>Favorite 2hu
>Favorite 2hu
Pure text.
MapTool and Skype text chat.
The schedule will be decided on by the players, but the available time frames are:
Monday 10:00 P.M. GMT to Tuesday 11:30 A.M. GMT
Tuesday 10:00 P.M. GMT to Wednesday 11:30 A.M. GMT
Wednesday 10:00 P.M. GMT to Thursday 11:30 A.M. GMT
Thursday 10:00 P.M. GMT to Friday 11:30 A.M. GMT
Saturday 4:00 A.M. GMT to Saturday 10:00 A.M. GMT
Skype contact username: argetlampuppeh
This will be a combat-focused game (though not necessarily 100% combat-focused) wherein you invade Hell, battle legions of devils, and fight every unique devil on d20pfsrd.com. Asmodeus has gone missing, an extremely powerful angel has taken his place, and the angel has sent out a call challenging heroes to take the throne from him.
25 point buy. Roll for hit points or take the average, but you must decide beforehand. No Unchained rules. Third-party material (e.g. Dreamscarred Press) is looked upon leniently.
Characters are supposed to be CR 20 (yes, CR) and can be built from any combination of class levels, monster races (25 point buy applies, not the ++4, +4, +2, +2, +0, and –2 array), templates (e.g. Agile mythic template), mythic tiers, and PC/NPC wealth.
>Favorite 2hu
Komeiji sisters.
>Mutant Epoch
>Voice via Skype
>Thursday, 9PM on UTC+2
Skype: jaso111111/Jason Kordelis
Im looking for fellow new players to learn the system together.
Im willing to help any player learn the character generation system and any rules the game has.
This would be my first time GMing this system so don't expect the best.
This should be considered a one-shot at first but if it goes well we could make it a weekly thing.
If anyone needs the (hard to find) core rulebooks:kat.cr
Still got room for one more!
D&D 5e, want to try shadowrun
+3GMT, 1800 - 2300, probably anyday, may or may not change
Discord: Brokeheart#9914
Skype, although I am rarely there: johnbrokeheart
Will most likely not be available from the 14 to 23-rd of June
Skype, Roll20, Discord
Weekdays 12 pm - 8 pm CDT
Skype: dekuforte, Roll20: Tokuga
Little to no experience with tabletop games, but know a little bit of the PF lore. Kind of learn better through experience rather than reading manuals.
P.S. Heavy optimization is encouraged.
bump for 5e
Savage Worlds
Text or Voice
Sunday June 19 2016, US Central
Looking for one player for a oneshot. You'll be one of four kids who's parents have been turned to stone by a curse.
>Favorite 2hu
Only ever played 2huvania so I have idea.
Looking to try shadowrun
Skype : Drbeartomato
EDT everyday except thursday
catch me on skype or shoot me a message on roll20
I have never played shadowrun ,but have some experience with D&D 5e
Shadowrun 4e
Ts for ooc chat text for any rp things
Est sat starting at 6:30 pm or &:30
I be watching here so don't worry
I don't need a hacker beacuse I don't know the rules so we have a offsite hacker--the game is combat heavy think of rainbow six but the players are....not very "great" at it but they are still having a good time.
>Favorite 2hu
Why don't I see many ERP games here anymore?
Because they moved to the /trash/ erp threads.
Looking to play Exalted.
Skype or whatever works.
EST, I can play anyday except for Tuesdays and Saturdays.
darkspineryenzx on Skype
VadeAway on roll20
Never played Exalted but I've been lurking around the threads and peaking into the books. Seems like a lot of fun. If anyone doesn't mind someone completely new to the system then I wouldn't mind gaming with you.
3.5, Pathfinder, would like to try 5e
Anything's fine by me. I have a Mumble server if we need voice.
7:00 PM - Midnight M-F, Any old time on the weekends, EST
I'm pretty new to TTRPGs, only really played one game of 3.5e with a friend before.
>Favorite 2hu
Mai waifu
No, sorry.
I already have 3 players and I'm looking for a fourth.
would you be willing to teach me how to play if i joined?
>I don't need a hacker because I don't know the rules
That may be the laziest thing I have ever heard.
Text Only Roll20 IC / Skype OOC
Fridays @ 8pm EST
>Contact / Misc.
Check out the Roll20 page for more info
Fight me--but no really I really just don't care for the rules and everybody so far don't want a hacker so I'm just going run with
You would be placed on the fast track but yeah I can teach you.
