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Wicked sick familiars edition.
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Whatever happened to 2hu?
Anyone else really like this new Alchemist archetype? I really dig it, especially the level 15 insta-magic item.
>DSP archetype
>not DSP character template
Get with the DSP times old man
He stopped avatarfagging when people whined, I guess.
reply to bring 2hu back
one (You) = 1 prayer
Gareth, you here?
If yes, are there any plans for DSP Vigilante archetypes? Or does NDA prohibit you from answering such questions?
Hey, it could be a prestige class archetype, DSP makes those too.
That art looks like garbage where is wayne reynolds when you need 'im ?
That art doesn't look bad to me.
Has your Wizard exploded today, /pfg/?
why there is so little kawaii guro ?
I haven't played mine yet. Been gone for a while, what's up with Elsbeth lately?
where do i find the rules for blue mage? I can't find them.
The proper ritual spell for attracting the tender attentions of the touhoufag has both material components (underaged girls with hats) and verbal components (a euphoric writing style, as if one were an autistic robot). Unless both of these are provided, and in plenty, no less, the spell will fail, and we will be doomed to our eternal hell with Build Poster instead.
My wizards never explode. should I be happy or sad about this?
Apparently a lucky reincarnation into being an elf/half-elf again.
So /pfg/, how did your last session go? Any fun storytimes?
The damaging objects rules has the hardness of a small chest, but not anything larger. Does anyone know what the hardness of a large sized chest is?
Are there any guidelines as to what can and cannot be a Wizard's bonded item, beyond what is given in pic related? For example, it says both weapon and staff, as if talking about different things. Does this mean that the wizard may start with a magic staff, just like he can start with a magic wand?
Same hardness, more HP.
At start, a bonded object staff is just a staff, just as a bonded object wand doesn't have a spell in it. The wizard can PUT them there, following the crafting rules given, but until then, they're just sticks.
There needs to be more.
Waiting for the campaign to continue this week. Shit's going down in the central Lightning Rail Station in Zolanberg. Will update on that fiasco when it starts happening!
>My wizards never explode
But if your Wizards never explode, then how do they learn? How is their curiosity for the arcane tested if they aren't warned of its hazards through trial and error?
Is anyone here a fan of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure?
I could use some help trying to fluff a full caster to draw his magic from stand powers but I'm not too sure where to ask.
I ran my players through a ghost town that ended up being a straight ripoff of Spirited Away (but instead of being forced to work there, they got a VIP treatment and lost 2 weeks of time whilst an NPC they aren't friendly with advanced towards winning a heavy-duty long-term contest a la Ready Player One).
It's also great because I played it straight, without giving any direct references to Spirited Away, and they still latched on to the paranoia that they'd be forced to stay.
When they've got a natural 20 Intelligence, they don't need to practice.
That clears it up. Thanks.
Gonna shill because this is actually called for:
There's the perfect archetype if you can use 3pp called the Avant Guard.
If not, think about using a summoner instead.
Really when a wizard is so mechanically detached from the concept of stands, there's nothing stopping you from saying 'whenever I cast a spell a stand appears behind me and is casting it instead'
>How is their curiosity for the arcane tested if they aren't warned of its hazards through trial and error?
But user, we're playing Pathfinder. Magic has no hazards in this game.
When it comes to fluff, you've pretty much got entire freedom thanks to being a fullcaster. If you're a wizard, just choose thematically-connected spells (even if it's just something like "every spell has visible effects and is colored red") and explain it how you wish; you can do it all, so the most fun thing for a wizard is ironically to limit himself and have a theme.
>Is anyone here a fan of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure?
Ha. Ha ha. Hahahahahahahahahahaha
You had to ask?
That's not what euphoric means.
Ok, I'll try another approach to summoning him.
Gareth hates Bards.
Like this
will it affect the game if add spot, listen, move silently, hide and search skills?
Yes. Don't do it, nigger.
Yes, considering that those skills were condensed to fit PF's smaller number of allowed skill ranks per level, from 3.x's method.
If you're doing it right, large chests should have LESS hardness.
Yes. Negatively.
Why would you do such a godawful thing?
I just thought that using perception for everything was bad, but i guess its the same
Also anyone haves a good printable dm screen?
