/srg/ Shadowrun General- Renraku The Casbah Edition

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>Watch your back
>shoot straight
>conserve ammo
>And always, unceasingly respect your ancestors

This thread belongs to best corp, who blend the great Japanese values with the talents of the rest of the world. Today’s Solutions to Today’s Problems.

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Challenge for you, /srg/- Pick a book and fix it in as few steps as possible. I’ve got pictures of Hardy with 12-year-old Czech dickgirls, so I can get a second edition pushed through editing, but any big changes or things that are too sensible will alert the bosses that something is up. Let’s see if we can correct the whole run before they notice.
Howling Shadows
> Put in all the fucking price tables, indexed in the back
> Take away the drake ability to change cyberware magically, because it’s retarded and inconsistent with all other shifting
> Put a “Awakened From” line in the paracritter box text, so it’s immediately obvious what the base animal is and you don’t have to try and pull it from the horrendous fluff
> Give technocritters a power that lets them use their Resonance as a Limit for Matrix Actions, because as is they have huge skills but no limit due to shit mental attributes

What have you got?

Fuck filial piety. I am getting ALL THE TATTOOS just because of you.

1. What's an abrams lobster?
2. How does seafood hobo get into places? Just turn into a crab and lead his crab flock in, then turn into a human and rebandolier?

>the rules for that spell
>The subject can only assume the form of a critter whose base Body Rating is 2 points greater or less than her own.
SG 118

And it has to be a non-paranormal critter. You probably are going to need a Body of 3 or 4, I can't see a crab having more than a Body of 1 or 2.

Fuckhueg lobster, one of the few critters to make it to Howling Shadows, pg 52. Also has a Gestalt Consciousness, so making friends with one is making friends with many.

Well, on general principle a cop now would stop you for endangering animals or some BS. Corpsec gives no shit, they'll beat your ass if they think you're trying something. Hide them under your jacket, sneak yourself in through the back, go crashing through the front door on a motorcycle and start hucking crustaceans at anything that moves, all the regular ways runners get suspicious equipment into places.

> Make Pegasus Press the developer.

Son no! What would the great Eternal CEO Aneki think if he saw you?

>you can't turn other people into animals (you can do it on yourself, though)

The Shapechange spell works on any voluntary subject. Critter Form too, though only into one creature.

Theoretically Crabman could turn himself and his whole party into crabs, sneak in through the airvents, and stop sustaining the spell when they're inside.

Everyone will be naked and unarmed, and the street samurai and decker will probably be dead because you can't shapeshift cyberware, but you could do it.

I already have pierced ears and a body permanently altered by feminizing hormones. I am already far far past the SHAMEFURU DISPRAY threshold.

Then OP has the answer for you.


I just had a great idea.
What if you get the crabs past security be keeping them in a tank and calling them fresh food or acquarium buddies?

Horizon and Evo would love you, though.

Now you're starting to think like a Shadowrunner.

Quit trying to extract my kids. They was born Renraku, They'll die Renraku.

>still calling them your children after they've dishonored and rejected the corp's culture.

>Not traveling to Sweeden for a full body biosculpting procedure

It is my burden to bear. Their shame will forever stain our house, but we cannot disown them (legally). We'll just quietly obliterate all traces of their memory, never speak of them again, and work twice as hard to atone for the family's sins.

Maybe someday the kami will reward us for our diligent service by removing this shame from history.


>three hour long De Niro action flick

How have I never heard of this?

You can always send them to work in the UCAS or some other western nation full of degenerates.

Wait, 2:30, I misread. Still, surprised I didn't know about it.
But why did you post that, ? Are you so lacking in reaction images that you don't have one for 'get out'?

>allowing my shame to go gallivanting around the world

If they showed contrition, I'd help them get a job as a mailroom clerk or something fitting their fallen state, but I won't allow them to parade their failings. Next thing you know they'll be getting Breast Implants 2.0 and bringing home orcs.

I hear a lot of people change the cyberware pricing, by how much is that usually?

1. It's called "Ronin", which is topical
2. It's about leaving instead of staying around and getting killed
3. "I never left" is a great line, I dunno.
4. I'm severely mentally ill so awkward jumbles of almost-logic like this make sense to me.

Most people do around 80-70% base price, but I'm the madman who does 50% base price.

Small changes, it said.

Also, are the Germans that good? Seems like they just translate, and maybe iron out a kink or two to make it fit the new language. Does PP do it's own games?

So, the the GMs out there: You have a session two hours after you finish work today. You were supposed to flesh out the run that the players accepted at the end of the last session. You did not, for a number of reasons and excuses that cover the whole range from 'was legitimately busy' to 'Hearts of Iron IV.'

