man the dump of IOTA will be fucking glorious
Is that salt I'm tasting?
In since June. future is bright.
pump my bags faggots or be left behind!
>Is that salt I'm tasting?
You sound like the NEO holders on their ride up to 0.014 sats
Fine, whatever you wanna think. There's no reason to expect a big dip, apart from saltiness. If anything, IOTA's guaranteed to take over Cripple and Bcash.
>There's no reason to expect a big dip
this post has cemented a big dip in the next 2 days
Great, time to buy more then.
Where do I buy? How do I mine? I want be rich.
>Where do I buy?
>How do I mine?
You don't
>I want be rich.
This is the mentality to make you poor
Im fed up with you dirty ark and link shills
>ark and link shills
Why would I hold garbage like Link? Also I have no Ark either
Your retarded founder fucked his halfway decent coin by openly saying he wanted to exterminate white yuropeons. Bye bye! Enjoy your bag
helps since most of the world isn't white, brainlets when will they ever learn
I am enjoying my gains don't know what you are talking about
>having any sort of ethical or moral compass when it comes to making gains
And this is why the best racist is a smart racist; he who knows when to shut up will become wealthy.
Flipped all my crypto into IOTA. Let's see what happens.
is it so wrong that im heavily in IOTA and cant wait to see how bad this crashes?
I've been in big coins going up and wanted to see the smug shills get fucked, so no you're not alone
Hes only anti white in as much as hes an ultraliberal. The only fans of that ideology are self hating whites, I don't think asians will like it when hes telling them to take the muslims once Europe is full.
is that way. Please go and stay go.
>Your retarded founder fucked his halfway decent coin by openly saying he wanted to exterminate white yuropeons. Bye bye! Enjoy your bag
Couldn't care less
None of my shitcoin devs have come out with any controversial garbage, that I agree or disagree with. Rule number 1 of business, don't give people a reason to hate you before they've even looked at your product, you know its true.
You're just plain dumb if you think the opinion of one guy will change anything regarding this shitcoin.
Take a look at Google and that anti-diversity pamphlet that was flying around earlier. They fired the engineer, got a bit of backlash and literally NOTHING changed. Same will be with IOTA because nobody who's interested in making gains with this is going to be like you, all "MUH HATE" up in that shit.
its free falling =)
Like this morning and yesterday night. Only to rise up much higher. Bro, this train has no brakes. It'll stop when we reached Pluto. You know it's true.
Sure, doesn't mean you shouldn't short it until it starts up again.