Hello and welcome back to Veeky Forums makes a card game

Hello and welcome back to Veeky Forums makes a card game.
Old thread When last we left off, we had decided on a theme; sexual combat, and several rules.
> Rule one, profanity causes damage to both players health points
> Rule two, before a game, both players must scream as loudly as possible, the louder one goes first
> Rule three, this game will have homoerotic undertones

The list of confirmed monster/creature types are,
> Hyper Edgy Woodland Critters
> Wacky Heroes
> Tentacle Monsters
> Lolis
> Deviant Art Level OCs
> Headpats

I believe that's everything from last thread so let's start this one off with a bang.
> 1 4 6 9 make new monsters
> 2 3 5 8 make new rules
Let's go!

you have to wear a fake mustache to play

The game's newest expansion pack features the only set to not have a sexual theme at all. The theme of the set is furniture, from fridges to couches.

Weather will be an effect that changes every turn, but players can respond and affect it.

Shameless self bump, also,
> You must wear a fake mustache to play

Im the guy who made the theme rape
sorry for killing the game

What about tiles?

I don't think it killed it, just the prudes. Which is a good thing.


What kind of at style should we use?


Loli headmistress

Makes loli creatures stronger but punishes them harshly if they fail

Loli's now have a leader card, neat.

Each game has a secret word, that if said the player must remove an article of clothing a turn. If they cannot or refuse, they lose the game.

The word is determined by a third party calling the official hotline.

Here, I made a card. Don't know what it would do though, any suggestions?
>Poorly Drawn Elf Dominatrix and Elf Gimp

Dubs win the rule, the "safe word" cannot be uttered by either player, if it is, the player that spoke it must remove an article of clothing or lose the game. Safe word to be determined by a third party.

rolling to make a set reverse trap cards, dudes with pussies

Morning bump

What should we do today?

Le afternoon bump

It's a buff spell

Adds defense

Cool, so "Poorly Drawn Elf Dominatrix and Elf Gimp" buff the defense of a monster you control. Will all "Poorly Drawn" cards buff or debuff then?

Last time I'll bump, come on guys, let's make this happen.