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Moral quandy edition. What problems have your characters faced recently?
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Moral quandy edition. What problems have your characters faced recently?
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We should probably be saying that if no restrictions are specified, we will assume 3PP is allowed.
To Gareth, who was talking about the possibility of a PoW npc book, FUCKING GODDAMN YES!
I mean, I just forgot that goblins come standard with shields. I was actually posting on your side brah
Upon finally returning to her long-lost tribe and saving them from a monster, whether to murder the chief while the tribe is unconscious and claim the monster did it, and the chieftainship.
NPC that we like possessed by an advanced shadow demon and holding a knife to her own throat. Will kill herslef if we don't hand over the holy relic. Nearly devolved into PvP since we had 2 people at the exchange with different priorities (one valued the NPC more, the other valued the relic). Until I showed up blasting in at about 31 mph with magic circle against evil up and tackled her.
Please less autism this thread, god fucking damn
> Veeky Forums
> less autism
We used to say that in the OPs for a bit and suddenly we stopped.
No idea why.
Really? Where was that mentioned?
I didn't see any official posts about it last thread.
Yeah, and we had way less of last thread's shitposting and arguments. Not /zero/, this is Veeky Forums after all, but less.
>Pursuing personal quest to find lost mentor
>Party comes along with me because the GM hasn't given them anything else to do since our last big group-arc, and because ostensibly they're my allies and care about my character
>Quest to find lost mentor almost gets the entire party killed when shit hits the fan
>Party is super pissed at me like it's somehow my fault they decided to come along for this even though I told them multiple times that in-character that it had nothing to do with them (and out-of-character that I'd be fine off-screening it or doing it in private sessions instead of dragging everyone else along)
>Party perpetually uses this as justification to shoot down anything I suggest ever now.
Feels bad man... especially since in-character I'm not playing someone who would actually have a good counter-argument for any of it and actually DOES feel bad over it. Kinda just stuck now until someone else makes a huge fuck-up that puts us all in danger and loses their right to criticize me for it.
He was talking about the possibility of doing one, NPC-codex style. It was last thread or the one before, but he didn't have an image on
Is this a good spell selection for a level 7 Psychic?
Level 1:
Bonus: Burst of Insight
Cure Light Wound (Via Mystic Past Life)
Silent Image
Magic Missile
Heighten Awareness
Remove Fear
Level 2:
Bonus: Instigate Psychic Duel
Mind Thrust 2
Level 3:
Bonus: Contact Other Planes
Shadow Enchantment
Priority for level 4 spell is Shadow Conjuration (via Mystic Past Life). Should I switch Magic Missile with ill Omen? I'm pretty sure I can find a few Page of Spell Knowledge in the next town too.
Moral quandry: I need to make a harem girl PC for a game that has ties both to Calimshan and Sune (Faerun) and I am trying to find the most flavorful class/archetype option. Bard seems too obvious.
Any other thoughts?
Anything that qualifies for Enchanting Courtesan, then Enchanting Courtesan.
Soo ,quick little build review quest gentles. Would a psi-armory/warsoul 2, ordained hawkguard 4, be a good build to work with for an E6 campaign?
From what it looks like, they stack pretty nicely... Other than rapid shot, is there any traits or feats to look at?
I think that actually makes Inquisitor one of the stronger entries with Wis synergy to the PrC and that new sex inquisition that lets you brainwash people by screwing them
I am Gming Rise the Runelords, Fortress of the Stoned Giants. During tje first round of the giants raid on Sandpoint the party's dwarf warpriest withstand any rock throw at him because AC 39 against giantkind attacks.
I got so pissed he even used a cursed item that attracts projectiles to him when they are aimed to other Pcs that I decided to use alchemical giant weapons against him.
Also the party's swashbuckler soloed Longtooth.
The AP id now so outdated that classes beyond Core make it a piece of cake.
Give me three good reasons a paladin can't be a harem girl.
This sounds perfect! Where is this from?
Inquisitor, Bard, Gelatinous Cube
I do not understand.