Are you telling me it's wrong to have bedroom eyes on schoolgirl robots?
Why not just go full-9 and make separate skills for sight, smell, hearing, taste, and touch, then?
It's all rolled into perception and given temporary, sense-specific modifiers because generally speaking you're using at least two senses any time you're looking for something.
I can understand the feeling.
Have another one.
>legit thought for a solid minute that robo was wearing a babydoll
No plans, but also no opposition. It hasn't been talked about much and probably won't be for awhile.
And yet, THIS degeneracy goes undeleted?
Gareth, how many shills do you people pay to infiltrate theses generals on a daily basis ?
Can I join you guys ?
But Vigilante is the single best thing Paizo ever shat out, sans a couple disappointments like Brute or Warlock.
Oh well.
>Magical Child not on the disappointments list
You are no true /pfg/er
Magical Child is dead for me.
I just ignore it exists.
17,468. They help provide employment for the arctic nation of Dreamscarredia
You are forgiven.
Why would you ignore an archetype that lets you be this awesome hunk of man?
So, I assume the chest is made of wood. Would it be reasonable to upgrade it to Iron? If so what kind of cost increase could I be looking at?
Have any of your players tried to use a Technological weapon as his Wizard's bonded item? How did you respond?
What an excellent question!
So /pfg/, between option paralysis ad a lack of system mastery where martials are concerned, I need your help.
How do I make the best mounted character I can? I have GM approval for a Wyvern mount and I don't want it to outperform me too much.
"ok but no charges"
1. lance
2. spirited charge
>Warlock is a disappointment
I mean, it is a massive disappointment because Mystic Bolts are SHIT without immense houseruling, but it's still arguably one of the better archetypes at the moment. If only because of all the archetypes that grant casting, it's the least-bad one.
Stregone in progress, maybe I can disappoint you twice.
I meant more in terms of class/archetypes and not relying on my charge killing them in one hit. Once I've finished my charge, how would I keep dealing good damage, especially in close quarters where Ride-by-attacking isn't viable?
And if it is an atom gun, which does not require charges?
Mystic Bolts are the primary appeal of a Warlock and the only fucking reason to play a Warlock over an actual spellcaster instead of a Vigilante archetype. And they are SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT
And I'm waiting eagerly for Stregone
2hand the lance. Attack with it. Same as ay other 2h martial, really.
Gareth, did you know that the Harbinger's Accursed Will and Dark Focus both provide insight bonuses, and that insight bonuses don't stack?
I did not know this. I found out the unpleasant way, from a DM who pretty much hates my happiness. "Maybe you should have traded it out with an archetype," I paraphrase, "since you're so obsessed with system mastery."
It was a bad time, Gareth! But I forgive you.
Unrelated entirely, has anyone tried out the prestige class for Endeca's gregarious gravity slimes in Steelforge? It looks fun but clunky. How would one go about making the most of it? Why aren't there "shove your -granting class feature into your -granting class feature" feats? DSP should write one somewhere. Probably in the psionics line where they keep all their stealth fixes.
Tell me about your dream campaign /pfg/!
I'd take that deal, batteries are just 50gp.
Are you 2hu?
Does require them to be for sale. You need an artifact or two to craft them, iirc.
Dark Focus' were meant to be untyped bonuses, and were corrected to such in the print edition and the final PDF when that gets uploaded for people to use. Again, we're very sorry for the delay.
A game where the DM lets me play my dumbass builds without banning them because they use an unarchetyped Fighter.
It's a known error and entirely unintended, and will be fixed with the next pdf.
mite b cool. Try running with a Mauler archetyped familiar, maybe? Clockwork spies have crazy strength (10) for tiny creatures, so they would get a big boost for being Mauler'd. If you're small, you can even ride around on it in it's combat form.
Starting gear can include them.
Cool nail design a martial character who can do more than one thing ever.
How exactly does the Lance and its double damage when charging function? Do you roll 1d8 + static damage and then multiply by 2, or do you roll 2d8 + (static damage x 2)? Does it double the damage gained from Power Attack?
All DSP. Paizo classes are banned.
its a innistrad / bloodborne / gothic campaign were kick dracthulla's ass
Titty armor is now forbidden as it is demeaning to women
Marshal was posted last thread.
