Ever had a tryhard goth(boy or girl, doesn't matter) at your table?
How well did they do?
Ever had a tryhard goth(boy or girl, doesn't matter) at your table?
Back in highschool I played D&D a few times with this goth chick who only ever played elf druids or elf rangers, and always had a wolf animal companion. She was pretty bad at roleplaying but wasn't disruptive, just bland, and always played the exact same character.
Out of the game she was tiresome to hang out with because she was a lazy environmentalist -- she'd talk for hours about how important the environment is and how it's bad to litter and how we shouldn't walk on the grass, but then she'd go home and play PS2 games for six hours straight and eat a bag of chips.
I fucked her much hotter cousin who was also a better roleplayer.
I'm gunna need you to be a bit more clear with that question...
Is the person in question trying hard to be goth?
Is the person in question trying hard to RP as a goth?
Is the person in question a goth who is a try hard when it comes to RP?
Do their aesthetic preferences really even relate to how well they do in a game?
I have a goth as one of my regulars, she plays dread necromancers, warlocks, vampires, Abyssals, the kind of shit you'd expect, and she can get a little moody and can have a short fuse sometimes, but when it's her night for snacks she shows up with like 3 pizzas, or something she baked herself. She makes sure to get the kinds of soda everyone likes, she's always 100% involved in the game, and doesn't mind people staring at her cleavage, which is ALWAYS on display.
Sounds like a nice lady.
>Ever had a tryhard goth(boy or girl, doesn't matter) at your table?
No, sorry.
>How well did they do?
ERROR: Segmentation fault: GetKnownGoth(1) index outside array of KnownGoths[] (expected size >= 1, actual size = 0)
>Vampire: The Masquerade
Don't remind me.
VTM is practically cheating. The game is basically tryhard bait and it attracts the worst, edgiest kind of kids. The worst VTM players are the 30-40 year olds, though.
Don't worry brogrammer, I laughed.
>which is ALWAYS on display
This is nice.
No no, user, it was pussybait. If you had a thing for goth chicks, like I do, it was a nice, pleasant way to get into their pants. I played with 2 goth chicks who were excellent roleplayers, in their preferred zone, and had no problems being hands on with their rp. I have fond memories of a session where we were all trying to seduce each other with a combination of veiled threats, seductive touches and honeyed promises.
I took the shorter one home that night, and the tall one got so jealous she practically crawled into my lap while the shorter one watched and clitterbated.
>ERROR: Segmentation fault: GetKnownGoth(1) index outside array of KnownGoths[] (expected size >= 1, actual size = 0)
I hate myself for knowing how to read this
>Even womenlets never learn and get cucked in the end
>thinking girls are above petty jealousies and lusts
That was your first mistake, user.
That said, they were cool with each other, and me, because, according to the tall one, "I didn't treat them like fucktoys, and gave as good as I got". The game went on, and so did we for a couple years, then we all moved on.
>or something she baked herself
You do realize there's probably quite a bit of her blood in that, right?
Hi /g/
Man, if I were there I'd totallyenjoy some high quality baked goods and a pleasant evening of immersive roleplaying
No one in /g/ codes. They cd and ls in zsh all day while tuning their desktop.
>Not love nectar
Where's that gif/webm
This one?
My group had a dude who was a complete fucking munchkin. We'd start out at level 5 in a campaign, and he'd have studied the rule books and expansions so well that he'd practically solo our five man encounters before the rest of us could do anything. Our GM tried to balance it out by making the enemies beefier, but it just ended up being too hard for the rest of the group.
In a grave
Wouldn't that make it salty?
That's some dedication.
A goth got me introduced to 3.5.
Now I'm trapped
>her cleavage,
You can't just say that without posting pics.
Depends on the amount of blood.
Pretty hot, frankly.
All the disgusting parts are cooked out.
But yandre is my fetish.
