So I just bought this off of Amazon as an impulse buy. I've heard good things and it was cheap. What am I in for, anons?

Its a snow mat on top of a board that I made. The idea was to have something portable in case there wasn't enough table space I could bring the board and have a nice surface to play on. For example the table in the pic is horrible for wargaming with a huge indention in the middle. Found a neat little mat from mats by mars, and now its perfect for wargames on the go. Most the terrain in the pic is papercraft to. As I said I'm trying to get my friends into this stuff so I'm really trying to make it was easy as possible.

So I just went through using the warband builder.

It's pretty fun. I am trying to get around how limited it is in things, but I like the system's simplicity.

Have you tried the Song of Deeds and Glory for extended campaigns and song of gold and darkness for dungeons and loot system?

bumping because it's a very fun little game with no love here.

So for the fun of it I am going through the warband creator making stats for some of my warhammer armies. This is for the Stormcast Eternals. Each model is very expensive but good, which kindof fits their theme.

I'm working on the Dispossessed Duardin next.

The dispossessed. The duardin chased from their holds by chaos.

For the nurgle rotbringers, I wanted a universal ability for them, so i decided on poison, to represent them spreading their plague with every attack.

I dunno what the stick with those guys with pseudo latin names but it seems a warband with very few minis (like 2-4) but very elite.
The dorfs are alright too, tiny legs=short move.
The idea of plague/poison is a good one so good job brosky.

Yeah the stormcast eternals are pretty elite. Theyre a faction of warriors imbued with heavenly magic whose made to fight chaos. Kindof like angelic warriors. So they all have fearless.

I think poison works great on nurgle. The putrid blightkings are huge bloated dudes who spread the plague by even getting near stuff, hence they have Shooter: Short

I'm working on what I have for skaven pestilens now.

could it possible to do gutbustet ogors next?
I want to try fear and faith.