All you have is a framework, and an incredibly vague idea of what they're after and what they'll face. Is that enough to fly with and hope the players don't notice?

Possibly. It depends on the kind of run, really.

Lean on some minor gang for the thing? Definitely enough.

Infiltrate a place? Possibly not, but could be.

Take ten minutes.

Write down some hook that you've wanted to use in a run (some paracritter security, some weird layout, an unusual host, whatever). Extrapolate whatever the bare bones of that needs to be (does the critter need a big lawn to run around in, etc.)

Steal liberally from whatever the players say at the table about what they think it's like. They're going to be doing legwork this session anyways, right? Just hit up the binder if you need regular stats and wing it.

If you want to be boring and mundane again all you REALLY need to bunraku people is a commlink with hotsim module installed, a helmet with trodes in, and personafix chip.

When in doubt: Steal shit.
City of heroes/villains has a ton of missions can just be lifted for ease. Like this one:

>You're listening to the radio you were told about as it plays top 40 hits from Tir na nOg, when a new announcer breaks into the middle of a song:

>'You may not know what you're hearing! You may think you're going crazy! But man-oh-man, even if you are crazy, that doesn't mean that you aren't really listening to the one true station for shadowrunner information: Radio!


>RADIOOOOOOO! Free Opportunity! That's right, we are Radio Free Opportunity, home of the best information for chummers with the right inclination! We have a special dedication going out right now! According to our callers, those misfits called the Halloweeners have their hands on a hot new mystery drug that's been causing quite an outbreak over in Redmond. But what I want to know is, why should they get all the money? So, if you're listening, if you were to steal the new drug from the Halloweeners and deliver it to the drop off point out in Bellevue, that reward would be yours for the taking. Just keep an eye out for Knight Errant! They may be waiting to crash the party. Now, back to our music programming with some forgettable artist who no one will remember in a year.'

>The radio begins to play music again. You look around, but it seems as if no one else heard the announcer.

>The voice of 'Radio Free Opportunity' is quiet, but you remember what it said. If you steal the drug 'Outbreak' from the Halloweeners, then you can take it to the drop off points and take the money yourself.

Drugs, Gang hideouts, mystery about the Radio, threat of Knight Errant showing up: Easy, simple. No prepwork required.

You guys ever run games as Corp Sec? or something similar?

If one owes a contact a favor, have that contact call in said favor.

>Yeah, that gun you purchased from me awhile back? The guys who owned it before you have been around the neighborhood, dissuade them from coming back

>Hey man, I think a rival mechanic has been undermining my supply lines. Can you look into it and deal with it for me?

>Hey man, I think that my company is noticing the explosives going missing around here. Can you doctor the paperwork and deal with the guys doing the investigation?

I've always wanted to run a game where the team is actually an anarchist cell, but I've got no idea where to start for doing such a thing.

What do you mean, you don't know where to start?

Should I use adept or prototype transhuman to best represent being of a new breed of humanity?
I'm trying to make a newtype

You want a human metavariant? Grab some metagenic powers and smash them together.

Well, the main issue is players.

But the other issue is how do you get a group of guys who've never met before to come together and form a cohesive anarchist cell? I'm not personally fond of starting off with a cohesive team, I like establishing the way in which everyone meets and decides that yes, they can put their lives in these other people's hands.

Tell everyone to write a background that would lead them to anarchism, working with everyone else to establish which people are part of the same Neo-A collective, who is in an anti-corp vandalism collective, etc.

All the various groups come together for a big protest/push for freedom. All the players are in the same part of that (maybe they're building barricades together, as an act of solidarity). The cops show up, as expected, but they are acting super ruthlessly, killing and crushing instead of stunning and dispersing. All the players need to work together to get out of the tear gas with their lives and go to ground in a nearby basement (the area is cordoned off too heavily to force through).

A broadcast comes in from HQ. It's the various leaders of the collectives, led by that fringe paramilitary guerrilla. They announce that the counterrevolution has begun. Everyone within LOS is now part of your new cell, a security measure to protect everyone. Contact will be re-established with each cell as it becomes safe, but for now your only directive is to fight for freedom using any means necessary.

If your players have any experience with RPGs, and aren't complete assholes, they'll recognize an obvious set-up for a party when they hear it.

Using a past history makes much more sense when you want something as supposedly tight-knit as a secret cell of anarchists, but if you don't want it there's ways to adapt.

That's a really good idea, actually. Thanks user.

Don't suppose there's any books that talk about the way these groups operate?

What the fuck are those pants meant to be?

Padded with gel, of course.

Gel packs: when you thought Sleeping Tiger line was not offensive enough.