>girl gets in group
>dragged into it by alpha nerd sort
>still there after he leaves
>opens up to us
>honest to God nudist
>also massive slut
>doesn't really pay much attention though
>kind of always plays the same characters
>also said characters have the two aforementioned traits meaning they're always atleast partially self inserts
>also most characters have rape in their backstory
>not in the whiny way just sort of there because she's Into That Sort of Thing
It may sound great but she's mediocre overall. I mean there are worse but also there are better, yknow?
Too soon.
Well, she isn't actively detracting from the game, right?
Engage me, what is the first letter of her name?
i never saw a single goth chick in my life
goddamn i want a goth girl to play magic with and talk about music and shit
You must not have been around for the '90s. It was a glorious time if you're into cute goth girls.
I must admit, these ase some nice digits
well just kill me then
Vampire players are usually embarrassing
Werewolf players are usually oblivious, but charming enough
Mage players are usually boring pompous assholes
>girl gets in group
>dragged into it by beta nerd sort
>still there after he leaves
>opens up to us
>honest to God rape victim
>disgusted by sex
>pays a lot of attention
>always plays the same characters
>said characters are always promiscuous and adventurous
>also most characters have rape in their backstories
>plays them like that as a way of dealing with what happened to her
>the goth thing, particularly the make up, also helps her deal with that
She became the little sister of the group, started going out with the DM, they eventually married and they now have two baby daughters
Provided they put it in BEFORE it got cooked: I'd be extremely flattered someone was enamored enough with me to offer their blood as nourishment.
Found the goth.
In my experience Vampire players are harder to pin as one thing because it's the most popular system.
Old Werewolf players literally fuck dogs. New Werewolf players are pretty much your standard harmless furries.
Mage players are usually boring pompous assholes.
Yeah the 90's truly were alt heaven. Nowadays there's a shitload of semi-prominent alt girls, because of my job I've hanged out with the steampunk crowd, Emilie Autumn's crowd (when it was a crowd rather than just Mark), and countless "models". But it just doesn't feel like the 90's, it's just costumes and crafted personalities, nobody is sincerely feeling outcast and trying to find themselves hanging with other rejects all brought together by one song or one book normies just don't get.
Fucking nostalgia sucks.
Does black fingernails, trench or otherwise lengthy coat, and an upside down cross necklace on a man count?
And the answer is poorly. Fantasy game set on not earth, the world is low gritty real fantasy, the players have fucking superpowers because that book told me not to combine it with other rules sets.
He makes a little demonic kid that telepathically breaths on the back of everyone's neck within a several mile radius for shits and giggles (and didn't take the hint until the 2nd time he was punched in character for it. nor did he put 2 and 2 together when wondering why town guards tended to be on edge so often (other players did, hence the punching)).
He also tried to abduct orphans to convert into a cult of the biblical satan. Because that was totally a thing in his mind despite "generic fantasy light based religion" being drilled into him.
Character died after attempting to take on a sizable chunk of the bbeg's city watch at night, alone, despite all of his combative powers being of the sneaky runaway sort (he was trying to murder a shopkeep).
The replacement? The legendary birdman. Whose talents included having the eyes of a hawk, and demanding notice checks every 15 minutes. AND NOTHING ELSE.
I've seen him in other games too, always tried to play something dark brooding and completely incompetent (that actively avoids cooperating with the rest of the party).
>never had a goth gf
>don't know any
>over 25
end me senpai, life isn't worth it
Well, we had a Tryhard Goth Gm who was really into making things dark and gritty. As a whole the group rather enjoyed playing the oddballs in his world of angsty edgelords.
In particular me and a friend, who played our pair of vampires like some sort of mobster lackeys.
He was the short fast talking, easily angered Brujah and I was the huge, thickheaded Gangrel that always carried a Shovel. We just treated their working for the local prince like just another job and refused to refer to him as The Don.
The only goths I've ever had at my table have been black. All the whites were neckbearded trailer spawn.
>Black goths
Aren't all goths black?
