Warhammer Fantasy General

Warhammer Fantasy General: Best Army, First Squatted Edition

Link to last thread: (I don't have it)

1d4chan.org/wiki/The_End_Times (Compilation of all the End Times changes)
1d4chan.org/wiki/Category:Warhammer_Fantasy (All pages marked WF on the Veeky Forums wiki)

>Newbie Introduction to Warhammer Fantasy
mediafire.com/download/i330182xo9b1hsi/Rulebook (Hardback).pdf (Download, start reading at page 174 for the story and all the races)

>Warhammer Wikis
whfb.lexicanum.com/wiki/Main_Page (Warhammer Fantasy wiki)
warhammerfb.wikia.com/wiki/Warhammer_Wiki (Warhammer Fantasy wiki)
warhammeronline.wikia.com/wiki/Warhammer_Online_Wiki (Warhammer Online wiki with lots of background articles too. Also AoR is not ded: Veeky Forums for details.)

>Resources(Armybooks, Supplements, Fluff, Crunch)

>9th Age

>Total War: Warhammer

>End Times: Vermintide

>Mordheim: City of the Damned

>Bloodbowl 2

>Man O' War

>Third party Miniature manufactures

Other urls found in this thread:


What events would have to occur for a Von Carstein to be elected Emperor? What would happen under such a rule?

What's your opinions on The 9th Age?

Better than 8th, acceptable alternative to 6th.

Basically the church of Sigmar falling apart and loyalists being defeated. Morr priests would probably also resist unless Vlad promised to stop making zombies/skeletons and ban Necromancers from coming anywhere near cemeteries, with a promise that at least most of the dead will be interred still. .

Since Vlad's claim would be shaky, some Elector Counts would rebel and Vlad would have to deal with a splintering of the Empire.

He'd probably move the capital to Sylvania. I don't see him making any drastic changes other than appointing vampires to replace rebellious Counts, maybe turn all Counts into Vampires but I doubt it since he'd have a harder time controlling them.

Dwarfs would probably break ties for the most part. High Elves would evaluate the relationship, but probably stay with thr humans.

Chaos would be far less successful be it Beast, man, or Daemon, and Wood Elves would attack more.

Neferata would work against the Empire actively, Strigoi and Strigany would be hunted down more effectively, Necrarchs would be hunted.

Khalida would lead active Tomb Kings campaigns against the Empire.

Lizardmen reaction unknown. Dark Elves don't really care about the Empire, so unchanged. Ogres already work for Vampires, so unchanged.

Skaven would probably be VERY concerned because Vampires are very effective anti-Skaven leaders but its doubtful the Skaven would get their shit together enough to stop it.

Its the very first truly balanced Warhammer edition since 2e.

preface: the needs and results for such a thing really depend on the von carstein in question so I'm gonna divide this response been what I hereby dub Von Coolsteins (for political Manfred types) and Von Crazysteins (for your genocidal Konrad types)
to get elected: for Von Coolsteins, infiltration into the noble houses and otherwise manipulate/mentally dominate sufficient elector counts to get elected, ideally while also crippling the church of sigmar to prevent witch hunter reprisal. Von Crazysteins have a more simple path to power, hold election, kill emperor and everyone who voted against you, then hold another election.
under their rule: Von Coolsteins would probably keep things sustainable in regards to protecting enough of the peasantry to live off of while slowly replacing the nobility with immortal servants/agents with openess of rule depending greatly on how successful they are at dismantling the churches of Morr and Sigmar respectively but inherit the problems of their forbears and the vamps begins fighting amongst themselves once they win for control of the largest remaining population centers leaving them possibly open to invasion from chaos, newfound enemies in brettonia or even kislev depending on if the land is saturated with enough dark magic to cause attrition or not (oh almost forgot, the VC empire would also become economically reliant on or increasingly confict with skaven over warpstone reserves to keep raising sufficient troops). Von Crazysteins would either implode from killing off all civilians/food supply or get overly aggressive and be beaten by a coalition of Tilea, Marienburg, Bretonnia, Estalia, a choice few border princes, Dwarves with a grudge over the destruction of their imperial allies, and maybe Teclis with some sword masters to crack down the rampant dark magic (this doesn't happen in my former example as Von Coolsteins bother with sublety and actual diplomacy to prevent such a coalition from forming, presumably)


^Good Kickstarter for VC players. Pretty clear its supposed to be for Warhammer. "Ratman zombie, Lizardman zombie, Goblin zombie, Orc zombie".

