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What is the weirdest thing you've run into?
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What is the weirdest thing you've run into?
Hey, /wodg/. A few months back I was working on a JoJo's Bizarre Adventure themed Chronicles of Darkness supplement, kinda like the Silent Hill and Parasite Eve ones. I've recently gone back to the drawing board with the idea and started from scratch, and I'm wondering if you guys were willing to give some feedback on the ideas I had for the document.
Well, it's not like we're talking about anything else at the moment.
>I'm wondering if you guys were willing to give some feedback on the ideas I had for the document.
No. But someone else who's more awake might be. You'd need to post it first.
semi frequent reminder that the Forgotten is the best Threshold and removing it in 2e is a bad idea
>What is the weirdest thing you've run into?
Well, I was brainstorming ideas for mysteries that I could use in a Mage game, and I wound up creating the Sandman Rapist.
What mundane authorities know is that at random points in the city, young girls, aged 13-17, have been awoken in their bedrooms by a man crouched over them in bed, holding a knife to their throat and with his hand over their mouth to muffle their screams. He then proceeds to forcibly rape them, before leaving through their bedroom door. All the victims were heavily emotionally traumatized by the experience and experience symptoms of dissociation and emotional shock; some have even reported hallucinations. Physical descriptions of the perpetrator are inconsistent; genetic samples taken from the girls' assaults often seem contaminated and belonging to multiple individuals. No signs of forced entry are ever found.
The truth is that he's an Autumn Court Changeling who roams the Hedge until he finds a pretty teenage girl's Dream Bastion, at which point he uses the Contract of Dreamsteps to appear next to them in the physical world, and if she's not alone in her room, he promptly uses it again to bugger off back into the Hedge - this is why he picks teenagers, since there's no way to tell if an adult woman is married or has a boyfriend that she shares a bedroom with. If she is alone, however, he promptly proceeds to sexually assault her, and uses the terror to harvest Glamour from her, leaving her with emotionless and with the Reticent Condition. He then leaves through the girl's bedroom door, turning it into a Hedge gateway to escape. Sometimes, some of the girls look at him as he does so, and see his true form, though the police simply dismiss these as hallucinations brought on by the trauma. Similarly, he uses the Skinmask contract to assume different builds and appearances (even going so far sometimes as to assume a different race), but the police dismiss these inconsistencies as being from trauma.
What if they aren't being removed
If you have a picture of someone (so you can use a sympathetic yantra) but have no actual connection to them, can you use sympathetic magic on them as a weak connection?
The picture would by definition have a connection to them, I think. That's why it would work as a sympathetic yantra to begin with.
This took way too long to convert to PDF and upload.
Anyway, this PDF only has the bare bones Stand creation I came up with. It's similar to the rules for making spirits and horrors. I'll come up with something more erudite than 'just steal powers' for Stand Abilities later, but rebranded Dread Powers and Numen work for them at the moment.
The old Google Doc I was working on has some of the more fluffy stuff (how Stands got into CofD, how other supernaturals react to them, stuff like that), so I'll transfer it over to this document once I get the crunch ironed out.
I actually did make a little document on how to make a Stand for another project, which I can post here if you guys want. If not, you can find it on the /sss/ thread.
>The picture would by definition have a connection to them, I think
Sory, I meant no other conenction besides the pic - would the pic be enough to qualify as a weak connection
And yeah, that's how I read it, wanted confirmation
Everything in the real world is edible if you try hard enough. And everything in the real world outnumbers mankind much more than 100:1.
If you can build a secret base in the leopard and gorilla filled jungles without getting your shit rekt by horrible spiders, you can build a sanctum in a relatively quiet place in the Shadow.
Why do you seem to think they'd be removed? Geist 2e may not even happen, though I hold out hope.
The only way you could get less than Weak while still being aware of someone is magic. So if you feel like having your Sympathy removed magically would make it weaker than Weak, go with 0 Connection and 4 for Sympathetic Range.
Or I guess maybe you could be trying to spy on someone you saw in a porno or nudie mag or something.