>an upside down cross necklace
It always kills me when people (ie the guy in your story) think this is an anti-christian or satanist symbol. Traditionally it's the cross of Saint Peter who refused to be crucified the same was as Christ, so he was instead crucified upside down. If anything, it's super catholic.
Everything that's been said in this thread is why I've never been able to pull together a WoD group to be storyteller for. Too many fucking weirdos and kids who can't bear the prospect of roleplaying anything short of the darkest, most miserable, cliched, cringe-inducing shit character possible. Or you get the oddball manic goth kid who insists on being the most manic, insufferable, story-derailing, limelight-hogging Malkavian they can.
I still have my old Tripp pants buried in my closet somewhere, I lived that goth life. But when I played my character was a small-time weed dealer at college in Boston who got scooped up and embraced by a Caitiff one night, who afterwords just bounced. Having no guidance in the world of the supernatural, he clung to a coterie of sympathetic Brujah. No dark and mysterious, no rape backstory, no special snowflake syndrome- just a regular schlub who got tossed into this new world by some jackhole who didn't wanna care for his spawn. Why are normal, believable characters so hard to do for the people drawn to WoD?
Nice story thanks for sharing famila
See the weird thing is that no matter what kind of WoD game I find, it's always good, and all the games I find are exclusively from Veeky Forums. I've tempted fate so many times and it somehow manages to work out.
I've played:
2 games of VTR, one with a super cool group that was so dedicated to having a good game we once spent an entire Saturday just doing Climbing The Ladder, and another that was set in Japan that fizzled out before the first session but at the same time not a single player was a weirdo despite it being VAMPIRES AND WEEBS TOGETHER.
1 game of nWoD mortals / Genius: The Transgression. We were playing as cops and the antagonist was a Genius character. Super fun game that was felt like a bunch of sessions of True Detective.
And 1 game of Vampire: The Masquerade. The GM basically started out the campaign with "fuck the metaplot" and let us all play in modern times without Gehanna happening. I played a ghoul among a gangrel and a tremere. The gangrel player was really in to his martial arts fighting hobo gangrel, and the tremere player moved the plot forward. We later had a Malkavian join us and things still didn't get fucked up.
>Ever had a tryhard goth(boy or girl, doesn't matter) at your table?
Nope. If anything, I'm probably the closest to, based on my music choices.
...but the genre doesn't appeal to everyone, and while one would usually take goths as being open, if not driving the hobby, I'd assume they'd prefer to go for franchises with... you know... gothic aesthetics like 40K, World of Darkness, Malifaux... something like that.
Battletech doesn't fall in that category. Even under the Catalyst banner, they'd be more likely to gravitate towards Shadowrun, I think. Not far from artists, I'd assume they tend to gravitate towards stuff that is low on crunch.
Never had a bad game of masquerade. We also never dealt with the metaplot, just rumors and myths. Never saw a canon npc until a One World larp, and our local group found it pretentious as fuck.
Something similar happened to me. Original early-90s VtM did great things for role-playing. Emphasis on characters, mood, storytelling. Frankly all thrown out later by WW, but great when it was out.
They also brought a quality of pussy that you kids can't believe. I means 9/10and 10/10 hotties who were dressed in hot clothes and reading sandman and playing RPGs. And by the way were into some pretty kinky shit. English majors and theater girls.
I had an (in game) sex scene with a stripper once. Damn those chicks were hot. Plus, feminism in those days wasn't sexless harridans filing rape claims because you didn't use her gender neutral pronouns. It was girls making out with each other, having casual sex, doing porn shoots, and having threesomes. If you didn't act like you revelled in that shit, the gender studies professors acted like you might be a secret homophobe/Christian Coalition member. Which is kinds of shitty, but man it those were great years for guys wanting sex. Especially Veeky Forums guys.
>It was girls making out with each other, having casual sex, doing porn shoots, and having threesomes
there's still feminists like that, dudebert
Not many. And academic feminism has turned firmly against it.