One thing I've noticed about 9th is that ridden dragons and the like seemed to get nerfed hardcore. 3+ save that can't be improved and no ward save. What's the point of a dragonlord in my Dark Elves army? Perhaps I'll just throw my lvl4 Sorceress on a Dragon

Because cannons got nerfed, particularly as a counter because they can't snipe now, dragons got a slight nerf too.

It still takes concentrated artillery or powerful soldiers to kill one, but its now in line with other options.

Okay, thanks! Food for thought!

>Chaos would be far less successful be it Beast, man, or Daemon


Undead are immune to Chaos taint. They can turn willingly, but in general they pass corruption saves by default, and the major strength of Chaos is psychological which the undead are immune to.

Plus, Beastmen and Warriors just become a supply of bodies to use to replenish your troops.

This is also undead who now have access to the Lore of Life and cannons.

It depends on how close Vlad is to his novel incarnation where he's an absolute monster and dies before Isabella.

I do not see his novel incarnation leading a stable empire.

Also I don't see him hunting the Strigoi, he refused them aid but didn't actively slaughter them.

Wait, are we talking about a Vlad and Isabella who come back after Storm, or Vlad and Isabella back in the Three Emperors?

In Total War: Warhammer, Mannfred seems to be making a claim that the throne of the Emperor is legitimately his and he's somehow been cheated out of it.

What is the basis for this claim? Is he in anyway correct?

Manfred has always (original and End times) been portrayed, behind his power, as a selfish, little bitch, whose basically a spoiled brat. So no I doubt it.

Vlad was a legit Elector Count.

But Mannfred is neither his biological son or adopted. Also, Vlad didn't win the election for Emperor.

So no, he has no claim. At best he can push his name as a possibility once Karl dies, but he'd never be legitimately elected.

Well his argument is that only Vlad's house is not corrupted by chaos/multiple takeovers by other houses/inbreeding. Therefore, only Vlads house can be elected legitimately. Its stupid logic, but since when did Mannfred car about logic?

So what mods does everyone use when playing the best Warhammer game in years? The Empire of Sigmar (Best Total War Unit pack), as well as Proper Combat, mainly, but I also have a bunch of minor ones.

Play KoW instead

No End Times lore, which is AoS.

I said Storm, not End Times.

I assume most people want Vlad and Isabella to eventually come back, and almost certainly will since there's a literal model who's flavor text is "resurrects dead vampires".

On a related note, do we have access to the White Dwarf that introduced Vampire Counts or should I scan mine?

localized recruitment mod for empire state troopers
>tfw removing VC with stirlanders

In the table top what are the major pros and cons when comparing guns with bows?

Bows are weaker but models that can take them are usually more accurate and Longbows have god tier range. Also usually cheaper. But deal less damage.

Bows have Volley Fire, so you can take an extra rank and still shoot without needing to make a gunline.

Crossbows are the superior option to both.

But that's for 8e, not sure about 9e.

I meant the three emperors era novel that described Vlad and Isabella as far more brutal than their flavortext described. (With Isabella stealing the Vampire Tsarina's Bathelroy bathing habits and randomly slaughtering her whole castle and then complaining she's lonely.)

kislev more like kil selv

> Warhammer Armies: Kislev
> Play Empire with the following modifications:

> Cannot take any Unique characters
> Cannot take Griffons, Steam Tanks, Luminarks or Hurricanium

> Entire army gains Hatred: Warriors of Chaos and Daemons of Chaos
> All Knightly Orders and Reiksguard lose Barding and replace their Plate Armour with Heavy Armour. In exchange they gain Fast Cavalry and cause Fear on the charge.
> Halberdiers may purchase Shortbows for +1pt per model
> Pistoliers may replace their Pistols for a Shortbow, +1BS and a move to Core


What do you guys think of Radious?
Mannfred is good for farming XP
does proper combat work with the empire of sigmar mod pack.

>What do you guys think of Radious?

Bad Mod (Very Very Dank Meme)

Good point.

I think a lot of people disregard that series because it was kind of a letdown though.

But yeah, Vlad and Isabella if that is canon are far more proper Count Dracula. No happy Empire, it'd be closer to Morathi and Malekith ruling Bretonnia.

>What do you guys think of Radious?
He adds variety without reasoning on its ends coming out as redundant and unfitting.

He should spend five more minutes thinking about why he is doing what he is doing to the modded unit; there's plenty of space for even the strangest of units, it just needs a bit of polishing here and there to be used.