>Or I guess maybe you could be trying to spy on someone you saw in a porno or nudie mag or something.
Technically it's a creepshot taken by their familiar who is possessing their phone
>Everything in the real world is edible if you try hard enough
you're introducing pure food to a population of predators
jaguars aren't a threat to people, a building spirit will eat any building because it provides essence
>Why do you seem to think they'd be removed? Geist 2e may not even happen, though I hold out hope
I recall seeing on the forums that if they were to make a Geist 2e, Forgotten would be getting the axe.
I might have dreamed it but I'm pretty sure I saw that
you might have seen it, but it wasn't from any official source
you should probably just off yourself for being such a loser
Lancea Sanctum is still pretty inhuman , right?
As in, stay away from them and punish the fuckers.
Would it not be fitting to be a good priest for humies as well as vamps?
After all, they believe that salvation is for humans and damnation for them.
Would make sense to still have a bible group and do well in it, besides feeding.
>offing myself
that's for the silent, pleb
>Geist 2e may not even happen, though I hold out hope.
There is no reason to assume it won't. It's the last of the OG nWoD lines, that means it has enough of a fanbase to give it a second edition.
>Why on earth would a Mage sit and cast Exceptional Luck on himself over and over again just because?
Enlightenment by channeling Arcadian energies.
Wasn't the Touhou guy the one who made that build but then realized the mage could just put Mage Armor back up reflexively?
Nice, Geist enemy?
They don't go and be priests to people because the entire point is that their holy purpose is in punishing the wayward so they do not become the Damned. Salvation is for the living, the Sanctified cannot preach it.
There's also the fact that since they focus more on the Testament of Longinius than the Bible proper, they're just Catholic flavored Vampire Mormons.
True, but I feel you can a lot of feeding options by the "Do no good" mantra.
How would you fulfill a somehow religion related cover well with that?
Also you should punish to reeducate, not tempt them to damnation completely..right?
It's my Bound's geist when it wants to be scary
Yeah, you can't get rid of their Mage Armor that way, but you can still erase all of their buffing spells to level the playing field; that Potency 40 Exceptional Luck that the mage spent the morning cheesing his way into? Just vanished in a single Contract activation.
He can still get back to like Potency 14 Exceptional Luck with a reflexive action.
Is Contract of Abjuration the first "Mordenkainen's Disjunction" we have in CofD?
>Mordenkainen's Disjunction
I haven't played D&D in a while, has that changed from 1st ed?
I remember your picture from...years..ago?
You said a friend made this for you, right?
If you still run that game, congratulations!
Love how well it is made.
Never played Geist before though.
Only mage,hunter and vamps.
>Enlightenment by channeling Arcadian energies.
Acanthus are the ones least likely to abuse Fate. Your Awakening and the Gnosis of your Path tend to disabuse the average person of just fucking shit up with their Subtle Arcana. Just like the ones least likely to abuse Mind are Mastigos, and the ones least likely to abuse Death are Moros. The ones most likely to abuse Prime are Obrimos.
>That's actually what you were trying to do
Never change, Veeky Forums!
>jaguars aren't a threat to people
Also, a building spirit can't eat other buildings; building spirits are stationary, the building would have to rely on motes and resonance related to what type of building it is.
Mage amours cost a point of mana, don't they?
Thats just fucked up. Brilliant, but fucked up.
>Acanthus are the ones least likely to abuse Fate.
[citation needed]
That's not even abusing Fate.
Frankly, as the person doing Geist 2e homebrew stuff (well...) one of the problems I'm running into is that the Thresholds are how you died, not necessarily how you lived. It's especially hard to make a version of the Silent who aren't still depressed and quiet. Ostensibly after dying from suicide or drug overdose and realizing that you want to keep living, you'd start going out and living life, right? But all of the themes of that Threshold are about depression and loss. I mean, "luck is a fickle mistress" works well for Forgotten; you die from random chance, you might start believing in fate and shit and buy into the Gambler's Fallacy. If you survived disease, the biggest killer ever, you're going to feel like you're an unstoppable badass better than kings; that makes sense for the Stricken. For the Prey, being a self-sufficient survivalist loner type is pretty natural when you survived an animal attack or rock slide. Being an angry Marxist feminist hippy chick blogger or a former soldier or some other "woah, shit, the world is pretty fucked up and violent and we should fix that, but also I'll fuck you up if I have to" stereotype is a pretty reasonable response to being Torn.
