Well Veeky Forums, am I in for the best or worst £2 I've ever spent?
Well Veeky Forums, am I in for the best or worst £2 I've ever spent?
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It's a decent game. 20 bucks max with the multiplayer being dead. So, 2E you did ok
Nah man. It will last longer than a movie. It's not bad for one or two run through some. But multi-player is dead.
Spess Mahreen is a pretty decent game, I'd say 2£ is a steal.
It's definitely worth two quid. A lot of it is pretty solid, and even when it shits the bed a bit it doesn't shit it too hard. Plus it has some seriously badass moments and stays pretty true to the lore.
Anything below a fiver is definitely worth it.
40k has always been at it's best when it's gleefully over the top and crawling with a colorful variety of maniacs. That game managed to find a way to be as dry, serious, and boring as possible.
Go play the new Doom instead- it got the gleeful, psychotic violence of punching Hell in the dick right.
That's pretty good, I'll probably get high and give it a blast tonight
>multiplayer dead
Are the servers shut down or just a lack of players?
There were no servers to begin with.
The problem is the lack of players.
When it came out, it was good.
Then Relic pushed out DLC, which divided the player-base in two. Then they released another DLC, which divided the playerbase again.
And now? You can only play Seize the Ground. Everything else is pretty much dead.
Get me Doom for £2 and you've got a deal!
DLC man, I miss when games didn't have that crap.
It's an absolutle blast. Enjoy.
>space marine is boring
>go play the new halo instead
I liked it. Shame the cliffhanger ending will never be resolved.
Space Marine is pretty great. Have fun dude.
Its a neet hack n slash
If you like 40k its fun
>Shame the cliffhanger ending will never be resolved.
I read the plans for their trilogy. It's better this way.
Such bait.
Doom is a great single player FPS, but that is about it. The multi-player is kind of shit.
Fast, multi-enemy, no shield, run and gun, no regenerating health, best course of action is to attack constantly while moving forward, and the action is pretty much constantly pouring on if you don't take time to look for secrets and shit.
It also gets huge props for having the main character be the same Doomguy from Doom and Doom 2. It even pays homage to Doom Reprecussions of Evil at one point. Doomguy starts the game waking up on a base on Mars and getting out of sarcaphogus decorated with hell designs. Apparently he was going up against a champion of hell of hell and the ceiling collapsed on him making him unable to kill anything, so the demons stuck the Doomslayer into a magically sealed hell coffin because, to them, he was a demon.
That's something I love about the new Doom. It has a lot of interesting lore and story (which the Doomguy doesn't give a flying fuck about and ignores whenever it comes up), but when it comes up it's awesome.
Specifically his mythical status to Hell. They know him as the Doomslayer, a nightmare of slaughter. A true figure of terror, what baby demons have nightmares about. Hell is fucking terrified of you.
>Hell is fucking terrified of you.
>Thought I heard that Spess Muhreen sucked so didn't buy it
>Saw it in a bargain bin for $5 USD
>Buy it let it collect dust for a little while
>Start playing on a whim
I'm not OP. The only reason I never bought Space Marine for PC is that the FOV is too low for me and will cause nausea if I play it.
A typical console setup would have me further from the screen, meaning the low FOV would be less of a problem. So I would probably be able to avoid the nausea. But I don't own a console, so that was never an option for me.
Maybe. But on the flips side it could have been more interesting that it sounded.
>DLC man, I miss when games didn't have that crap.
DLC is, theoretically, a great thing. It's exactly the same principle as expansion packs like those of Quake I or II.
It's just shit games companies using it for shit purposes.
Can't you fuck with the FOV via console commands?
>Can't you fuck with the FOV via console commands?
> FoV can be changed only for cutscenes.
Ok, that's great, and I agree new Doom is a great shooter.
BUT, if you want to capture the essence of a Space Marine, Space Marine gets it right. Regen health doesn't make sense in medal of duty: Call of honour, but in SM it works, because a) you're a superhuman with instantly clotting blood, and b) you shall know no fear; as a game mechanic,bit gets you pushing forward all the time, without worrying that the next hit will kill you. Same goes for the regen from executions (which, you'll note, are on Doom for the same reason).
Space Marine is also very visually faithful to the source material. Every door control is practically a mini reliquary, gothic influences are everywhere, and the characters are scarred and cybernetic, as they should be.
SM is also very faithful in replicating the weapons; bolters have always struggled to be portrayed as both powerful and rapid firing, but in SM the balance between impact and rate of fire is almost perfect. Likewise, the other weapons are replicated closely to their function and description in the tabletop, which happens less often in other depictions than seems reasonable.
Well, not so much Meltaguns. Who ended up an AOE weapon.
Im still pissed at the game making the Black Templars GUARD an Inquisitor
The soundtrack is also very good
I really enjoyed it but it does get rather repetitive. also, you're really missing out on multiplayer. its also disappointing that orks phrases seem to be reduced to "WAAAGH!!" and "SPAYZ MUHREEN!"
but for the first play through its a blast.
Pretty solid £2, give it a single play through.
Is it that impossible? Besides, the game adhere some much to the lore, I can turn a blind eye to a bit of stretching.
It's a good game, play it and have fun.
There's something about their armor that seems off. The trim of their pauldrons and the left pauldron of each are solid white.
Most of the time the Templars have black trim on their pauldrons. Always weirds me out.
>multi-player is dead
Are you serious? I just bought the game for PC a couple days ago and there are still lots of players online if you search in the right playlists. Almost no players on a beginner level though but it's no bother unless you're really shit at games.
"Hey bros, I'm going to go confront a ultramarine who may or may not be a filthy traitor witch, wanna roll with me just in case?"
How's the ol' autismo treating ya?
Not the best britbong dollars you spent but that's a hell of a good deal. You got more than your money's worth.
I just thought it was kind of werid due to the fact the Templars and Inquisition have fought eachother my ideal ending would have been the BTs blaming the Inquisitor and letting Titus join up with them.
Everyone has fought everyone.
Blood Ravens fought Cadians off Kronus (Dark Crusade), but the Cadians on Graia weren't shooting at the Ravens because of this (SM happens after DoW2).