Are you the same St Peter's cross dude from the other thread where it got brought up?
You sound like you're just out of the circles breh
insisted on playing an evil fighter
I can't remember anything else remarkable about it
the campaign didn't last more that two or three sessions anyways
yea man, me and all my friends, and all the feminists i know really, are all the super promiscuous pro-sex bisexual feminists its pretty rad
He ain't. It is however a really prevalent pet peeve.
I'm not sure if the upside down cross thing started in the US, but if it did it may have been something started to piss off Christian parents that thought Catholicism = Satan Worshippers.
Because we have actual people that believe that in the US.
I legitimately pity people who think Catholicism is satan worship. Also, if they walked into an Orthodox church somewhere in Eastern Europe, they'd probably have like, three aneurysms at once.
When I first got into DnD it was Thursday night games at my local.
There was this, not exactly goth girl, but she always wore black and every game she played a pretty-boy vampire.
One of the other players, a stereotypical fat-guy in all it's negative intonations, who wouldn't stop the miserable pick-up lines and seemed to derive sexual pleasure in killing her pretty-boy vamp characters like they were sexual rivals.
She left soon after.
That's been the only 'goth' that I've ever played as.
One of my friends that I play with told me that I would look good as a goth, does that count?
Tryhard GOTH, no.
Tryhard EDGE, yes.
Lemme explain this fellow.
>Nicknamed My Chemical Romance, because he liked one song of theirs, but looked like he belonged in the band or was a huge fan.
>Morbid shirts, blood-red fauxhawk, piercings, the works.
>Bit on the dumb side, huge fan of [insert random screamo pseudometal band here], may have cut once or twice, unsure on that.
That last part plays heavily into the two RPGs I was a part of with him.
First up, Star Wars: Edge(lol) of the Empire
>Makes a dude with a fucked-up face(massive razor-teeth, heavy scarring) named "the rooster"
>The Rooster has a metal plate in his chest that is INFUSED WITH THE DARK SIDE OF THE FORCE that MAKES HIM EAT DEAD BODIES. Also, he cuts the ears off of the corpses as souvineers.
>We clear out a den of asshats with him, he starts sitting on the floor, rocking back and forth, staring at the bodies and licking his teeth(he had no lips, of course).
Second one, less stupid, but a good view into this kid's head, Iron Kingdoms RPG.
>One of the guys makes a character as a parody of MCR. Tharn Chieftan/Warlock, plays it full cannibal, massive axe for disembowling dudes, the works.
>MCR arrives to join the sesh, spots this character, and says "Dude, that character is awesome, can I play that?"
>Dude who made the character shares a look with the rest of the group as if to say "fucking nailed it."
Makes no seance how the fuck did the GM allow this?
GM just looked at him like "are you serious?"
Party also looked at him like "are you serious?"
Before the session ended he got bored and went to play WarmaHordes, so we left his character behind... I think in a den of Nexu or a crime lords hideout.
Second most retarded player in any group.
1st place in goes to the idiot who made a protocol droid who ran around healing everyone, including the guys trying to kill us, while also pissing away the time when it wasn't his turn either on his phone or distracting people with his dumb stories.
Major problem is that HE is the ride for one of our far better players, and there's nobody else who can reasonably pick the poor dude up and bring him to the seshes.
I have experience on two goth players. Me, and my girlfirend. I've been playing for some years. Mostly DM:ing. When we got together with my gf, I wanted her to try cyberpunk 2020. She was quite bad, had no motivation to do anything (my players are quite... dominant, maybe that is the reason). After the session, neither of of had any desire for her to continue playing. She loves mtg though, she plays dragons(her little sister is a bit tryhard goth and plays vampires).
As far as I know, neither of us is a tryhard. We met in a (the only one) gothic club in our city. We are also old and mature enough to not just do whatever we feel like (music and stylewise).
There is a difference between it being "in circles" and it being the thing, son.