But how the fuck do I justify "I died from depression and loss and now I'm just sad"? Or worse, how do I not make the entire Threshold into this state of being a wallflower trying to become the popular girl. An entire Threshold of Kuroki Tomokos trying to be popular just doesn't fucking fit, but that's the only thing I can think of besides having them wallow in abloobloo even though they came back from the dead.
The Path write up?
Silent isn't necessarily dying from just suicide or drug OD, they are death by deprivation. Whether it be deprived of love, food, whatever. The threshold represents hunger, so it could follow that a Bound of that could turn in to a huge glutton after they come back to life.
Say, a gangly nerd who got rejected one too many times or something so popped a bottle of pills and while he was writing and wracking some spooky ghost told him it wouldn't be TOO hard to be a casanova if he made a bargain.
So after he comes back to life he's a lecherous ghost buster, bedding whomever and whatever he can because he never wants to feel that low again. Ezpz
Also, thresholds aren't HOW you died it's how you INTERPRET you died. My Bound died in a car crash. Driving home in a thunderstorm, crashed into a electrical pole. Miraculously survived impact and when he stumbled out of the car he got shocked to death from a snaking power wire. That could be Prey (thunderstorm) OR Forgotten
ty ty
I like commissioning my WOD characters. You should try Geist if you can
I think I will comission some more stuff.
A draw-friend was nice enough to fulfill one of my requests, came out nicely.
Will proper pay him in the future for stuff.
Remider [']
>To all of the lovers of White Wolf Games,
>It is with sadness but understanding that we must remove this site from the Internet, having received a command to do so by one of the lawyers of Paradox Entertainment. Per their terms of service, not even a single word concerning their game systems may be placed upon the Internet without their express consent. It does not matter if this is a simple list of Merits and Flaws with absolutely no definitions and page numbers referencing where they are found, or if it is a set of instructions on a system for their games -- it must be removed if it is associated to White Wolf Publishing. So to all of you I wish you a fond farewell. I shall leave the links above, as I still love their games even if they do not love us trying to help others to understand their games' creation rules. I shall continue to support their projects, and I hope that you do as well.
>To everyone that has ever come for knowledge, to everyone that has ever helped to explain that knowledge better, to every contributer (and there have been hundreds), and to everyone that has given me thanks for the help I have provided over the years... Thank you, and keep on gaming!
My point is that the only way I can think to write up the Silent is as a Threshold that actively goes against their own themes. Does a loud and raucous Casanova who makes himself the center of attention really strike you as "Silent"?
For my redesign:
Torn are defined by violence. Whether they're "antinomian" pacifists or asskickers, violence defines them. Not just physical violence, either. Systematic violence as well.
The Stricken are unconquered by Conquest, and it makes them feel immortal. They're basically meant to feel like a Resilience focused Ventrue.
(Sidenote, I think I'm going to change their Blessing to be shrugging off physical Tilts. Ignore Leg Wrack because you're so badass)
The Prey are all about that whole "respect that the situation can fucking kill you" outlook on nature, and are about preparedness and survival
(Although they present another problem in that the main focus of their Threshold is away from civilization. They're not Makara, but still, it takes some effort to be Prey in a city)
Forgotten are all about luck, but not in the Acanthusy manipulation way, more in the Gambling sort of way. "Leap before you look" is their motto, because looking wouldn't have kept them alive in the first place.
(Forgotten do present a problem with their name, though; only the Grey Horseman is actually forgotten about; Luckless would be more appropriate. Or Starcrossed. Or Ill-Fated. Hapless. Anything. Something that actually relates to them)
Dying from deprivation and loss and some kind of lack presents the problem of moving away from their theme of isolation and helplessness. I mean, going by 1e, does it really make sense for the Casanova former nerd to have powers all about being quiet and crying?