The Michelin Man is a symbol of corporate oppression. By tearing down his idols and repurposing them for the good of the people, we strike a blow for independence!

I don't know if there's a specific SR book on that. I'll take a look. The Montreal 2074 Sourcebook has a few different stripes of neo-anarchists in it, if you're looking for ideas on the kinds of groups.

How do you handle character death? Say one of your runners dies for real, and that player makes a new character. Do you give them more BP? Extra karma? Make them start at 400 all over again?

Sleeping Tiger is offensive?

I've played a procedural cop campaign before, it was pretty pink mohawk.

Right now we're in a Knight Errant shadow unit, which operates a lot like a runner team, we just get real SINs, access to decent facilities and some ammo.

There's definitely some fun to be had with the higher power level.

It's cultural appropriation and is basically only worn by white elven rappers.

see, the description in the book makes it seem like only orks PARTICULARLY interested in gang shit would even give a crap, and most people wouldn't even notice unless they had a gang or high fashion background.

Aesthetically, yeah.

Not really, and not according to its bonuses, but it's kind of a meme now how Sleeping Tiger will get you kicked out of anyplace where people expect a modicum of taste from you.

It's like being dressed in one of the better priced looking outfits in Yakuza.

Here's an article on how terrorist cells work.

It basically breaks it down into 3 groups
- Planning and support cells, usually less than 10 members, who focus on things like fundraising, procuring materials and intelligence and setting up safehouses
- Execution cells, who are brought in at the last minute to use the preparations of the support cell to do whatever it is they want to do (bomb a hospital, kidnap someone, etc)
- Operation commanders, who co-ordinate between the cells, and may or may not actually be present during the attack

These divisions change (one job's execution cell may be the next job's support cell), and that doesn't include things like sleeper cells, who may be activated to do any sort of role.

So you can have an NPC assume the role of operation commander and organize the PCs according to their skills. If they're a bunch of combat monsters, they're probably going to be primarily an execution cell, called in just before the job, given whatever legwork the planning cell did, and thrown out the door. More likely they'll get to play the roles of both support and execution cell over time- one day they are planting listening devices in a park, the next they're stealing a truck full of Lone Star equipment, then they're staging a brazen arson at an MCT lab. Keep the players guessing and uncertain about why they're doing things and what the end goal is, play up the lack of information- they don't know who the bugs were supposed to record, or where that equipment ended up, or what exactly was in all those sealed crates they were told to burn.

Also, I'm probably on a watchlist now, and not even for futaporn, so you better appreciate this.

no, that's pretty much just a meme based on exaggerations.

I've always assumed that even those who aren't part of the subculture being appropriated are angered for the same reason everyone hates white rappers: cuz it makes you look like an asshole.

The suit doesn't include pants at your ankles, a backwards cap, or a 40 of liquor, so I think it's completely safe from that.

Dunno, I'd say it's more like being dressed in something everybody and their aunt recognizes as the "So you wanna be tough guy, eh?" advert suit.

How the fuck does everyone and their grandma have ranks in high fashion?

They don't. But through cultural cachet, they just default on it and its rep. So that most people can recognize that something looks ''right' with their probably one success.

Probably couldn't tell it was a knock-off unless guns got brought into the equation, though.

With their one success, they'll be able to tell that... it's a suit?
Maybe with a few chains?

Heavy advertising. It might be custom fit, but it's also mass produced. Also, Baron von Evilstein wore it in 'Elven Bride' soap opera, as well as that one football player that's kind of an ass.

Not enough to get it the universal "that's OFFENSIVE" reaction that's become a meme here, user.

Addendum- I don't know much about anarchism (though I recommend read about things like the Wall Street bombings, Haymarket Affair, and other anarchist attacks in the early 20th century) but I do know that anarchists loved robbing banks.

Fighting the power doesn't pay the bills, and there's an ideologically pleasing symmetry in stealing from the rich who steal from the poor so that you may fight the rich as the poor.


Smartlink camera can take a modification, does camera magnification mean it counts as a scope for range penalties?

Oh no, I'm not talking about it being offensive, just tasteless (as in - you've had to dress well so you've picked that thing that was on TV) and/ or worn by annoying shitheads.

user, everything except the top levels of society wears tasteless shit, we're cyberpunk.

Yeah, but this one is supposed to be worn (according to ads and so on) by jerkasses or stupid corpdrones that didn't pick up on it. There is also probably a difference between 'tasteless shit that you picked up somewhere and wear' and 'tasteless shit you've picked up to be trendy, but failed'.

Honestly, though, I'm just drawing this conversation out so that I don't have to go to sleep.

I will now ignore you then, since it is pointless to continue this discussion.