Back in the day, the sex part of feminism was not letting someone else dictate to you what is "proper" for you to enjoy. If you want that cute boy over there, go get him. If you want a dick for the night and that 6/10 will do, then he'd better be good for at least 30 minutes.
You. I like you
I imagine he used to be a goth but he's certainly an edgy motherfucker. We tease him about it, and about how he's literally the conservative boogeyman (he works on a conservative radio talk show but is secretly a radical socialist, atheist, former Satanist, and got certified to wed people so he could gay marry others). He tries to roleplay, and even though it's usually cringe levels of edge, that's a hell of a lot more than most of the group can say.
My first DM was kind of a goth, she was cool.
Her campaigns were a bit too melodramatic and magicalrealmy tho.
Depends on the realm and the game.
You could have just not answered the second question.
Maybe I'm just burned out from coding at work.
Yeah, all of us
Nah, we weren't that bad. Only a couple of our friends were really into the whole scene. The rest of us just liked metal and black.
I'm still friends with one of the goth girls from high school, she's still into it (we're nearly 30). But she's pretty cool and is a pretty interesting roleplayer.
I disagree. Most feminists I know (and I frequent a LOT of coffee shops) are still pretty free-love. They just, you know, also have a pretty strong opinion about rapists, too.
Please. All the furries go to be Pooka in Changeling, aka Otherkin: The Glamourbombing.
All the werebeast players I've had were either burly metalheads or wrestler/mma'ers. People who loved being physical. In saying that though, they were less enviromental hippy and more 'fuck the man' trashing the place.
I used to be one but this was almost a decade before I got into tabletop so I suppose I don't count.
I did play a game with one guy like that though, he played a rogue who only ever did dickass things if he knew no one (including the party) could ever pin them on him. He was fairly engaged in the game and RP'd a lot.
I don't recall him ever being a problem at the table
Hating yourself for taking about a week of Comp Sci 101 is a bit harsh, don't you think?
I read this with a very monotone and bored voice in my head. I'm sorry.
Blame the internet.
The outcasts and rejects still hang out with each other, but they do it through the internet on websites like Veeky Forums instead of out in the real world. The internet fulfills almost all social desires at least well enough to cope while giving people the security of anonymity.
In the 90s if you were an outcast you still had social cravings to fill and were forced to find other similarly minded or otherwise rejected people to associate with in their local areas. These groups of people very rarely shared interests and instead learned to celebrate their differences and banded together against hostilities of the mainstream.
The internet removed all of this. Why put yourself at risk to find people who don't share your ideas when you can be safe and have an echo chamber? Why spend the time and effort getting to know people who might later change and/or reject you?
Perhaps most importantly though, the internet gives everyone a voice. Many of the problems of the 90s suburbia was the disconnect between what children believed and what reality actually held. Kids had dreams of being rock stars and politicians and changing the world, but the cold hard reality was that they never had a chance. The game was rigged from the start: only a few people they had never met could determine how much voice they had. Now people can upload a video to the internet and actually be heard. There is no more cruel joke of being doomed to live in obscurity without a chance. And while that's a good thing, it changed society.
The intrnet lets you be heard, but nobody is listening.
80-90's Goths, unlike punks, emos, etc. actually cared about each other either because they liked or disliked one another.
Gothic hangouts let you be an indivudual within a group of likely minded people and while banter was sometimes fierce, there was very little othering unlike within punk circles. Ironical "I'm so goth I shit bats" type jabs at how other subcultures competed were common and few people took "being more goth than you" too seriously. Being a fairweather goth didn't get you literally kicked out, and it didn't even matter if you didn't look THAT goth, so long as you could hold a nice conversation.
They were truly the most supportive group of assholes you could find and there were hordes of smoking hot girls among them, without that much competitivon even because the gay population was high too.
Nowadays "goth" is just a costume camwhores wear to bait fetishists. Voltaire is probably the last of his kind.