>Starting gear can include them.
Use PoW or Marshal.
You take your damage, yeah?
You gather it all up. Gather it aaaaaall up.
You put it together.
Then you double it.
Any recommendations for which classes and/or archetypes may be trap options for this?
I was thinking Dragoon Fighter or Gendarme Cavalier, but is there a better option?
Roll and add all modifiers like you normally would, then double the final total
I have a question. I am trying to stat an Iron Chest rather than a Wooden Chest.
From what I can tell it should do the following:
>Hardness goes from 5 to 10
>HP triples
What I can't figure out is how much it should weigh and cost. I am finding it impossible to find the price of lumber in PF.
One that's not necessarily PFS-compliant.
>design a martial character who can do more than one thing ever.
Isn't starting gear free-to-spend? I actually have no idea.
Text only online game using roll20 that does not require me to run the game, has a very dedicated and motivated dungeon master, players who take the game and the story seriously enough while still allowing for some brevity, and allows both first-party and certain third-party materials such as path of War. The game will run once a week at a set time during mid afternoon and going a ways into the evening but not late. Everyone will arrive early and Converse prior to the game as well as after the game during the interim period between sessions. Myself and possibly others will provide artwork and music for the game, the GM will produce Maps and a detailed well-thought-out and consistent game world if we are not using pre-established material.
Ironically I would probably end up playing first party material anyway because that is where most of my ideas have been trending.
Hi, user! You've got a number of class and option choices.
If you want the strongest MOUNT possible, your best option is probably the humble Hunter class. You take a BAB hit but you'll barely feel it when your roc/allosaurus/animal you desire purely for aesthetic reasons butchers things twice its size with you. Outflank, Paired Opportunist, Pack Flanking, Precise Something or Other, you're golden!
Another option is the base summoner, or because you'll probably have to, the unchained summoner. 3/4ths BAB, powerful monster thing, and it looks cool as fuck. Good times!
If you love getting in there yourself and mixing it up on a serious basis, accept no substitutes: the Ambush Hunter Ranger (remember Boon Companion, and that it allows you to splash a level of anything Wis-based because you have an extra +1 druid level) or the Hussar archetype for the Warlord (glorious!) or Warder (unstoppable!) are both awesome. I generally prefer the Ambush Hunter but to be honest I dismount a lot for flanking, because you recover maneuvers and get huge damage buffs for doing that. Doesn't interfere with Mounted combat style, which is good because Trick Riding is a solid early grab.
If you don't want your mount to steal ANY of the glory, there's the Omen Rider Harbinger, who has basically a weird tanky summon that cannot attack at all but that's fine, it's fast and you're murderous. The Ravenlord Harbinger eventually gets to ride their very intelligent bird but Gareth ruined it forever when he took away the size change stat bonuses (admittedly it was pretty fucking strong with those) and you have to wait a long time and it's very supernatural.
ALSO AND NOBODY KNOWS THIS BUT ME, the Akashic Mysteries supplement playtest includes an animal companion archetype called the Buraq. I'll just hit you with the highlight: Robe of the Forgotten Deity for (by level 6) 25-35% constant miss chance for both of you. Other veils are great too! And it can fly eventually!
But surely you can play the class that already does all of that, Kineticist! [insert meme face here]
Jokes aside, it'll probably take a while since I'm trying to keep at least part of the modularity of the Vigilante version, which is going to mean talents out the ass. If there's anything in particular you want from it let me know.
>mfw this is the games I'm in, except we're in irc instead of roll20
>d20 hp
>whatever the fuck BAB that is
This is just getting silly now. It used to be something you could even slip by a DM, now nobody's going to allow it.
If I didn't feel sceptical about random people from 4chins, I'd invite you to my campaign.
>. If there's anything in particular you want from it let me know.
Mystic bolts that aren't a piece of shit.
Enjoy it for us, user.
>That one sheep nibbling on the tail
Its just some anons getting silly with it
When I get home from work I might purge it again.
I guess you could always just go for a lightning warrior. They're a bit subpar, but they've got some fantastic fluff attached to them.
Lucky ducky.
I like my battle maps and jukebox too much though.
This is why you never allow your docs to be editable by people at all. The fucking zir shitposter got into it.