Inner Sea Intrigue
>gelatinous Cube
He wants a harem girl, not a fuck toy.
Intrigue Toolbox.
Uts level 10 capstone is an Ex, at-will orgasmo touch. No foolin'.
Intrigue Toolbox also has a Vigilante Talent that lets you screw someone for an hour, then you get a pool of will save and cha-skill rerolls.
>forgetting the existence of Form Figure
>blatant racism vs cubular minorities
>in 2016
Was it Inner Sea Intrigue? I forget the names of things. Ehhh, one of the two.
You got magic tactic toolbox and inner sea intrigue mix up?
Courtesan sounds like the kind of stuff you will fimd in intrigue.
It's less being outdated and more being balanced around minimal competency at the game.
Sounds like a shit group.
Since when is there a sex inquisition?
Since Inner Sea Intrigue.
How many "energy" types are in the game?
I don't know you but killing a dragon in less that three turns is anti-climatic.
Maybe the inane tendency to try impress an non-existent authority is compelling to you but I am into this for have some narrative thrill. If you have self-esteem issues to the point you bring the to the tabletop and be "competitive" in a narrative played with your friends maybe you need therapy.
Any leaks of that, or will I have to stop being poor?
I agree with you to an extent, but Rise of the Runelords and paizo as a whole do not balance AP's against much of anything. At the very best it gets play-tested with a single class blaster wizard, a twf fighter, a scimitar druid, and a knife throwing rogue. That's a pretty low bar.
Even if you have a job is morally and ethically toxic to buy the shit Paizo loads unto us.
But someone has to bite that bullet user.
Yes. And thanks to that you must jury rig the damn APs.
I had to use the Young Red Dragon stats from Mythic Adventures so my Pcs, level 10 and without any mythic tier, take him as a serious threat and not just another "goblin with wings and breath weapon".
Praise be to user!
What's a good build to go into this with? I really like it, but I'm not sure what to start with.
the new sex inquisition is a solid start for an inquisitor. I also recommend the infiltrator archetype
user, can we have the sex inquisition as well? The one with standard action to force them to listen to diplomacy and then uncapped diplomacy from an hour of vigorous hand holding?
This prestige class is perfect for Kingmaker.
>Be shellinite
>Sex inquisition
I want fucking calystrians out of the thread.
This is one of those things that was never properly -DESPITE HUNDREDS OF QUESTIONS DIRECTLY ASKED TO THAT EFFECT- answered.
What we DO know is that Force, Positive and Negative are not 'standard' energy types. They can't be converted to/from for the most part, and standard methods will give you no resistance to them (Force in particular is THE "if all else fails use this" damage type; usually lower in die type than others but as reliable as it gets).
Now, whether they're halved against objects, that was never answered to my knowledge. Force should probably not. Positive and Negative probably should.
Likewise, I don't recall vulnerability vs Hardness (like electrical vs robots): there's some GMs who've claimed you multiply THEN reduce by hardness, but all common sense would be that the protective toughness of an object works first, and THEN anything getting through the plating gets 150% frying the delicate innards.
How robutts hardness works?
Regarding that spheres warlock homebrew (fuck if I remember your post number)
The main problem I can see here is that it fixes nothing in regards to warlocks blasting all day. This suffers from the EXACT problem of the vigilante warlock and armorist blaster: anything you want to do beyond COMPLETELY SHIT DAMAGE AT SHORT RANGE requires spell points.
In other words, it is literally "X/Day", except also eating into your other abilities outright to do so.
You want the warlock to have a limited amount of things he knows how to do; but those things should not be stunted by his level. His CL can be low, but the DCs follow his full level. Likewise the blasts should eventually get 1, then 2 1-SP adders that they can do for free, representing the gain of essences and blast shapes.
Form Figure does not change her low intelligence and boorish ways.
Positive and negative are definitely halved against objects, because there is a variant channeling that explicitly says you do not do half damage against objects if you choose it.
>Sex inquisition and talents related to Shelyn.
