so Veeky Forums, has time for holy crusade in the name of the emperor finally come?
so Veeky Forums, has time for holy crusade in the name of the emperor finally come?
It's actually an interesting and thoughtful read, even if you don't agree with it.
Your reaction to it is kinda proving the article's point.
Nice overreaction, it's someone saying "Wow if GW don't like Slaanesh anymore" (they don't, that's why it's not present as much in AoS), "then why not hand it over to someone else who might be able to handle it better?"
You kids will cry about anything, christ alive.
>why don't companies hand over established trademarks???
But the article is nothing more than opinion backed by a false claim to superiority and outright snobbery.
>15 year old /v/posting
please don't be embarrassing like this again, I try to pretend that Veeky Forums is a more respectable board when I mention it to friends and you are making that difficult.
It seems like what that person wanted was Slaanesh being something more than the god of tits. Like, say, a god of perfection and excess, who drives people to become addicted to something to the point of all else, be it drugs, fucking, food, music, fighting -
Oh wait. That's what Slaanesh is.
To be fair, GeeDubs really doesn't know how to represent anything beyond the tits on tabletop, looking at all of Slaanesh's stuff that currently exists.
Well yeah, it's Vox Day, what were you expecting.
The dude tried to sabotage the Hugos to promote his shitty novels and got taken for a ride by Chuck freaking Tingle.
>Slaanesh is only about sex
>not knowing that Chaos corrupts other things that are good, such as pursuit of knowledge, or excess in other good things, such as music
>not realizing that the morality of 40k is completely alien to us, and it's kind of evil but still necessary
>when you attack a property but you're completely ignorant about it and retarded headcanon is all you have to go by
I think the original article just gave me Aspergers.
>The dude tried to sabotage the Hugos
Good lord, the heresy! They're getting bad enough as it is.
>Slaanesh being something more than the god of tits. Like, say, a god of perfection and excess
What's a better examples of perfection and excess than some big ol' titties?
>What's a better examples of perfection and excess than some big ol' titties?
How about some expert duelists who live solely to torture and kill for their own pride, entertainment and vanity? They consider themselves artists of death, looking with admiration upon the works of the Dark Eldar and with disdain on the more crude slaughter Khorne's warriors prefer. Or perhaps bio-hereteks who modify themselves to make themselves at once beautiful and horrifying, not to mention pumping themselves full of drugs of every sort. Or huge, gluttonous mutant man-beasts, little more than stomachs with legs and heads attached, so consumed with the need to devour that they run out howling into the battlefield on all fours with little armour to consume men whole, simply for the pleasure of it.
>Or perhaps bio-hereteks who modify themselves to make themselves at once beautiful and horrifying, not to mention pumping themselves full of drugs of every sort.
I like the image of these guys having the scientific knowledge to solve all of mankind's problems, they just can't be assed.
>I COULD make an ultimate cure to save everyone in the galaxy from every known disease, but today is "how many arms can I attach to myself before my blood circulation can't sustain any more" day.
The 40k universe already has plenty of examples of what you mentioned, but not nearly enough crab monsters with titties.
>The 40k universe already has plenty of examples of what you mentioned
Name them.
>but not nearly enough crab monsters with titties.
Also I forgot to add that every time you say it's a good thing that Slaanesh armies are nothing but BOOBS BOOBS BOOBS ADD MORE BOOBS IT'S THE ONLY WAY, you prove the guys from the OP right.
Wait. Chuck Tingle....is that the guy that does the hilariously bad gay e-novels?
You watch your mouth
>Slaanesh armies are nothing but BOOBS
They're not, but the presence of said boobs makes them iconic and silly; two of the game's main ingredients. Why play 40k if bits of plastic and lore trigger you?
>How about some expert duelists who live solely to torture and kill for their own pride, entertainment and vanity?
Is that not just the deldar themselves?
> Or perhaps bio-hereteks who modify themselves to make themselves at once beautiful and horrifying, not to mention pumping themselves full of drugs of every sort
Anybody with money and status in the imperium has hoses and modifications coming out the wazoo already.
And I agree, a glutton would be cool, but there may be something close to it already idk about. Plague marines are usually depicted as bloated and immense, but for different reasons.
>Name them
>who is Lucius
>who is Doomrider
>How about some expert duelists who live solely to torture and kill for their own pride, entertainment and vanity?
>Is that not just the deldar themselves?
That's literally Lucius, one of the more frequently on screen Slaneeshi sorts.
>>How about some expert duelists who live solely to torture and kill for their own pride, entertainment and vanity?
>Is that not just the deldar themselves?
Fair enough, I'll give you that, although it's not like every single army is entirely 100% unique with no units similar to any others.
>>Or perhaps bio-hereteks who modify themselves to make themselves at once beautiful and horrifying, not to mention pumping themselves full of drugs of every sort
>Anybody with money and status in the imperium has hoses and modifications coming out the wazoo already.
>implying these guys stop at hoses
Oh, friend. You lack imagination. There are such wonders they can show you.
>the presence of said boobs makes them iconic and silly; two of the game's main ingredients. Why play 40k if bits of plastic and lore trigger you?
I like boobs as much as the next guy, I just think that there being nothing but boobs is wasted potential.
>Plague marines are usually depicted as bloated and immense, but for different reasons.
Plague marines are just big fat guys. These guys would be more like pic related but fatter.
>inb4 pleb taste
I know, but it's the best example I could think of.
It's your usual SJW bullshit but on this:
> the best solution would be to ‘retire’ Slaanesh as a GW-produced faction and make the army Forge World’s property. If you’ve not read any of FW’s books, I can attest that they have demonstrated time and again that they can do nuance. Not to mention, FW’s models are NOT targeted at children, but explicitly as adult collectors, meaning it’s possible to completely ignore that issue of inappropriatenes
I can follow him.
>Or huge, gluttonous mutant man-beasts, little more than stomachs with legs and heads attached, so consumed with the need to devour that they run out howling into the battlefield on all fours with little armour to consume men whole, simply for the pleasure of it.
>talking to normies about our secret club
>Well yeah, it's Vox Day, what were you expecting.
You're not fooling anyone.
>big-breasted catgirls make it more sophiscated.jpg
>The dude tried to sabotage the Hugos to promote his shitty novels and got taken for a ride by Chuck freaking Tingle.
where the fuck did you get your history? Day deliberately nominated Tingle for award. 9/10 excellent trolling for putting Gay Space Unicorns amidst the oh-so-very-serious self-important pretentious masters of literature.
You just wait until Codex: Felinid comes out
>I have no idea who Vox Day is
>Google the name
>Get a Wikipedia article
>also Conservapedia praising him, and We Hunted The Mammoth and RationalWiki calling him a racist and human garbage
>also fucking Know Your Meme of all people weighing in
I just want the internet to tell me something honestly, without a slant so steep it's practically vertical
Then just read the article he is talking about and judge for yourself:
Chuck Tingle is a literary genius and you will not disrespect him.
Libfags tried to act like they "won" because Tingle is apparently a SJW cuck, but nominating him at all was a win condition for the trolls.
sjw faggots are modern day puritans, he's ok with kids playing giant soldiers chainsawing the shit out of their enemies but god forbid they see a titty
I meant more in relation to the shitstorm brewing here about the Hugos.
A good way to tell Slaaneshi cultists is by saying that and seeing which one gets an erection.
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