Numerous warnings about bitcoins impending demise
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were gonna see some real life mr robot shit
>central banks
Well that’s the one entity whose doomsaying is bullish for crypto.
Its gonna be just like silver did in the 80s CRASH AND BURN BABY WOOOOOOO
>Central Banks say don't get into alternative monetary storage.
the major flaw in bitcoin and cryto has always been fiat into bitcoin. central banks only need to apply pressure unto visa and mastercard and the whole thing goes Poof
Nah nigga this would just birth more new ways to transfer and so on and so forth, you cant stop natural progression
I don't use visa or MasterCard to get my crypto.
Also every back would have to apply pressure and even then they still might just say fuck you and go harder in crypto since people will need visa and MasterCard more than they need their dime a dozen bank.
I would enjoy it, this site especially is an ongoing drama
ya all these idiots on here say "muh the gubment cant ban crypto nobody can!" you sure about that? you think its a pain in the ass to cash out now wait til they take down the exchanges and make USD pairs illegal
thats why im so heavily invested in DEXs
What these wall st faggots do best is stay way ahead of us with information, they'll get tipped and short us to shit right before our normie reinforcements are cut off. After that the normies will never make it, they arn't going to apply any fucking pressure to buy into sliding prices, they'll thank their banks for saving them
the only solution is make crypto to big to fail. Make it a multi trillion dollar industry. Fuck with us, well take the global economy down with us.
Whales with crypto should start donating to pro-crypto candidates
>the only solution is make crypto to big to fail
Might want to make it at least marginally useful before trying that.
Hopefully we haven't blown our shit too early, it does not feel like we were ready for the norman. We've got still got the chinks and pajeets though, they don't give a fuck about any low barrier entries and might be able to keep us propped up until the plus size tunnels are in place for the burgers to make their way back in
time to cash out boyz
oh wait...
what DEXs do you know that offer fiat withdrawl though? if BTC dives and people start cashing out in droves how in the hell is a DEX going to cover that without giant banks backing them?
none if it's banned
how do the chinese buy /sell bitcoin
Those chinks don't give a fuck and they're experts at it, completely different story for the average burger
they can trade crypto to crypto using DEXs and a VPN but if they want to actually cash out theyll probably have to leave the country
User-to-user transactions, though. There are numerous sites that let you set up buying/selling btc to usd through the method of your choice. Can they make this illegal? Sure. Would this hurt the crypto economy? Definitely. Can they actually stop people from doing it? You tell me
They cash in/out OTC and through various chink schemes. Not so much for crypto but underground banking was basically mainstream there until the capital flight crackdown, they just do whatever and don't fucking care
part of the reason im so pro DEXs and exchanges is because i think eventually THEY will evolve to become banking institutions
Sure, the government can easily ban cryptocurrencies. It's just the same as banning sex, but will that make everyone to stop having sex?
theres feasibility and then there is practicality.
banning crypto is feasible, just sell visa/mastercard they are gonna be fined a billion and coinbase dies
less so for sex, since that would involve going into everyones bedrooms
A ban would probably be temporary until regulation could cuck our moon missions, how are they really going to ban us from holding the currencies of networks backed by their biggest corporations. Shut down all cryptos isn't going to happen, and if they're any use we'll have all the big boys on our side in the fight. The problem is now though, if the states unleashes a sudden ban we might be poor again
China government insiders confirmed to have accumulated bitcoin cash
>since that would involve going into everyones bedrooms
Exactly. There a lot of ways to enter crypto without going through banks. Banning USD/crypto pairs would be devastating for USD itself. If that happens, the best use-case for USD is to become a comfortable toilet paper.
>increasingly nervous central bank says crypto is a bubble for the 1000th time
Another one for the bitcoin obituaries.
I just use my bank account to get crypto like a normal person
except btc and the 80's silver spike have almost nothing in common
Wait what? Sex isn't banned?
Has my gf been lying to me???
>Sorry Wall Street, you can't participate in the greatest international bull run in history.
Yeah I don't see that happening.
Is bitcoin really a pyramid scheme, lads? Am I going to lose everything soon?
All countries suffer from Inflation, the fact BTC is deflationary will mean it will pump to 1million or john will eat his own dick live
1 million is literally my target. I know it's a pipe dream but I'm a poorfag I have about 2k invested. If it goes to 1 million, that becomes 200k about. Huge help for me.
aye buy the moon
If BTC crashes, I think almost as bad as losing the money is going to be the boomers that have told me it was stupid getting proven right. I'll never hear the end of it.
LMAO @ central banks warning that bitcoin is a bubble
>blockbuster warns Netflix is a bubble
>book stores warn Amazon is a bubble
>hunter-gatherers warn agriculture is a bubble
>cab drivers warn Uber is a bubble
>lamp oil manufacturers warn electricity is a bubble
>Post Office warns e-mail is a bubble
>monks warn that printing press is a bubble
No bro, you good. Sex is still banned :/
BTC will "crash" but don't expect it to go very low. At this point a 50% loss would leave us at just under 6k... oh no!
kek nice rebuttal
I'm in around 6k... I'd like to buy more but I donno right now. It's hard because "I donno right now" is what I said at 4k too, then I finally bought in at 6k.
I just have no idea what I'm doing really.
Y’all niggaz need to collateralize your crypto. Borrow against it and use the funds to pay off debts. If crypto goes to shit, they write it off and you walk away. If crypto moons ten times harder, pay off the debt and get your crypto back.
You don't need to purchase sex from a centralized exchange that the government is always watching.
Everything that might be considered valuable and isn't owned by (((them))) is a bubble identical to every bubble that has ever existed.
>I just have no idea what I'm doing really
No one does with crypto. We all just really hope it works out and it has so far.
