List building general because the other generals are cluttered, and forums are too slow. AoS, 40k, etc all welcome. To start with, I'm a new tyranid player looking to build a 750 point army for a friendly 3-4 person game. I have the start collecting box and 2 gargoyle broods (30 total gargoyles) right now and I'm trying to decide what to buy next to make a functional army. I have a few ideas already but would appreciate some feedback/CC.
List 1: >Hive Tyrant - TL Devourers With Brainleech Worms, Lash Whip And Bonesword, Adrenal Glands, Regeneration, Electroshock Grubs, Wings, ,
I need some advice for my Tau list. I'm trying to make a 1000pt take-all-comers list and I think I've got a pretty terrifying 850pts, but I don't know what to add for the last 150. Any tips?
This is a great idea for a General thread. I'd recommend including this link in the description every time to help with list posting:,000/Tactics
Asher Stewart
A couple of recommendations:
1. You need Markerlights. Bring Pathfinders or Tetras instead of the Piranha and/or give your Strike Teams markerlights. They might seem like kind of a pain to bring at first, but seriously, markerlights win games for Tau.
2. I would recommend dropping the Sniper Drones and bringing a Hammerhead or Broadside Team instead. Your army seems a bit squishy and lacking in heavy firepower, as well as long-range support.
3. Overall, this seems like a very close-range army to me (by Tau standards anyway). As such you might also want to look at giving your Fire Warriors transports so they can keep up with the rest of your army, or upgrade them to be stationary fire support (give them things like the DS8 support turret), or some combination of the above (have one team be your transport team and the rest be fire support, for example).
4. If you need a few more points, feel free to drop the Cadre Fireblade. They're not bad or anything, but you already have an HQ, and you could get the same effect as the Fireblade's "Volley Fire" rule by just increasing the number of Fire Warriors in your Strike Teams instead. This method is cheaper and gives you more bodies so your squads won't die as easily.
Oliver Harris
I also forgot to mention that your army is lacking in the anti-air department. Bringing a Broadside with a Velocity Tracker would remedy this.
As you suggested, I brought in some Pathfinders and a Broadside. However, I stuck the Velocity Tracker on the Ghostkeel, whose anti-vehicle is much superior to the Broadside. I've also decided to keep the Fireblade. In a Hunter Cadre, he allows units to run then shoot. This, in theory, would make the Strike Teams quite fast. The multiple small units are paper thin, but they're there to make maximum use of the Hunter Contingent's buff.
Zachary Harris
>bringing Pathfinders >ever
Pathfinders are literally just points you throw away to redirect shooting for a turn. If you want them for the markerlights, look elsewhere.
Jackson Moore
>Pathfinders or Tetras >and/or give your Strike Teams markerlights I'm not a huge fan of Pathfinders either, hence why I offered alternatives.
Austin Allen
is it a 2v2 or a free for all
Xavier Fisher
Here's another general image you could use (at least until we get something better).
Give some sergeants plasma pistols or combi weapons
Give upgrades to the rhinos
Hudson Taylor
I'm not entirely sure yet, i believe it's free for all.
Jaxon Wilson
I thought you could only bring allies as part of an Allied detachment unless they come with a special detachment (like the Inquisition)?
Samuel Bell
the tyramt is good worrior are to easy to kill 8S instant kill them and get a tryion or a mawloc bring a squad of boivors the great a anti infantry
Ian Foster
How do I take out Soul Grinders with Tau? I've got a guy who plays Slaanesh and he's taking three of the things. I only got two broadsides, can a single broadside with two missile drones take out a soul grinder coming head on? What about daemonettes? Should I just hunker down with my fire warriors and pathfinders and just fire all my market lights and pulse rifles?
Caleb Walker
My group wants to start an 8th edition warhammer fantasy escalation league starting at 500 points.
Literally how fo I build a list with Ogre Kingdoms at 500 points using these preliminary restrictions: Up to 25% heroes At least 50% core No special or rare Only infantry Max level 1 wizard No magic items Must include full command in all units.
I dont have points for anything, and assuming the "only infantry" rule isn't made by a retard (thus also meaning MInfantry), how would I make a list that isnt just a barebones firebelly (to deal with potential ethereal bullshit) and a handful of Ogres?
I feel I have to make two units of regular ogres, or I will literally only have 1 unit on the board.
Oliver Allen
trying to build a eldar list with no psykers any ideas
Jonathan James
Bring Hammerheads instead. S10 AP 1 gun is better than the Broadside's S8 AP1, and Daemons have a much more difficult time with tanks than they do with infantry. Another good option is units with fusion weapons, like Ghostkeels and Stealth Suits. Just infiltrate, let it come in close, and then jump out and blast it in one volley.
If you're dead-set on using Broadsides, bring a Fire Support Cadre formation. It let's your Broadsides gain the Monster Hunter and Tank Hunter rules, so they become equally good at popping Soul Grinders and any Greater Daemons or Daemon Princes your friend might bring.
As for daemonettes, Fire Warriors should be able to make short work of them if you have enough of them. They're only T3, so you can take them down with a 2+.
Blake Foster
You're looking at an all-Aspect Warrior army, basically. Autarch or Phoenix Lord HQ, Dire Avengers troops, and then Aspect Warriors and tanks.
Hunter Martin
>As for daemonettes, Fire Warriors should be able to make short work of them if you have enough of them. Missilesides or dual Airbursting fragmentation launcher crisis suits will also screw them over super hard, and if you are going for a hammerhead, those S6 AP4 large blast submunitions will also ruin their day, and at a much bigger range.
