtly restrictive.
If you want to go that way, maybe instead have that the speed charm is more effective if you turn into an animal that is known for its speed part of the activation? Roar charm is better if you turn into something that can roar powerfully, like a gorilla or lion.
>fiarfolk charm
>Craftsman Needs No Tools, but with singing and dancing
Definitely Essence 3+, though. Essence 4+ if it can apply to Training effects like Tiger Warrior Training Technique. Essence 5+ if it can apply to Workings or summoning.
And you'd want to fluff it as equal parts morale bonus - letting people get lots of work done immediately by not hesitating at all - and your voice nudging shit to just work out correctly, with shit falling into place correctly, unmeasured cuts turning out to be the right length, and so forth. The trick is making it something in-theme for Performance, rather than something as reality-warping as a true, proper montage.
So as someone who has never played the other editions, are the corebooks normally supposed to be psudo propaganda pieces for each Exalt type they cover? Because holy hell does this book really want you to think the Realm is literally Hitler and that every single Solar is nicer than Jesus.
>are the corebooks normally supposed to be psudo propaganda pieces for each Exalt type they cover?
Yes. The corebooks are supposed to be written from a viewpoint that makes the splat in question seem like The Heroes.
Sort of? The Realm is nearly Hitler though. Its suppose to be. As Dragonblooded you can hope to control and reform it. Unless you want to Goebbels it up. If so you can.
There are no good guys in Exalted
The Solars ruled, and their rule led their lieutenants to decide that genociding them and locking their powers away was the only way yo save the world.
The Dragonbloods rule, and their rule has led to not one, not two,but three potentially world-ending apocalypses.
It reads like Solar propaganda because it's a book about playing Solars. So yes, in a way
>The Dragonbloods rule, and their rule has led to not one, not two,but three potentially world-ending apocalypses.
Technically the Solars led to two potentially world ending apocalypses. It would not matter who rebelled as those were done by the Deathlords.
Not sure what the third one is I am missing. Great Contagion and Balorian Crusade are the only two that come to mind.
I'm pretty sure that the "prince" in question is assumed to be a female sovereign.
...Wait, fuck, it says "his." That's really stupid, then.
Maybe it works if you assume the prince was some degenerate like Elagabalus who wanted to be a woman.
Nigger it offhandedly mentions that in one place. You could get upset if it shoves this down your throat like other rpgs but that is literally as inoffensive as it gets.
Not his dick so much as the end of his virginity.
>the Maiden of Endings is super into deflowering
>and castration
>that every single Solar is nicer than Jesus.
were you not paying attention when they described the solars going apeshit during the first age?
i hope the sjws put it in your butt and you cry
The rest of the book keeps wanting to imply though it was really because of Sidreals being Sids and that they were wrong to not jsut convinced them to stop
I know Dragon-Blooded are up next, but do we know the order they want to release the other Exalts in?
Like are we going to get books about the Celestials and Abyssals before we get into the lesser known ones like Alchemicals, Infernals?
Or they gonna shove in the new ones first like the Getimian, Exigents and
Exigents are third, then probably Lunars.
After that we're shooting into the dark, but Siddies & Getmians will likely be back-to-back, Abyssals & Liminals the same.
So in like 30 years I can get my Alchemical Exalts then.
its the narrative trope of the montage. gotta look at the fluffy bits too
>So in like 30 years I can get my Alchemical Exalts then.
Alchemicals will be last, if ever, just like in every edition.
Because they literally don't inhabit the same setting. They're irrelevant to Creation, and vice versa, and any crossover play is non-canon, so they're going to be the final splat released.
If you want Alchemicals, either get to homebrewing, or make a character that has an Artifact 5 God-Body and then get to homebrewing anyway, but this time Alchemical Evocations.
We don't know. Last I saw was Arms->RealmDBs->Towers of the Mighty->Paths of Brigid->The Exigents->Different Skies. Anything after that is up in the air as they never said anything after Different Skies and stopped putting dates on things. (Different Skies was labeled Summer 2016 kek)
>30 years
>that soon
Exigents is right after DB's with the intent bring that book can be used to homebrew just about anything. After that it'll probably follow something like the release schedule of old editions but with the new guys thrown in at points. Also I forget where but I remember reading that not every new splat is getting their own book.
possibly longer. just play 2e, its got everything :D
>Also I forget where but I remember reading that not every new splat is getting their own book.
There have been implications that Getimians and Liminals will be softcovers, rather than full, proper books.
Getimians I'd beleive but I'm pretty sure liminals will get their own if only because they had their own two page spread in the core