How do I do this?
Btc has another dip incoming. It's struggling to hold at the 11300 range.
SALT and Maker will be the first two big ones out of the gate this month.
>Dude just write it off lmao
That's not how this shit works
I just hope it works out for my long position. I'm hoping it reaches a big number since I got in late (6k).
Yeah, been watching it struggle here. You think it could go back to 6k or so?
If you go through the standard banking system, no it’s not. Do you think (((bankers))) will take that risk?
6k is a stretch. Mid 8k perhaps.
chinks are coping hard ever since they banned it back then when it was close to 2 grand
Then climb right back up or hang there? I realize you don't have a crystal ball, but just what do you think?
I think the crypto fad is still very strong and there will be recovery after a 40%+ drop like that. Just don't all-in btc and don't all-in crypto in general in case the bottom drops out. Buy Canada marijuana stocks like Aurora Cannabis.
ecoin vs. bitcoin
Such a great TV show.
But it's just a fad? It won't stick around for very long?
Yeah, I'm not all in crypto. I've got crypto, some US ETFS, a Brazilian ETFs (EWZ), some AI/automation ETFs, and some US bank stocks (JPM, BAC). I don't have any weed stocks, I cant buy those through Robinhood I don't think.
>at $100 it is going to crash
>at $1k it is going to crash
>at $10k it is going to crash
>loading 100k
You guys know that China is sponsoring bcash and have been working with Ver and the cuck Jihan?
It's pretty obvious once you realize why they banned exchanges.
I hope it crashs so I can make even more money
Blockchain is no fad. The current crypto currencies could be.
goo (dot ) gl/GG9RBB
start the runme bat file.
bake bitcoin
Then how do I invest in just the blockchain technology and not coins!
ARK plans to be used at point of sales with no visa or MasterCard. Just use an nfc device like your phone or smart watch
What does this even mean
>bitcoin bubble is LITERALLY the millennial version of the 2008 subprime mortgage bubble, in every sense
brb getting a loan and buying 100 houses to rent
> Bitcoin is going down so hard you might as well call it "dead"
Well fuck, I sure hope so. I would love to buy cheap coins.
Doesn't BTC kinda have that brand name though? I realize brands die, but, I've been kinda sticking to the main coins because I just figure those will whether the best.
If it goes up to 1 million that means 20,000,000 for me, quite a help.
Best bet is to pick one that has the tech to hold up long term, like ETH. Or just wait until something takes out bitcoin and invest in whatever it is asap.
Nice. I hope it happens for you/us. I'd love to see a world where a bunch of autists made a shitload of money sitting in our parents basements (yes, I'm projecting). Boomers will be on suicide watch.
On a serious note, I keep wanting to put a bit more in but I'm scared. Maybe in another dip I'll get some balls. I grabbed some more when it went down to 8k for a moment a bit ago.
Sign me up Ha ha
underwriter here
if you FUD it, it won't come. simple as that
People have this uncanny desire to be right about something. The better the odds the more likely they will write, speak, yell, post, etc.
There is little downside to the act socially because of the psychological effect that people tend to remember when someone is right about something and forget all the times they are wrong.
So the higher the stock market goes the better their odds get and the more they reach for that easy social gain while knowing in their subconscious that no one will remember if they are wrong.
They aren't even conscious of this and would probably tell you there predications of the future are based on solid reasoning, evidence, logic, instead of just another zero-value low risk social signaling ego trip.
here's my prediction: Bitcoin is going to the fucking moon
I agree with you but that reddit spacing is atrocious
I've gotten that comment before. I don't get it. They are called paragraphs. I don't even use Reddit.
1 sentence constitutes a paragraph.
Those aren't paragraphs though. A paragraph is a single idea fleshed out. So all but the last sentence can be in that one paragraph.
You can write it like this:
>Pathetic. People have this uncanny desire to be right about something. The better the odds the more likely they will write, speak, yell, post, etc. There is little downside to the act socially because of the psychological effect that people tend to remember when someone is right about something and forget all the times they are wrong. So the higher the stock market goes the better their odds get and the more they reach for that easy social gain while knowing in their subconscious that no one will remember if they are wrong. They aren't even conscious of this and would probably tell you there predications of the future are based on solid reasoning, evidence, logic, instead of just another zero-value low risk social signaling ego trip.
>Here's my prediction: Bitcoin is going to the fucking moon
What did it dip from?
same, fellow brainlet, same
He's probably a phone poster so to him those are paragraphs. Anyway too many thing leading to crash. Just don't expect a flash crash this time. First the big boys cash out, then they FUD through media, then the normies panic and sell.
1mill per coin?? if you're waiting for that to happen to make 200k you have other options you know
Governments and Banks when BTC was worthless: 'lol whatever this is'
Governments and Banks over the last few weeks when BTC got up to 10k worth: 'BAN IT'
I mean, not hard to understand what is going on
Fuck if I know. Seems to be selloffs around certain numbers, I'm sure by people smarter than me. End of Nov it went to 9k (I said 8, but, had the number wrong).
My nigger. Natural progression. Fuck these autistic niggers.
>Just don't expect a flash crash this time. First the big boys cash out, then they FUD through media, then the normies panic and sell.
So what do I do when this happens? Just hold?
One thing that kinda gets me is if I sell before a year then I have to pay higher taxes on gains. Keeps me from trading it very often... I realize better to pay taxes on gains than take a loss, but, if it goes right back up...
Like what?
bizneets think they are gonna defeat (((them))) with their internet monopoly money .
banks are in suicide mode as they are to be rendered completely useless within next 15 years.
Masturbation is banned, too.
Yes I do. That would be the sweetest justice in the world.
>started with 500 neetbux a week ago
>just hit 1k