lets get it, more stories to bitch and moan.
>that guy who eats while playing card games
that guy who chews on cards while playing games
From some site I found, its hilarious from all perspectives:
There are some trigger warning for extreme asshole DMs and game designers in this post who believe that rape is a cool game story element, so I apologise if offence is given.
I was playing in a convention game in Melbourne, some time back in the 90s. The character I was given was a Paladin of the goddess of vengeance - and motivated by the fact that she was raped by an NPC earlier. Well at least she wasn’t just motivation for one of the male characters.
In the prologue to the game, which was a fully narrated cut scene, my character was again assaulted by the same NPC and then murdered. And then brought back to life by the gods for a mysterious quest. So not a remotely fun start to the game.
4 hours of game play through an apocalyptic hell world later, we come across a group of survivors that include said NPC. He apologises to my character. My character prepares to take her vengeance but is stopped by the DM who says the guy in unarmed, and he’s apologised so my vengeance would fail. Yep, the NPC who twice assaulted and then murdered my character was meant to be set free. I handed him a sword and cut his head off.
At the end of the game we were told our ritual had failed because of my character’s actions. I took note of the DM and the designers of the convention game and never played anything they ever touched again. I should have just walked out mid game.
There's a guy in our group who has to bring his Masochism, crossdressing, Succubi and rabbit fetishes into every, single game we play. He's also somewhat lazy when it comes to writing.
Some days, I want to strangle him.
>bunny bopper
how hard are we talking, like fresh out the pet store, judy hopps, or human with bunny ears?
More in the realm of the last one than the others. Although, Judy Hopps would be a better character than most of his.
>Judy Hopps
For some reason, I pictured a Tilda Swinton-esque lady in my mind, before googling who the character was.
Did you just give me a trigger warning for a Veeky Forums post?
I hope you get held down and choked just like when daddy came in for your special night time struggle snuggles, leaving you to cry in a bed smelling like whiskey and cum after he finished, told you he loved you and that it would feel good eventually, and went to bed with your mother who knew but never said anything since "a man has needs" and she didn't want to fuck him either.
the tigger warning was part of the original story, I didnt put it there m8
Use quotes then, we got enough shit on here that people are triggered by triggers so don't trigger because the most shitty things about triggers are triggers are shitty things
One game I had a fellow player who was everything Veeky Forums taught me to avoid
>had a dragon character [s]why was the GM ok with this. WHY?[/s]
>his character was from another game but 'younger' in this game to keep us at level 8
>didn't want to follow the plot even though it was an arena game and therefore the plot was just to move us between combat encounters
>got upset when the GM asked him to cut shit out
>had a cry
>game ended early
>I never got to play my robot wizard with a shotgun character again
Jesus fucking Christ, Weasel, I'm never playing with your autistic ass ever again and share your fucking ritalin now and then wouldn't you?
Did you have personal experience with all that?
>that GM says he's going to run a hack-and-slash, kill-monsters-and-take-their-treasure dungeon crawling game
>nonstop Orc babies and general MONSTERS DINDU NUFFIN stuff
>This nigger is triggered by triggers
Im just posting this in every That Guy thread now.
That thread was a journey.
I mean I shouldn't be surprised but still.
Best memorial day ever
I've been lurking on the site a week and have seen this six times. You are not a meme. Stop.
I've been lurking for about six years and have never seen it before.
>brand new lgs
>drafting shadows over innistrad
>table I was at had four overweight shitty smelling neckbeards
>ignore them
>came in second in the draft, two of the four came over to hang out
>one of them said, "yea, I got a shit deck and got no good cards cause this faggot *points to me* kept cutting shit from me
Oh boy, I sure am going to like it here.
Sucks ass this is the only lgs in the middle of nowhere I now live in. With it being the only place, and no competition, it's where all the guys go, assholes included. I'm not deeply offended that they called me a fag or whatever, but holy fuck, you can already tell what that person is like if they call someone they just met a faggot.
He's posted it to literally all the recent That Guy threads. If you haven't been reading them, then your six years don't count. No checkmate at all, you don't know how to play chess.
>Some days, I want to strangle him
He'd only get off to it
sounds like he called it correctly though, guess the truth hurts
>tell group we're running tuesday night
>3 green, all clear
>am in san francisco on business, but while there i stay up late getting things prepared
>get maps done on the flight home
>redo a couple character tokens
>prepare an optional couple scenes (shadowrun method of putting a run together)
>night comes around
>two of three players are there
>"Well, we'll just finish up our old business and do a little downtime stuff, he'll show up soon"
>finish the run, get payment, have characters train up in downtime
>guy is still not around, so we have to call it
>the next fucking day i get a pm
>"sorry, wasn't feeling well"
You aren't that guy yet but boy am I pissed
He sure riled you up. You going to suck his dick next faggot? That'll show him.