Woot? But Shelyn is pure, delicate and innocent. She is not about being a good aligned semen demon, she id about holding hands and cuddling.
Shelyn loves sex between two consenting adults, especially sex for love and *definitely* sex for procreatio (she loved them babies.)
>What is an Apallie
It's got an INT rating, plus it doesn't just want to digest you.
>You halve damage then apply hardness then apply vulnerabilities
>You apply vulnerabilities then apply hardness and you don't halve things
>You halve things, then apply vulnerabilities, then apply hardness
>You apply vulnerabilities, then apply hardness, then halve damage
I suggest, if we can't find a concrete answer, that Hardness apply first, THEN vulnerabilities, THEN halving vs objects (so your computer takes a total of 75% of what you would have taken as a person. It's small and has little hp so it still fries first).
Force just ignores DR/Res as usual
Jellies are -Dex, not -Cha
Your goo girl can be very charming, she's just a klutz. Dojikko moe.
This sudden interest into carnal love must be Arshea's doing.
It's also Small, and while some people are into that most Medium sized races will want a Medium sized lover. Being able to take it all in without pesky organs does have perks, though!
I meet a GM which houseruled the hardness as:
You do jack and shit damage unless you sunder dat armor or the weapon does electric damage, then you apply accordingly to vulnerability but substract the weapons damage and only keep the energy one.
Who said anything about carnal love?
Arshea is into sex for sex's sake, they love sex because it feels good and it's two lovely bodies humping each other.
Shelyn loves sex because it's the culmination of feelings between two people, it's an expression of love or affection or intimacy and that's what really gets Shelyn off.
Shelyn is the lewd ara ara mom or older sister that gets off entirely on getting Best Girl and their son/brother together, and watching them hold hands and kiss from a slightly ajar closet.
Oh man, can't wait for Arshea try to fuck Lamashtu into redemption and end corrupted in a fucked up kinky way.
Luckily Perform is a Cha skill, since the best harem girls are supposed to know poetry or an instrument.
What are the best attributes for a harem girl, anyway? Cha, Int, Dex and Wis seem to me the obvious ones (in that order), but are there any races that stand out as ideal bedroom girls?
Hard mode: you need to present them as ideal in a way that doesn't highlight their assets or beauty.
So I got bored with playing Batman-God Wizards, and for a challenge, I am looking at optimizing the FUCK out of a WoP blaster. This is what I came up with:
Dwarf Sorcerer, going Crossblooded/Wildblooded for Primal Earth/Copper Dragon (GM's okay with the combo). I throw out the 1st and 3rd level Sorcerer bloodline power for Blood Havoc and Blood Intensity, and go VMC Wizard (Admixture) to top it off. That sets mup with:
Primal Earth Bloodline: +1 Damage per die to Earth/Acid spells
Copper Dragon Bloodline: +1 Damage per die to Earth/Acid spells
Blood Havoc: +1 Damage per die to bloodline spells or school spells with Spell Focus
FC Sorcerer (Dwarf): +.5 Damage per level of Sorcerer
VMC Admixture Wizard: +.5 Damage per level
Blood Intensity: As Intensified Spell (nonstacking), but adds up to CHA mod in dice
Using "Corrosive Bolt" as my go-to for its awesome no-save no-SR multiple-round damage, I stack Wayang Spellhunter and Magical Lineage for metamagic reduction, then Empower and Maximize the shit out if that. 5d4+15+lvl Acid damage per round for 2 rounds is ace for a second level spell, and I can boost that up to 22d4+66+lvl per round for 4 rounds before maximization with an energy type of my choice.
And on the side, I can set up Lock Ward'ed potion stoppers with all kinds of boosts for my allies during downtime.
I think my GM will hate my guts.
Which was the other empyreal lord that is a prostitute with a heart of gold?
Also, Shelyn will be doing a painting in the closet as she looks love being manifest carnally.
We need more of these things
Lymnieris, the LG God of prostitutes and virginity.
Would you save her?