>The throne is mine by right!
It's an electoral system, fuckwad. Get in line with the rest of the plebs.

Quick, post actors that could stand for warhammer characters.

Starting with the obvious Helena Bonham Carter for Isabella.

What Monty Python jokes should I make when I send my players to Bretonnia?

How do I stop them from avoiding this by going "On second thought let us not go to Bretonnia, 'tis a silly place." ?

Seth Rogan for Archaon.
William Dafoe for Be'lakor.
The Rock for Grimgor.
Benedict Cumberbatch for Teclis.
Neil Patrick Harris for Karl Franz.
Somaya El Khashab For Neferata.
Tim Curry voicing Arkhan.
Simon Pegg for Mannfred.

Play it straight. ish.
Anarcho-syndicalist peasants make a pretty good plot hook, so you can just use it without being too obviously silly.
Reflavour the more absurd parts to create grimdark ambiance.
Sessions always devolve into jokes anyway, so there's no point in going too over the top with it.

I'm probably sending them to Mousillion, so I plan to pull the anarcho-syndicalist commune gag to lighten the mood. Maybe the 'hasn't got shit on him' quip.

recommended mods?

First for elf asses.

Angelina Jolie for Morathi

getting kinda old but....

Second for Asur fisting Druchii asses.

Morathi needs to be THE cougar.

I don't see Jolie pulling off anything more than the look. I'd rather have her as Ariel.

I ain't got no good druchii, so have Lelith

Make a Pinterest account and start browsing.

Keyword searches suck, but related images are always good.

Heinrich Kemmler would be Sir Ian McKellen.

a picture is worth more than a thousand word

But Pintrest spams constantly.

orc and goblin would still WAAARGHHHHHH

You can unsubscrube from emails you know.

I have a pinterest account, yeah.

Hard to find druchii art that combines sexy and deadly without going too far in either direction.

Ah, I thought that would put their stupid pseudo-paywall back up.

Why do these manlets carry each other(what I'm presuming are nobles and such) on shields?

Because it makes them a T5/W5/2++ Nightmare before any magical kit.
Lorewise it's because Dwarfs don't like taking their feet off the ground but still need a way for the King to show he is boss.


It also makes their models with that really fucking difficult to get on ebay. I guess I could make one, but that's annoying.

>Dwarfs don't like taking their feet off the ground
>invent helicopters

Dwarfs also like having something to complain about.

What's more miserable than a dwarf in the company of an elf?

A dwarf who's recently parted company with that elf.

>this late in 2016

Endtimes is AoS material familia.

Why is she barefoot?

So I can cum on her feet

ELECTED would be tricky. He could just conquer the provinces and force the counts to elect him I guess

As for what would happen, he'd turn the population into his food and fodder stock

If you don't play VC or WoC sure. Other factions are beastmen tier compared to them.

He didn't even try to get elected. His introduction to the Empire was unleashing a zombie apocalypse and telling everyone he met the nobles of Sylvania are all still vampires.

where are some good fantasy models I can use for lords/heros

is the scale for darksword miniatures close to GWs?

I actually have a couple of both on hand, so I ran a comparison for you, though I can't say for sure on all models since the GW model I'm basing it on is a metal one from 2004.

Anyway, Darksword looks more realistically scaled compared to GW's heroic scale, so they might look a bit stranger in scale. However, they are roughly of equivalent size, with GW maybe being a millimeter taller at most for a typical human. Overall, if you're concerned about stature, base them on some stuff to make them a little bit taller, but otherwise it's not going to make much of a difference.

Anyone know if there's stats for Cockatrice for the 2nd edition roleplaying game?

Man are Dwarfs as fucking OP in the tabletop, as they are in Total War? Jesus Christ, it's like i'm fighting an entire army of turterlers!!!!

I was thinking of using some of the mages for my army

speaking of which anyone know where I can find a good model for a bretonnian damsel I dont want to use GWs fugly models

Yeah, good fucking luck doing anything else though.

You can troll with copters, but yeah.

Dorf cannons are fairly rage inducing in particular, thanks to shitty yous you can literally snipe with them in 8e.

What primer do I need to give my people going into this setting?

I have them coming up from Tilea and the Border Prince lands from a stint as sellswords back into the Empire.

What mysteries are good to clear up before the game begins?

Find the first adventure for "The Enemy Within"; Mistaken Identity. That has a whole primer on the Empire, though it's 20 years of lore out-of-date.

