Instead of the usual Warhammer question of "who would you cast to make a Horus Heresy movie", who would you cast and hire to direct/write a movie for the The War of the Jewels, the great war between Good and Evil in the First Age? Who could successfully write and shoot Fingolfin's glorious duel with Morgoth?
How would you make a Silmarillion Movie
I wouldn't, and nobody.
There's just too much there to do it justice in a movie.
You could always make a cartoon I guess. Or just a really long movie series that would be on a level of scale similar to the old 50's movies that took small city's worth of people to make.
You wouldn't ideally, but if you were forced to...
Gut Jackson on a pike, hire John Millus to direct the Screenplay. Morgoth would be Hafþór Björnsson decked out in full armor and voiced by Fred Tatasciore. No idea who would play Fingolfin.
What about Sean Bean?
It'd be easier to chronicle the adventures of the two Blue Wizards during the War of the Ring, as they go guerilla on the Easterlings to try and stop them getting reinforcements into Middle Earth. Given the number of Easterlings that make it there is particularly small, unusual for an empire so large, it's possible they played a crucial role in the war.
That area's much less fleshed out, only hinted at in Tolkien's notes and interviews. It's a blank canvas to be painted on should a competent writer be given leeway to write in that blank space. I would prefer that it become a book first and foremost, carefully researched and crafted in the Tolkienesque style, before it becomes a movie, if only so the movie can trim it down and slim it out for the screen. It's also perfect for a new trilogy, rather than trying to stretch the Hobbit into a trilogy when it was only ever a single shorter story.
Odd question: Does any of Tolkiens descendents have any actual writing talnet? Or are they forever unwilling to try and step out of their fathers literary shadow.
Or do they just not give a fuck about grandpa Tolk?
I would not make a movie, there is too much to tell in the Simarillion for audiences to follow in one sitting, instead I would make it a mini-series with either an episode, or better yet, a season given over to a few characters each.
>adding fan fiction to tolkiens works
jesus christ no, you don't add your own amateurish shit to an artists fresco.
if Tolkien didn't go into the Easterlings that much it was because the Easterlings simply weren't that relevant at any point of time in his stories.
There were no Elves no Dwarves and no Hobbits there either.
As much as it sounds good on paper. A silmarillion movie wouldn't work like the LOTR movies because the Silmarillion is huge. My biggest fear is they market the fuck out of the movie and ruin the integrity with fucking Funko Pop figures
You could make stories like Children of Hurin or Song of Beren and Luthien.
Problem is, all of the stories of Beleriand end in shit. Take the entire story of the Noldor. They start from the highest heights and slowly get their world raped into the ocean. I mean yeah, they wreck a lot of Morgoths shit on their way down, but its all too depressing for anyone who wants to make money off the masses with it.
That doesnt mean i wouldnt kill for a well made last stand of Hurin or good depiction of Tulkas
His grandson basically makes a living polishing up and publishing any unfinished work he can find in grandpa JR's study
In fairness, most would do the same. The only reason they would not is if they had some other form of income that could replace it. Like Prachett's daughter, were she poor and largely left left to live off the income of her fathers books, she too would meddle.
Hey I'm not judging. We've gotten a lot of stuff from Tolkien we otherwise would never have seen.
Just pointing out what is.
Yeah, I know. On the bright side, there's nobody more likely to know more about it than Christopher, having heard the tales since he was a child as opposed to reading the novels like the rest of us.
Also Christopher vehemently opposes anybody violating his father's work. Man wields IP laws like they were a weapon.
That is not exactly true, US IP law is retarded in that you must aggressively defend it or risk losing it. I used to play a fan-made, completely free, MUD set in various parts of Middle-Earth with several orginal creations.
After the assurance that the creators and designers were not going to monetize the setteing, we were allowed to play without further issue.
I can totally see Sean Bean playing Hurin tho.
I would make it a musical, with songs predominantly inspired by hip-hop and gangster rap lyrics.
The Dopest Elf would be it's famous hit song, the story of Faenor as he wastes a motherfucker for his boat because that bitch-ass nigga Morgoth took his shit.
Please, no more LOTR movies
Has he written anything under his own name?
I would think sharing blood with Tolkien would give him a pretty decent entry into the publishing scene.
Four of the seven Dwarf kingdoms are located in the east, there's the "Dark Elves" as well, though no Hobbits to speak of as far as I can recall. There's two wizards that are best bros, though.