>user angrily sucking That Guy's cock
>"aaaugh, im sorry user! i wont do it agaaaain!"
>That Guy cums in user's mouth
>user stands up, his brow still furrowed as he swallows it in one stern gulp
>"damn right you wont!"
>user storms out of the room
>That guy cant help but look at user's ass as he leaves
>That Guy schemes on more ways to piss of user for blow jobs
You sound triggered.
That guy who uses rare cards for snorting coke
is english your third language?
Don't trigger me, user!
I can't believe they manchildren at this guy's table showed up just to post about wanting to fuck him sensually.
What a crazy thread!
My knight seduces your queen.
It's a female knight.
wut? I was just saying he sounds like an oversensitive faggot so the guy was right, don't group me in with those other anons
>Many weeks pass
>user is GMing a game of Mutants and Masterminds with That Guy in it
> 3 other people are also in the group
>"As you all run to the tp level of the burning building, you can see a baby in a crib. Its crying loudly"
>"I run up to it and throw it into the flames, figure i can tell the mother the flames got it."
>user sighs.
>user stands up and grabs That Guy's chair, pulling it back away from the table
>"Thats it Faggot" user says impatiently
>user pulls That Guy's dick out of him pants
>user continue to rock That Guy's world for the next 2 hours, in full view of the rest of the party.
>the rest of the party take note to be edgy next game
Did you just take that song tigger sang and make it about how shitty triggers are?
Well if the recent threads were anything like this it's not surprising. Typical OP starts with an unrelated image and no story of his own, basically begging for tales from people who actually have life experience. Props to him, though, for making it That Guy this time instead of the usual That Girl begging.
Jesus fucking christ
So wait, did his fiancee leave him or kill herself?
this big boy blue thing is posted all the damn time and I have never read it.
Shit's too long and boring, and I read a whole lot of robert jordan so I know my long and boring shit
>that guy who makes all of his characters have the same personality
>implying all the best stories aren't motivated by people's fetishes
>implying it doesn't apply to all the worst stories also
Am I the only one who doesn't see the problem here? Why would she never touch anything they did again? They were right, she violated what her character was supposed to stand for.
>They were right, she violated what her character was supposed to stand for.
Her character was supposed to stand for vengeance, but somehow that quit being the case because the guy apologized? That reminds me of that scene in Mad Max where he's about to kill the guy who murdered his family and the guy is like "lol, sorry!" so Max lets him go and heads to the beach to go surfing.
Tigger song
>who believe that rape is a cool game story element
Obviously it's important to portray acts of violence and depravity such as rape and slavery in fiction. Everytime there's a rape or a mention of rape in GOT all the shit-tier journalists and bloggers go crazy and say that rape has no place in fantasy fiction, and those people are idiots. We shouldn't not depict it just because it's bad. We just shouldn't glorify it.
Anyway, my problem with rape and rape as backstory is that's it's lazy writing. If you can't come up with a better motivation for a female character than 'she was raped and is out for revenge' you're an unimaginative hack.
That DM sounds like a terrible storyteller.
A lot of players and GMs from the old days of RPGs like to put in special twists and trick questions to throw off clerics and paladins.
Also, I'm sure the NPC was a really good player with the local sports team, so apologizing for raping you twice clearly made it all okay.
Christ, that was something else. I mostly come to these threads to l remind myself how not to act, but thats just too much.
>Masochism, crossdressing, Succubi fetishes
Wow what a degenerate. You should definitely find out what hentai he reads, then let us all know so we can avoid it together.
The that guy for my group is 17, so I don't get mad at him or anything
His character is a literally retarded fighter who communicates through grunting. I'm trying to convince the DM to let us all take a language in grunting just so we can understand him and out an end to that shit
He also attacks other players often and we have to convince him to not attack essential NPC's.
>That socially awkward guy that is obsessed with Nazi Germany
>That guy that makes his 40k army Nazi inspired and has swaztika's, eagles, and iron crosses on everything
>That guy that gives his IG SS ranks that he all pronounces incorrectly despite his attempts to sound authentically german
>That guy that sits there over his nazi army, shaking one leg up in down, waiting for ANYBODY to call him out on it so he can chimp out and whine about free speech
They eventually had to call an ambulance on him when he had a panic attack over being yelled at by the owner for throwing things and he never came back.
story tiem?
Honestly, it stretches credulity a bit too much.
Luke will always be the most credible ultimate That Guy story.