I guess I'll link the write up. Not sure when I last poked at this.
Goddamnit, this was to but I'm dumb and tired. I need sleep.
Also, I don't think I've heard what you think of this. You're the other big Geist fan here.
Hey guys, what do you think is a fitting aura for the road of watchfull gods from V20?
It is a sort of classical greek and roman religion type of road.
Be respectfull to gods, be honourable etc.
But they did not include aura specifications in V20.
I don't have anything else to say other than it looks pretty interesting.
Stat me Veeky Forums
Mekhet Dhampyr, also he's a lone Hunter of Vampires.
Thanks. If anybody wants to pitch in, they can come up with Stands that match CofD's dark, brooding atmosphere. Or just amp of the horror by 200%.
Size/Type: Large Magical Beast
Hit Dice: 5d10+25 (52 hp)
Initiative: +1
Speed: 30 ft. (6 squares)
Armor Class: 15 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +5 natural), touch 10, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +5/+14
Attack: Claw +9 melee (1d6+5)
Full Attack: 2 claws +9 melee (1d6+5) and bite +4 melee (1d8+2)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Improved grab
Special Qualities: Scent
Saves: Fort +9, Ref +5, Will +2
Abilities: Str 21, Dex 12, Con 21, Int 2, Wis 12, Cha 10
Skills: Listen +8, Spot +8
Feats: Alertness, Track
Environment: Temperate forests
Organization: Solitary, pair, or pack (3-8)
Challenge Rating: 4
Treasure: None
Alignment: Always neutral
Advancement: 6-8 HD (Large); 9-15 HD (Huge)
Level Adjustment: —
>semi frequent reminder that the Forgotten is the best Threshold and removing it in 2e is a bad idea
Why would they do that?
Also. Have they said ANYTHING about Geist 2e?
Fucking figures.
>does it really make sense for the Casanova former nerd to have powers all about being quiet and crying?
Well, yeah. The part of him that offed himself is still there, it's not like the Geist took it away. The hunger for whatever it is you were starved with still sticks with you, like some kind of chronic depression.
When they said they were bringing back White Wolf, they meant it. Doing this kind of thing was the first things they said they would do at that first "White Wolf is back now" panel in Germany.
Yeah, but it's still thematically dissonant to me. Being scummy and manipulative and greedy, maybe, but that's like giving someone a Mekhet's powers and a Daeva's fluff.
This is how I Seer of the Throne:
Then why not embrace the hypocrisy? The Silent are people who died of want, work to get their want, but in doing so only spread their want and the despair that comes with it.
Because it doesn't fit. If it fit, I would.
What path, legacy and ministry would he be part of?
Please tell me more about him.
>path, legacy and ministry
Seers don't Awaken to the former (I think), the only members of the secunda are completely batshit insane and the tertia are called Prelacies, not Ministries.
Is this NEW nWoD mage?
Becuase as far as I know it, nwod seers stil lawoke to a tower but called to them somehow.
You had to decide between legacies and wierd seer powers though.
Then make it fit, cut them, or change them to a villain splat.
Probably a Moros from the Ministry of Mammon. Should be pretty obvious why if you recall the alchemical symbolism of the Great Work.
On his/her legacy, I have no idea.
Seers awake to Watchtowers just like all other Mages.
The Exarchs don't like the Watchtowers but they're perfectly happy to use the Mages they create for their own aims. And plenty of Seers are likely to tell you that the Exarchs built the Watchtowers to call the worthy to serve them.
>You had to decide between legacies and wierd seer powers though.
The choice is simple, if you join the Legacy that follows Gate, no one will want a damn thing to do with you, because you are most likely absolutely fucking insane.
>Seers awake to Watchtowers just like all other Mages.
Watchtowers are like bible stories.
Convenient fictions told to impressionable youths to instill your particular values into them.
The truth is far less concrete
Uncrowned King, maybe?