Tau have way too many tools to deal with lesser demons in general, and it often feels like Tau are balanced around shooting at T4, which means most things with T3 will weep when literally everything wounds them on 2s
Caleb Reed
I've been trying to refine my Sisters all-comers list. Thoughts? I'm hoping my Exorcists will be able to handle a single flyer with something like 1.8 AP1 pens per turn against AV12, and I'm not really worried about flyer spam.
1850 points, all SoB, two CADs (combined here to make formatting easier)
>Canoness Melta Bombs Litanies of Faith >Uriah Jacobus
>Repentia Squad 7x Repentia >Rhino Dozer Blade Extra Armor
Just getting back into the game, I know Chaos is kinda trash now but this is what Im working with. I wanna keep it mono Slaanesh but if anyone knows any formations or characters that could boost the list Id love to hear it, I also feel the list is extremely weak as far as AA is concerned.
MAIN DETACHMENT HQ- Chaos Lord - 65 (120) -Terminator Armor- 40 -Mark of Slaanesh -15
Oh this is a 2k list, I dont even know if thats the standard point value anymore.
Zachary Anderson
Looks pretty balanced to me. The only thing I would consider changing is giving some Sisters Flamers to help with storming objectives.
Joshua Hughes
>Terminators >No transport Good luck with that. You're really going to want to take a Land Raider with Dirge Casters for them. I'd probably drop the Vindicators for it.
Lincoln Martinez
1850 is becoming the standard nowadays, although there's still lots of 2k lists out there.
Christian Long
Why? I figured Id just walk them behind the daemonettes. They're a fearless 2+/5+ FNP, I figured Id just walk them across the board at people. A land raider can also only hold 10 and I want them romping around with the chaos lord.
Asher Foster
I had tried that before, but my local meta is really light on GEQs, and I've found Flamers to be nearly useless against MEQs. Even if you can get a full 5 hits, that's still only 1.5 kills, and usually it's more like 2-3 hits. Plus you have to put your Flamers out in front where they'll die first instead of hiding them in the back.
Grayson Mitchell
>Land raiders holding 10 terminators Ha, haha, Im stoned. That's a squad of 11 terminators though user, ain't nothing gonna hold all that.
Asher Lewis
>walking terminators
If you play with casuals, ok.
The first Eldar/Tau/Marine players you play against you will die by default because he'll die laughing as he sees your army.
Logan Morgan
>That's why I love 30k
Legion Centurion (120pts) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon] Consul [Primus Medicae]
Legion Terminator Squad (375pts) [Cataphractii Terminator Armour with Combi-bolter and Power Weapon, 2x Chainfist, 9x Legion Terminators, 2x Reaper Autocannon]
>2+/4++/5+ FNP - Make footslogging Terminators great again!
Henry Stewart
Why? Can you stop being pretentious and explain to me why the unit wont work so I can understand why a 2+/5+ FNP unit wont work footslogging?
Daniel Morgan
No seriously I dont get why this works and my unit doesnt. Is the drop from a 5+ invul to a 4+ really so dramatic as to make my unit untakeable? Im thinking user is just being a dick because if your unit works so should mine.
Landon Sullivan
Terminators are bulky, mate. They take up 2 slots in a transport as opposed to 1.
First things first, Terminators are not the unkillable tank machines they were since 5th ed anymore. Against something like Tau, (3+ to wound says hello, and I've got a metric fuckton of them) Eldar, (haha try and catch me scrub oh did I mention I can run and shoot and I've got D weapons too) or Marines (Grav Guns bitches) it's very easy for your opponent to have low wounding roll requirements. And if they can pump out a lot of wounds, you're going to be forced to make a lot of saving rolls, and with that many rolls to make, you're bound to fail them sooner or later.
Every lost terminator from shooting will make you weep tears. it means one less attack, one less bolter, and one less 2+ tank that can absorb the rest of your enemies shooting attacks. Your Vindicators can become a liability if you intend to charge your Terminators forwards. Scatter's a bitch. It doesn't happen often but when it lands on your guys closing into the enemy, you'll ragequit spectacularly.
And Terminators are slow. 6 inch per turn, and a gamble of a d6 on the running phase? That means you're not firing your combi-meltas/combi-bolters/heavy-flamers and what have you to get them closer. By the time you get into melee range, you're probably going to have only 3-4 Terminators remaining. If the rest of your army fucks up their shooting and did jackshit to your opponent's forces, those guys are an instant loss of 441 points.
At least with a Land Raider, you can make the opponent sweat because your Terminators can charge through 18 inches in a turn. More than enough to cover a Dawn of War deployment, and if you utilize terrain well enough, keep the terminators alive long enough to make a charge in a Hammer and Anvil/Vanguard deployment situation. Does he aim for the Vindicators that are coming in and throwing pie plates? Or does he halt the Land Raider containing a rape squad?
William Wright
More often then not you get to roll one of the saves AND FNP.
And 4+ is better since you better your chances by roughly about 16% since you now make your save on 3/6 rolled numbers than on 2/6 potential rolled numbers (note this has nothing to do with the chance to get any one specific rolled number, but the 3/6 numbers that save you. The chances of rolling 1- 6 are still the same at 16.6% (I hope I made this understandable since english is not my native language)).
This makes the squad more durable while walking around. It's not optimal by any means, but better than 2+/5++.