Dark Sword has a few. Ral Partha has some as well, though I'm not sure they're 28mm as Ral Partha makes 25mm as well. You can also scour Reaper for a damsel or two. Hasslefree also has a number of unarmed/armored female fantasy models that can work.

Its in the OP.

Would a random encounter with a River Troll fighting three beastmen let by an advanced Bestigor be too on the nose for a WFRP travel side story?

I fucking love the excessive fluting on vampire counts armor.

Reminder that the Red Duke outlived all other character models from his era and prior.

He is the current oldest sculpt still in production.

I still cant get over it how they kicked clans.

>I liked Blood Dragons and Strigoi.

They could sneak past..I would.

If you mention there are lot of beast men arojnd or if it plays in a wilder region like Middenheim/land..why not?

>but its doubtful the Skaven would get their shit together enough to stop it.

The Skaven are capable of working together if they view something as a threat, Nagash is a perfect example of this.

His claim is likely that Vlad was a legitimate Elector Count and since he is the only one left claiming to be Vlad's heir, he is rightfully an Elector Count as well and thus eligible to become Emperor.

I'm guessing he is basically talking about what happened when Vlad started his war which was during the time that there were three claimants to the throne fighting each other and so Vlad tossed his hat into the ring. I guess his argument would be that he was never rightfully considered. However I'm pretty sure the Empire didn't reunite until Magnus was elected and at that time Mannfred was possibly lying in a swamp.

It's hot

Well, Ushoran, Neferata, and Mannfred survived into Age of Sigmar. So maybe others will appear too.

As for Total Warhammer, the Bloodlines are DLC wetdreams because they only require a handful of new models for the generic characters, plus one new character each.

Black Orcs went from being a single unit to their own faction in AoS. It's entirely possible GW could they want to possibly flesh out the other bloodlines besides Strigoi into their own factions.

Wellll.....Ushoran died while defending his kingdome...

Personally waiting for a cool Abhorash mini.

Super Knight.

Hey, not been on Veeky Forums for a while... so I wanna ask the Warhammer community what the verdict on AoS today is? Has it mellowed? I heard they were introducing point values after all? Or is AoS about to die its well-deserved death?

I know as much as you, I just ditched it and just talk about fluff here sometimes.

Are Blood Knights in the game?

If so, that might be a reason to buy it...

Blood Knights are not a unit in the game. Sometimes in the campaign you'll get a message saying they've come through your territory or something, but they aren't playable.

And there's no corpse cart either. I'm really missing it.

Releasing unfinished games to milk more bucks...

How different would the end times have gone if everyone stayed in character? most of the retiredness seems to have been characters doing shit that they NEVER would have done, especially in that short amount of time.

It's a Three Billy Goats' Gruff joke, isn't it?

>verdict on AoS today is?
was shit, is shit and it's likely to keep that way

>Has it mellowed?
GW has taken their heads off their asses halfway, and listened to the complains of the ~100 dudes in AoS fanbase, hopefully they pull their heads out completely and bring back WHFB

>I heard they were introducing point values after all?
Yes, but only for competitive matches afaik (of course, players will carry them over to their games)

>Or is AoS about to die its well-deserved death?
I wish Total War: Warhammer becomes the final nail in the coffin, so many people interested in the setting they just discovered and BAM! Age of Shitmar

There is a book called the General's Handbook coming out soon that is going to introduce three ways to play. One of them is Match Play and among other things it will add points.

What do you mean stay in character?

Person in the last thread brought up a pretty decent point in that a lot of Fantasy characters going solely by what GW has published do not have a whole lot of character. Unless the character came from a BL book and made into the tabletop you can't really take BL into account as their intended character since each author is going to approach a character differently.

In fact I think there was a decent example in this own thread where the Vampire Wars books apparently portrayed Vlad and Isabella one way and the army books and such another.

It wouldn't have even happened, since Archaon the Eversue only won due to shit like that.

Despite how unrealistic, I like to think armour like that allow the skin to be covered in the blood of the slain trough capillarity, like with the Moloch

It's ridiculous how scared GW are of videogames. The spate of warhammer licenced games that are coming out at the moment is surely because they've killed the setting and are no longer irrationally afraid of people not playing tabletop because they have a virtual version

there is a pretty neat mod that allows you to recruit blood knights.

Doesn't jive. There are a ton of 40k games recently too, just most are fucking garbo.

I've got a WHFRP group together, one is a Wizard and one is a Kithband Warrior! The Wizard got murderised by a Chaos Spawn and had to burn a fate point. This was in the first session.
Am I doing this right?