There was an npc like that.
Just turn the attitude towards your own achievement not directly into pride but disdain for people who have not.
Its more about realising the concept.
The Abyss is scary.
>On his/her legacy, I have no idea.
Well you have six possible choices:
>Architects of the Future (Time, Acanthus)
>Chrysalides (Life, Thyrsus)
>Epiuad (Mind, Variable)
>Masters of Destruction (Death, Moros)
>Princes of Many Masks (Life, Acanthus)
>Secret Order of the Gate (Space, Variable)
Just to clarify, you can only pick from Legacies that have Variable or Seers affiliated, none of the Pentacle Orders will want ANYTHING to do with the Seers.
Well I'm trying to make it fit. I just can't wrap my head around some other way to work with the themes I'm given. I feel like cutting them or making them villains doesn't work, either. How you die should colour how you view the world and how you react to things, but it isn't something that should make you evil any more than Path would.
Plus, I hate how Integrators are handled. There's a lot of potential for positive portrayals, but they're treated as turncoats more often. If they were going to do that, I wish they'd have given us more than three "protagonist" Agendas. Or just had more "We want to make up with our alcoholic father, but not while he's still an alcoholic".
>On his/her legacy
You don't work for White Wolf. Their* legacy.
There's also "make a new one".
There really needs to be a "build your own prestige class" supplement. Or just a series of blog posts.
If you can't make it work, cut it. Who knows? Maybe if you cut them and spend time not trying to mull it over, something'll end up coming to you. And if it doesn't, there's no real loss, since you were able to work on what you could. You could probably stand to roll some of the Thresholds into each other anyways.
I feel like The Four Horsemen (and their one friend you never heard about) is a pattern you've really got to stick to.
>and their one friend you never heard about
Didn't he leave before the became famous?
How you PERCEIVE your death reeeee it's entirely up to the person and how they died reeeee
desu as a geistfag and more importantly as a Forgottenfag I think the four horsemen thing are kind of dumb. especially the 5th one.
re: the Silent I told you how I see it and some other user agreed it's more about deprivation and hunger, their powers aren't about purely crying and being shy/reserved; the KEYS they get let them use manifestations in ways related to water/fluidity and the stillness of the grave
not to mention they aren't only locked in to the keys their Threshold dictates...my Bound started out with Industrial (granted that was his Threshold) and Passion
>You had to decide between legacies and wierd seer powers though.
Nope. But if you had both Prelacies and a Legacy some weird stuff might happen. Was never a ban on it.
Also, Seer Awakenings being something different was just stuff that was brought up in the Storyteller's Guide as an alternative way to play stuff.
Or, nowadays, you have a Praxis that's one of their attainments. Legacies have been broadened.
Do you? The Horsemen theme the splats had honestly seemed like a throwaway setting tidbit. If anything, it comes off as a possible aspect a Krewe might use in their belief system, but like everything Krewes believe in you can't take that to be a universal standard.
I know that it's about how you perceive your death. Personally, I think that's a bit of a quibble, though, and "how you died" is a much better effective shorthand.
Also, their Keys are about being quiet (even though there's no mechanical benefit to keeping quiet when using Stillness Key) and the fear and isolation of being alone and exposed. Silent get Cold Wind, not Tear-Stained. And I'm aware that you can go outside your Threshold. One of the things that I'm trying to do with this homebrew is to make your Threshold matter. There's more explicit rules for regaining Plasm by indulging in your Threshold, your Threshold gives you a special ability, and it determines what kind of things you can use for bonuses to Ceremonies (not that I've gotten around to them).
Torn get to add their Psyche to "Knocking on Death's Door" rolls to regain plasm through violence, and can inflict a detrimental physical Tilt on anyone who's taken damage in the scene.
Stricken add Psyche to Death's Door rolls related to disease and illness and grossness. Currently they can inflict the Sick Tilt, but I think being able to ignore a Tilt works better.
Prey get Psyche to their roll when regaining plasm when related to nature, but I think that one needs work. They can also get someone's scent and always know which direction they're in. Also needs work.