Thats alright, message me on roll20
Labyrinth Lord
Student, so whenever I'm awake really.
[email protected]
I've got Barrowmaze in mind, but could be convinced to run other dungeon crawls.
sent something.
>D&D PF/5e, Shadowrun
>Note: I know these systems, but I'd be happy to learn a new system if you want a newbie
>Voice, Text (only if it's on a medium better than only IRC chat)
>Anything, but I rarely use Skype
>Any day after Tuesday, June 14
>UTC-6, CDT, Central Time. I stay up late and wake up around noon
I'm currently on a road trip, so I can't do any games before the date I said. Still message me on Roll20 if Gamefinder threads are still relevant
Chronicles of Darkness: Demon the Descent
Roll 20, and either Discord or Skype, depending on what everyone is most comfortable with
MDT, Monday's or Tuesday's, preferably the latter, virtually any time. No committed players yet, so well figure out the time based on needs.
Skype: vorpal.james
Email: [email protected]
If you happen to live in the Denver area, I'd much rather do this irl, but I don't have a group at the moment. If you are in this area and want to play, maybe we can work something out.
I only live 4500 miles away. That's "Denver area", right?
That's a lot of meat space. UK?
Players plural actually, posting for two
Shadowrun 5e, D&D 5e
Lots of experience with Skype & Discord, willing to learn any other required program to play
>Availability timezone
I'm available from 02:00 AM GMT-5 EST on Fridays to 02:00 AM GMT-5 on Saturday and then again from 04:00 PM GMT-5 Sunday to 04:00 AM GMT-5 Monday. Meanwhile my friend is realistically available at all hours until such a point at which they find a job.
Name on Skype should be "Null ~" if that's the right thing, otherwise [email protected] is a fine place to reach me too
Both of us have moderate experience with the settings, with real game experience in D&D 4e and Shadowrun 5e and have studied D&D 5e's rules, and I have a moderate amount of experience as a GM for both settings, so if required I could step in to offer assistance to the GM, though I prefer like to keep that limited if at all possible. I'm sick of GM'ing desu senpai, and I was never that good at it to begin with. Lore knowledge is sporadic and incomplete in some areas, but can easily be corrected through a recommended reading list. Again, we're willing to learn anything required to play.
We would prefer someone who is willing to offer some flexibility in the character creation rules, and would be willing to work with someone who is to make sure things stay balanced, but that being said we can work with anything in those given settings as we have more experience making characters at this point than actually playing the game.
Ideally we would come as a set of PC's, but if my schedule is impossible to work with and you were still intrested in playing with my friend then I would encourage them to try to play without me. No promises on whether or not they would say yes to that, though.
Currently full!
Player (looking for another player)
Skype + Roll20
9PM GMT +8 (24 hours from now)
alif9198 on skype, look for Chagrin
Who we are:
-A bunch of laid back players who allow most things and aren't too serious
Who we want:
-someone who isn't too fussy about rules
-someone who doesn't optimize too much
-someone who's okay with a little weeb-ness
Whoops, let me clarify:
Saturday, 9PM GMT+8
Player. But I do GM pretty frequently so maybe if you're cool I'll invite you to one of my games sometime.
I'd like to play Dark Heresy most of all, but I'm pretty much looking for anything. Lot of experience with the various 40k RPGs, 5e, Savage Worlds, ASOIAF, and FATE, plus a lot of other shit I can't think of right now. Happy to learn new systems, I pick it up fast.
Ideally I like text for IC, and voice for OOC. Not really down to roleplay via voice, it always feels stilted and awkward to me. Happy to have a voice chat going though, it makes things a bit more fun and gets the pace going better.
Any is fine, I'm pretty flexible.
I'm an Ausfag, so GMT +10. Currently avaliable any time between 10AM and midnight, pretty much. Tuesdays and Wednesdays I can't play until about 5PM, though.
Skype is homobastard
Email is [email protected]
Steam is steamcommunity.com
Discord is Hoob#3184
Any Warhammer or Warhammer 40k system, but ideally I would love to find a group for Only War.
Preferably text (or meeting up, but I live in Geneva so that's not gonna happen anytime soon)
Roll20 preferably, I could learn to use Discord or Skype to run a game if necessary.
GMT+1 (CET), free most every day for the moment.
email is [email protected]