Have you guys ever lost a big model and just had no idea where it's gone? I've had this dreadnought since I was 13, and it's gone. It was on my windowsill, and now it isn't, and I have no idea when I last saw it
I've lost a dreadnought
I blame the cat
What army does it collect?
Space Marines, apparently
Probably fell over, check outside where the window is triple-dubs
Maybe your folks lifted it figuring that you're too old for toys.
It's probably that damn Cat-O Sicarius
nigga you got jacked!
Check with the Blood Ravens
Believe me, If we had it. We would tell him..
Maybe you guys needed another dreadnought because one of your commanders dies every campaign
Have you consulted the Emperor's Tarrot?
Have you checked the warp?
He's on a crusade, user
Well Veeky Forums has at least managed to make me feel better about losing a model I liked. Thanks guys
okay an attempt at a helpfull answer:
> Have you taken it out the house to game anywhere? if yes ask if anyones picked it up.
>As per check outside the window or beneath the window.
> Is it with the rest of yoiur aamy? maybe you packed it with them for a game and forgot to place it back?
> also i agree with - blame the cat.
>if you dont have a cat either get one and blame it or find a neighbourhood cat - dont worry about the neibours looking at you wierd...
I've had all of my heavy artillery (Dwarfs) stolen, 2 catapults, 2 organ guns, 1 cannon and a few character stolen.
2 of those artillery pieces were OOP metal ones and the rest from Black Tree Design.
What sucked the most was that they were painted for me by someone who is now dead.
It bummed me so much that it really turned me off from the whole hobby.
Only now, after 2+ years i'm slowly getting back into fantasy wargaming
I lost a stormtalon gunship, no idea what happened to it, dont think it was left at the shop as I was the only person who played raven guard and someone would have noticed. Thought I would find it when packing to move, but no. It is gone forever.
Lost a metal nightbringer at the time it was my was the centre piece of my army, it was years before I got another.
That's terrible to hear.
Regardless of your thoughts on Karma or anything like that, I hope they thief gets what they deserve,
He isnt lost OP.
He went home.
To endure.
he went on a crussade against the toy-soldiers of the neighbors kid, user.
put trazyns face on the right guy.
You're mom threw it out
At least you didn't lose 100 Baneblades.
I feel sorry for the death of one of your most loyal battle-brother, though. May his torment finally end.
A cat killed my hive tyrant when I was younger. We left a half finished game in the garage overnight, when we came back it was gone.
Eventually found the remains under a fridge. It was missing arms, which I never found.
I eventually used the body with spare arms from the plastic Hive Tyrant set to make a Swarmlord after making a Winged HT using most of the set.
Anons Cat, Hero of the Imperium.