Forgotten add Psyche when regaining plasm through chance and fate, essentially jumping into dark holes. They can force a reroll once a scene with either 9-Again or no 10-Again.
Currently, Silent have better Plasm gain when starving, asphyxiating, being isolated, or otherwise lacking something. They also are innocuous, and can't be noticed when moving at half speed unless someone succeeds on Wits+Composure, but that definitely needs to be changed.
Plus, I actually love the Five Horsemen thing.
See above, although I suppose when you put it that way you've got a point.
I need reasons why a powerful Thyrsus would try and get a Cabal of relatively new Mages to come with him on a dangerous trip across the ocean, raiding an ancient temple, into a spirit's twilight sanctum, and finally into a maelstrom verge. Them being paid in a few imbued items, an artifact, and on the job experience (Arcane beats).
Basically I'm thinking something like "he's maintaining a shitload of powerful spells right now that he can't risk relinquishing control of, so his abilities are limited". Plus being primarily Thyrsus, he's missing a LOT of other useful Arcanum, and he doesn't trust more experience Mages, who'll likely have stronger agendas.
I think what matters more to a player is that the splats presented have present strong philosophies with meaningful ways to express that philosophy in the game. You can do anything you want with the surface details as long as there's a good foundation to the game.
Who would be conquest?
>I played to much Binding of Isaac.
Conquest is Stricken.
Like I said upthread, they're basically Resilience focused Ventrue. "Disease kills umpteen million people every day. It couldn't kill me."
>Then this plays
They wear the crown of the White Horseman of Conquest, because they were the Unconquered. Basically that whole "I beat cancer, I can take on the world" mentality is what I'm going for.
For the whole thing, check out
Does anyone have Mortal Remains? It says it updates the Hunter rules to GMC, but I'd like to make sure it's worth it first.
Could you force-feed a Magath Essence until one aspects completely dominates the other such that it would become pretty much a normal Spirit again?
Mortal Remains is great. Buy it.
I think once a Spirit goes Magath, it stays that way. I don't really remember.
If you like Hunter and have 15$, there's no good reason not to buy Mortal Remains. It's great. I want to use it's rules to run a Suicide Squad inspired "Supernaturals but Hunter rules" game.
I wasn't too impressed with Mortal Remain, but YMMV.
In any event, here it is:
Thanks. I'll give it a look to make sure nothing deeply offends me then pick it up, fifteen bucks isn't too bad.
>I think once a Spirit goes Magath, it stays that way
So Spirits can only accumulate new aspects, they can't lose them?
Honestly? "I need assistants/people to carry my stuff/redshirts to throw in front of any dangerous shit we inevitably find" is as good a reason as any. Just say he knows someone the party knows, and that he's trying to keep everything on the down-low so he wants to work with a cabal with no other connections to him.
>I need assistants/people to carry my stuff/redshirts to throw in front of any dangerous shit we inevitably find
That's the kind of shit you get Sleepwalkers for.
I'm not going to make the players sit back while the powerful Mage fucking does everything. That's no fun.
Not that guy, but I think you're reading it too literally -- those are the Thyrsus' reasons, but remember that the largest killer of mages is Hubris, so he's probably full of himself. Let the cabal shine when he's inevitably too caught up in his own ideas to notice what's actually going on.
Yes. Outside of someone who can access the core of spirits like a Pangaean or spirit mage or idigam.
It's why magath are a problem, they cannot get better and only get worse.
>Could you force-feed a Magath Essence until one aspects completely dominates the other such that it would become pretty much a normal Spirit again?
No. The essence it eats wouldn't dominate it, it would just make it full.
They can lose them through sufficient spiritual maiming, but the corruption of being a magath will remain.
What do I use Prime for? I used every other Arcana I have but I've never had to touch Prime.
Counterspell, Dispelling, determining objective Truth, copying Grimoires, detecting Leylines, disguising your Nimbus, veiling something from Supernatural detection, providing universal Withstand to a Warded individual, channelling Mana with exceptional ease, creating objects out of Tass, suspending the Lie for Sleepers, manipulate Hallows, Dispell Magic completely (ignoring 1 dot requirements), CREATE Hallows.