I know nothing about goths, but if its become like that even for big subcultures like metalheads i guess its true and the surface is the only thing remaining.
My dream of meeting a girl that finds walks in the cemetery romantic is without hope
this thread is seriously making me depressed
It really is sad that so many people (both men and women) get turned off from ttrpg's because of fuckers like this
>Her campaigns were a bit too melodramatic and magicalrealmy
meaning what?
>The intrnet lets you be heard, but nobody is listening.
It's not about whether or not anyone is actually listening, it's about the fact that now there is a chance where before there was none.
Would Arin Hanson and his troll-thing wife be famous without the internet? Pewdepie? Markiplier? What about Miranda sings? The DBZA guys have done voice work in actual shows (one of them is in the newest DBZ movie). Hell, Journey searched youtube for people to audition for their lead singer for fuck's sake!
None of this was even imaginable to the common guy just 15 years ago. Every single person who wants to take a shot at being famous can. That's a big deal.
i played d&d 2e in the very early 90s and vtm in the late 90s and early 2000s
so yeah i saw my fair share of awful makeup and cardboard mysterious Lestats
Yes everyone can play a fake character for 15 minutes of fame or themselves for pity bucks.
Neither things goths ever cared about. Goth is dead because actual subcultural communities are dead and the most communitary, warm and supportive of subcultures was, ironically, the goths.
My point is that the subcultural communities are dead because the internet allows people to socialize without it.
The bit about the internet allowing everyone their 15 minutes are simply some of my thoughts on why this has occurred.
Being born too late for the goth movement is truly suffering.
Alt girls abound with the kind of people I usually hang out with, but most of them are broken sluts who just want attention. None of them even wear dark makeup or paint their nails black. It's depressing.
is there a place where the goth movement is still like it was in the early days?
Always female BBEGs with a tragic backstory and a romantic interest in a member of the party, for example
We don't socialize, we just shitpost each other.
We used to socialize way back in the old age of forums but social media completely ruined that, now it's echo chambers and ignoring all feedback but likes and money.
London and Vegas but the communities are small and mostly old people.
Teens and young adults just don't want to be goth no more. It's apparently too self-judgment heavy and too chill despite the gratuitious ironic melodrama. Not at all what the "I'm offended by everything, I'm perfect and the only person who matters" generation wants from life.
this thread is woefully lacking in hot goth girl pics
tbqh famiglium I'd be goth but it's too fucking hot for that shit
Still might do it tho
>"I'm offended by everything, I'm perfect and the only person who matters" generation
Describes most of my interactions with goths to be truthful.
Depends on what you mean by "early days." First wave goth was strong during the early 80s, waned as the decade progressed, then picked up again in the early 90s before fading. Second wave goth started in the late 90s and died out for the most part by 2008. It splintered heavily into other, related, music scenes like psychobilly, various electronic and dance subgenres, even some alt-country.
You guys have pretty much nailed it. I've been involved in alt gigs and clubs for the past decade and it's been a slow decline from the groups who genuinely liked being with like-minded people and were a solid community to nearly all newcomers holding the the 'How can i get noticed and show how edgy I am.' schtick. Sure those people were around before but they're no longer just 'These guys', they're all that's left.
I honestly don't know if there's any way to get things back the way they were.
>Emilie Autumn's crowd (when it was a crowd rather than just Mark), and countless "models". But it just doesn't feel like the 90's, it's just costumes and crafted personalities
This is painfully true about the 'scene', and especially so with the bigger name bands/artists. Emilie was super hot and an amazingly talented musician but the last gig of hers I went to was nothing but stripteases, dancers and squealing scene queens. My (now-Ex) gf and I left before half way through the show.
>Describes most of my interactions with anyone under 30 to be truthful.
You'll always have costumes and crafted personalities within a subculture. The smaller, more intimate nature of a subculture breeds big fish, small pond mentality among those inclined towards it.
Most of the interactions with anyone over 30 too. That's the genteel areas of the South for you.