Okay everyone we have a new wave of toys and updates for Lords of the Wild. Complete with a changelog!
Added animal form size to the werewolf template
Added Greater Werewolf and Formless Master prestige classes
Werewolf requirement removed from Varsark
Size Shift renamed to Magnitude Shift
Text added to Rapid Shifting and Extra Shifting to clarify that it does not require that you be shifted
Tail added to Deathsting Shift
Chameleon Shift, Identity Shift, and Sensory Shift added
Temporary natural weapons created by Chimera Soul maneuvers now do damage as normal for their size and type
She looks like a captured Solar, rescuing her would be the stuff of an entire mid-level campaign.
We need rules for modern fantasy stat
The fuck is that aberration?
Looks like one of the clientelar races of the Dominion.
I think it's called an elf
That's some 5E level facial expression right there.
Talking about abominable monsters.
Anything new from Horror adventures?
Yes, please; July, or whenever the fuck it's supposed to come out fast approaches
I am somewhat hyped for it. I intend to do a mini campaign based on Nightmare on Elm Street with Nightripper as BBEG.
Is there a newer Tzocatl playtest somewhere? The one I'm looking at has comments from 2014 in there.
Somebody needs to photoshop the guffawing elf onto those tentacles.
Oh, and I'll be around for a while, if anyone has feedback.
I think that's up to date maybe?
It's an extremely short (melee only really) ranged caster with decent looking effects
Has anyone here ever played a living world game using PF before? How'd it go? I was thinking of trying to get one started but my only experience with them is one game I played in years ago using fudge.
Why is Lymnieris best LG goddess?
I have nothing to add to this conversation, but have finally found a use for this pic related.
spymaster handbook leaks when
Because "sucky, sucky five slain vrocks".
Submission to another means you can't take the initiative against evil.
And really, that's the only reason.
Acid, Cold, Electricity, Fire, and Sonic.
Positive and Negative Energy aren't true "energy types", and Force is also not a true energy type - note that these three are the only types of energies that can effect incorporeal creatures without a miss chance regardless of source, making them more potent than the five basic types of energy.
Is not that empyrial lord which used to be a planetar that during a raid into the Abyss got caught by Noctycula who fucked into divinity?
>he even used a cursed item that attracts projectiles to him
This is a cunning strategy and you should be applauding him.
>The AP id now so outdated that classes beyond Core make it a piece of cake
No, it's just that Paizo's APs are designed so that a blind idiot monkey could survive it, let alone a group that actually knows how the game works (Paizo certainly don't).
>No, it's just that Paizo's APs are designed so that a blind idiot monkey could survive it, let alone a group that actually knows how the game works (Paizo certainly don't).
What about Iron Gods
That dwarf was awesome. THAT is a warpriest who knows how to do his fucking job.
And don't for a moment think classes BEYOND the core are what make those APs a piece of cake. All APs are terminally vulnerable to parties more capable than "two rogues who never have any use for their abilities in this, a fighter, and a monk". A single full-caster can shatter mostAPs with half the work we usually accuse them of needing to break campaigns. He doesn't even need to TRY. The APs are built that badly.
Any half-decent group of not-tier-6 is going to annihilate APs.
Wouldn't be surprised if that's how Nocticula fell from being an empyreal lord.
What if the cube is the one who wants the harem.
>Hey girls, wanna hop in my JAY E L L OH?
*I jiggle seductively and roll diplomacy*
Iron Gods doesn't set the bar much higher than normal, it's just got much better set pieces.
No, the only AP that's actually running a risk of killing PCs that are reasonably well built is Giantslayer, and that's because it has some monsters that are blatantly unfair, such as an encounter with an incorporeal wasp swarm.
That will explain her pathological obsession to murderfuck ever single demon lord but not how her brother fell.
You should see how normie play pathfinder.
I have seen...
Monk 3/Sorcerer 4
Ninja 3 /Inquisitor 1 /Magus 3
Bard 5 /Ranger2
And Bard 7 who has 8 in all physical stat, cause "my character is a lover not fighter"