Part of this guy's thing is that he's already rocking over 10 sustained Craft Fetish spells (with no Influences or Numena, they're Spirit-Prisons), with a few held by Sleepwalker retainers, the rest he's sustaining.
They're all powerful Spirits, and relinquishing Control would potentially leave their advanced duration capable of being reduced by a Paradox die to normal duration, allowing it to quickly run out without him noticing, and the Spirit to be freed. So he'd have to go and goddamn catch it AGAIN.
So given I was going to make him Gnosis 7 or so, he's got 5 held by retainers, and is maintaining 6 himself. So he's got like 1 spell left he can maintain before he can reach further, and he's going to need that one spell for utility spells to protect the group, and given his high Gnosis, even one excess reach could cause catestrophic Paradox.
So he needs helpers. His Hubris is that he let his ambition go this far, and so he has to rely on others to help him with the final steps of his plan. He's building a Court for his true love, Thalassa, a powerful Incrana whose court was scattered by Seers, and was bound to a Maelstrom in the Shadow. The cabin of his ship is full of jars in which Spirits are bound. He's relinquishined a lot of bindings on Gaffings, but the Jaggings are what he needs to keep under control. Oh yeah, it's also a historical game.
>deeply offends
Well, this is where that one Mummy pronoun sidebar is from, so if you're easily triggered by that kind of thing... but still, worth 15$
>while the powerful mage does everything
No, no. He brought them along to do everything.
He's the bookworm, they're the bodyguards.
I want to make a Prime focused Free Council group that's basically using Prime for Matrix bullshit because they can manipulate The Source Code. Basically cheesy 90s Reality Hackers.
>using Prime for Matrix bullshit because they can manipulate The Source Code
All the Arcana control the "source code," with each individual Arcanum affecting a distinct part of reality.
Prime is not a substitute or uber-Arcanum than can replace the others.
>Prime for Matrix bullshit
Thing is. Magic as a whole is Matrix Bullshit which manipulates the Source Code of reality.
Prime is just using Magic ON Magic.
To expend Prime's purview to include the kind of actions you're describing would permit it to mimic every other Arcanum.
What you want is mostly just Space, Forces and Time.
I didn't mean along the lines of "ignore the other Arcana". More "This is the source of Truth, so we'll manipulate Truth". Sort of like the stuff mentioned in Space about how creating or destroying Sympathy has emotional effects.
I'm thinking, like... Supernal Vision and Word of Command and all that. Altering "Truth". Space is probably my choice for secondary Arcanum. Maybe a bit of Demon style stuff with how the Pacts are essentially Relationships. Despite the computer theme, I don't really see much use for Forces itself.
How would you run a fantasy Chronicle?
I mean, using what exists in the setting, but putting it in a world where the supernatural is open and the technology level is roughly one of the old school Final Fantasy games or an Elder Scrolls. It's a thing I keep wanting to do, but I'm not really sure what to do with it.
My main idea is to have the players be people from the real world (or at least the typical ̶W̶o̶r̶l̶d̶Chronicles of Darkness) who either stumble into or wake up in a patchwork world made of all the various different Realms Invisible. Hedge, Underworld, Shadow, the Bordermarches, maybe even Astral and Inferno or Emanation Realms. All with constantly open Verges and Irises to one another. Along with it's own material reality, where the supernatural is open and public. Essentially a junk world created from all the times when the World of Darkness went through some sort of Crisis on Infinite Earths style shake up, like the Sundering, and the Death of Urfarah, and whatever the Nameless Empire did. The schtick would be similar to the typical John Carter/Superman thing of "you're not from around here so your body isn't used to the world and you get super powers", though people from Earth would be rare.
But an actual "plot" isn't something I've been able to really think up.
How interesting is this, on a scale of Dumb to Neat?
Mediocre. You're basically transplanting characters from one setting into another. Which is something I avoid like the plague.