Talk to me about converting Spider mentor spirit from 4e to 5e then!


Have a good night's sleep/ good day's fun, then.

Go to bed, user.
You need your sleep.
This is for your own good.

Does a Drone's Strength or Agility ever come into play for skill checks?

I know I can throw Agility and Strength enhancements on the limbs, but does that actually get me anything?

So a great dragon and two immortal elves walk into a bar.

The bartender assenses the great dragon, and says, "Hey buddy, I don't deal with dragons. Take a hike."

The great dragon grumbles and says "I could turn this entire establishment into a crater with a single word."

"Yeah, yeah. You could, but you're not going to. Get lost."

So the dragon mutters that it's all swill anyway, and leaves.

Then the first immortal elf walks up to the bar, and the bartender assenses him, and says, "Hey buddy, didn't you hear me? I don't deal with dragons."

Pure outrage lights up the elf's face. "I didn't choose my ancestry you fuck. They're no family to me. We were slaves to them, and the first thing I did when I escaped was try to kill my father. Who the fuck are you?"

"You were literally just in the company of a dragon, drekhead. Get out of my bar."

The elf's hand goes to his sword, but after a moment, he laughs creepily and says "I've had enough to drink for one lifetime anyway", and leaves.

Right now the bartender is getting tired, but he also feels energized because he just told off two of the most powerful beings in the sixth world and isn't dead (yet). Now the second immortal elf comes up to him, and she says, "Hey. Normally I would just leave, but I came a long way and I feel like I deserve a drink. I'm second generation. That means I'm only a quarter dragon by blood. Give me a double of your best whiskey and I'll see what I can do about making your death a merciful one."

The bartender takes a good long look at her, wrinkles his nose, and says "Well missy. You may not have much dragon in your blood, but based on the smell, you've got quite a bit in you regardless."

If you plan on doing Str or Agi based things with that drone's limb? Yes.

But as far as like, automatics shooting test, that's purely software?

Holy fuck

The software gives the skill. The Agi gives you a likely better than Pilot Agi.


Here, have a bump from your friends at ORO.

I want to find out how someone would fix Data Trails. My only idea is, "Make Hardy suffer for allowing it to happen."

Couple more AI questions. I'm finishing this character slowly, but I want to make sure I understand:

-If I choose to start hacking, I can drop my god score by exiting and re-entering my device, or rebooting it? I understand an AI can't reboot itself/its' persona

-With Pilot Origins, and I'm jumped in, the skill checks on the drone becomes Depth+Applicable Adv. Program Autosoft+Applicable Drone Autosoft+3 from Pilot Origins, correct? (Additionally, can I give a drone a gun with smart link, and then give the drone itself smart link for another +2?)

Are there good places to discuss Shadowrun that aren't forums? e.g. IRC

What, we're not good enough for you?

drones use pilot rating + autosoft if the weapon is bolted on.

if the drone is wielding the weapon using a cyberarm, it uses the arm's agility which is by default equal to the drone's pilot rating (but you can increase the agility of the drones cyberlimb and use that instead).

strength is basically the same. drones by default have strength equal to their body , and you can upgrade a cyberlimb for more strength up to double (so a body 5 drone could have a strength 10 cyberarm).

Mission Report: 26 August 2057

The building was there when I left; it was nothing but rubble when I got back. Questioned the crying ork in the center of the courtyard, kept going on about a huge troll called "Canada-san."

[maple leafing intensifies]


I'm kinda running something close to that now

Ohayou~! I'm here to see my fiancé! Our wedding is tomorrow!

Which is the best assault rifle and the best sniper rifle in best edition dps wise?


Back to /v/ with ye.

backtoJust look at the damage code, big numbers are better

Any suggestions for a resource that has a shitload of floor plans I can use on runs?

So if I'm jumped in and firing a gun through a drone, do I add my Hotsim bonus and control rig bonus? I notice under control rig it says "Vehicle actions", is using a gun on it (gunnery) a vehicle action?

I use doorkickers for floor plans not really sure how others feel about it.

>finally staple together a cruddy little Fate conversion for SR
>run a sample milk run set in San Diego
>it's fun as fuck


I also use doorkickers, or I did when I had my roll20 game going. I wish there was a little more prop diversity, but I love the different textures and weathering.

Look at the damage code, then subtract the AP divided by three from it. So if it has a damage code of 10P and an AP of -3, then it does 11(10 -(-3/3)) damage on average before soak.

yeah there is not really "much" you can make with it I was able to make some woods along with some underground lab stuff along with streets but if you wanted to do stuff like a plane or a boat it gets harder unless its up on the wrokshop.

Post this madness.

Have you looked at Nova Praxis?

Maptools, nigga.